I'm having a little trouble with PAM on my bleeding edge potato system.
When I am in a rxvt term and try to 'su' I get the PAM_RUSER error
described in the NOTES.su file. But if I 'su' in xterm or Eterm,
everything goes fine. I compiled rxvt with utmp/wtmp support thinking
that would fix i
Good [morning|afternoon|evening],
Can someone give me a little help with kerneld and my sound modules?
kerneld loads every module automagicly when needed, but not my sound
modules. It was working fine then just broke one day. Probably when
I got the new modutils. I have modutils 2.1.121-23 insta
What controls what appears when you 'w'? I just noticed that when I am in
X and I 'w' all my X terms are from unix:0 instead of plain old :0 like
they used to be. extace doesn't work with unix:0, it just likes :0. Is
there a non destructive way I can change it back to :0? Thanks.
Hi everyone,
I am using pine to read/send mail. I am also using a dial-up connection
for my Internet access. My login name for my machine is 'ian'. My
account on my ISP is 'iehrenwald'. How do I get pine to send mail from
On Tue, 5 Oct 1999, Kam Yee Lo wrote:
> Just curious about Debian running dual celeron with better FPU? I'm
> thinking of installing Debian on dual celeron for CAD. Is dual celeron
> 500mhz faster than Pentium III 500mhz? I want good debian linux and
> cheap dual celeron :)
> Anyone have dua
On Wed, 6 Oct 1999, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
> I have compiled the sound support into my kernel for a
> SB16 card also using isapnp. A few points which I
> noticed.
> 1. you MUST not compile INTO the kernel, make sound
> drivers a module. After installing your new kernel
Not always tr
On Fri, 8 Oct 1999, Debian Mail wrote:
> XF86_Mach64 crashed on my system, leaving it in graphics mode. No the
> keyboard is blocked and I can't change to a virtual console
> anymore. ps aux tells me that the X server is gone. How can I unlock
> the keyboard?
> Stef
Next time you're compilin
On Fri, 8 Oct 1999, ping.win wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new here. My English is poor, sorry. I'm trying to compile the
> $SUBJECT :( There is
> ...
> ranlib libpico.a
> cc -g - DDEBUG -Dlnx -DJOB_CONTROL -DPOSIX -DMOUSE main.o libpico.a
> -ltermcap -o pico
> ld: cannot open -ltermcap: No such file
On Fri, 8 Oct 1999, Luis Gustavo Madrigal Salazar wrote:
> How can I set my linux to display a banner before it prompts for login?
> I can do it in solaris by editing /etc/default/telnetd
Edit /etc/issue.net for remote logins and /etc/issue for local.
--Ian Ehrenwald
On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, Micha Feigin wrote:
> I was wondering whether video accelerators work undre linux (such as
> vodoo ( i think 3000 or somethink like that ) which is popular at list
> around here).
I like my AGP Diamond Viper 770 TNT2 Ultra 32MB. You need to do a lot of
fiddling with files
> Hi,
> before I compiled Pine source, I set the right options. But Pine send the
> [Not allowd to change header "From"] message when I start compose. I have
> an elder version, too. It workd fine before I install this newer 4.10. But
> now it says also "Not allowd...". What did I do wrong? (It'
> Apparently about an hour ago something made a few files in my homedir
> that began with "-", and now I can't read them and can't remove them:
Try using midnight commander or some other tool like that to remove them.
--Ian Ehrenwald
> So it only cleared 700K. This pisses me off. Any ideas, anyone?
Netscape's cache features never worked right. Netscape is a stupid and
terrible browser.
--Ian Ehrenwald
> So, is there a viable alternative? I tried Mosaic, but it lacks some
> important features. I use lynx quite often, but it's only good when
> one wants to read some text pages. Emacs/W3 eats memory like crasy,
> and is slow and lacks features even more...
Heh. Nope. No alternative. You learn t
> I accidentally deleted the Debian menu while playing with
> WMakerconf. Is there a way I can get it back?
Try running 'update-menus'
--Ian Ehrenwald
> If you're looking for a better lynx than lynx, try w3m, found at
> http://ei5nazha.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/~aito/w3m/eng/. I've been playing with it
> recently and it's not perfect, but I'm very impressed.
I saw this mentioned on slashdot so I look a look at it and am very
impressed with how it han
> I saw this mentioned on slashdot so I look a look at it and am very
WHoops. took a look :P
> I just installed the new Netscape 4.71 version on my Debian Linux
> server. Just a report- It installs nicely with the Netscape4 installer
> from Debian if you rename it to the proper convention. It seems MUCH
> faster and more stable that all of the previous versions I have used.
Does it fix th
> I am using the latest .deb packages (4.7) and I _never_ have any of these
> things happens. Perhaps your problems lie elsewhere. No offense
I dunno. Ever since I started using Netscape 4.0x and everything later it
always would exhibit those problems on certain sites. I know others have
these p
On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Luis wrote:
> HI
You've mailed this message four times now. Please stop it. If anyone has
ideas, they'll say something.
--Ian Ehrenwald
> Linear, paride, raid0, raid1, raid5.
You probably don't need any of them. paride is for parallel port IDE
devices. All the RAID ones are for Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks.
I'm not sure what linear is for.
> I could not install one module though it really sounds important:
> I have Debian (slink) installed in a Packard Bell, and I want to get rid
> of the Packard Bell banner that shows up at the beginning, when it is
> rebooted. I would like to replace it with the Debian logo, or the Linux
> penguin may be. How do I do it?
This is part of the BIOS and as far as I kn
> Is there a way to boot off a SCSI disk (/dev/sda2 is my root
> partition) if there is also an IDE disk (/dev/hda[1-5] are present) ?
Look in your BIOS and check out the boot order options. Stuff like
--Ian Ehrenwald
> If you have an ATX case and motherboard, "shutdown -h -p now" or the
> shorter "poweroff" also turns power down. You should have compiled
> your kernel with APM poweroff option for this to work.
Note: If you are on a SMP machine, APM will break things badly. So don't
use it then.
> are there any drivers for the TNT2 AGP (not the new ultra) available?
I'm using a TNT2 Ultra with Xfree 3.3.5 and the glx module from
http://pandora.debian.org/~crow. I'm 99% sure that the X server and glx
module will work with the normal TNT2.
--Ian Ehrenwald
> Nov 17 21:29:14 debian pppd[137]: Using interface ppp0
> Nov 17 21:29:14 debian pppd[137]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS1
> Nov 17 21:29:46 debian pppd[137]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
> Nov 17 21:29:46 debian pppd[137]: Connection terminated.
> Nov 17 21:29:46 debian pppd[137]: Receive
On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm building an ISP and I have 56 Kbs modem's and configured mgetty but
> I cant connect with my clients above 31200 kbs.
> What can be wrong?
Right. You cannot do 56k <-> 56k using modems. You have to h
> nothing that has the ability to have a playlist that fades from 1 song to
apt-get install xmms-crossfade
>So the long and the short of it is, I'm looking for anyone who might
> have installed this card and gotten it running on a debian box,
lspci -v:
00:0b.0 Ethernet controller: Lite-On Communications Inc LNE100TX Fast
Ethernet Adapter (rev 25)
Subsystem: Lite-On Communications Inc: Unkn
> Someone in Hong Kong has a broken mail<->news gateway that is
> regurgitating the list.
As a slight aside, why does so much spam and other troublesome things come
from/get routed through Asian systems? Do sysadmins over there just set
up a box and forget about it?
On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Leszek Gerwatowski wrote:
> Just read it and tell me what you think about it.
I think it has some valid points. He brings up issues that make sense and
should of been taken care of a long time ago (eg: commenting out archaic
services in inetd.conf, default homedir perms, etc
On Sat, 2 Sep 2000, James Clawson wrote:
> Help: When I run Netscape (4.73) the colors keep
> changing-from gray to brown, for example. This occurs
> when I move the mouse pointer off the window. I get
If I remember correctly, Netscape misbehaves like this when you're using
24bpp color d
> > Sep 3 17:37:30 stimpy -- MARK --
Those are from syslogd. I think it defaults to every 20 minutes making a
-- MARK -- in the logs. I occasionally find them useful for finding out
an aprox. time when an even occured. The interval can be changed with the
-m arg.
Ian Ehrenwald
On Sun, 17 Sep 2000, Pollywog wrote:
> I see many posts about Helix-Gnome but I can't seem to find it anywhere?
> What is so good about it and where can I get it?
On Sun, 17 Sep 2000, Pollywog wrote:
> This Helix-Gnome thing is very nice, but I wish I could get rid of the games
> and stuff I don't use. I will have to suggest this to the developers.
Uhh.. So why not just purge the games along with task-helix-gnome?
Problem solved.
On Sat, 23 Sep 2000, Christian Pernegger wrote:
> I need a good internal ("controller based") modem for a potato server.
USRobotics Courier v.Everything. It's expensive but it will be around
forever. My friend has one that started life as a 14.4 and then upgraded
to 19.2Terbo/bis and 28.8 and 3
> I don't use Pine anymore so I can't remember what the command is, but if
> you look at Pine's help and browse through the list of commands you
> should find it.
Shift+H will give you the full headers while viewing a message.
> I have JunkBuster installed on Potato and it is running as a daemon but it
> won't filter anything.
I reported this bug a week ago. The /etc/cron.weekly/junkbuster and
/etc/cron.monthly/junkbuster files grab blocklist, imagelist, cookiefile.
the /etc/junkbuster/config file looks for blo
On Mon, 24 Jul 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I wanted some opinions on a good 2D PCI card that has good support in
> linux/xfree86. Needs to support 1600x1200 @32bit
Try to find an 8MB or larger Matrox Millennium II PCI.
> Could not init font path element /usr/local/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/,
> removing from list!
> Could not init font path element /usr/local/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/,
> removing from list!
I did the same thing you did and I get those same errors. It doesn't seem
to hurt anything so I always i
> /tmp/cc9WOsLC.o(.text+0x16): undefined reference to `cos'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Try adding -lm to your compile command. That tells gcc to use the math
On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, Robert L. Harris wrote:
> I just ran a distupgrade to debian unstable. I tried to compile my
> 2.4.2 kernel and I get this:
>From /usr/share/doc/binutils/changelog.Debian.gz :
* Added text during postinst that informs users
to modify their i386 kernel Makefil
On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Matthew Dalton wrote:
> Has anyone else experienced problems with their reiserfs partitions
> after upgrading to 2.4.2?
All systems a-go on this box.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ uname -a
Linux solvent 2.4.2 #3 SMP Sat Feb 24 21:37:46 EST 2001 i686 unknown
On Fri, 16 Mar 2001, Michael J. Micek wrote:
> If you needed to create a swap file, where would you put it?
> /var/local/swap0?
On a very fast drive (7200RPM U2WSCSI or faster) seperate from all other
filesystem tasks. Mount it under /swapfiles and add the apropriate
entries in fstab. Don't for
On Sun, 18 Mar 2001 kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
> on Mon, Oct 16, 2000 at 06:47:25PM -0700, Jeff Hornsberger ([EMAIL
> PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Fix your system clock.
The list was flooded with old messages again, I don't think it's his box.
Has anyone ever seen the following situation:
There are three machines on this 10bT LAN:
iansbox (linux 2.4.0-test8, woody)
crapbox (freebsd 4.0)
caseylaptop (windows 98 SE)
caseylaptop can upload and download from crapbox with no problem. FTP,
SAMBA, WWW, whatever. caseylaptop can download but
On 15 Oct 2000, Matthew Emmett wrote:
> Hi all,
> When netscape screws up and dies, it sometimes leaves it's "dns
I made a script caled 'killzilla' that I run when netscape pukes. I have
it assigned to a hotkey in sawmill. The script:
kill -9 `pidof communicator-smotif.re
On Mon, 30 Oct 2000, kenneth and elizabeth oatis wrote:
> i played mille bourne as a child and i'd love to share it with my
> children. where can i order the game?
apt-get install xmille ?
Religion stops a thinking mind.
On Sat, 4 Nov 2000, Dan Griswold wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was hoping that somebody could help me figure out what's going on.
Make sure you're using the NVIDIA supplied GL and GLX libs. Follow the
instructions on their web site for manual installation. Try adding
Option "NvAgp" "0" to you
On 7 Nov 2000, Hubert Chan wrote:
> what package they are from. The font that I remember was called "neep", and
> the foundry was "jmk". Can anyone tell me which package it's in?
apt-get install xfonts-jmk
> Hubert
> I'm having problems with XFree 4.0.1, NVidia drivers (I have a TNT2
> Elsa Erazor III, not available in the XF86Config), and Quake III. Quake
> 3 runs fine until I try to start a game. It load game media and all
> that other stuff, but as soon as I go into the real game it dumps me
> with a GL
> Thanks everyone!!! Quake 3 runs almost fine now! The only problems I
> really have are with X. The screen tries to go blank all the time
> (especially when playing Q3) and when I boot my machine, I have to
> re-make the NVidia drivers everytime. It doesn't take that long, but if
> I could ge
Sebastiaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have just installed Postfix mailerdeamon, and now I am unable to send
> email out of the network. After searching, I discovered that I am also
> unable to telnet to the smtp port of the delivery-mailserver. That is:
> $ telnet mail.somewhere.nl 25
> Tr
On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, Jodi Pullen wrote:
> Please remove me from all your mailing lists.
See that little blip of info at the bottom of _EVERY_ message on the
list? Follow its nice, helpful instructions and the world will be a happy
shiny neato good place.
Tremble you w
On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, jakemsr wrote:
> works as a PS/2 on a PS/2 port with X), and a PS/2 to serial
> adapter. I've got the mouse/adapter in "com2". /dev/mouse is a symlink
Why did you put it in COM2? Plug the mouse into COM1/ttyS0 and smylink
/dev/mouse to /dev/ttyS0. Then give gpm a shot. I d
On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, Jeff Hornsberger wrote:
> Hi, does anybody else have the problem where this version of Sawfish
> won't save your personal settings anymore? Know of a fix? Thanks. -Jeff
I thought it was something broken here. I guess not. If I change a
key-binding it doesn't seem to stick.
I was browsing Software Etc and saw the Debian retail CD. Is this Debian
2.1 or 2.2? It didn't say on the box anywhere. If it's 2.2 I'll pick it
up. Thanks.
On Thu, 4 May 2000, Pollywog wrote:
> shmget: shm filesystem not mounted
Ghhh RTFM!
Shared memory is now implemented using a new (minimal) virtual file
system, which you need to mount before programs can use shared
memory. To do this automatically at system startup just
On Tue, 23 May 2000, John Gould wrote:
> Sorry, but this is rubbish! The SCSI controller will have no effect on the
> disk rotational velocity. However this is not what the poster asked! If
> you put an Ultra 2 wide on a non wide channel the transfers will be eight
> bits at a time instead of 16,
On Fri, 26 May 2000, Robert L. Harris wrote:
> Ok,
> Not trying to tick anyone off, but I need the NVIDIA driver for my new
> video card and it appears to require XF-4.0. I'd rather keep to .debs and
> not go source or converted .rpm, so I can keep my box "clean"...
> Anyone got an eta or
> never takes the fax call, manually i can receive fax, but not
> automatically
Are you using mgetty? If not you might want to take a look at it.
apt-get install mgetty mgetty-docs
> erasmo
--Ian Ehrenwald
> Does anyone know if it is possible to get the SCSI card that came with
> my Umax Astra 600S to work under Linux?
My Umax Astra 1200S came with a piece of crap $5 SCSI card that worked
under Windows only. I picked up an Adaptec AHA1520 for $20 at a local
used computer place and it works fine. I
> So do the SCSI UMAX Scanners use a 50-pin connection?
Yes. (Wow, wasn't that a waste of bandwidth)
--Ian Ehrenwald
> My UMAX Astra 1200S uses a DB25.
Whoops. My fault. I missed some details on my end. After I used to AHA
card for a while I replaced it with a Tekram 390 PCI. The 390 has an
external 50 pin, so I needed an adaptor. I'd rather have a PCI card than
an ISA one. Brain fart. Sorry.
> and after a reboot you would have tty's 1 through 7. At least I *think*
> you have to reboot - I could be wrong on that one. But this should at
I think you can just 'init q' and it will re-read the inittab.
--Ian Ehrenwald
> 2.2.18pre, but I can not get it work correctly, so I guess there is an
> error somewhere.
"Faith strikes me as intellectual laziness." -Robert A. Heinlein
> > chgrp wheel /dev/somedevice
> > chmod 660 /dev/somedevice
> >
> > and have it stick. (past reboots)
> With devfsd this is also very simple possible.
Can you give us a rundown on how to get this to work? I followed the
instructions in the README but the permissions and owner/group bits n
> That installed a script(s?) in /etc/init.d, which start devfsd at
> boot-time. Of course, you have to have the kernel automatically mount
> devfs in /dev, which is available as an option in the kernel
> pre-compilation configuration. If you didn't select it there, add
> "devfs=mount" as an argume
On Sun, 7 Jan 2001, Cameron Matheson wrote:
> I installed xdm, but x doesn't start up. It says "starting x display manger:
> xdm", but it never does. Anyone know why?
> (i'm running potato w/ x4)
Maybe it started but didn't switch vts for you? Try alt-F7? Im not sure,
I don't like booting in
> This box is fairly important, being our main server (NFS, DNS, NIS,
> etc...)...
> Any suggestions?
I know this is going to sound rather crass, but.. Don't use Linux for
NFS. Linux NFS really is awful. I'd throw that task to a BSD.
On Sun, 4 Feb 2001, Matthew Sackman wrote:
> Just to say that I've just switched most of my partitions over to reiserfs
> and am having exactely the same problems: the boot procedure halts on each
> boot-up because of the request for a file-system check on the root partition.
I don't know if this
On Wed, 27 Jun 2001, Joerg Johannes wrote:
> from the autoresponder... Now, Is it possible to disable such popup
> windows generally? This would be really great
You could disable JavaScript when you visit that site and turn it on again
when you need it. Edit|Preferences|Advanced|Enable JavaScrip
In the past week, the picture on my monitor has gotten progressively
lighter and lighter. I haven't touched the contrast or brightness
wheels. I checked all the connections to and from the tower and
monitor. Even opened up the tower and re-seated the video card. No
luck. The only thing that ha
> I suggest that he should get a replacement soon.
After weighing the options I had (repair, replace, wait till it dies) I
went with the 2nd option and bought a KDS AV-7TF which seems
very nice. Super flat Trinitron tube, .24 dotpitch, and refresh rates
high enough so I'll never have to worry abo
On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, Emil Pedersen wrote:
> is an 600-650MB, so it's recognized. I intenden to shit in two smaller
> disks and use it as a firewall, but I think now it's going to be tough
I know it's a typo, but it's still funny.
Once you convert all your config files to use devfs names, you might want
to comment out the first REGISTER and UNREGISTER commands in
/etc/devfs/compat_symlinks and then reboot. You'll get a much cleaner
looking /dev. eg:
MAKEDEV dsp input mixer printers
I'm having trouble printing text. CUPS is set up fine and I can print and
all that good stuff. But the text itself is way too tiny. I notice when
hit the Print icon in any KDE app, the text in the window turns very small
and then returns to normal a few seconds later. Do I not have the right
On 19 Dec 2001, Cameron Matheson wrote:
> Yeah, I'm a white (I'm not a nazi tho) 17 year old that lives in
Uh, what does one have to do with the other? Are you such a stupid and
brainwashed mess that you feel the need to apologize for being White?
What a sick person. "Oh, I'm White so I'm respo
On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Thomas Hallaran wrote:
> I am a white 22 year old very very far to the left debian user and though
> I am not personally responsible,people of my race ARE responsible for much
> of the world's woes. White males like : John Zerzan, Wendell Berry, Howard
> Zinn, and myself told
On Sun, 25 Mar 2001, jh wrote:
> I am in the process of upgrading my motherboard and don't want to take any
> chances. Thank you. -Jeff H
It's all about the environment in which you're performing the surgery. Do
it in a room with no carpet. Don't wear big wool clothes that rub
together. Shor
On Sun, 25 Mar 2001, Tony Crawford wrote:
> It seems the behavior of "make modules_install" has changed
> radically with linux 2.4. Or is it just me?
RTFM. Line 55 of Documentation/Changes. You need modutils version 2.4.2
or greater. insmod -V to see what version you have.
> Does anyone have a recommendation for cheap PCI video cards that work
> well with X? Thanks!
Matrox Millennium II PCI or G200 PCI. You'll have to go digging on EBay
or something to find one, but Matrox makes the best cards for crisp
text. Or if you want a more modern solution with 3D accelera
> I cannot get Debian 2.2 to boot up. I tried the following 2 methods, to no
> avail:
> _
> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com
Well, that could be your problem. Grin.
> $250
> Yamaha 16x10x40 CD-RW , part number in ad: CRW2100EZ
> If I get the Yamaha, I can get 128MB PC13 RAM for free (after
> rebates)
If this Yamaha one is SCSI then go for it. I have the CDRW8824SZ
(8/8/24) and it works fine. I don't like IDE at all except for cheap
desktops so
> server), SCSI offers a strong performance advantage, for about twice the
> price.
No kidding.. A month ago I paid about $360 for a Seagate 68pin UWSCSI
18.4GB drive (model ST318416W). But it's worth the price because if a
drive dies they'll ship one out to you UPS Red at no cost. I've never
> a SB PCI 128 and got it working. however, the volume is very low. i
> used aumix and set it to 100% on all channels, but it's barely
Make sure your speakers are plugged into the right OUT jack on the back of
the soundcard. Line out and Speaker out are two different things.
> have? the only thing missing i guess would be something to the effect of
> "they could bake us cookies at conferences."
Well? Can you? 'Cuz I'm hungry and I'm sure everyone else is too. While
you're at it, a refresher on the beer would be nice. And could you grab
that bag of nachos? The g
On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, Lindsay Allen wrote:
> The daemon clearly talks to the UPS. It knows the voltages and the times
> and the events. When the power fails it stops people logging in. But it
> does not shut down the server.
I have a BackUPS Pro 1000 with the simple gray cable so my suggestions
Is it just me, or has the traffic on the list died to about 1/100 of what
it was a week ago? I used to get probably 180 messages a day from this
list and now I get.. 4. I wonder if my ISP is screwing around with
Time is like a fuse; short and burning fast.
On Thu, 1 Nov 2001, Rohan Deshpande wrote:
> I was just wondering why the NVidia driver's OpenGL is so slow when I
Did you run 'make install' from the NVIDIA_GLX-1.0-1541 directory? This
removes the software OpenGL and installs the NVIDIA stuff. You'll need to
re-run 'make install' every time y
On Wed, 7 Nov 2001, Liu Tao wrote:
> I want to load win2k, using lilo 21.7-5, how to edit /etc/lilo.conf?
Add a line like :
other = /dev/discs/disc0/part4
Replace /dev/discs... with the device that Win2K is installed on. Run
lilo to set the configuration. Reboot and you should be
On Wed, 14 Nov 2001, ben wrote:
> when i run cupsomatic, it returns an error relating to missing ppd
> files. where do i get them and where should i put them?
apt-get install cupsomatic-ppd
On Wed, 14 Nov 2001, ben wrote:
> > apt-get install cupsomatic-ppd
> this returns an invalid operation error.
Well Ben... All I can say is PEBCAK.
On Sat, 17 Nov 2001, Randy Orrison wrote:
> times. Now I've upgraded to woody and it's dialling out every 5-10 minutes,
> then hanging up after the idle timeout. I've looked at all the /var/log/...
Maybe you have exim/sendmail/$YOUR_MTA set to send a queue every 10
On 9 Sep 2001, Ross Burton wrote:
> I'm looking for a good web cache/banner remove program for Debian
'apt-get install junkbuster' and install the cron files in
Then read /usr/share/doc/junkbuster/squid.txt
On Wed, 26 Dec 2001, Jack Dodds wrote:
> How can I configure it to print to my old Canon BJC-250 through a
> standard (non-ECP) parallel port?
apt-get install cupsys cupsys-bsd cupsys-client cupsys-pstoraster
Add yourself to the lpadmin group, log out/in. Open up a web
browser to
I'm having a lot of difficulty getting my Sid box to serve KDM to an Ultra
5 w/ Solaris 8. I edited /etc/kde2/kdm/Xservers (added
"ultra5:0 foreign"). I edited /etc/kde2/kdm/Xaccess (uncommented "*" and
"* CHOOSER BROADCAST"). I edited /etc/kde2/kdm/kdmrc (in the [Xdmcp]
section set "Enable=true
Is it just me, or is the normal English debian-user mailing list getting
messages from the German debian-user list?
On Tue, 29 May 2001, John Plate wrote:
> Hi
> I've tried to make apcupsd (version 3.6.2) do the shutdown of the
> server when power fails. It didn't work. The status reported seems ok,
> though.
I gave up on apcupsd for my BackUPS Pro 1000 and switched to nut. It
works well for me.
To get
> I have NVdriver in
> /lib/modules/2.2.19/kernel/drivers/video
> Does anyone know of a solution?
Run update-modules. Make sure the permissions on NVdriver are 0644.
1 - 100 of 101 matches
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