Re: Mail Delivery (failure

2004-12-18 Por tema robot
ATENCI�: Este es un mensaje autom�co, no responda directamente a este mensaje. La cuenta [EMAIL PROTECTED] ya no est�ctiva. Para contactarnos puede dejar su mensaje en nuestro sistema de servicio al cliente en nuestra web o bien llamar al tel�no: 902 360 167 (de 11:00 a

IDbot: No patch found

2004-09-20 Por tema The PCI ID Robot
This is an automatic reply from the PCI ID Mail Robot. If you want to contact the administrator of the robot, please write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your submission has been rejected. Please make sure that the mail you've sent is a unified diff (output of diff -u) against the latest pci.ids file,

Re: [ID040417130] Re: approved product

2004-04-17 Por tema Support Robot
Thank you for your message to our support team. This is an automatic message, do not reply to this message! Feinsilber Engineering assigned to your message a Support Ticket number [ID040417130] . Quoting this number in your messages to us will help us give you the best possible support service.

IDbot: No patch found

2002-04-30 Por tema The PCI ID Robot
This is an automatic reply from the PCI ID Mail Robot. If you want to contact the administrator of the robot, please write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your submission has been rejected. Please make sure that the mail you've sent is a unified diff (output of diff -u) against the latest pci.ids file,