Processed (with 1 error): Merge duplicates

2022-05-11 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > reassign 1009390 src:numba Bug #1009390 [src:python-numpy-groupies] python-numpy-groupies: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependency: python3 (< 3.10) but 3.10.4-1 is to be installed Bug reassigned from package 'src:python-numpy-groupies' to 'src:num

Processed (with 1 error): merge bugs

2021-07-27 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > merge 985857 991544 Bug #985857 [wnpp] RFP: libjs-bootstrap5 -- HTML, CSS and JS framework Unable to merge bugs because: severity of #991544 is 'normal' not 'wishlist' package of #991544 is 'twitter-bootstrap4' not 'wnpp' Failed to merge 985857: D

Processed (with 1 error): merge with older ITP bug

2021-04-09 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > merge 794543 986668 Bug #794543 [wnpp] RFP: ruby-fauxhai -- Easily mock full ohai data Unable to merge bugs because: owner of #986668 is 'Pirate Praveen ' not '' Failed to merge 794543: Did not alter merged bugs. > thanks Stopping processing here

Processed (with 1 error): merge

2021-03-30 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > merge 892300 986121 Bug #892300 [wnpp] RFP: libjs-strophe.rsm -- Plugin for strophe.js providing Result Set Management (RSM) XEP-0059 Unable to merge bugs because: blocks of #986121 is '' not '807275 892299' owner of #986121 is 'James Valleroy '

Processed (with 1 error): Merge two ITPs for python-sinfo

2021-02-26 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > reopen 983555 Bug #983555 {Done:} [wnpp] ITP: python-sinfo -- Print version information for loaded modules in the current session, Python, and the OS Bug reopened Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #983555 to the sam

Processed (with 1 error): merge

2020-12-29 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > merge 872630 975510 Bug #872630 [wnpp] RFP: deepin-wallpapers -- Default wallpapers for Deepin Desktop Environment Unable to merge bugs because: done of #975510 is '' not '' owner of #975510 is 'Hu Feng ' not '' Failed to merge 87

Processed (with 1 error): merge 966537 897688

2020-07-31 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > merge 966537 897688 Bug #966537 {Done:} [wnpp] ITP: tomboy-ng -- Cross Platform Notes Unable to merge bugs because: done of #897688 is '' not '' owner of #897688 is '' not 'David Bannon ' Failed to merge 966537: D

Processed (with 1 error): merge duplicate ITPs

2020-04-11 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > merge 956380 956398 Bug #956380 [wnpp] ITP: django-bootstrap4 -- Bootstrap 4 integration for Django. Unable to merge bugs because: done of #956398 is 'Bart Martens ' not '' Failed to merge 956380: Did not alter merged bugs. > End of message, stop

Processed (with 1 error): Merge 910381 and 941594

2019-10-02 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > owner 941594 ! Bug #941594 [wnpp] ITP: node-chai-as-promised -- Extends Chai with assertions about promises Owner changed from Andrius Merkys to > merge 910381 941594 Bug #910381 [wnpp] RFP: node-chai-as-promised -- Chai as Pr

Processed (with 1 error): Merge 910381 and 941594

2019-10-02 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > owner 910381 ! Bug #910381 [wnpp] RFP: node-chai-as-promised -- Chai as Promised extends Chai with a fluent language for asserting facts about promises. Owner recorded as > unblock 910381 by 743404 Bug #910381 [wnpp] RFP: node-

Processed (with 1 error): merge i3gaps bugs

2019-06-16 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > merge #909646 #930557 Bug #909646 [wnpp] RFP: i3-gaps -- A fork of i3wm tiling window manager with more features, including gaps. Unable to merge bugs because: owner of #930557 is 'Socrates Tzagiousis ' not '' Failed to merge 909646: Did not alte

Processed (with 1 error): merge ITPs

2019-01-01 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > owner 892190 Ruben Undheim Bug #892190 [wnpp] ITP: python-user-agents -- A Python library that provides an easy way to identify devices like mobile phones, tablets and their capabilities by parsing (browser) user agent strings. Owner changed fr

Processed (with 1 error): merge

2018-12-22 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > block 745661 by 917077 Bug #745661 [wnpp] RFP: weblate -- web-based translation tool with tight Git integration Bug #796777 [wnpp] RFP: weblate -- Webtranslation platform based on Django 745661 was blocked by: 892190 854894 892182 854895 745661 w

Processed (with 1 error): merge two bugs

2018-12-22 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > merge 892190 917077 Bug #892190 [wnpp] ITP: python-user-agents -- A Python library that provides an easy way to identify devices like mobile phones, tablets and their capabilities by parsing (browser) user agent strings. Unable to merge bugs bec

Processed (with 1 error): merge

2018-11-26 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > merge 907065 538067 Bug #907065 {Done: Bart Martens } [wnpp] ITP: opencpn -- Open Source Chartplotter and Marine GPS Navigation Software Unable to merge bugs because: done of #538067 is '' not 'Bart Martens ' done of #653601 is '' not 'Bart Marte

Processed (with 1 error): merge

2018-11-26 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > merge 538067 907065 Bug #538067 [wnpp] ITP: opencpn -- A Chartplotter and GPS Navigation Bug #653601 [wnpp] ITP: opencpn -- A Chartplotter and GPS Navigation Unable to merge bugs because: done of #907065 is 'Bart Martens ' not '' owner of #907065

Processed (with 1 error): merge Dudle 739293 901824

2018-07-01 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > merge 739293 901824 Bug #739293 [wnpp] ITP: dudle -- privacy-enhanced web-based event scheduling Unable to merge bugs because: owner of #901824 is '' not '' Failed to merge 739293: Did not alter merged bugs. > End of message, stop

Processed (with 1 error): merge

2017-09-22 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > merge 844743 875857 Bug #844743 [wnpp] ITP: python-django-allauth -- Django app that allows both local and social authentication Unable to merge bugs because: blockedby of #875857 is '' not '847217' done of #875857 is 'Jonas Meurer ' not '' owner

Processed (with 1 error): merge 861174 825980

2017-09-17 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > merge 861174 825980 Bug #861174 [wnpp] ITP: elpa-elpy -- Emacs Python Development Environment Unable to merge bugs because: blockedby of #825980 is '875906 870705' not '870705 875906 861242' owner of #825980 is '' not 'Nicholas D Steeves ' Failed

Processed (with 1 error): Merge elpy rfp bugs

2017-08-04 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > merge 825980 861174 Bug #825980 [wnpp] RFP: elpy -- Emacs Lisp Python environment Unable to merge bugs because: blockedby of #861174 is '861242' not '' Failed to merge 825980: Did not alter merged bugs. > thanks Stopping processing here. Please

Processed (with 1 error): merge duplicates

2017-05-14 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > merge 862564 806154 Bug #862564 [wnpp] ITP: node-chokidar -- wrapper around node.js / fs.watchFile / fsevents Unable to merge bugs because: blocks of #806154 is '806150' not '' Failed to merge 862564: Did not alter merged bugs. > End of

Processed (with 1 error): Merge fpm ITPs

2017-04-12 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > forcemerge 688896 858544 Bug #688896 [wnpp] ITP: fpm -- Effing Package Management Bug #858544 [wnpp] ITP: fpm -- build packages for multiple platforms (deb, rpm, etc) with great ease and sanity Bug #858544 [wnpp] ITP: fpm -- build packages for mu

Processed (with 1 error): merge rfp and itp

2016-11-20 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > control forcemerge 806144 845070 Unknown command or malformed arguments to command. > retitle 806144 ITP: node-loader-utils -- utils for webpack loaders Bug #806144 [wnpp] RFP: node-loader-utils -- utils for webpack loaders Changed Bug title to 'I

Processed (with 1 error): Merge the jasper O: bug with the RM: bug

2016-09-11 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > reassign 812630 Bug #812630 [wnpp] O: jasper -- JPEG2000 library Bug reassigned from package 'wnpp' to ''. Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #812630 to the same values previously set Ignoring request to

Processed (with 1 error): merge with itp

2016-07-01 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > forcemerge 813735 829202 Bug #813735 [wnpp] ITP: ruby-rails-assets-jquery-ui -- Provides set of user interface interactions,effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library. Unable to merge bugs because: package of #829

Processed (with 1 error): Merge duplicate bugs

2016-03-19 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > merge 747824 816555 Bug #747824 [wnpp] ITP: atom -- hackable editor Unable to merge bugs because: owner of #816555 is '' not 'Jonathan Ulrich Horn ' Failed to merge 747824: Did not alter merged bugs. > thanks Stopping processing here. Please con

Processed (with 1 error): Merge RFP bugs

2016-03-05 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > merge 747824 816555 Bug #747824 [wnpp] ITP: atom -- hackable editor Unable to merge bugs because: owner of #816555 is '' not 'Jonathan Ulrich Horn ' Failed to merge 747824: Did not alter merged bugs. > quit Stopping processing here. Please conta

Processed (with 1 error): merge SPAdes ITPs

2016-02-08 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > merge 813975 813988 Bug #813975 [wnpp] ITP: spades -- genome assembler for single-cell and isolates data sets Unable to merge bugs because: owner of #813988 is 'Andreas Tille ' not 'Sascha Steinbiss ' Failed to merge 813975: Did not alter merged

Processed (with 1 error): merge 807914 807955

2015-12-15 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > merge 807914 807955 Bug #807914 [wnpp] RFP: golang-github-pierrec-xxhash -- Pure Go implementation of xxHash (32 and 64 bits versions) Unable to merge bugs because: blocks of #807955 is '' not '807912' done of #807955 is 'Alexandre Viau ' not ''

Processed (with 1 error): merge 784013 806855

2015-12-06 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > merge 784013 806855 Bug #784013 [wnpp] RFP: apktool -- tool for reverse engineering Android apk files Unable to merge bugs because: done of #806855 is 'Bart Martens ' not '' owner of #806855 is '"Android Tools Team" ' not '' Failed to merge 7840

Processed (with 1 error): merge 806855 784013

2015-12-06 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > merge 806855 784013 Bug #806855 {Done: Bart Martens } [wnpp] ITP: apktool -- tool for reverse engineering Android apps Unable to merge bugs because: done of #784013 is '' not 'Bart Martens ' owner of #784013 is '' not '"Android Tools Team" ' Fai

Processed (with 1 error): merge 784013 806855

2015-12-04 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > merge 784013 806855 Bug #784013 [wnpp] RFP: apktool -- tool for reverse engineering Android apk files Unable to merge bugs because: done of #806855 is 'Bart Martens ' not '' owner of #806855 is '"Android Tools Team" ' not '' Failed to merge 7840

Processed (with 1 error): merge 784013 806855

2015-12-02 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > merge 784013 806855 Bug #784013 [wnpp] RFP: apktool -- tool for reverse engineering Android apk files Unable to merge bugs because: owner of #806855 is '"Android Tools Team" ' not '' Failed to merge 784013: Did not alter merged bugs. > End of m