Bug#250170: RFP: mysqlcc -- graphical interface to the MySQL server

2004-05-20 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist * Package name: mysqlcc Version : x.y.z Upstream Author : Name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://www.mysql.com/products/mysqlcc * License : (GPL, LGPL, BSD, MIT/X, etc.) Description : graphical interface to the MySQL serve

Bug#225159: RFP: gambas -- graphical development environment based on a Basic interpreter

2003-12-26 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist * Package name: gambas Version : 0.74 Upstream Author : Benoît Minisini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://gambas.sourceforge.net * License : GPL Description : graphical development environment based on a Basic interpreter

Bug#222946: ITP: qsynth -- GUI frontend to fluidsynth based on QT

2003-12-04 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist * Package name: qsynth Version : 0.0.2 Upstream Author : Rui Nuno Capela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://qsynth.sourceforge.net * License : GPL Description : GUI frontend to fluidsynth based on QT QSynth is a fluidsynth

Bug#222894: ITP: dap -- Comprehensive audio sample editing and processing suite

2003-12-04 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist * Package name: dap Version : 2.1.5 Upstream Author : Richard Kent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://www.cee.hw.ac.uk/~richardk/ * License : GPL Description : Comprehensive audio sample editing and processing suite DAP is

Bug#95870: ITP status inquiry

2003-06-28 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
us within Debian ? Are you planning to be a DD soon or are you already ? I'd be glad to sponsor your package. -- Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#123250: Mozilla-local-es-{es,ar,hn} packages for Debian

2002-09-20 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
ny solution to this problem, you're welcome to hijack my ITP and maintain the package (or give me the solution and I'll maintain the package if you don't feel like doing it yourself). Cheers, -- Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#138002: ITP: libcompress-zlib-perl -- perl interface to the zlib compression library

2002-03-12 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
Marquess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. All rights reserved. Licence: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. -- Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT "Hay tampones y tampones..." (Eva Serrano) Andago \_

Bug#136302: ITP: crafty-books-medium -- medium sized opening books for crafty chess engine

2002-03-02 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
On Sat, Mar 02, 2002 at 04:05:24AM +0100, Christian Hammers wrote: > Hello > > On Fri, Mar 01, 2002 at 11:57:18AM +0100, Eric Van Buggenhaut wrote: > > Package: wnpp > .. > > Package: crafty-books-medium > .. > > Description: Medium-size opening books for crafty

Bug#136302: ITP: crafty-books-medium -- medium sized opening books for crafty chess engine

2002-03-01 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
the position during the game. . This is the medium version, occupying 13MB and containing +47500 games, computed until the 60th ply. Licence is GPL. -- Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT [EMAIL PROTECTED] pgp92rMl7Y8zZ.pgp Description: PGP signature

Bug#136301: ITP: crafty-books-small -- small sized opening books for crafty chess engine

2002-03-01 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
the position during the game. . This is the small version, occupying 1MB and containing +4500 games and computed until the 60th ply. Licence is GPL. -- Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT [EMAIL PROTECTED] pgpQTkIS3TmoV.pgp Description: PGP signature

Bug#136191: ITP: crafty-books-medtosmall -- med-to-small sized opening books for crafty chess engine

2002-02-28 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
evaluate the position during the game. . This is the medium-to-small version, occupying 4MB and containing +7500 games and computed until the 60th ply. -- Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT [EMAIL PROTECTED] pgpeHdRrCJw7Z.pgp Description: PGP signature

Bug#114451: waiting for jre1.3

2002-01-18 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
leanedit depends on java run-time environment 1.3 (Blackdown's j2sdk1.3 for example). Since this package can't enter debian at the moment (due to licensing problems) I can't do much but wait ... -- Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT "Hay tampones y tampo

Bug#129813: ITP: libschedule-cron-perl -- Simple but complete cron-like scheduler

2002-01-18 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT "Hay tampones y tampones..." (Eva Serrano) Andago \_|_/ Av. Santa Engracia, 54 \/ \/ E-28010 Madrid - tfno:+34(91)2041100 a n d a g o |--http://www.andago.com /\___/\ "I

Bug#129811: ITP: libdbix-password-perl -- global password file for DB passwords

2002-01-18 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ If someone sees a licence problem in this copyright WRT our free software guidelines, please let me know. -- Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT

Bug#128458: ITP: slash -- Slashdot Like Automated Storytelling Homepage

2002-01-10 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 07:24:27PM +0100, Martin Michlmayr wrote: > * Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [20020109 18:55]: > > Package: wnpp > > URL? license? etc > Oooops, shame on me ! (c) Rob Malda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jonathon Pater <[EMAIL PROTE

Bug#128458: ITP: slash -- Slashdot Like Automated Storytelling Homepage -- is an architecture to put together web sites.

2002-01-09 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
Package: wnpp -- Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT "Hay tampones y tampones..." (Eva Serrano) Andago \_|_/ Av. Santa Engracia, 54 \/ \/ E-28010 Madrid - tfno:+34(91)2041100 a n d a g o |--http://www.

Bug#123250: acknowledged by developer (Fwd: mozilla-locale-es-es_0 .9.5-4_i386.changes is NEW (Tue, Dec 25, 2001 at 08:52:47PM +0100))

2001-12-25 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
e in Spain, you probably use es_ES as your locales and I use fr_BE as a Belgian French-speaking person. Does it make sense to you ? Someone might want to make a mozilla-locale-es-mx package, etc. Try 'zless /usr/share/doc/locales/SUPPORTED.gz |grep ^es' ;) Cheers, -- Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#123250: nuevo paquete Debian de mozilla-locale-es-es

2001-12-12 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
fichero mozilla0.9.5-lang-es-ES.xpi no lleva ni copyright, ni autor. Para poder distribuirlo necesito cualquier tipo de licencia, la GPL seria la mejor, por supuesto. También necesito un nombre (de persona o de grupo) para el copyright. Gracias por vuestra colaboración y un saludo. -- Eric VAN

Bug#108284: I built a tempest debian package.

2001-11-29 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
'd be fixed soon. Please let me know if you're still interested in the package, or if I can take it over. Thanks. -- Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT "Los niños son esponjas" (Amaya Rodrigo Sastre) \_|_/ Andago \/ \/ Av. San

Bug#114451: RTP: LeanEdit, an XML editor written in Java

2001-10-04 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
rtual Machine 1.3 -- Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT "Oh My God! They killed init! You Bastards!" --from a /. post \_|_/ Andago \/ \/ Av. Santa Engracia, 54 a n d a g o |--E-28010 Madrid - tfno:+34(91)2041100 /\___/

Bug#113260: ITP: libnet-grpnetworks-perl -- modified CPAN module to determine IP network membership

2001-09-25 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
ian. > > Now I need an idea for a new package name since I obviously can't use > Net::GrpNetworks if I fork from Andre's code. Does anybody have an > idea how to name that package? Net::GrpNetworks2 ??? -- Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT "Oh My God! They kil

Bug#111309: ITP: xtail -- like "tail -f", but works on truncated files, directories, more

2001-09-05 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
eted (and stop watching them). Does 'x'tail mean it's a GUI app ? -- Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT "Oh My God! They killed init! You Bastards!" --from a /. post \_|_/ Andago \/ \/ Av. Santa Eng

Bug#90956: Built package available

2001-08-08 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
;t place config files in /usr/lib/) Are you still interested in maitianing this packages ? You posted an ITP 136 days ago. I can maitain the package if you want me to. Yours. -- Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT \_|_/ Andago \/ \/ Av. Santa Engracia num

Bug#103739: ITP: iiwusynth. IIWU Synth is a software real-time synthesizer based on the Soundfont 2 specifications

2001-07-06 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
analogue of a MIDI synthesizer. iiwuplay is a midifile player that allows to render a midifile using a Soundfont. Licence is GPL. Source are downloadable from http://www.iiwu.org -- Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#103546: ITP: pure-data is a real-time software system for live musical and multi-media performance

2001-07-04 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
rojects. It has been ported to Linux, IRIX, and Windows NT. Source can be downloaded from http://www.pure-data.org The license under which the Pd source code is released is similar to the BSD license. -- Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#95870: Fwd: Re: ardour & quasimodo debian packages (Mon, Apr 30, 2001 at 08:57:01PM -0400)

2001-05-03 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
is sensible. [...] ----- End forwarded message - -- Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#93335: ITP: s25-manager -- Siemens S25 cellphone manager

2001-04-08 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
from http://www.na.linux.hr/projects/s25manager but is a bit buggy. I'll make a cleaner version available as soon as possible. -- Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT [EMAIL PROTECTED]