Philipp Kern wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 28, 2007 at 05:19:42PM +0800, Thomas GOIRAND wrote:
>> * Package name: miniupnpc
>> Version : 1.0-RC9
>> Upstream Author : Thomas Bernard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> * URL :
>> * License : BSD
>> Programming
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
* Package name: config-package-dev
Version : 4.2
Upstream Author : myself and Anders Kaseorg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL :
* License : GPL
Programming Lang: make, sh
Description :
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> package wnpp
Ignoring bugs not assigned to: wnpp
> retitle 402462 RFS: libtorrent-rasterbar -- Rasterbar libtorrent library
Bug#402462: ITP: libtorrent-rasterbar -- Rasterbar libtorrent library
Changed Bug title to `RFS: libtorrent-rasterbar -- Rasterb
package wnnp
retitle 402462 RFS: libtorrent-rasterbar -- Rasterbar libtorrent library
retitle 402466 RFS: btg -- Bittorrent client daemon with multiple frontends
I am no longer interested in packaging these two packages, and thus will not
work anymore on this. I did produce working package
retitle 468760 ITP: aceperl -- interface for the AceDB database
owner 468760 Debian-Med <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Le Sun, Mar 02, 2008 at 05:33:08PM +, Debian Bug Tracking System a écrit :
> > noowner 468760
> Bug#468760: RFP: aceperl -- interface for the AceDB database
> Removed annotatio
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> retitle 468760 ITP: aceperl -- interface for the AceDB database
Bug#468760: RFP: aceperl -- interface for the AceDB database
Changed Bug title to `ITP: aceperl -- interface for the AceDB database' from
`RFP: aceperl -- interface for the AceDB database'
Your message dated Mon, 03 Mar 2008 04:59:46 +0200
with message-id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
and subject line The person really desired me.
has caused the Debian Bug report #275316,
regarding RFP: sagator -- Email antivir gateway
to be marked as done.
This means that you claim that the problem has been
Package: wnpp
Severity: RFP
MPView is image viewer and manipulator (can read and write common
image types and do simple transformations, like crop, rotate, etc...
on them). It is somewhat similar to IrfanView from windows. It
requires Qt 4 and (optionally) libpng, libjpeg, libtiff and libmagick
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> retitle 469080 RFA: atitvout -- ATI TV Out Support Program
Bug#469080: RFA: atitvout
Changed Bug title to `RFA: atitvout -- ATI TV Out Support Program' from `RFA:
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> # the following bugs are closed by packages in NEW
> #
> tags 407253 pending
Bug#407253: RFP: dmucs -- A distributed multi-user compilation system
There were no tags set.
Tags added: pending
> tags 426123 pending
Bug#426123: ITP: notification-daemon-xf
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal
I no longer have the hardware for this utility and so I no longer use it (or
have any way to test the package). Therefore, I am looking for someone else
who cares more about it to take it over.
It is a very low-maintenance package as there are no longer any upstr
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> tags 468497 pending
Bug#468497: ITP: octave-communications -- Digital Communications, Error
Correcting Codes, Source Code functions, etc.
There were no tags set.
Tags added: pending
> tags 468498 pending
Bug#468498: ITP: octave-control -- Additional O
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> # retitle RFA to ITA
> retitle 460620 ITA: gimmie -- elegant desktop organizer
Bug#460620: RFA: gimmie -- elegant desktop organizer
Changed Bug title to `ITA: gimmie -- elegant desktop organizer' from `RFA:
gimmie -- elegant desktop organizer'.
> owne
Your message dated Sun, 02 Mar 2008 21:02:12 +
with message-id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
and subject line Bug#459596: fixed in gtimelog 0.0+svn88-1
has caused the Debian Bug report #459596,
regarding ITA: gtimelog -- minimal timelogging system
to be marked as done.
This means that you claim that th
# retitle RFA to ITA
retitle 460620 ITA: gimmie -- elegant desktop organizer
owner 460620 !
# New upstream version 0.2.8
tag 448976 pending
On Mon, Jan 14, 2008 at 09:01:30AM +0300, Thierry Randrianiriana wrote:
> Package: wnpp
> Severity: normal
> I request an adopter for the gimmie pac
Package: wnpp
Severity: whishlist
Owner: Debian Forensics <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Package name: md5deep
Version: 2.0.1
Upstream Author: Jesse Kornblum
License: GPL-2
Description: Recursuvely computes hashsums
Computes the MD5, S
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> # Automatically generated email from bts, devscripts version 2.10.16
> retitle 327667 RM: isis -- RoQA; orphaned for long time, low user count
Bug#327667: O: isic -- Test the integrity of an IP Stack with semi-random
Changed Bug title to `RM: i
Package: wnpp
Severity: whishlist
Owner: Debian Forensics <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Package name: revit
Version: alpha-20070804
Upstream Author: Joachim Metz
License: BSD
Description: smart file recovery tool
An ad
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> severity 406622 serious
Bug#406622: O: jered -- Simple full screen text editor
Severity set to `serious' from `normal'
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tracking system administrator
On Fri, Sep 28, 2007 at 05:19:42PM +0800, Thomas GOIRAND wrote:
> * Package name: miniupnpc
> Version : 1.0-RC9
> Upstream Author : Thomas Bernard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> * URL :
> * License : BSD
> Programming Lang: C, C++
> Descriptio
severity 406622 serious
Is anyone actually using this package? I'd suggest removal.
Description: Digital signature
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> severity 410616 serious
Bug#410616: O: bbppp -- PPP tool for the blackbox window manager
Severity set to `serious' from `normal'
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tracking system administrator
Package: wnpp
Severity: whishlist
Owner: Debian Forensics <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Package name: recoverdm
Version: 0.19
Upstream Author: Folkert Van Heusden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
License: GPL-2+
Description: recover files/disk
severity 410616 serious
I suggest we remove bbppp. Comments?
Description: Digital signature
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> # Automatically generated email from bts, devscripts version 2.10.16
> retitle 374107 RM: debpartial -- RoQA; very old, low user count, orphaned
Bug#374107: O: debpartial -- Debian Packages/Sources file partition tool
Changed Bug title to `RM: debpartia
retitle 323677 RM: mgm -- RoQA; low usage, old, orphaned for long time
reassign 323677
Description: Digital signature
tags 363504 + moreinfo
Re: Robert James Clay 2007-06-30 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> No response to the inquiry about something newer to package. Will see
> about completing the ITA, & do any content updating later.
Hi again,
if upstream is missing, shouldn't we rather remove the whole packag
On Sun, Mar 02, 2008 at 07:36:43PM +0100, Florian Weimer wrote:
> * Matteo Vescovi:
> > Soothsayer is an intelligent predictive text entry platform.
> > .
> > A predictive text entry system attempts to improve the ease and speed
> > of textual input by predicting words. Word prediction consi
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> tags 363504 + moreinfo
Bug#363504: ITA: hwb -- The Hardware Book
There were no tags set.
Tags added: moreinfo
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian
retitle 353622 RM: xbatt -- RoQA; old, unused
reassign 353622
Description: Digital signature
tags 358515 + moreinfo
Re: Robert James Clay 2008-01-07 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> retitle 358515 ITA: ttylog -- serial port logger
>>> owner 358515 !
>> just a quick ping: what is the status of this bug?
>Currently pending setting a new SVN repository on my new server, at
> which po
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> severity 323473 serious
Bug#323473: ITA: mol-drivers-linux -- The Mac-on-Linux emulator - drivers for
Severity set to `serious' from `normal'
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tracking syst
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> tags 358515 + moreinfo
Bug#358515: ITA: ttylog -- serial port logger
There were no tags set.
Tags added: moreinfo
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, De
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> tags 363499 + moreinfo
Bug#363499: ITA: rhyme -- console based rhyming dictionary
There were no tags set.
Tags added: moreinfo
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tracking system administrator
severity 364470 serious
This is a very old package, and has a low (~80) popcon rating. I'd
consider it a removal candidate. Comments?
Description: Digital signature
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> severity 364470 serious
Bug#364470: O: autopilot -- Monitor the DTR line of /dev/palm and run a command
to start sync
Severity set to `serious' from `normal'
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tra
tags 363499 + moreinfo
Re: Joel Jose 2007-08-21 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> retitle 363499 ITA: rhyme -- console based rhyming dictionary
> owner 363499 !
Hi Joel,
do you still intend to adopt this package? To me, it rather looks as a
candidate for removal - are you actively using it?
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> # Automatically generated email from bts, devscripts version 2.10.16
> retitle 183373 RM: libmetakit2.4.9.3 -- RoQA; orphaned, no reverse deps
Bug#183373: ITA: libmetakit2.4.9.3 -- MetaKit embeddable database
Changed Bug title to `RM: libmetakit2.4.9.3
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> retitle 377923 RM: cl-tclink -- RoQA; upstream version from 2002, low user
> count, orphaned
Bug#377923: O: cl-tclink -- Common Lisp bindings to the TrustCommerce
transaction system
Changed Bug title to `RM: cl-tclink -- RoQA; upstream version from 20
while looking over old orphaned packages, I stumbled over perlftlib,
and as the most prominent (only) Reverse-Recommends, defoma.
Angus, the current defoma maintainer, offered it for adoption in
January. It would be nice if the fonts team would adopt it.
I have no idea how well defoma works
* Matteo Vescovi:
> Soothsayer is an intelligent predictive text entry platform.
> .
> A predictive text entry system attempts to improve the ease and speed
> of textual input by predicting words. Word prediction consists in
> computing which word tokens or word completions are most likely to
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> # Automatically generated email from bts, devscripts version 2.10.16
> block 279824 with 460036
Bug#460036: RFA: defoma -- Debian Font Manager -- automatic font configuration
Bug#279824: O: perlftlib -- Perl module for the FreeType library
retitle 399255 RM: adduser-ng -- RoQA; orphaned, unused, obsolete
reassign 399255
Let's remove adduser-ng - the "old" adduser is actively maintained.
It's been orphaned for over a year, and doesn't have any rdeps.
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> retitle 399255 RM: adduser-ng -- RoQA; orphaned, unused, obsolete
Bug#399255: O: adduser-ng -- Add and remove users and groups
Changed Bug title to `RM: adduser-ng -- RoQA; orphaned, unused, obsolete' from
`O: adduser-ng -- Add and remove users and gro
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> retitle 468760 RFP: aceperl -- interface for the AceDB database
Bug#468760: aceperl -- interface for the AceDB database
Changed Bug title to `RFP: aceperl -- interface for the AceDB database' from
`aceperl -- interface for the AceDB database'.
> noown
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> # Automatically generated email from bts, devscripts version
> submitter 280427 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bug#280427: rhythmbox: Freezes while listening internet radio and internet
connection is lost.
Changed Bug submitter from Mike Hommey <[EMAIL PR
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Jan Hauke Rahm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* Package name: squirrelmail-quicksave
Version : 2.4.2
Upstream Author : Paul Lesniewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL :
* License : GPL
Package: wnpp
Severity: whishlist
Owner: Debian Forensics <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Package name: dc3dd
Version: 6.9.91
Upstream Author: Jesse Kornblum
License: GPL-3+
Description: patched version of GNU dd with forensic features
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> # ITA - uploaded to mentors
> tags 452184 + pending
Bug#452184: ITA: ifplugd -- A configuration daemon for ethernet devices
There were no tags set.
Tags added: pending
> # Fixed in Debian SVN: collab-maint/ext-maint/ifplugd
> tags 360464 + pending
Package: wnpp
Severity: whishlist
Owner: Debian Forensics <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Package name: ssdeep
Version: 1.1
Upstream Author: Jesse Kornblum
License: GPL-2+
Description: Recursive piecewise hashing tool
Recursive computing and matching of Context Trigge
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
* Package name: ttf-oflb-asana-math
Version : 000.914
Upstream Author : Apostolos Syropoulos
* URL :
* License : Open Font License
Description : extended smart
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Recent versions of Bioperl, a suite of perl modules for
bioinformatics, depend on the modules provided by
Convert-Binary-C. The Debian-Med packaging team would be very happy to
find a volunteer to prepare a Debian package for it. We can provide
support and sponsors
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Jaldhar H. Vyas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* Package name: libmodule-starter-perl
Version : 1.470
Upstream Author : Andy Lester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL :
* License : GPL + Artistic
Package: wnpp
Severity: whishlist
Owner: Debian Forensics <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Package name: ftimes
Version: 3.8.0
Upstream Author: Klayton Monroe
License: BSD-3
Description: a system baselining and evidence collection to
Your message dated Sun, 02 Mar 2008 13:06:21 +
with message-id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
and subject line Bug#434654: fixed in autodocksuite 4.0.1-1
has caused the Debian Bug report #434654,
regarding ITP: autodocksuite -- analysis of ligand binding to protein structure
to be marked as done.
This m
Your message dated Sun, 02 Mar 2008 13:14:45 +
with message-id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
and subject line Bug#460965: fixed in kpar2 0.3.1-1
has caused the Debian Bug report #460965,
regarding ITP: kpar2 -- a frontend for verifying and repairing PAR and PAR2
recovery sets
to be marked as done.
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> retitle 467337 RFP: bogomips -- bogomips calculation program
Bug#467337: sysutils/bogomips missing
Changed Bug title to `RFP: bogomips -- bogomips calculation program' from
`sysutils/bogomips missing'.
> severity 467337 wishlist
Bug#467337: RFP: bogom
what's the reason for orphaning the hg-buildpackage package?
Description: Digital signature
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Roberto Lumbreras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* Package name: geotrans
Version : 2.4.1
Upstream Author : National Geospatial Intelligence Agency <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL :
* License : BSD
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Hash: SHA1
The presence of this package in Debian would improve the build processes
for packages such as Splix (currently their PPDs must be generated by
the package maintainer and shipped as part of the Debian diff).
The packag
Is the package still up for adoption?
I'm a new dev and would like to start working on powertweak. So how
should I go about this? Should I start working on it and then just
would you update it as sponsor?
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
61 matches
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