Re: Lynx is a form of accessibility (was Re: Lynx is not Accessibility)

2022-03-08 Thread Devin Prater
ve past possibly irrelevant material, or move to relevant stuff. Devin Prater On Mon, Mar 7, 2022 at 5:31 PM Thorsten Glaser wrote: > Sam Hartman dixit: > > >Thorsten> Alternative solutions may • have accessibility problems > >Thorsten&g

To all candidates: Debian and people with disabilities

2022-03-20 Thread Devin Prater
y find and check a box enabling the use of assistive technologies. Do you think that this is good and fair to users? Thanks so much for the answers. Devin Prater

Re: To all candidates: Debian and people with disabilities

2022-03-21 Thread Devin Prater
FOSS projects, and big corporations (corpses) that FOSS doesn't have to only be for people who are privileged enough to have all senses and use of their bodies and minds. Devin Prater On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 5:46 PM Samuel Thibault wrote: > Hello, > > D

Re: To all candidates: Debian and people with disabilities

2022-03-22 Thread Devin Prater
So, the Terminal issue was fixed some time ago, so we don't have to worry about that. That was just an example of a bug which *has* happened before. I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough. Devin Prater On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 5:52 AM Jean-Philippe MENGUAL wrote

Re: To all candidates: Debian and people with disabilities

2022-03-22 Thread Devin Prater
like Android phones, don't support it, while others, like iOS systems, have... unfinished support for it. Devin Prater On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 6:34 AM Samuel Thibault wrote: > Jean-Philippe MENGUAL, le mar. 22 mars 2022 11:51:43 +0100, a ecrit: > > If it add

Re: To all candidates: Debian and people with disabilities

2022-03-24 Thread Devin Prater
h, Zoom is pretty awful to use on Linux as a desktop app. The web app works a bit better, so I'm glad Jitsi outshines them in accessibility now. Devin Prater On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 11:05 PM Sam Hartman wrote: > >>>>> "Jonathan" ==

Re: To all candidates: Debian and people with disabilities

2022-04-01 Thread Devin Prater
Gas is rather expensive these days. :D How would you propose we improve the emotional response? I've written plenty of blog posts on (some on other operating systems but a good bit about Linux). I'm not very good at making videos, but I can write and edit. De

Re: Changing how we handle non-free firmware

2022-08-19 Thread Devin Prater
Seconded, thanks for mentioning the accessibility aspect! Devin Prater On Thu, Aug 18, 2022 at 2:59 PM Steve McIntyre <> wrote: > Hi a11! > > I'm proposing to change how we handle non-free firmware in > Debian. I've written ab