Organize bookmarks automatically

2001-12-01 Thread op
try and make an assessment of what category it should belong to, based on word frequencies or numerology or whatever works. If this program existed I would probably have found it already. But maybe this inquiry can inspire someone to write it :) op --- Long life is in store for you.

news reader with proxy support

2001-12-01 Thread op
sreader at the school account and forword X to my display, but that's so slow. op -- Courage is your greatest present need.

Re: Which installer? Aptitude, dselect deity...

2001-11-07 Thread op
apt-get all the gui stuff is just confusing. Also sprach Preben Randhol: > Hi > > Which installer should I recommend to a beginner of Debian (and Linux?). > > I remember I saw somewhere on the web an article that covered a lot of > debian installers, but I cannot seem to find it. > > Thanks in ad

Re: Which kernel is recommended to run in debian testing?

2001-11-07 Thread op
Yesterday I installed 2.4.13-ac8 for the ext3 stuff. It didn't work too well so I reverted to 2.4.13-ac6 which hasn't crashed for 5 hours and 19 minutes. Also sprach Steve Kieu:> Hi all, > > Yes I put this question as I saw a lot kernel image > > :-) > > Thanks, > > > > = > S.KIEU > > http:

no wikis packaged for debian?

2001-11-12 Thread op
Are Debian people not into wikis? What is running? What are you running? op -- You are standing on my toes.

Re: soru?

2001-11-14 Thread op
I think that 'merhaba' is 'hello' in turkish. Also sprach David P James: > On Tuesday 13 November 2001 11:45, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > merhaba ben linux daki Tex düzenleyici olan programa ulaþmak istiyorum > > nerden ulaþabilirim.bildiðiniz bir sayfa var mý? > > I'm afraid that most of us on t

Re: OT: How long has your Linux system been up ?

2001-11-15 Thread op
Also sprach Colin Watson: > It's a shame we aren't like QNX > yet and can't upgrade the kernel on the fly. ^^^ Is this a feature that's up for discussion in 2.5? It would be a great thing. op -- Try to have as good a life as you can under the circumstances.

Re: Which mail user agent do you use?

2001-11-16 Thread op
in Evolution? I can't imagine life without it :) op -- Troubled day for virgins over 16 who are beautiful and wealthy and live in eucalyptus trees.