Re: IRC Meetings

2005-04-05 Thread Pia Smith
> Hi all! > > We haven't had an IRC meeting in a while, so I was wondering if there > is still interest in having them. I enjoyed them, as I think it's > nice to try and get everyone together at the same time every so often. I'd love to have one, haven't been to my first one yet as I missed th

Re: Website, logo, etc.

2004-07-02 Thread Pia Smith
prefer to > have it all in one place. Stupid question, what would the arch repository be for? Contributing what? is a point of contact right, it isn't going to start running its own stuff is it? Sorry, I'm a little confused :) Cheers, Pia -- Pia Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Linux Australia

Re: Website, logo, etc.

2004-07-04 Thread Pia Smith
o something, if they are nervous or whatever about contributing to a project personally, or submitting stuff for comment if they want some feedback and are new to the scene and not used to it. Perhaps? :) Pia -- Pia Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Linux Australia

Re: The Linux Operator Guide to Women

2004-07-13 Thread Pia Smith
On Mon, 2004-07-05 at 19:36, Fernanda Weiden wrote: > FYI and comments... > > The Linux Operator Guide to Women > > Man, that is AWESOME! :D So so very funny. I'm posting this around my community right now ;) Hugs, Pia -

Re: Supporters brief-up

2004-07-27 Thread Pia Smith
ble committing it personally. Imagine having Debian Women as a name in a package for contributions :) My 2c worth. Pia -- Pia Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Linux Australia

Re: X Question

2004-07-27 Thread Pia Smith
p Gnome? Have you run xf86config, or xf86cfg to ensure that the basics are set up ok? What actually happens when you try run X? Have you installed all the necessary packages for GNOME (sometimes it is less than obvious). Cheers, Pia -- Pia Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Linux Australia

Re: editing Debian documentation

2004-07-27 Thread Pia Smith
pages, and then send them to the relevant package maintainers. That way you have direct interaction with the people behind the projects you are improving. This can be good and bad :) Pia -- Pia Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Linux Australia

Re: Women in Open Source

2004-07-27 Thread Pia Smith
they had to work under, and the complete lack of recognition they usually got. Here is a link to a paper by one of our (few) women politicians. Very smart woman: Anyway, cheers, Pia -- Pia Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Linux Australia

Re: Debian-women support?

2004-07-27 Thread Pia Smith
y _tell_ someone to change their tune, you can however prove through action their tune is so irrelevant that it isn't worth singing. People like this only want a rise from us, and we give it to them. Cheers, Pia -- Pia Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Linux Australia

Re: Article on Debian Women

2004-12-12 Thread Pia Smith
Hi all, I've been wanting to jump into this thread since it started but I've been feverishly fighting fires. Ahh, Open Source politics > On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 07:48:43PM +0100, Karianne Grønningsæter wrote: > >> I was thinking about writing a short article about being a girl on >> Matarò Ubunt

Re: Sexist Behaviour in Debian Women

2004-12-15 Thread Pia Smith
Hi all, > Discussion: > 1) We need to create spaces, forums, cultures within Debian that are > welcoming to and supportive of women. > 2) We need to encourage women to be involved in Debian and to interact > with > Debian. Can I also suggest: 3) We need to be welcoming of men, of all people.

Re: Next #d-women forum; topics anyone?

2004-12-27 Thread Pia Smith
> I've been volunteered (due to an apparently fortuitous position > timezone-wise) to moderate the next meeting on the debian-women IRC > channel. Thanks Matt :) > Please raise your ideas for discussion topics, and one of the ones that > gets > general support (and that I have some idea about, s