
2002-10-06 Thread 徐嘉临
深圳市新联美术印刷有限公司 本公司成立十余年,承蒙社会各界人士的厚爱,发扬"以诚为本""团结拼搏""科技创新""不断进取"的企业精神,跨入深圳十强印刷企业。 本公司引进全新日本小森四色机,拥有世界最先进的西德进口电脑遥控罗兰四色彩印机,采用最先进电脑设计排版系统为客户提供设计、印刷、装订一条龙优质服务,以质量好,价格优,交货快,信誉佳,送货上门的服务宗旨赢得广大客户的信赖。 本公司业务范围:精美画册彩页书刊、产品说明书、宣传海报、手提纸袋、吊牌、酒标、不干胶贴、信笺信封、表格单据、挂历、台历、包装彩盒等。 本公司曾与TCL王牌、中兴通讯、华为集团、茂业百货、外国语学院、创维集团、中国电信


2002-10-06 Thread zhuanqian
1、想赚钱的看这边!!! 在网上混了这么多年,我从不相信网络能赚到一分钱的,我觉得这些说免费赚钱 都是骗我们这些网民的。但一个偶然的机会,有人介绍我到帝杰在线商城里看看, 我心里想"又是骗人的!"不过想想反正这么有空,就试试吧!这里有东西买,特别 是光盘,自己也是需要的,赚不了钱也没有关系,可以优惠买东西。付款后收到光 盘也收到了"SOHO成功手册"和入会账号 !我按照里面的方法进 行发邮件(抱着试试看的心理,只发了几万个邮件),呵呵!第一个月只得620元(房 租都省下来了)!从


2002-10-06 Thread www
诚征全国代理商,经销商 您一定听说过夏新一机双卡(一个手机,两个不同的手机号码), 这种一机双卡曾经风靡中国,因为这种卡很方便, 但是由于价格过高,很多人只能望尘莫及, 现在来至台湾的全球最新最先进一机多号 (一个手机,多个不同的手机号码),让很多人愿望得以实现。 只需一张小小的手机卡,再不用装多个手机了。这张手机卡有涂写功能, 可以填写不同的号码进去,让你一卡在手一身轻松. 一套产品包括, 一个可读写烧录器, 一张软件光盘, 一张手机卡 零售价. 500元/套. 销售商价格420元/套 10套以上 代理商价格 380元/套. 100套以上 大陆总经销 联系电话: 0372-51

Bug#160500: marked as done ( dead link in

2002-10-06 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Your message dated Sun, 6 Oct 2002 15:51:02 +0200 with message-id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and subject line Bug#160500: isn't fixed has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done. This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with. If this is not the case it is now

Processed: Re: Bug#160500: isn't fixed

2002-10-06 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]: > reopen 160500 Bug#160500: dead link in Bug reopened, originator not changed. > thanks Stopping processing here. Please contact me if you need assistance. Debian bug tracking system administrator (adminis

Bug#160500: isn't fixed

2002-10-06 Thread Josip Rodin
reopen 160500 thanks On Sun, Oct 06, 2002 at 06:18:09PM +0700, Robert Lemmen wrote: > Package: > Version: N/A; reported 2002-10-06 > Followup-For: Bug #160500 > > the bug was closed because the problem was fixed. well, it is back ;) > > i think the *real* problem is that the respe

Bug#160500: isn't fixed

2002-10-06 Thread Robert Lemmen
Package: Version: N/A; reported 2002-10-06 Followup-For: Bug #160500 the bug was closed because the problem was fixed. well, it is back ;) i think the *real* problem is that the respective directory is not part of the webwml tree and so the wml files in it are not automatically reb

Re: Statistics on apache logs

2002-10-06 Thread Josip Rodin
On Sat, Oct 05, 2002 at 08:24:39PM -0700, Grant Bowman wrote: > I can't find any statistics. What happens to the logs? Due to the fact www.d.o is served by another machine, they're on a different place: -- 2. That which causes joy or happiness.

Bug#161420: Ports/Architectures on Releases page

2002-10-06 Thread Josip Rodin
On Sat, Oct 05, 2002 at 09:56:15PM -0700, Grant Bowman wrote: > Any thoughts on this? Well, one problem is sending a non-unified diff, which somehow made me ignore the mail :) And the other is using commas (probably harmless) and the word "and" (definitely not harmless) in a translation-independen

Road Accident

2002-10-06 Thread Motor Safety Group
Sub : ROAD ACCIDENTS REDUCTION Dear Sir /Madam, We have devised a set of systems, which can reduce the damage caused to vehicles and deaths and injury caused to Passengers and Pedestrians in vehicular accidents by more than SEVENTY-FIVE PERCENT We have already filed and are in process