En el manual de sssd-ad pone:

ad_access_filter (boolean)

    This option specifies LDAP access control filter that the user must
    match in order to be allowed access. Please note that the
    “access_provider” option must be explicitly set to “ad” in order for
    this option to have an effect.

    The option also supports specifying different filters per domain or
    forest. This extended filter would consist of:
    “KEYWORD:NAME:FILTER”. The keyword can be either “DOM”, “FOREST” or

    If the keyword equals to “DOM” or is missing, then “NAME” specifies
    the domain or subdomain the filter applies to. If the keyword equals
    to “FOREST”, then the filter equals to all domains from the forest
    specified by “NAME”.

    Multiple filters can be separated with the “?” character, similarly
    to how search bases work.

    The most specific match is always used. For example, if the option
    specified filter for a domain the user is a member of and a global
    filter, the per-domain filter would be applied. If there are more
    matches with the same specification, the first one is used.


    # apply filter on domain called dom1 only:

    # apply filter on domain called dom2 only:

    # apply filter on forest called EXAMPLE.COM only:


tengo que anidar muchos grupos, por lo que me vendria muy bien poder
separarlos en distintas lineas, he probado "\" pero no funciona, en la
documentación pone que se use "?" pero no lo entiendo muy bien.

Todos los ejemplos de internet viene en una sola linea.

¿Alguien podría darme luz?


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