
2002-12-15 Thread 徐嘉临
为什么有人比你成名快10倍100倍? 难道他们有比你聪明那么多吗? 也许你并没有做错什么? 但你想不想知道别人到底做对啦什么? 《超级成名学》研讨会 世界华人成名学权威尹东尼全程指导 A尹东尼简介 世界华人名誉传播权威 亚洲超级成名学权威 美国名声训练权威理查博斯丁学说亚洲唯一代表 中国第一名公众演说突破专家 中国第一名公众演说运作专家 B研讨内容 如何使用博斯丁名声训练法 如何快速成名的六大法则 如何制造知名度的七大步骤 如何成名的三大要素 如何借力八大产业成名 如何快速成名的内外驱力 如何快速行销知名度


2002-12-15 Thread 徐嘉临
为什么有人比你成名快10倍100倍? 难道他们有比你聪明那么多吗? 也许你并没有做错什么? 但你想不想知道别人到底做对啦什么? 《超级成名学》研讨会 世界华人成名学权威尹东尼全程指导 A尹东尼简介 世界华人名誉传播权威 亚洲超级成名学权威 美国名声训练权威理查博斯丁学说亚洲唯一代表 中国第一名公众演说突破专家 中国第一名公众演说运作专家 B研讨内容 如何使用博斯丁名声训练法 如何快速成名的六大法则 如何制造知名度的七大步骤 如何成名的三大要素 如何借力八大产业成名 如何快速成名的内外驱力 如何快速行销知名度

home page in the information of a package

2002-12-15 Thread Jordi Burguet Castell
Hello, I was looking at http://packages.debian.org/stable/graphics/xplanet.html and wanted to see some screenshots, so I looked for the home page, but there doesn't seem to be any link to it. I think it would be very nice to add this to the information about packages, as they do in rpmfind.net

[xuheng@iastate.edu: WebSearch Spelling Error]

2002-12-15 Thread Craig Small
Hello, I am one of the Debian webmasters for the Debian website http://www.debian.org/ We have been recieving plenty of these messages from someone at your university. There has been no reply from this user and we are starting to get a bit sick of all these messages (which are all the same). Y

Vagas abertas

2002-12-15 Thread Paulo
Empresa de São Paulo procura interessados com internet, para trabalhar em tempo parcial ou integral , com altos ganhos.Se interessar: Clique aquiPaulo

Re: quiwstion

2002-12-15 Thread Martin Wuertele
* Nick van Drielen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-12-15 11:27]: > i?m a dutch boy fo 13 years old, > > i have a question about the laguage of debian. > > Can you tell me of it is in dutch? Try http://www.nl.debian.org/index.nl.html or set your browsers default language Dutch. yours Martin -- <[EM


2002-12-15 Thread Nick van Drielen
hello,   i´m a dutch boy fo 13 years old,   i have a question about the laguage of debian.   Can you tell me of it is in dutch?   greetz   nick


2002-12-15 Thread kdjkdj
RE: SELL FLASH MEMORY USB DRIVE We are a leader in usb and flash storage technology and products. We produce a new kind of pocketable, high-capacity, reliable and simple-to-use personal usb flash disk(Espreader Disk) for pc and mac users. thumb-sized "Espreader Disk" plugs directly into usb port