Re: Debian MSN clients can't connect

2003-10-28 Thread oskar nl
Paul Johnson wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Wed, Oct 29, 2003 at 04:51:16AM +, Pigeon wrote: The kids have given me a username eg. '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' and a password to go with it (an English word). I've tried these in gaim, kmerlin and everybuddy; none of them can con

Re: Installing modem.

2003-11-12 Thread oskar nl
Hoyt Bailey wrote: I recieved my USR5610B and replaced the Intel winmodem. Turned on the computer and it dialed the ISP in Windows. So I said hey this is going to be easy. Went to U.S. Robitics website and no debian driver only RH, Mandrake, & SUSE. Ok I can do rpm. downloaded rpm driver put i