Adriana Cássia:
>> I seem to have understood that such a list exists, but I did not find it
>> in the list index of https://lists.debian.org/completeindex.html :(
> Yes, I realized there's no diveisity-list, they just use irc channel
> So, could we confirm the women lunch at DC19 on Monda
Adriana Cássia:
>> If there are no voices against it on this list, we could ask the
>> diversity list what they think about it?
> Nice! Should we wait more time to do that? I don't know if someone
> start this discussion in the debian-diversity mailing list at DC18.
I seem to have understood
> I think scheduling a lunch on Monday or Tuesday would be great. I'd
> suggest Monday, since the Wine & Cheese party is that night, and it's
> always good to have friends during the Wine & Cheese party.
Sounds good.
>> And, one more question. Will we merge the Debian Women and Debian
>> Div
Laura Arjona Reina:
Thanks for pointing out these links that I was half-aware of :)
Can we collect those somewhere eventually and make them available on a
glance? i.e. somewhere DebianWomen or/and DebianDiversity related? I
could do that at some point but I haven't yet looked where it can be
On August 2nd 2018 ~20 people met for a Debian Women (DW) lunch at
DebConf 18 in Taiwan.
We had two main subjects:
- the future of DW
- Outreachy & GSoC interns
- Mentoring outside of internships
Everybody who was there: if I forgot something or you want to put your
contact details and or notes:
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