retitle 517346 RFP: openmeeg -- library and tools for solving EEG and MEG
forward and inverse problems
noowner 517346
This is an automatic email to change the status of openmeeg back from ITP
(Intent to Package) to RFP (Request for Package), because this bug hasn't seen
any activity d
retitle 517346 ITP: openmeeg -- library and tools for solving EEG and MEG
forward and inverse problems
owner 517346 !
hm... do I still have intent? YES ;)
On Tue, 25 May 2010, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> retitle 517346 RFP: openmeeg -- library and tools for solving EEG and MEG
> forward and
Processing commands for
> retitle 517346 ITP: openmeeg -- library and tools for solving EEG and MEG
> forward and inverse problems
Bug #517346 [wnpp] RFP: openmeeg -- library and tools for solving EEG and MEG
forward and inverse problems
Changed Bug title to 'ITP: openme
3 matches
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