Clearly someone has decided to mail bomb this poor soul. What does
X-Auto-Forward do I wonder?
Patrick "No sig in my .sig" Kirk
GSM: +44 7876 560 646
ICQ: 42219699
>kernel-package documentation and after make-kpkg without errors, there
>was not any .deb file!!??? Which could be my error? How can I solve it?
In a lot of ways, the boring old make..make bzlilo way of doing kernels
offers an easier way because every linux howto on the web covers it.
Hi all,
I know this is the wrong forum but its actually where I'm most likely to
get the correct answer.
Mozilla is really good now. The only real annoyance is the keyboard
mappings which are different from those in ie. The particular mapping
that I really miss is Backspace to go back and Shift
You plainly haven't read it then. Take a quick glance and if you know
about the key bindings, please do reply.
Patrick "No sig in my .sig" Kirk
GSM: +44 7876 560 646
ICQ: 42219699
>Sorry, don't know about changing Moz, but I certainly can use alt+left and
>alt+right with one hand the farthest apart I've seen those two keys is about
>five inches. I'm pretty sure most everyone can reach that far with one hand.
five inches...you mean 12 centimetres? I should have said I was
Saw something similiar in a FreeBSD box once. It was a trojan ftp
daemon that started off some obscure user like sysgetty or some other
"official" looking name. The RAID had 36 gigs of mp3s and porn.
You might want to backup your data and reinstall if no-one has a more
knowledgable answer.
In t
...and only one script needed :-)
Patrick "No sig in my .sig" Kirk
GSM: +44 7876 560 646
ICQ: 42219699
The /unix/ in the URL makes me wonder if its really a win2k resource.
Besides, it seems to involve getting into the code. No thanks - still
strugging with Python.
Patrick "No sig in my .sig" Kirk
GSM: +44 7876 560 646
ICQ: 42219699
>Uh... Why? Wouldn't it be simpler to just shut down the ftp service
>(either /etc/init.d/ftpd stop or comment it out in inetd.conf and then
>/etc/init.d/inetd restart), work on it, and restart the service?
Because being a trojan it respawns every time you stop it. Otherwise it
would be a rathe
>No offense intended, but this is some of the WORST advice I've heard on
>this list to date.
>If you fear you may have been compromised, by all means, and for the
>love of us all, unplug your network cable at once. If for no other
>reason than this: Your system could possibly be launching attac
On 0, Allen Wayne Best <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Wednesday 08 August 2001 01:53, P Kirk pronounced:
>> >
>> >No offense intended, but this is some of the WORST advice I've heard on
>> >this list to date.
>> >
>> >If you fear you ma
On 0, Shriram Shrikumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Considering most people agree that it IS Illegal to be accessing
>someone elses computer for "good" or bad ? why then, can we not at
>least threaten to sue the people who are trying to get into our boxes
>at our cost ?
Another answer may li
Lets suppose that someone launches a proprietary version of the
Interent, called MSN or AOL for the sake of example. It will have to be paid
for. The free Internet will remain free. It cannot be taken away from
us. And even if the new proprietary version were subsidised for a few
years and thus g
#! On Thu, Aug 09, 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all,
a week or so ago I tried installing diald and it failed. Since then it
keeps failing to get installed. Does andone know how to flush it out of
the cash and thus allow me to download a more stable version?
I'm running woody.
Details of a recent attempt are below.
Does debian-user have an admin who junks this kind of stuff or do I need
to write a procmail rule?
#! On Thu, Aug 09, 2001, Dave Sherohman wrote:
>The problem isn't that the deb is in your apt cache, but rather that
>it is partially installed. apt sees that there is a partially installed
>package and wants to complete the installation (which fails).
>Have you tried removing it? (apt-get r
Worked. Thank you, Michael.
Patrick "sig free and joyful"" Kirk
GSM: +44 7876 560 646
ICQ: 42219699
#! On Thu, Aug 09, 2001, Matthew Sackman wrote:
>Yes, but I think the point that Cringely was making is that MS could
>deliberately cause the internet to become crippled with DDoS attacks
>with the Windows XP. So if they've already built in a new version of
>TCP/IP without telling anyone then when
Norton anti-Virus is very good.
Patrick "sig free and joyful"" Kirk
GSM: +44 7876 560 646
ICQ: 42219699
There are a few diagnostic steps you need. First, if you login to the
Debian box under your wife's ID, can you access the files? If yes, its
a SAMBA problem. If not, we need to look at permissions again.
On the assumption that it is a SAMBA problem, here's a link that will
take you through
#! On Fri, Aug 10, 2001, Bob Koss wrote:
This is goung nucleur but on the assumption you don't have many other
users, do it and then subtract permissions afterwards.
chown -R wife /mnt/dosE
Mount the FAT partition and repeat the command.
Log in as your wife and enter:
cp /etc/lilo.conf /mnt/do
#! On Fri, Aug 10, 2001, Bob Koss wrote:
>Mounting worked. By repeating the command I assume you meant
>'chown -R sue /mnt/dosE'. If so, that failed as it traversed the
>subdirectories of the partition.
? Its meant to get all the subdirectories.
As root do this:
Make sure the partition /is/ cor
Hey Bob.
Puzzling one this. You should cc the group on all mail as athere are
way more skilled players than me.
soemting is very odd here. As root you can go to / and command rm -rf
/* and watch the whole OS disappear. So I don't understand why you
* can't chown the contents of the partition.
Didn't this come uip earlier today?
Just select option 1 in eximconfig, enter your domain name when asked,
enter the local IP address range and don't allow relaying.
Patrick "sig free and joyful"" Kirk
GSM: +44 7876 560 646
ICQ: 42219699
#! On Sat, Aug 11, 2001, thomas anderson wrote:
>reliable HOWTO that tellsa pretty good *newbie* how to setup iptables for
>this setup or should I just use ipmasq instead? or maybe ipchains?
>unfortunately, my /usr/share/doc/HOWTO only has ipmasq-howto and
ipmasq is more tha
Hello Carl,
Saturday, August 11, 2001, 6:03:51 PM, you wrote:
CG> "The requested URL
CG> /www/debian-user/2001/debian-user-200107/msg02249.html was not found
CG> on this server."
try it without '/www' so it's
This helped me.
Best regards,
#! On Sat, Aug 11, 2001, usucapiao wrote:
>I'm having a big trouble trying to make my adsl works on debian.
>I'm trying to use the rp-pppoe script, it works on conectiva linux, but
>dont works on debian, red hat and slackware...
What sort of problems are you haveing? Run the pon command, th
See below my sig for unsubscribe details.
- Original Message -
From: "Michael Hambe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 1:51 PM
Subject: Re: debian-user-digest Digest V101 #1151
| Can any body actually tell me how to get off this list.
| --
| Thanks
| Mick
Right now I'm at work using ie6 and in the Advanced Options there are a lot
of Smart Tags radio boxes.
Smart Tags is here. Anytime Microsoft or anyone else wants to turn it on,
they just need to fire up a VB script.
I'll cp /etc. Its not just wiser...its easier.
Many thanks!
If you want a stable easy to manage system Debian is unbeatable.
But if you want to learn, www.linuxfromscratch.org is the best learning
experience. And you can install dpkg afterwards if it gets to be too much
Danie is absolutely right. I'm pasting in from the HOWTO:
12.7 Installing DPKG
We don't install the Debian Package manger itself, but a small program that
is shipped with this package; the start-stop-daemon program. This program is
very useful in boot scripts so we're going to use it.
Hi all,
When I installed slink, there used be a small system option that required 34
MB. With potato, I choose simple setup, select SAMBA server and then
install vim from dselect. Its close on 200MB.
Is there a small Debian setup I missed?
Patrick Kirk
GSM: +44 7876 560 646
ICQ: 42219699
perl: error while loading shared libraries: libdb.so.3: cannot open shared
t file: No such file or directory
I've done a Google search and seen this come up a lot but can't find a fix.
Is my system now broken beyond repair or is there a way to fix this?
Manually compile glibc perhaps?
Thanks for replying but still struggling.
| dont worry, it's not that bad.
| i found out when i switched from potato->woody that sometimes you just
| to softlink the "missing" files to existing (possibly with lower
| version-numbers) files... or sometimes do a 'dpkg -x /' if it
| woul
Good call! It is a broken symlink.
enterprise:/home/patrick# ls -al /lib/libdb.so.3
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root 14 Aug 21 10:00 /lib/libdb.so.3 ->
enterprise:/home/patrick# locate libdb.so.3.old
So, what do I need to do to get a libdb.so.3.old
And it works for me as well.
Thanks Johnny!
My apologies for sending an attachemnt but it is only 4.1 k. This is my
installed list.
/dev/hda2 703M 574M 93M 86% /
du -m /usr/399
du -m /usr/src/ 173
du -m /usr/share148
du -m /home 120
I don't have anything other than samba and python installed. How can
Thanks all. Serious pruning got it down by over 100MB.
Still Debian is becoming a very big system. ITs a pity the small install
option is gone.
- Original Message -
From: "P Kirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Debian User List"
Sent: Tuesday, August 21,
Karsten, what can I say...thanks.
- Original Message -
From: "Karsten M. Self"
To: "Debian User List"
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2001 10:58 PM
Subject: Re: Why so big(2)
http://mplayer.sourceforge.net no debs but there are steps to make your
own, debs that is, really nice.
On Wed, Aug 29, 2001 at 02:34:09PM -0700, David Frischknecht wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone know where I can get a good MPEG video
> viewer? From what I've heard, xanim doesn't do
> justice t
Even if you are not noticing the disk activity it is almost for sure there. Try
playing with hdparm to speed up your disk and this will go away it worked for
On Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 09:33:40PM +0600, V.Suresh wrote:
> When firing startx, X comesup, then in 2-3 secs windowmaker pops up,
Do a locate filename to find the file. (This assumes you leave the machine on
all night) Then do a vi -r filename.
On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 10:48:39PM +1000, Mark wrote:
> I keep on getting automatically emailed this message. I have tried
> doing vim -r which shows the following:
> ~$ vim -r
> Swa
I would have to say that many of us do the invisiable ray thing but that it is
without malice and that we don't know we do it. I know I do and I also know
that I feel bad and try to correct it when I do. But many of us are just stupid
about such things and geeks tend to be worse about it. So in
Hey how are things down in Provo? Try apt-get install aptutils apt-get install
debconf then try it again. You will also need to run xf86config to make a new
config file and you will have to make a sym link from /etc/X to the spot where
xfree86 ends up. You might also have to apt-get install some
What you need to do is set up ssh-agent and agent forwarding to do what you
want to do. ssh-agent is well documented on the web go forth and read. Have fun
On Fri, Apr 20, 2001 at 03:22:25PM +0200, Mario Vukelic wrote:
> Hi,
> please help before I tear my hair out. I'm trying to get
> RhostsRS
The big question that you don't talk about is how much are you willing to spend
and what flavor of Debian (stable, testing, etc) are you going to be running.
The answer to this question would vary quite a bit based on that for example if
money is not object and you want to run testing. Then whate
The same mail client I use everywhere mutt or course.
On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 03:50:08PM +0200, Ales Jerman wrote:
> Which X Mail clent to use under FVWM2?
> Thanks!
> Bye,
> Ale?
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EM
Check out www.linuxcare.com/bootable_cd it is just what you are asking for.
They have ISO's there for download or just talk your LUG into ordering a bunch
and giving you one of the really cool small ones. :) One of the really cool
things about this CD is that it just happens to be mostly Debian!
Hi all,
I'm putting together a mail server for a small company. There will be 20 or
so mail accounts accessed via laptops on the road or from desktop machines.
I'm planning to use imap and IMP software.
Problem with imap - whenever Outlook Express fires up, it says "Your imap
server has closed
Hi all,
something happened to my apt-get database in Woody and now when I try
to install new packages, run dselect or apt-get upgrade I see this;
help appreciated:
(Reading database ... 20068 files and directories currently
Preparing to replace util-linux 2.11h-1 (using
> something happened to my apt-get database in Woody and now when I try
> to install new packages, run dselect or apt-get upgrade I see this;
> help appreciated:
> (Reading database ... 20068 files and directories currently
> installed.)
> Preparing to replace util-linux 2.11h-1 (using
> .../uti
Hi all,
My system can't install new software beause it can't update util-linux. The
problem is a script called install-info which seems to be trying to install
info. At first it was saying install-info: failed to lock dir for editing!
No such file. Now I've manually created a /usr/info/dir and i
I did what you suggest and after 4 days it seems safe to say that it works.
Many thanks.
- Original Message -
From: "Daniel Sand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "debian user"
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 7:36 AM
> I would suggest installing info, and then just not use it.
info is a default part of Debian and at it's latest version on my system.
The problem is that the install-info script doesn't work.
>Well, there is some information that may prove to be relevant, like
>- The version of dpkg (the package which contains install-info)
>- The output of "ls -ld /usr/info /usr/share/info"
>- The log produced by
> "strace -f -e file -o fileaccesslog dpkg -i util-linux_2.11l-3_i386.deb"
> which pr
After restarting my computer to install a new kernel, X refuses to start.
I get:
Fatal server error:
could not open default font 'fixed'
This is the first time I've rebooted (or probably even exited X) in three
days, and I upgrade packages every day, so I'm not sure what caused it. I
searched bug
On Thu, Nov 08, 2001 at 08:26:06PM +0100, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:
>> drwxrwxrwx3 root root 4096 Nov 6 15:35 /usr/info/
>OK, it may be a permission/ownership problem. Does the problem go away if
>you try the dpkg line again after you've done
> chmod 755 /usr/info
I wonder if there's a way to specify an info directory or indeed no
info directory using dpkg? something along the lines of ./configure
infodir=/foo/bar when doing it from source?
On Thu, Nov 08, 2001 at 09:29:57PM +0100, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:
>On Thu, Nov 08, 2001 at 20:07:04 +0000, P Kirk wrote:
>> install-info: failed to lock dir for editing! Operation not permitted
>Weird. link(2) lists only two possible causes for EPERM:
>"The filesystem
Forgot the attachment.
6530 execve("/usr/bin/dpkg", ["dpkg", "-i", "util-linux_2.11l-3_i386.deb"],
[/* 22 vars */]) = 0
6530 open("/etc/ld.so.preload", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or
6530 open("/etc/ld.so.cache", O_RDONLY) = 4
6530 fstat64(0x4, 0xb044) = 0
Sorry for double posting. Outsmarted by mutt :-(
On Fri, Sep 14, 2001 at 01:34:30PM +0100, Ailbhe Leamy wrote:
>On (11/09/01 14:42), Martin F Krafft wrote:
>> list your mailboxes in .muttrc with the mailboxes command, then use
>> the letter 'c' to switch mailboxes - it'll switch to the next mailbox
>> with unread messages.
>Correction: It'll
On Fri, Sep 14, 2001 at 11:04:03AM -0700, Stephen Smith wrote:
>I am relatively new to Linux, and have a class that I am required to be
>a Linux Administrator for. I need to know some of the basic questions
>to ask in order to be effective. I am using Linux Mandrake. Thanks for
>the help.
I would
Hi all,
What user in /etc/passwd runs the essential maintenance tasks in
/etc/cron.* ?
Can I add tasks by chucking them in that folder or do I need to first
add them to a specific crontab?
Thanks in advance.
On Sun, Sep 30, 2001 at 09:38:57AM -0700, Craig Dickson wrote:
>Any script you put into the /etc/cron.* folders will be executed as part of
>that group.
Thanks for that.
> or imap (allow ssl connections only ssl)
> that way you can use various MUAs and still have consistent email
>folders (what you do using one (instance) of MUA is visible to all other
>MUAs, no file locking problems etc.)
> erik
IMAP is a good choice. I have mutt on one box and O
On Mon, Oct 01, 2001 at 03:49:40PM +0530, Jeffrin Jose T. wrote:
>Iam using mutt as MUA and i have different mail boxes. Is it possible
>to make an arrangement such that i should to notified that a new message
>has arrived at a typical box without opening it.
Make a directory called mail, then
On Mon, Oct 01, 2001 at 04:43:15PM +0530, Jeffrin Jose T. wrote:
> I added "mailboxes `echo $HOME/Mail*` " in my .muttrc in my home
>directory and has moved procmail.log from $HOME/Mail and now i get a
>notofication of "N" before opening mail.But can i get a noitification
On Sun, Sep 30, 2001 at 07:20:10PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Is there way to launch debian installation from inside a live Mandrake system?
>There is a currently linux kernel 2.2.19 running.
>I'm planning to replace a mandrake system that has no video card inside.
>So if I boot o
On Mon, Oct 01, 2001 at 01:41:41PM -0500, Alexander Wallace wrote:
>Hello there... I just bought a server that has 2 4gb hd... I want to
>install debian to make it a server, and probably add a 20 gb hd... My
>question is, what partition should I put in the big hd (the 20 gb) if I
>expect to host se
On Mon, Oct 01, 2001 at 10:57:59PM +0200, Gustaf Erikson wrote:
>Has anyone tinkered with the pure-ftpd package
>(http://pureftpd.sourceforge.net/)? I've installed it using apt-get,
>but when I try to connect to localhost I get "connection refused". I
>never even get a prompt.
If you have a momen
>I am able to ping from the W2K-machine to the Debian-machine and vice-versa.
>After this I did apt-get install ipmasq, what seems to go right.
>The configuratio of the W2K-machine is the same as I had before when I was
>running Mandrake,
>static ip, gateway and the
>> it logs on automatically, drills down through directories and has a nice
>> command-line.
>I use lukemftp all the time, but the issue is still the same -- the
>server refuses to talk to me.
Boggle. What's in your .netrc?
On Mon, Oct 01, 2001 at 10:47:22PM +0100, xio wrote:
>I am trying to find a common denominator with recruitment agencies who
>don't want to accept my cv either in html or text. Most of them keep
>insisting in asking for a cv in Word format.
>Does anybody know if there is conversion tools
On Mon, Oct 01, 2001 at 11:32:42PM +0100, Andreas Obermaier wrote:
>thanks for the offer. And yes, I am trying to use my computer as a
>tool. I want to find a solution to come up with an acceptable format
>for my cv from within Linux. This should be consistent with your view
>of comp
On Tue, Oct 02, 2001 at 10:01:43AM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
>On Tue, Oct 02, 2001 at 10:27:49AM +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
>> i always wondered just why debian apache puts the main homepage of a
>> server into /var/www.
>Because it can change during normal system operation (rules out /usr
>Another thing, I'm trying to do make meuconfig and make xconfig in the dir
>/usr/src/linux, as root
>and as normal user, but both my Mandrake an Debian machine it says:
>make: *** No rule to make target `menuconfig'. Stop.
>Do I mis something?
You have to check that bib86 a
On Tue, Oct 02, 2001 at 03:50:07PM -0400, Jeffrey Michael Reed wrote:
>typically all you find is PROBLEMS on the mail list...
>well, i would like to offer some words of encouragement for
>a change...a success story.
>using Debian and a cheap Pentium machine (as my router) and
>my Earthlink AD
On Tue, Oct 02, 2001 at 10:34:35PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Hi (again)!
>I am just playing (or "optimizing) with my debian-box.
>And I found out that exim (I think exim is the default mail deliverer in
>debian, isn't it?) fills the "Envelope-to"-field with "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>(wich is
>And for unsubscribing here:
>- I'm only one person, if you have problems with me, say so, I'll just
> do the equivalent of killfiling you.
>- if you use debian, it's probably a quite good idea to participate here
>- as for unpleasant: that's just life, I'm afraid.
The joy of the Internet is th
On Wed, Oct 03, 2001 at 05:32:49AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>= Original Message From Ailbhe Leamy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =
>>If you post to any mailing list with archives on the web you are likely
>>to have your address harvested by spammers. This is not news.
>Yeah, knee-jerk reacti
On Thu, Oct 04, 2001 at 06:38:51AM +0800, a wrote:
>Do you know any free proxy server on the Internet?
>???P?? ?
apt-get install squid should do it.
Hi all,
Its my impression that there are only a few email harvesters out there
and that they don't work very hard. Perhaps once you have a list with a
million names, its not worth wasting time building a new one.
For example, I found about the time of Clinton/Lewinski I was getting a
very well p
Hi all,
I have a small problem with mutt. I want to use the space bar to scroll and
the up and down arrows for previous and next messsages. However, I want to
stop mutt autoscrolling from 1 message to the next when I reach the end of a
Does anyone have a working setup for this?
>echo set pager_stop >> ~/.muttrc
That works nicely. Many thanks!
On Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 12:18:33PM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
>on Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 09:50:38AM +0800, Rino Mardo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
Surprised. I find sending a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject
unsubscribe works within an hour or so. Have you tried this?
On Tue, Oct 09, 2001 at 07:53:10AM -0700, Royce Bell wrote:
>Debian Linux was recommended to me by a friend, but (this is embarrassing to
>admit, as I feel like a newbie all over again) quite frankly, I'm
>confusingly overwhelmed at the different products now available. Debian,
>RedHat, etc. Ever
>other (real) creating of a file system would. You can easily convert it
>to ext3 if you like to.
Its interesting that people don't really seem to think much of ext3
but in my experience it is superb. I use a headless box with very old
components. If I need to reboot and can't ssh in,
On Tue, Oct 09, 2001 at 10:39:16AM +0200, Davi Leal wrote:
>Hi all,
>I am going to use a debian box as email and DNS server. The goal is duplicate
>the functionality of a host which is using sendmail, xinetd (pop3) & bind. I
>have thought to use:
>debian 2.2r3 (potato)
On Tue, Oct 09, 2001 at 01:08:26PM -0400, Hall Stevenson wrote:
>> Its interesting that people don't really seem to think
>> much of ext3 but in my experience it is superb.
>I've been using it for about 3 months or so and have no
>complaints. The most appealing thing for me was the *simple*
Hi all,
Couple of mutt questions:
1. Is it possible to have mutt sent to a list of addresses from a cron
job? Its for an invite I have to send out regularly and its a pain
not being able to use cron.
2. My Space bar scrolls down. Hoiw do I scroll up a message?
Thanks in advance,
Does anyone know of a utility to make an animated screen capture under X?
I need to make a movie of my X desktop, applications, mouse functions, etc.
If you do not know of a specific utility, would you know of any method of
doing it?
Note that I do need to see what I'm doing while making
Hey again,
I seem to have had a mail misconfiguration.
My real address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
No need to send directly to me, as the list has it straight.
For some reason when I hit in X, two tab characters are sent. This
doesn't happen on the console, though.
This just started in the last few days. Does anyone know where I could
start looking? My xkb configuration in XF86Config-4?
On Thu, 27 Dec 2001, wsa wrote:
> Which one would be the most stable?
> 10 .12 .13 .14 or .16?
I would go for 2.4.17. 2.4 has stopped regressing, and looks to be
getting better with every release, so I'd stick with the newest if I were
On Thu, 27 Dec 2001, Craig Dickson wrote:
> On second thought -- Michael, what X terminal do you use? I use
> gnome-terminal, which shows the tab problem, but I see that xterm does
> NOT. So it may be that this has more to do with gnome-terminal, or some
> gnome library, than with libreadline4.
> The Largedisk-HOWTO is a little unclear about this, but I take it that Linux
> couldn't give a monkys about the disk size specifed in the BIOS and will
> address the full size of the disk (as long as it's below 127Gb). Is that
> right?
This is true, however, the big implication of BIOS lim
> Ah okay, then now I get what was said in the HOW-TO. Maybe I should have read
> the whole way through but shouldn't the bit about 1024 cycinder limmit be
> self explantory?
Forgive me, but.. "huh?"
> Ani
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