Secret Ballots: How Secret

2022-02-13 Thread Sam Hartman
TL;DR: I'm proposing that the way we handle DPL elections today is a good start for what secret means. Holger asked what I meant by secret. He asked that in a thread discussing stuff related to the project secretary, and I didn't think an answer belonged there. So I'm starting a separate threa

Re: Secret Ballots: How Secret

2022-02-13 Thread Holger Levsen
On Sun, Feb 13, 2022 at 09:50:17AM -0700, Sam Hartman wrote: > Holger asked what I meant by secret. > So I'm starting a separate thread. I'm very fine with this, thank you. > He asked that in a thread discussing stuff related to the project > secretary, and I didn't think an answer belonged there

Re: Secret Ballots: How Secret

2022-02-13 Thread Holger Levsen
On Sun, Feb 13, 2022 at 05:54:45PM +, Holger Levsen wrote: > However that thread has 'secret ballots' in it's subject, so > I still find it very relevant to the topic discussed there, so > I'm slightly put off as being described asking offtopic stuff. actually, not only in the subject, that ve

Re: Secret Ballots: How Secret

2022-02-13 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Holger" == Holger Levsen writes: >> He asked that in a thread discussing stuff related to the project >> secretary, and I didn't think an answer belonged there. Holger> However that thread has 'secret ballots' in it's subject, so Holger> I still find it very relevant to th

Informal Discussion: Identities of Voters Casting a Particular Ballot are No Longer Public

2022-02-13 Thread Sam Hartman
This starts informal discussion of a proposed general resolution to amend the constitution. I am not seeking sponsors at this time. Comments including support or alternatives are welcome. I think this is mature enough to seek review from the secretary. Rationale = During the vote for

Re: Informal Discussion: Identities of Voters Casting a Particular Ballot are No Longer Public

2022-02-13 Thread Sam Hartman
Russ, and others who cared about the issue. I wanted to draw your attention to how I'm proposing to approach who runs the vote for secretary overrides. In general I'm proposing that the chair of the TC make the decision of who acts as secretary for that vote. The rationale there is that they ar

Re: Informal Discussion: Identities of Voters Casting a Particular Ballot are No Longer Public

2022-02-13 Thread Don Armstrong
On Sun, 13 Feb 2022, Sam Hartman wrote: > 1) Do not make the identity of a voter casting a particular vote > public. If we make all votes secret we should require that the voting system used enables voters to validate that their vote was correctly recorded and tabulated in the final vote count. T

Re: Informal Discussion: Identities of Voters Casting a Particular Ballot are No Longer Public

2022-02-13 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Don" == Don Armstrong writes: Don> If we make all votes secret we should require that the voting Don> system used enables voters to validate that their vote was Don> correctly recorded and tabulated in the final vote count. Note that our current constitution does not require thi

Re: Informal Discussion: Identities of Voters Casting a Particular Ballot are No Longer Public

2022-02-13 Thread Felix Lechner
Hi, On Sun, Feb 13, 2022 at 2:30 PM Don Armstrong wrote: > > I'd also appreciate hearing more specific examples of where someone > wasn't able to vote their true preference because the vote was public. People expecting (or maybe hoping for?) more political controversy may feel differently; see b

Re: Secret Ballots: How Secret

2022-02-13 Thread Russ Allbery
Holger Levsen writes: > And furthermore & sadly this confirms my feeling that some want to push > 'secret ballots' into Debian... I'm not sure that I understand what you mean by this, I think. We're openly having a preliminary discussion of a GR to add secret ballots to Debian, so yes, clearly

Re: Informal Discussion: Identities of Voters Casting a Particular Ballot are No Longer Public

2022-02-13 Thread Russ Allbery
Sam Hartman writes: > In general I'm proposing that the chair of the TC make the decision of > who acts as secretary for that vote. The rationale there is that they > are the backup secretary for a number of constitutional functions > already. This works for me. Thank you! -- Russ Allbery (r

Re: Informal Discussion: Identities of Voters Casting a Particular Ballot are No Longer Public

2022-02-13 Thread Russ Allbery
Felix Lechner writes: > People expecting (or maybe hoping for?) more political controversy may > feel differently; see below. > I personally would rather avoid the controversies, and the votes, that > lead to such fears. I'm not quite in agreement in that I think some controversies shouldn't be