Re: Anyone going to FOSDEM 2005?

2005-02-18 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
ht (see though... > I only have one requirement: I don't want to eat nor drink > too close to Grand Place :-P (This goes for any meal and most beer.) ... this doesn't satisfy your requirement! :-) All the best,

Re: Anyone going to FOSDEM 2005?

2005-02-18 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
Hi Helen, > Maybe you and any others going to FOSDEM could write to the list > afterwards to let us know how it went and what it was like. Definitely! Which aspects would you be most interested in hearing about? -- hanna m. wallach blog: work

Re: Anyone going to FOSDEM 2005?

2005-02-19 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
> Hanna, Magni -- would one (or both) of you be interested in writing up your > experiences at FOSDEM? Yep, I'd be happy to do that! (I'd planned to write it up for my blog anyway, so this is no problem to do.) -- hanna m. wallach blog: http://join-the-dots

Re: Opening doors for women in computing

2005-02-20 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
g with computer science. Perhaps if more universities were to adopt this principle, then we would see a global increase in women studying CS-related subjects. -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Article on women and mathematics

2005-03-06 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
Just read this article -- (found out about it via another women in computing mailing list) -- thought it might be of interest here too. -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: -- To

Re: Women in science: Univ. of Helsinki numbers

2005-03-06 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
slating that page, Lars. Much appreciated. > This might or might not be useful for Hanna or other people who want to > use such numbers in debian-women related presentations or other stuff. It is indeed useful! -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: http://www.inference.p

Re: Article on women and mathematics

2005-03-06 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
Hi Miry, > The article is quite interesting, but this quote, > afaik, is nonsense: [...] I'm not sure whether you mean that the person quoted never said that, or whether you mean that their research is unsound -- can you disambiguate? :-) -- hanna m. wallach blog: http://join-t

Re: My trip to FOSDEM 2005

2005-03-06 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
). People could then use their preferred T-shirt printing company to actually have garments printed. I know this doesn't solve the problem of screen printing, but we could also have a list of people willing to coordinate bulk T-shirt printing in various different countries. -- hanna

Re: Article on women and mathematics

2005-03-06 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
> In fact, someone told me once that the diversity among > women and among men is considerably bigger than those > between the mathematical mean between those groups. This is entirely true. (And can be seen nicely in Simon Baron-Cohen's research.) -- hanna m. wallach blog: h

Re: A song

2005-04-01 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
> It's kinda long, but I'm sure you can all deal with that. :) > This is also a hip hop song, fwiw. Girl, that *rocks*! Nice one. :-) -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL P

Re: Re: Article on women and mathematics

2005-04-06 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
pended to the Menebrea translation." Furthermore, the article says, "Biographers have noted that Lovelace struggled with mathematics, and there is some debate as to whether Lovelace understood deeply the concepts behind programming Babbage's engine, or was more of a figurehead used by Bab

Debconf5 accommodation

2005-04-30 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
I'd like to arrange to have a Debian Women apartment (or a Debian Women large room, depending on how many people here are interested). So far, I have Erinn, Magni and myself -- would anyone like to join us? -- hanna m. wallach blog: work:

Re: Debconf5 accommodation

2005-05-06 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
apartment with us, please let me know ASAP? If you're not on this list but would like to be, do tell me. -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Women wanted as games programmers

2005-05-11 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
ny members of LinuxChix found the idea to be counter-productive; many of the Slashdot commenters, however, had other ideas.) -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of

Re: Women wanted as games programmers

2005-05-11 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
g." (See sidebars on "Turning Men On, and Women Off: The Helpless Female" and "Turning Men On, and Women Off: Sex Kittens.") Coincidentally, I'm going to a talk by Aleks on women in gaming this afternoon. I expect others will be interested in hearing about it, so I&#

Re: Women wanted as games programmers

2005-05-11 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
t; would be cool? Fabienne, I really like this idea! I've created an account for us on -- Anyone who would like the password so they can add links can send me an email and I'll let them know what it is. -- hanna m. wallach bl

Re: Core KDE member about HIG^W female contributors

2005-05-15 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
> Both skills are important. Forget about the "getting along well with > the opposite sex" part for now. The community behind the code is > just as important as the code itself. Hear hear. -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: http://www.inference.

Re: Geographical map with our locations

2005-05-22 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
.1500 decimal degrees and Cambridge, UK: Lat: 52 12 00 N degrees minutes Lat: 52.2000 decimal degrees Long: 000 07 00 E degrees minutes Long: 0.1167 decimal degrees (Confusing, yes, but I really do spend about 6 months of any given year in each place.) -- hanna m. wallach blog: http://joi

Science fiction?

2005-05-23 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
erested in this from a point of view of "entry into the free software world" and "identifying with the free software community and culture.") I thought it'd be interesting to ask on here -- do you read science fiction? -- hanna m. wallach blog:

D-W t-shirts for Debconf5

2005-06-08 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
sible, and I'll get back to you about sizes, colours and prices. -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

D-W t-shirts for Debconf5

2005-06-08 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
sible, and I'll get back to you about sizes, colours and prices. -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: D-W t-shirts for Debconf5

2005-06-08 Thread Hanna M. Wallach How about a black one of these in size small (30")? Regards, -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DW-Map

2005-06-10 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
project. Are you planning on becoming more active? Regards, -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Final call: D-W t-shirts for Debconf5

2005-06-16 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
onf5, let me know as soon as possible, and I'll get > back to you about sizes, colours and prices. I'd going like to put in the order ASAP. This is your last chance to order a D-W t-shirt for Debconf5. Let me know if you would like one! Regards, -- hanna m. wallach blog: htt

Re: Final call: D-W t-shirts for Debconf5

2005-06-16 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
> Do I still have time to customize my design? (Remember, I wanted blood > dripping off the dagger-looking part of our logo?) If you can get Dana to do a .eps, then sure. :-) -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: -- To UNSUB

Re: DW quotes

2005-06-17 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
n't really > apply. I wouldn't have expected you to see it -- such messages rarely take place in public IRC channels, but instead in private messages. That you are not privy to such incidents doesn't mean they don't occur. -- hanna m. wallach blog: w

Re: DW quotes

2005-06-17 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
> other Debian fora, there is hope. Sheer numbers will help, by > making the "omg! a grrrl!!!111" responses rarer. Exactly. Well said. -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DW quotes

2005-06-17 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
ysical appearance, sexual preference, or marital status. Sure, it's fine to ask which kernel I'm using, what my apt/sources.list says, or even what editor I use (the answer's Emacs, BTW), but don't treat me as if I've accidentally joined #debian when I clearly m

Re: Final call: D-W t-shirts for Debconf5

2005-06-17 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
LSM, I'm taking orders for those too. Again, let me know ASAP. Regards, -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Science fiction?

2005-06-17 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
sted to know what you think of it. (I'm not entirely convinced, myself.) -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Science fiction?

2005-06-17 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
'm not sure why) I hadn't expected there to be such an even distribution. I had also expected that there would be more women who neither read not watch science fiction. Interesting. Regards, -- hanna m. wallach blog: work:

Re: Science fiction?

2005-06-17 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
hould read 4, not 3. Apparently I can't count. :-) -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Electronic Communication Styles

2005-06-17 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
However, a couple of months ago, I read these articles on Language Log, and, and have been reconsidering my views on "tag words". Regards, -- hanna m. wallach b

Re: Final call: D-W t-shirts for Debconf5

2005-06-19 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
/ and which might help narrow down the choice! :-) -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Science fiction?

2005-06-20 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
l) whereas men are rational, logic, creative > (i.e. cultural). You might be interested in this class paper by Ari Pollak and Josh Quintus, which explores this idea with regard to the Star Wars films: -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: http

Re: [OT] Women in FOSS bibliography

2005-06-27 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
here are slides online from my most recent Debian Women talk (2005-03-08) here:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/[EMAIL PROTECTED] and I will be putting more (newer!) slides online from my talk at LSM once I've give it. Regards, -- hanna m. wallach blog: http://join-

Software Freedom Day

2005-06-27 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
it'd be a great opportunity to put together a Debian Women team and to engage in some outreach activities to recruit more women to the Dark Side^W^W^W Debian. What do you think? Regards, -- hanna m. wallach blog: work:

Re: Interesting article

2004-10-14 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
e reasons for the lack of women in the FLOSS community, but I am concerned that readers may be discouraged from taking the more general concerns about the small numbers of women involved in free and open source software projects seriously, dismissing them as being as erroneous as the article's

Re: Website, logo, etc.

2004-06-28 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
lly!) encourage more people to get involved in a visible fashion. Best, -- hanna m. wallach blog: work:

D-W t-shirts at Debconf5

2005-07-11 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
a -- XXL, black, SS18, 29 EUR -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: D-W t-shirts at Debconf5

2005-07-14 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
> Got mine. People look at me strangely. Even on the bus on the way home. > Must be good marketing. Good, good. That's what we like to hear. -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROT

Re: Debian-Women and SPI

2005-07-20 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
how many other women involved in the free software also see it as such. Perhaps trying to address this perception would encourage more women to participate in SPI? Regards, -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, em

Re: Another "Women in Open Source" Session

2005-07-21 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
love to see what's discussed and I'm sure that holds for others on this list too. Regards, -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Another "Women in Open Source" Session

2005-07-22 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
so much for looking into this for us! -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Another "Women in Open Source" Session

2005-08-06 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
On Thu, Jul 21, 2005 at 09:32:35AM -0700, Danese Cooper wrote: > I'm moderating a panel at OSCON called "Women in Open Source". How'd the panel go, Danese? -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: -- To UNSUB

Re: Another "Women in Open Source" Session

2005-08-12 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
493 participants) 2004 Asia: 1.5% women (138 participants) .. [1] .. [2] .. [2] -- hanna m. wallach --

Some thoughts regarding DW

2005-08-14 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
e intent, I fear they encourage women to segregate themselves, and work only within the Debian Women community. To summarise: Debian Women is about integration; let's not forget it. Regards, -- hanna m. wallach -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with

Re: Some thoughts regarding DW

2005-08-14 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
working as a team, collectively discussing their baz usage, and writing tutorials, Debian Women is well placed to make a significant contribution to the wider free software community. -- hanna m. wallach -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of

Re: Software Freedom Day part 2

2005-08-23 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
nd very much in the spirit of Software Freedom Day. Given the premise SFD, organising meetings for women who are potentially interested in Debian and Debian Women but are not yet DW members would be worthwhile. That way people can meet each other face-to-face, and we can do some advocacy that way.

Re: Another "Women in Open Source" Session

2005-08-24 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
offer DW for its collection :-). Excellent! Let us know when it's available somewhere -- I know I'd definitely like to listen to it. -- hanna m. wallach -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug-squashing party this weekend

2005-09-08 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
[9] Regards, -- hanna m. wallach signature.asc Description: Digital signature

Groklaw article about women in free software

2005-09-11 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
Hi everyone, I just noticed this article: Go Fernanda! :-) -- hanna m. wallach -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Computer Club for Girls

2005-11-09 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
ails in hopes of getting them to think about using free software in future, though to be honest, I'm not very hopeful. -- hanna m. wallach -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: debian women: presentation on february 24?

2006-02-07 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
women in free software (including Debian Women and the FLOSSPOLS project) there. Perhaps the women in Laurence's group would be interested in coming to my FOSDEM talk instead? -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, ema

GNOME to Sponsor Female Developers in a Summer Outreach Program

2006-06-14 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
/projects/wsop/poster.pdf). For more information, see the press release ( and the program website ( -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to

Re: GNOME to Sponsor Female Developers in a Summer Outreach Program

2006-06-14 Thread Hanna M. Wallach
> Good news! I just translated to portuguese and published here: > > Excellent! Thanks for doing that, Nanda! -- hanna m. wallach blog: work: -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL