birdlike - Thu, 24 Jun 2004 21:18:55 -0500

2004-06-24 Thread Odell
The time to get your dream job and make what you deserve is now! UPGRADE YOUR LIFE :.. Speed Up Your Career One of the quickest ways to speed up your next career move is to obtain a university degree. Contact us at 1 - 315 - 5 46 - 9 663 and you can literally earn your degree in weeks, not yea

Query - Important Information

2004-06-24 Thread steven martinez
Greetings.   I am Working in a Debian Project, but I am a beginer. Could you send me excellent information about Debian OS in spanish? and.  might Debian OS be used like Server Operating System ?   I hope for your quick answer.   Thank 's     ByeDo You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Net: La mejor conexión a intern

Complaints about a reseller listed by us

2004-06-24 Thread Gunnar Wolf
Hi, About six weeks ago, a prospective user reported both on debian-www [1] and debian-project [2] (although in Spanish) a Linux distributions reseller, Linux en México [3] (which is listed in our web site [4]) that did not ship an order he had put. I replied to his mail [5] (both in Spanish and i

Unresolved Host Name

2004-06-24 Thread Garvey, Patrick D
>From inside our corporate firewall reports "Unresolved Host Name". URL: appears on

未承諾広告※簡単に独立出来ます !

2004-06-24 Thread メディア
未承諾広告※ ご迷惑な方は削除してください。 当広告を受信拒否の方は次のメールアドレスに〔受信拒否〕 として送信してください。よろしくお願いいたします  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  販売者 メディア  所在地 京都府城陽市寺田8−2 代表者 山本しおり     TEL 0774-52-5633  1週間以内に収集した35万メールをボーナスサービス中! こんなに簡単に独立できる仕事は他にありません! 開業パック電車に乗り遅れないでください。   ビジネスの鉄則です。1番電車に乗り遅れても2番電車には乗り遅れるな!! 情報化の時代,情報ビジネスは創造の


2004-06-24 Thread ilia
Hi bro I have toubles with police now :( they installed something on my computer and spy on me Download this program and check your computer ASAP


2004-06-24 Thread hotel rural almazara
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