Processed (with 1 errors): wnpp inconsistencies

2014-10-07 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > # bug 764262 has subject ITP: libu2f-host: Universal 2nd Factor host > communication C Library > retitle 764262 ITP: libu2f-host -- Universal 2nd Factor host communication C > Library Bug #764262 [wnpp] ITP: libu2f-host: Universal 2nd Factor hos

Processed (with 1 errors): wnpp-inconsistencies

2013-10-05 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > # package ruby-launchy: bugs ITP 623914 and ITP 725318 are not merged > owner 623914 Gioele Barabucci Bug #623914 [wnpp] ITP: ruby-launchy -- Cross-platform application launcher helper class Owner changed from Nadeem Ismail to Gioele Barabucci

Processed (with 1 errors): wnpp-inconsistencies

2013-10-05 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > # bug 724801 has subject youtube-cli -- command-line client for YouTube > retitle 724801 ITP: youtube-cli -- command-line client for YouTube' Bug #724801 [wnpp] youtube-cli -- command-line client for YouTube Changed Bug title to 'ITP: youtube-cli

Processed (with 1 errors): wnpp-inconsistencies

2013-09-02 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > # package crosstool-ng: bugs ITP 695545 and ITP 721430 are not merged > block 721430 by 695586 Bug #721430 [wnpp] ITP: crosstool-ng -- tool to build toolchains for various architectures 721430 was not blocked by any bugs. 721430 was not blocking

Processed (with 1 errors): wnpp-inconsistencies

2013-09-02 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > # bug 721529 has subject ITP : libccp4 -- CCP4 core functionality > retitle 721529 ITP: libccp4 -- CCP4 core functionality Bug #721529 [wnpp] ITP : libccp4 -- CCP4 core functionality Changed Bug title to 'ITP: libccp4 -- CCP4 core functionality' f

Processed (with 1 errors): wnpp inconsistencies

2013-08-29 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > # merged bugs ITP 626545 and ITP 703492 are for different packages: > java-selenium ruby-selenium-webdriver > # merged bugs ITP 703492 and ITP 720015 are for different packages: > ruby-selenium-webdriver java-selenium > retitle 703492 ITP: java-

Processed (with 1 errors): wnpp inconsistencies

2013-08-15 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > # package bind10: bugs 718022 and 719719 have different types: RFP ITP > retitle 718022 ITP: bind10 -- Internet Domain Name Server Bug #718022 [wnpp] RFP: bind10 -- Internet Domain Name Server Changed Bug title to 'ITP: bind10 -- Internet Domain N

Processed (with 1 errors): wnpp inconsistencies

2013-06-12 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > # package ruby-redis: bugs ITP 638825 and ITP 712048 are not merged > forcemerge 638825 712048 Bug #638825 [wnpp] ITP: ruby-redis -- Ruby client library for Redis, the key value storage server Bug #712048 [wnpp] ITP: ruby-redis -- Ruby client lib

Processed (with 1 errors): wnpp inconsistencies

2013-06-12 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > # package ruby-redis: bugs ITP 638825 and ITP 712048 are not merged > forcemerge 638825 712048 Bug #638825 [wnpp] ITP: ruby-redis -- Ruby client library for Redis, the key value storage server Bug #712048 [wnpp] ITP: ruby-redis -- Ruby client lib

Processed (with 1 errors): wnpp inconsistencies

2013-06-12 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > # package ruby-redis: bugs ITP 638825 and ITP 712048 are not merged > block 712048 by 705578 Bug #712048 [wnpp] ITP: ruby-redis -- Ruby client library for Redis 712048 was not blocked by any bugs. 712048 was not blocking any bugs. Added blocking b

Processed (with 1 errors): wnpp inconsistencies

2013-06-12 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > # package ruby-redis: bugs ITP 638825 and ITP 712048 are not merged > merge 638825 712048 Bug #638825 [wnpp] ITP: ruby-redis -- Ruby client library for Redis, the key value storage server Unable to merge bugs because: blockedby of #712048 is '' n

Processed (with 1 errors): wnpp inconsistencies

2013-05-30 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > # package Archi: bugs ITP 710262 and ITP 710282 are not merged > merge 710262 710282 Bug #710262 [wnpp] ITP: Archi -- Archi is a tool and editor to create ArchiMate models Bug #710282 [wnpp] ITP: Archi -- a tool and editor to create ArchiMate mod

Processed (with 1 errors): wnpp inconsistencies

2013-05-21 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > # bug 708833 has subject PAM module to authentication using OpenPGP smartcard > retitle 708833 RFA: poldi -- PAM module to authentication using OpenPGP > smartcard Bug #708833 [wnpp] PAM module to authentication using OpenPGP smartcard Changed Bu

Processed (with 1 errors): wnpp inconsistencies

2013-05-01 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > # ITP 706408 has no owner > owner 706408 Abou Al Montacir Bug #706408 [wnpp] ITP: castle-game-engine -- 3D game engine for FreePascal & Lazarus Owner recorded as Abou Al Montacir . > # package processing: bugs 433270 and 706416 have different ty

Processed (with 1 errors): wnpp inconsistencies

2013-04-13 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > # bug 705129 has subject Python bindings for the Tilburg Memory Based Learner > (Timbl) > retitle 705129 ITP: python-timbl -- Python bindings for the Tilburg Memory > Based Learner (Timbl) Bug #705129 [wnpp] Python bindings for the Tilburg Memor

Processed (with 1 errors): wnpp inconsistencies

2013-03-13 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > # package libscalar-does-perl: bugs ITP 697236 and ITP 702813 have different > owners > owner 702813 Oleg Gashev Bug #702813 [wnpp] ITP: libscalar-does-perl -- like ref() but useful Owner changed from Jonas Smedegaard to Oleg Gashev . > # pack

Processed (with 1 errors): wnpp-inconsistencies

2013-01-14 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > # ITP missing for package pytaglib at mentors > retitle 696455 ITP: pytaglib -- Python 2.x/3.x bindings for the Taglib Bug #696455 [wnpp] ITP: python-pytaglib -- Python 2.x/3.x bindings for the Taglib audio, metadata library Changed Bug title to

Processed (with 1 errors): wnpp inconsistencies

2012-12-13 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > # package fsniper: bugs RFP 694936 and ITP 695765 are not merged > # package fsniper: bugs 694936 and 695765 have different types: RFP ITP > # package fsniper: bugs RFP 694936 and ITP 695765 have different owners > retitle 694936 ITP: fsniper -- d

Processed (with 1 errors): wnpp inconsistencies

2012-11-09 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > owner 692597 Aron Xu Bug #692597 [wnpp] ITP: primus -- Low-overhead client-side GPU offloading Owner recorded as Aron Xu . > retitle 426891 ITP: throttle -- A bandwidth limiting pipe Bug #426891 [wnpp] RFP: throttle -- A bandwidth limiting pipe C