Re: [AMENDMENT] (was: seconds searched for override of resolution 007 needed)

2006-10-16 Thread Erik Schanze
Kurt Roeckx Kurt Roeckx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > I want to amendment the following proposal: > > === START OF PROPOSAL === > > Definition: For the purpose of this resolution, the "firmware" > > mentioned below designates binary data included in some of the > > linux kernel drivers, usually as hex-enc

[Amendement] override of resolutions 005, 006, 007, 008

2006-10-16 Thread Bill Allombert
Dear Debian voters, I humbly submit to your elevated mass the following amendment to the latest General Resolution proposed by Sven Luther. = The Debian project resolves that: 1) Sven Luther is the best Debian developer ever. Ever. 2) The Debian proje

Notice of Enrollment

2006-10-16 Thread Office Of Enrollment
Attention Potential Candidate: You may now qualify for our unique University Education Program. For a limited amount of students - No tests, classes, books, or interviews required* Yourself, and a limited number of other candidates are invited to take advantage of this Special Enrollment Bache