Hi! Nice presentation! I have not been in any debian-women irc meeting
cause i have not been reading enough all the mails and following the
discussions... My energy goes some weeks yes, some weeks no due to
contracts and time available.
Some things that help for irc meetings with a lot of inter
urage women to participate in free software and in debian
projects. I hope i can help in this community.
El vie, 25-06-2004 a las 13:50, Erinn Clark escribió:
> * Carla Schroder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004:06:21 12:38 -0700]:
> > I am happy to see this list, and I hope we
th Erinn in this topic
> >>About the logo, did the girls at the irc channel choosed a logo or may we
> >>should start a election here?
> >>
> >>
> Here... I don't have irc channel...
> >Yeah, for everyone that isn't normally on IRC, here are all of the
> >candidates: http://www.danamania.com/temp/debianwomen.jpg
> >I believe #6 and #7 are the most popular (the only difference between
> >them is the size of the text). I like #7, personally.
> >
> >
> Yeah I saw a logo... like a lot the number 7, after numbers 3 and 4
> (with
> the smaller font in the name Debian Women)...
> Kisses for all...
> Fer...
> Debian-PR
siamo tutti clandestino
. I like it.
There is a space at the top right that can be filled with something like the
Im looking the site in Epiphany and the font is really small and a little
What is the idea about the noticias's box in the left and the noticias's link
at the right.
blogger en sarge)
siamo tutti clandestino
El lun, 23-08-2004 a las 13:52, Anja escribió:
> [ read down reply in spanish]
> [english]
> El Lunes, 23 de Agosto de 2004 15:21, gaba escribió:
> > [es abajo]
> >
> > Hi, would be great to give more participation in the modification of the
> > website. We ha
uma idéia.
> :o)
Esto es muy dificil, mas para un grupo que recien esta empezando a
Here Felipe talks about having interpreters (its a question) to
translate from one list to other. He says is difficult because the
amount of mails can grow, and i agree. It is more difficult for a group
that is just starting to coordinate.
> --
> /
> // Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
> // CathedralLabs
> // http://www.cathedrallabs.org/
> /
siamo tutti clandestino
think i should say in my last mail i dont want change current desing,
> i only want show wiki is a good idea.
> I cannot understand why do you think wiki are not good. What do you think is
> better?
siamo tutti clandestino
The translation mailing lists that already exist in debian do not work
for this?
+++ Thomas Paris [26/07/05 20:45 +0300]:
>:On Tue Jul 26 at 15:48 (+0930), Clytie Siddall wrote:
>:> Hi everybody :)
>:[a list for translation related issues]
im living in sf too and would love to meet debianitas :-D
toya wrote:
> hi there,
> oi fernanda,
> so as i said i am liivng in SF now and i could meet up this week, better if
> it
> is around the early evenning time :)
> and also where there are some vegans options :))
> ciao
> toya
> F
i dont know who is organizing this but i just saw it:
A Women's Tech (un)Conference
October 22-23 Computer History Museum, Mountain View, CA.
Our goal is to create an open space forum for women in tech to come
together to
1. Exchanging skills and learning from wo
yes, it seems quite expensive for an unconference :(
Erinn Clark wrote:
> * gaba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007:08:14 10:42 -0700]:
>> i dont know who is organizing this but i just saw it:
>> http://shesgeeky.org/
> Just as a note: http://shesgeeky.org/Pay
s (devchix, linuxchix,etc).
[0] http://shesgeeky.org/
> On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 12:13 PM, Holger Levsen
> wrote:
>> On Donnerstag, 20. August 2009, Margarita Manterola wrote:
>>> I'm thinking of organizing a local (i.e. in Argentina) Free Software
Hi, there was an interesting talk about this issue in the last OSCON. You
can see it here:
Maybe many of you already saw that article before.
And there is this other thread about women and open source:
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