hes I attached. Let me know if you're happy
> for me to adopt it.
You don't need my permission to adopt it. When you find an uploading
Debian Member who could guide and upload the package for you, you're
welcome to update the package with your patches and other potential
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal
The libcddb package needs a new maintainer. I no longer have time nor
interest to maintain it properly.
I had adopted it many years as a dependency of a package I no longer
maintain. It was very low-maintenance until recently; there are now two
lated machinery.
What needs to be done:
- package a new upstream release;
- solve a (documentation-related) FTBFS;
- potentially make a shared library instead of a static library.
Eugene V. Lyubimkin
C++ GNU/Linux userspace developer, Debian Developer
> I also intend to package the dependency python3-pypeg2 do I have to write a
> seperate
> ITP for it?
Yes. One ITP per each new (source) package.
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal
I request an adopter for the fbreader package, since I don't use it
actively anymore.
The package description is:
FBReader is an e-book reader.
Main features:
* supports several open e-book formats: fb2, html, chm, plucker,
palmdoc, ztxt, tcr (psi
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Eugene V. Lyubimkin"
* Package name: cppformat
Version : 1.1.0
Upstream Author : Victor Zverovich
* URL : http://cppformat.github.io/
* License : BSD 2-clause
Programming Lang: C++
Description : fast
> actually be great.
I'm not going to grant DM upload permissions without several packages uploads at
least, and my answer times tend to be long nowadays. If you have someone who
knows you and your work already, just go ahead.
Thank you for volunteering for maintaining qmmp!
Eugene V
need a sponsor(ship)?
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++ GNU/Linux userspace developer, Debian Developer
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-wnpp-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org
directory of qmmp
package(s) uploaded to Debian official archive, can be taken under
GPL-2+ license.
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++ GNU/Linux userspace developer, Debian Developer
Description: Digital signature
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal
I request an adopter for the qmmp package due to lack of using the
Qmmp in Debian is in a relatively good shape, and mostly needs regular
bug handling and uploading new upstream releases.
The package description is:
Qmmp is feature-rich audio player with
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal
I would like to request an adopter for the package 'exiftags'. Note that
maintaining a package requires time and skills.
The package description is:
The exiftags utility parses a specified JPEG f
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal
I request an adopter for the html2text package, I have not much time and
interest to maintain it.
The package description is:
Small, stable system add-on that continuously and automatically adapts
available virtual memory space to your actual memory needs. Claims
new maintainer,
so feel free to adopt it, they you are free to make these and other
changes if you want.
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++ GNU/Linux userspace developer, Debian Developer
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-wnpp-requ...@lists.debian.org
whole DebianMentorsFaq wiki page has a good amount of starters'
information and links.
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++ GNU/Linux developer, Debian Developer
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal
Due to lack of time/interest I request an adopter for the proxychains
The package description is:
Proxy chains force any tcp connection made by any given tcp client
to follow through proxy (or proxy chain). It is a kind of proxifier.
It acts like socksca
On 2012-03-24 11:43, Michael Fladischer wrote:
> * Package name: cl
> Description : Kombu actor framework
IMHO the package name is way too generic and clashes with existing cl-*
Common Lisp packages. Please choose a more descriptive package name.
Eugene V. Lyubimk
package wnpp
owner 545710 !
retitle 545710 RFA: html2text -- advanced HTML to text converter
No activity for half a year. The bug returns to its original state.
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++/Perl developer, Debian Developer
package wnpp
retitle 621132 O: unetbootin -- Installer of Linux/BSD distributions
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++/Perl developer, Debian Developer
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-wnpp-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of "unsubs
[ sorry for not replying before, you mail went to spam folder somewhy ]
On 2011-08-18 14:37, Ludwin Alduvi Hernández Vásquez wrote:
> I am interested in adopting the package, I just like to know if you are
> willing to review the package and upload it.
Yes, I am.
Eugene V. Lyu
package wnpp
retitle 613065 O: qorganizer -- featured lightweight graphical organizer
A version from experimental is uploaded to unstable now, and the package is
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++/Perl developer, Debian Developer
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal
I request an adopter for the unetbootin package, since I don't use it
anymore and thus have no much interest to maintain.
The package description is:
UNetbootin allows for the installation of various Linux/BSD distributions to a
partition or USB drive, so it's no
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal
I request an adopter for the libpqxx3 package.
The package description is:
C++ library to enable user programs to communicate with
the PostgreSQL database back-end. The database back-end can
be local or it may be on another machine, accessed via
TCP/IP. This pac
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal
I hereby request a new maintainer for 'qorganizer' package, I have no
interest to maintain it anymore.
An upstream is not very responsive, but fixes serious bugs from time to
time. I consider the quality of this software as not suitable for a
Debian stable r
gets ouf of NEW queue, and ensuring that the initial upload will be not
delayed if you happen to be busy later.
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++/Perl developer, Debian Developer
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-wnpp-requ...@lists.debian.org
> abrasive, inappropriate and offensive?
I also don't like the style of the answer. Nevertheless, while I see
your rationale, I doubt it's enough to overrule the maintainer.
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++/Perl developer, Debian Develop
yright information and
should be better removed from the orig tarball, I assume none of
them are required for the build;
b) you have accidentally included debhelper.log to your packaging.
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++/Perl developer, Debian Developer
empt (or leave this action for any willing DD in
CC if he/she wants) with sponsoring Adam's packaging which looks overall good
to me except of easily resolvable details.
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++/Perl developer, Debian Developer
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
edata' for first and 'puredata-extended' for second sound better for
me (I also think that 'pd' is just too common)
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++/Perl developer, Debian Developer
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Mark Van Tuyl wrote:
> I am interested in adopting html2text. Other than this email, what do I
> need to do?
See instructions here, under 'RFA' category: http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/ .
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++/Perl d
package wnpp
owner 545710 !
retitle 545710 RFA: html2text -- advanced HTML to text converter
No activity still. The bug returns to its original state.
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++/Perl developer, Debian Developer
Joachim Breitner wrote:
> Package: wnpp
> Severity: wishlist
> Owner: Joachim Breitner
> * Package name: binary-shared
Can you please add prefix 'haskell-' to the package name or like that?
Binary-shared is too generic IMHO.
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF,
is too generic. Can you change it to 'sandboxgamemaker'?
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++/Perl developer, Debian Developer
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
package wnpp
owner 550266 !
title 550266 ITA: ncdu -- ncurses disk usage viewer
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++/Perl developer, Debian Developer
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal
I request an adopter for the html2text package.
The package description is:
html2text is a converter from HTML to plain text.
html2text reads HTML documents supplied in the command line (or from standard
input), converts each of them into a stream of plain te
Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
> * Package name: config-grammar-perl
Should be 'libconfig-grammar-perl' just in case.
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++/Perl developer, Debian Maintainer
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
> me.
> I'll sponsor though, if you need that.
Ok, thanks.
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++/Perl developer, Debian Maintainer
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Hello Martin, you're listed as uploader for proxychains package, which was
orphaned recently.
Do you want to [co-]maintain it? I'm considering adopting it...
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++/Perl developer, Debian Maintainer
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Eugene V. Lyubimkin"
* Package name: cupt
Version : 0.1.0
Upstream Author : Eugene V. Lyubimkin
* URL : http://wiki.github.com/jackyf/cupt
* License : GPL3+ | Artistic
Programming Lang: Perl
your own magic to any variable without having
> to write a single line of XS.
Is it better than 'tie' approach?
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++/Perl developer, Debian Maintainer
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Is orphaned package 'mol-drivers-linux' really considered as blocker for Lenny?
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
Ukrainian C++ developer, Debian APT contributor
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Eugene V. Lyubimkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* Package name: qprint
Version : 1.0
Upstream Author : John Walker <http://www.fourmilab.ch/>
* URL : http://www.fourmilab.ch/webtools/qprint/
* License
As stated at Alice's homesite [1], alice has an EULA with item #3, which
is not compatible with DFSG in a similar to Mozilla's way.
[1] http://www.alice.org/index.php?page=license
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Eugene V. Lyubimkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* Package name: qorganizer
Version : 3.1.3
Upstream Author : Balázs Béla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL : http://sf.net/projects/qorganizer
* License : GPLv2
package wnpp
owner 494593 !
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, Ukrainian C++ developer.
Description: PGP signature
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
package wnpp
retitle 494593 ITA: exiftags -- Utility to read Exif tags from a digital camera
JPEG file
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, Ukrainian C++ developer.
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Michael, have you posted an RFS at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, Ukrainian C++ developer.
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Eugene V. Lyubimkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* Package name: qmmp
Version : 0.2.0
Upstream Author : Ilya Kotov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL : http://code.google.com/p/qmmp/
* License : GPLv2+
Hash: SHA1
owner 481610 !
I have started to work on packaging bindfs.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
Hash: SHA1
I'm not an active user this library, but probably will be such one in future.
If no one wants to adopt this package, I'll go to adopt it.
- --
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, Ukrainian C++ developer.
Hash: SHA1
I'm the native russian speaker and would help you working with russian
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Eugene V. Lyubimkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* Package name: daptup
Version : 0.2
Upstream Author : Eugene V. Lyubimkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL : http://sf.net/projects/daptup
* License : GPLv3
Steve Greenland wrote:
On 13-Apr-08, 04:50 (CDT), "Eugene V. Lyubimkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Eugene V. Lyubimkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* Package name: nlkt
Version : 0.2.3
Upstream Author : Eugen
So, I want to maintain this package in debian. I already have deb-src
package for nlkt.
Now I'm not a debian maintainer and cannot do 'dupload' to debian. So I
am searching for debian maintainer who can accept my gpg-key. Where have
I look to?
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka Jack
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Eugene V. Lyubimkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* Package name: nlkt
Version : 0.2.3
Upstream Author : Eugene V. Lyubimkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL : http://sourceforge.net/projects/nlkt/
* License : GPL
Peter Eisentraut wrote:
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* Package name: chkconfig
Version : 10.3-90
Upstream Author : Michael Schroeder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* License : GPL
Programming Lang: Perl
Description : system too
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