Re: [GWAVA:mg2orwp6] Attachment block message notification

2003-08-24 Por tôpico Gilberto F da Silva
Sao Bernardo do Campo SP Brazilo Stela dato: 2.452.876,671 Loka tempo: 2003-8-25 01:06:10 Saluton! No dia 24/8/03, 23:54:03, Still <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu o seguinte sobre o tema Re: [GWAVA:mg2orwp6] Attachment block message notification: > Gilberto; > Vc pode usar

Re: [GWAVA:mg2orwp6] Attachment block message notification

2003-08-24 Por tôpico Still
Gilberto; Vc pode usar duas opções nesse caso: procmail ou popsneaker. No meu caso, usei a regra no .procmailrc: :0: * ^Subject:.*GWAVA /dev/null Como uso o popsneaker tb, eu poderia deletar essa msg no servidor pop antes com a seguinte configuração no .popsneakerrc: de

[GWAVA:mg2orwp6] Attachment block message notification

2003-08-23 Por tôpico GWAVA
This is an automated Notification e-mail message from GWAVA. The message you sent, from the address to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Concerning: Re: Thank you! Was not delivered because it contained an attachment not accepted by the e-mail system in use at the intend

Re: [GWAVA:mg2orwp6] Attachment block message notification

2003-08-23 Por tôpico Gilberto F da Silva
Sao Bernardo do Campo SP Brazilo Stela dato: 2.452.874,203 Loka tempo: 2003-8-22 13:53:08 Saluton! No dia 20/8/03, 22:40:03, "GWAVA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu o seguinte sobre o tema [GWAVA:mg2orwp6] Attachment block message notification: > This is an automated Notifica

[GWAVA:mg2orwp6] Attachment block message notification

2003-08-22 Por tôpico GWAVA
This is an automated Notification e-mail message from GWAVA. The message you sent, from the address to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Concerning: Re: Your application Was not delivered because it contained an attachment not accepted by the e-mail system in use at the