Bug#562510: marked as done (RFA: crossvc -- graphical CVS frontend)

2010-09-09 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Your message dated with message-id <20100909203431.4772.70055.mass-bugs-cl...@merkel.debian.org> and subject line crossvc removed from Debian unstable has caused the Debian Bug report #491018, regarding RFA: crossvc -- graphical CVS frontend to be marked as done. This means that you claim that th

Bug#562510: marked as done (RFA: crossvc -- graphical CVS frontend)

2010-09-09 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Your message dated with message-id <20100909203431.4772.70055.mass-bugs-cl...@merkel.debian.org> and subject line crossvc removed from Debian unstable has caused the Debian Bug report #562509, regarding RFA: crossvc -- graphical CVS frontend to be marked as done. This means that you claim that th

Bug#562510: marked as done (RFA: crossvc -- graphical CVS frontend)

2010-09-09 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Your message dated with message-id <20100909203431.4772.70055.mass-bugs-cl...@merkel.debian.org> and subject line crossvc removed from Debian unstable has caused the Debian Bug report #562510, regarding RFA: crossvc -- graphical CVS frontend to be marked as done. This means that you claim that th