l'actu chargée du 16/8

2021-08-16 Thread didier gaumet
SPORT - [Tennis, Federer] : nouvelle opération du genou pour Roger Federer. ça commence à faire beaucoup d'opérations au même genou et ça risque d'être difficile de revenir... https://www.lemonde.fr/sport/article/2021/08/16/tennis-nouvelle-operation-du-genou-pour-roger-federer_6091540_3242.htm

[PLEASE DISCARD] [OT] [Was:] Re: l'actu chargée du 16/8

2021-08-16 Thread didier gaumet
> Please accept my APOLOGIES for posting by error the previous message that was to be sent to a friend of mine Sorry for that, Didier

[PLEASE DISCARD] [OT] [Was] Re: l'actu chargée du 16/8

2021-08-16 Thread didier . gaumet
Please accept my APOLOGIES for posting by error the previous message that was to be sent to a friend of mine Didier

Re: smart fans

2021-08-22 Thread didier gaumet
Le dimanche 22 août 2021 à 10:41 +0200, Emanuel Berg a écrit : > But then why doesn't pwmconfig ask for 4-pin fans? It asks for > 3-pin fans so while ineffective it's something people still > care to do. Here is an explanation of differences between 3 and 4 pins fans: https://www.howtogeek.co

Re: smart fans

2021-08-22 Thread didier gaumet
Le dimanche 22 août 2021 à 11:27 +0200, Emanuel Berg a écrit : > > Okay, but is that even possible? Yes. If you want more details, read the previous link to an explanation of differences between 3 and 4 pins connectors: there are pictures to illustrate different possible combinations between 3

Re: smart fans

2021-08-22 Thread didier gaumet
Le dimanche 22 août 2021 à 21:59 +0200, Emanuel Berg a écrit : > It took an even closer look at the motherboard and discovered > _all_ connectors are 4-pin. Inside the computer, 3/5 fans are > 4-pin and the two on the CPU cooling tower (which are 4-pin, > so it checks out) even have "PWM" in the

Re: smart fans

2021-08-23 Thread didier gaumet
Le dimanche 22 août 2021 à 23:26 +0200, Emanuel Berg a écrit : > > Yeah, or replace the 3-pins with 4-pins? [...] If you already have 4-pins fans available or are willing to invest in buying them, it would probably be the best solution Good luck :-)

Re: Sid: Korean input

2021-08-23 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, Disclaimer: I have never done this for korean but I have done it for chinese (I am only able to type "sun" in chinese in order to verify it is functional) I would not bother with under-the-hood manipulations: install the task- korean and task-korean-desktop packages. this will take care

Re: Install Debian 10 amd64 onto USB flash drive with and for Macintosh

2021-09-01 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, Le mardi 31 août 2021 à 15:31 -0700, David Christensen a écrit : [...] > I would like to install Debian 10 onto a USB flash drive as a > self-contained, bootable, full, live installation that I use with > this > and other Intel-based Macintosh computers. You should even be able to use it

Re: Buster wget: The certificate of 'lists.debian.org' is not trusted

2021-10-01 Thread didier gaumet
Le vendredi 01 octobre 2021 à 19:09 +0200, Thomas Schmitt a écrit : > Hi, > > new certification problem, this time on buster. > > While looking why wget on Debian 8 does not work with > lists.debian.org > i learn that it does not work on Debian 10 either: > >   $ wget -d https://lists.debian.

Re: Intrinsic problem with netinst.iso?

2021-10-14 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, if your device does not appear as an ethernet or usb network interface and there is no trivial way to recognize it so in the installer, an option could be perhaps to use a USB-to-ethernet adaptor? It could also mean that the device is recognized in a ordinary Debian setup (not the Debian in

Re: AMD OpenCL support

2021-10-17 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, Disclaimer: I have no AMD graphic card and have not personally tested what is describe below Right now with an AMD/ATI graphic card in Debian, the only OpenCL run- time loader (ICD) present in the offical repos is the mesa one (mesa- opencl-icd) that you have already installed. If it no

Re: Cannot install vlc on bullseye

2021-10-19 Thread didier gaumet
Le lundi 18 octobre 2021 à 20:43 -0500, R. Ramesh a écrit  [...] > I only have acroread from dmo and everything else is from debian. I > removed mythtv also to get to this point. [...] > I do not have the same freedom for three other (debian based) > machines  [...] Hello, - Acroread from deb

Re: drawing smith charts

2021-10-23 Thread didier gaumet
Le samedi 23 octobre 2021 à 04:58 -0400, Gene Heskett a écrit : > Greetings; > > One of the things I occasionally do is service my local AM radio > station > when its off the air. This includes trying to keep the VSWR under > control. > > I have a redpitaya Vector Network Analyser that I use

Re: Choqok 1.7

2021-10-25 Thread didier gaumet
Le dimanche 24 octobre 2021 à 21:50 +0100, Richmond a écrit : > > Yes downloading the deb package failed with a dependency. > > Compiling from source failed with: > > behaviorconfig.cpp:97:36: error: ‘markAsChanged’ is not a member of > ‘BehaviorConfig’ > > But upgrading to 11 is further tha

Re: Choqok 1.7

2021-10-26 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, (Bullseye here) 1) I have not been able to install an appstream version Choqok via Gnome-Software (it complains about the item type being not managed) nor Plasma-Discover (it complains about a missing appstream transport protocol for apt) 2) I have been able to install an appstream ver

Re: Choqok 1.7

2021-10-26 Thread didier gaumet
Le mardi 26 octobre 2021 à 17:23 +0100, Richmond a écrit : [...] > appstreamcli s choqok > Unable to find component matching choqok! [...] The search operation of Appstream is probably searching only the local appstream database Yesterday evening I tried different things with Gnome-Software (t

Re: replacement of sqsh for debian 11

2021-10-27 Thread didier gaumet
sqsh seem to be a substitute for Sybase isql there are isql and iusql (UTF-8) programs in the unixodbc package

Re: WiFi card not supported

2021-10-31 Thread didier gaumet
Le samedi 30 octobre 2021 à 21:35 +0300, slady...@dir.bg a écrit : > Hello, I got a new laptop and my WiFi card is not discovered. > This fixed it for me but it's inconvenient to make it every time I > update kernel : https://github.com/lwfinger/rtw89 , please add the > drivers in the kernel or

[AMD/ATI graphic chipset][OpenCL] new ROCm 4.5 reportedly easier to install/uninstall

2021-11-02 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, I think this news could be of interest to people who have had difficulties in a recent past to obtain OpenCL support for their AMD GPU or APU: Phoronics reports a new version of AMD's ROCm, easier to install

Re: [AMD/ATI graphic chipset][OpenCL] new ROCm 4.5 reportedly easier to install/uninstall

2021-11-02 Thread didier . gaumet
With a link, it's better ;-) https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Radeon-ROCm-4.5

Re: [AMD/ATI graphic chipset][OpenCL] new ROCm 4.5 reportedly easier to install/uninstall

2021-11-03 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, - ROCm/Debian 100% broken? I would not say that :-) ROCm 4.3 is definitely installable in Debian 11 Bullseye. Here is an partial english translation of a french user post of the Debian french user list back in august: https://lists.debian.org/debian-user-french/2021/08/msg6.html "[

Re: [AMD/ATI graphic chipset][OpenCL] new ROCm 4.5 reportedly easier to install/uninstall

2021-11-03 Thread didier . gaumet
Le mercredi 03 novembre 2021 à 10:19 +0100, didier gaumet a écrit :[...] > But that definitely does mean it does not function.  [...] "But that definitely does *not* mean it does not function." Please Didier, carefully verify your post before sending it, that's not the first time, eh? ;-)

Re: [OT, deeply] Guix

2021-11-07 Thread didier gaumet
Le mardi 26 octobre 2021 à 09:25 -0400, Stefan Monnier a écrit : [...] > Think of it this way: currently, you can more or less figure out > which > packages you decided to install on your machine by going through the > list > of installed packages and filtering out all those that are marked as >

Re: Mate desktop environment: anything akin to update-notifier

2021-12-13 Thread didier gaumet
Le dimanche 12 décembre 2021 à 18:01 +0100, to...@tuxteam.de a écrit : [...] > I'm not looking for something doing the updates automatically (in the > kind of unattended-upgrades, for example). The user in question would > like to manually trigger the upgrades, to be aware of possible issues >

Re: IPv4 specific issue with USB tethering between my Debian laptop and my phone

2021-12-19 Thread didier gaumet
Le samedi 18 décembre 2021 à 23:52 +0100, Vincent Lefevre a écrit : [...] > I haven't tried wireshark on the other end. I wonder whether there > is a replacement tool that doesn't need an X11 connection, to just > do the capture of the packets. [...] Hello Vincent, perhaps tshark (tshark packa

Re: biqu bx 3d printer ??

2021-12-22 Thread didier gaumet
Hello Gene, If I am not mistaken, using a USB cable between your computer and your 3D printer, it is being viewed by teh OS (Debian) as a mere serial port. This is Cura (or another software) that sends appropriate G-code to this particular 3D printer

Re: biqu bx 3d printer ??

2021-12-22 Thread didier gaumet
Le mercredi 22 décembre 2021 à 04:36 -0500, gene heskett a écrit : [...] > But cura isn't finding this > biqu bx. > > What utility could adjust the baud and endianess of this tty_ACM0? [...] Disclaimer: I have never used a 3D printer, and my knowledge of com port setup is limited to dial-in

Re: biqu bx 3d printer ??

2021-12-22 Thread didier gaumet
Le mercredi 22 décembre 2021 à 11:54 +, Tixy a écrit : > > I can't see how that is relevant, this is your printer's USB > connection > not some old style asynchronous serial interface like RS232. > Hello Tixy, Gene is talking about a UDB 3D printer, not about a USB printer, and it is com

Re: biqu bx 3d printer ??

2021-12-22 Thread didier gaumet
Ah, dichotomy between what evolution permits and what culture autorizes: sensible matter nowadays ;-) It seems to me that you are perfectly right in establishing what are the technical abilities of either hardware and software involved here. But Debian detects a /dev/ttyACM0 port which suggest

Re: PDFsam Basic not updating

2021-12-27 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, Did I misunderstood? My impression was that Pdfsam in Debian 11 is not built upon log4j but upon logback, which description presents as a successor of log4j? So no need to upgrade anything? https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/pdfsam https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/liblogback-java

Re: PDFsam Basic not updating

2021-12-27 Thread didier . gaumet
The Pdfsam website mentions that the vulnerabilities discovered impacts not only log4j2, but also log4j1 ang logback. https://blog.pdfsam.org/pdfsam-basic/pdfsam-and-log4j2-vulnerability/2286/ The Qos website indicates that in fact the vulnerabilty has been fixed first in logback 1.2.8, the in 1.2.

Re: pulseaudio only finds one sink but alsa shows all

2021-12-30 Thread didier gaumet
Le jeudi 30 décembre 2021 à 00:04 +, Eric S Fraga a écrit : > On Wednesday, 29 Dec 2021 at 20:39, Georgi Naplatanov wrote: > > When PulseAudio Volume Control (pavucontrol) is started can you see > > audio devices on "Configuration" tab? > > Hi Georgi, > > no, that's the problem.  The confi

Re: pulseaudio only finds one sink but alsa shows all

2021-12-30 Thread didier gaumet
Le jeudi 30 décembre 2021 à 10:43 +, Eric S Fraga a écrit : [...] > On other systems, there are other entries in the configuration tab > which > is what I would expect here as well.  My fundamental question is why > does the on-board sound card not appear for this system? *perhaps* a exten

Re: pulseaudio only finds one sink but alsa shows all

2021-12-31 Thread didier gaumet
Le jeudi 30 décembre 2021 à 23:33 +, Eric S Fraga a écrit : [...] > Please find the output from pa-info attached.  Also attached is the > output from alsa-info, just in case. [...] Hello Eric, Disclaimer: I am far from knowledgeable in these matters and have never experimented what I sugg

Re: pulseaudio only finds one sink but alsa shows all

2021-12-31 Thread didier gaumet
Le vendredi 31 décembre 2021 à 11:39 +, Eric S Fraga a écrit : > On Friday, 31 Dec 2021 at 11:21, didier gaumet wrote: > > [...] > > but starts enumerating sinks at Sink#12 > > Is this important/relevant?  I know nothing about how PA enumerates > sinks or so

Re: Debian on Dell PowerEdge C6220?

2022-01-02 Thread didier gaumet
Hello David, Dell provided RHEL and Suse commercial support for thos particular model. So while Ubuntu nor Debian is not listed, i would imagine there will be no problem https://www.dell.com/support/home/en-uk/drivers/supportedos/poweredge-c6220?lwp=rt

Re: Thunderbird not allowing local accounts

2022-01-06 Thread didier gaumet
Le mercredi 05 janvier 2022 à 11:58 -0500, Celejar a écrit : > On Wed, 5 Jan 2022 09:44:24 -0500 > "Paul M. Foster" wrote: > > ... > > > Thanks for the info. Mozilla Foundation is seriously annoying me > > lately. > > > > Can anyone recommend another MUA which uses mbox format and is > > re

Re: Thunderbird not allowing local accounts

2022-01-06 Thread didier gaumet
Le mercredi 05 janvier 2022 à 09:44 -0500, Paul M. Foster a écrit : > > Can anyone recommend another MUA which uses mbox format and is > relatively easy to configure? > > Paul Hello Paul, For GUI MUAs, others have suggested Claws-mail (with the mbox plgin, by default Claws only manages MH m

Re: Thunderbird not allowing local accounts

2022-01-06 Thread didier . gaumet
Le jeudi 06 janvier 2022 à 09:40 +0100, didier gaumet a écrit : [...] > For CLI/TUI MUAs, > I think they are all genuine MUAs, designed to cope with /var/mail > Mbox > mailboxes Correction, they are almost all designed to cope with Mbox, but for example mh/nmh/mmh are not (MH mailboxes)

Re: Instalacja Debian8 błąd w Release

2022-01-15 Thread didier gaumet
Le samedi 15 janvier 2022 à 13:48 +, piorunz a écrit : [...] > Also, in the archive you have only Debian releases from 3 onwards. > Older releases are not available. [...] True, there are no ISOs to be downloaded, because at the time of release, floppy drives still were more ubiquitous tha

Re: AMD EPYC throttled to 400 mhz

2022-01-17 Thread didier gaumet
Hello Simon, Disclaimer: I am nowhere near knowledgeable regarding cpu frequency scaling Perhaps will you find tips in the official Lenovo doc to fine tune power saving under Linux for Thinksystem: https://lenovopress.com/lp0826.pdf it seems to require setup up the UEFI accordingly to use acpi-cp

Re: Followup to my last...

2022-01-18 Thread didier gaumet
Le mardi 18 janvier 2022 à 09:22 +, piorunz a écrit : [...] > I suggest go to this link below and read about > Broadcom install procedures: > https://wiki.debian.org/bcm43xx Hello, I have had bcm43xx chipsets in the past. Broadcom has/had a particularly limitative policy about distributing b

Re: efibootmgr headach?

2021-03-21 Thread didier gaumet
Le 21/03/2021 à 11:17, Morgan Read a écrit : [...] I was trying to boot from standard PureOS usb boot image. [...] 'The selected boot device failed. Press to Continue.' [...] Hint: the following page of the PureOS website seems to indicate that PureOS is not UEFI compliant https://track

Re: efibootmgr headach?

2021-03-21 Thread didier gaumet
the /EFI/BOOT subdirectory is a common standard: https://members.uefi.org/specs/esp_registry I have not retrieved the UEFI specification wich details its usage, but there is a Fedora doc that explains it a little the shim (SecureBoot) case. And I seem to recall that years ago, I needed to manu

Re: efibootmgr headach?

2021-03-21 Thread didier gaumet
Sorry, the link to the Fedora doc: https://blog.uncooperative.org/blog/2014/02/06/the-efi-system-partition/

Re: Cannot see update to recent linux kernel 5.10.19-1~bpo10+1 (from 5.10.13-1~bpo10+1)

2021-03-22 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, There is a linux-image-5.10.0-0.bpo.3-amd64 package but linux-image-5.10.0-0.bpo.4-amd64 has yet to be uploaded (linux-image-5.10.0-0.bpo.4-amd64-unsigned is there already)

Re: Running a FreeBSD guest

2021-03-23 Thread didier gaumet
Le 23/03/2021 à 03:20, Victor Sudakov a écrit : Dear Colleagues, What's the minimum software kit to run a couple of FreeBSD guests (serial console, no graphics needed) on a Debian 10 host? I don't need any fancy management GUI like that of VirtualBox, would just prefer some minimalistic hypervi

Re: Cannot see update to recent linux kernel 5.10.19-1~bpo10+1 (from 5.10.13-1~bpo10+1)

2021-03-23 Thread didier gaumet
Hello from what I understand: - in Bullseye, as indicated in its webpage on the Debian packages website, the linux-image-5.10.0-4-amd64 binary package is built from the linux-signed-amd64 source package - the purpose of Debian Backports is to provide to Stable users binary packages of sourc

Re: Running a FreeBSD guest

2021-03-23 Thread didier gaumet
Le 23/03/2021 à 11:06, Victor Sudakov a écrit : My usecase would be, among other things, to access external media attached to the host from inside the guest, e.g. those partitioned and encrypted in FreeBSD-specific ways (geli encryption, gbde etc). this link, albeit a little old should be of i

Re: Running a FreeBSD guest

2021-03-23 Thread didier gaumet
Le 23/03/2021 à 10:54, Victor Sudakov a écrit : 1. Does qemu use hardware virtualization (VT-d, whatever is in the CPU)? Yes, I think that basically, KVM requires it (and that Qemu does not) 2. Can qemu present the NIC and drives to the guest paravirtualized? FreeBSD understands VirtIO Block

Re: Running a FreeBSD guest

2021-03-24 Thread didier gaumet
Le 24/03/2021 à 03:12, Victor Sudakov a écrit : The relation between qemu and kvm confuses me. "apt install qemu-kvm" is trying to install a ton of X11 packages including Mesa drivers etc, I would not really want that. And "apt install kvm" does not find such a package. QEMU/KVM relationship:

Re: efibootmgr headach?

2021-03-26 Thread didier gaumet
Le 26/03/2021 à 12:33, Steve McIntyre a écrit : Please see https://wiki.debian.org/UEFI for more documentation on UEFI in Debian. In that document I tried to cover a lot of the issues raised in this thread. ... and you succeeded. Thank you for your good work, Steve :-)

Re: Dell R440 with Debian 10.7.0 Display Issues

2021-03-27 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, The Debian installer in graphic mode seems to rely on a VESA/VGA driver rather than a driver dedicated to the hardware detected? on my laptop, I just booted an USB Debian 10 installer key and it was the vga16fb module that was loaded

Re: Cannot see update to recent linux kernel 5.10.19-1~bpo10+1 (from 5.10.13-1~bpo10+1)

2021-04-01 Thread didier gaumet
Le 01/04/2021 à 10:02, Andrei POPESCU a écrit : On Mi, 31 mar 21, 22:54:59, l0f...@tuta.io wrote: [...] Is linux-signed-amd64 the source of linux-image-amd64? [...] I suppose there are some constraints here but it would be (apparently) easier if the names were matching ^^ Using different so

Re: pci 0000:00:01:0: MSI quirk detected; subordinated MSI disabled ...

2021-04-14 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, I think that this error message is not about MSI-the-manufacturer but that here MSI stands for Message Signaled Interrupt: https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/PCI/msi-howto.html You could then try to boot with the pci=nomsi boot parameter to see if your PC boots properly. But the

Re: [OT] Help with clonezilla-live: LUKS/LVM2 image backup without partclone.dd

2021-04-14 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, Disclaimer: I have never used Clonezilla nor LUKS "Many File systems are supported: (1) ext2, ext3, ext4, reiserfs, reiser4, xfs, jfs, btrfs, f2fs and nilfs2 of GNU/Linux, (2) FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS of MS Windows, (3) HFS+ of Mac OS, (4) UFS of FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD, (5)

Re: pci 0000:00:01:0: MSI quirk detected; subordinated MSI disabled ...

2021-04-15 Thread didier gaumet
Le 15/04/2021 à 02:29, Albretch Mueller a écrit : if I boot up passing to the kernel the start up option: knoppix64 debug pci=nomsi noapic I would get just two lines further bellow: pci :00:01:0: MSI quirk detected; subordinated MSI disabled PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] enabled at

Re: [OT] Help with clonezilla-live: LUKS/LVM2 image backup without partclone.dd

2021-04-15 Thread didier gaumet
Ouch! both the two replies I made yesterday on this list were too rough and I should have read the original posts more carefully. Sorry for that and not being able to propose a solution :-)

Re: pci 0000:00:01:0: MSI quirk detected; subordinated MSI disabled ...

2021-04-15 Thread didier gaumet
Le 15/04/2021 à 20:14, Albretch Mueller a écrit : [...] and I haven't been able to find their manual/specs for that board online (most probably for other reasons) [...] MSI MS-7641 Ver.3.0 + AMD Athlon II x2 250 [...] the page of this MB support on the MSI website: https://www.msi.com/Mother

Re: hello. Please help this big report go in the correct direction....

2021-04-17 Thread didier gaumet
Le 17/04/2021 à 08:44, Timothy Danielson a écrit : [...] I am operating PureOS. I haven't honestly [...] https://www.maketecheasier.com/backup-files-to-google-drive-linux/ [...] Hello, From what I gather, PureOS is a Debian derivative with the Gnome Desktop. Nautilus, the Gnome file manag

Re: Any Debian BPMN editor (or a converter)?

2021-04-21 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, Disclaimer: I did not even now before your post what BPMN stands for... there is a comparison of BPMN sotfware on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Business_Process_Model_and_Notation_modeling_tools Among these solutions I would take a look at Flowable (free licen

Re: Graphical session does not close until unattended-upgrades has applied all updates

2021-04-23 Thread didier gaumet
Le 23/04/2021 à 09:48, Yvan Masson a écrit : [...] I would expect the session to be completely closed, LightDM stopped, and the console or Plymouth displaying a message indicating the ongoing updates. [...] Hello, Disclaimer: I have never experimented myself whait I suggest Perhaps adapting

Re: Graphical session does not close until unattended-upgrades has applied all updates

2021-04-23 Thread didier gaumet
Le 23/04/2021 à 11:59, didier gaumet a écrit : I should check what I wrote before posting :-( [...] Disclaimer: I have never experimented myself whait I suggest "what" [...] As for Plymouth notifying about ugrades during shutdown, if it is not already the case (when unattended-up

Re: Graphical session does not close until unattended-upgrades has applied all updates

2021-04-23 Thread didier gaumet
1) Unattended-upgrade at shutdown and after Lightdm is stopped: Perhaps a solution would be to : - stop and disable the unattended-upgrade systemd service - edit the unattended-upgrades config file to setup the shutdown to false - write/enable/start your custom systemd service that runs /usr/

Re: Multichannel audio playback (was: Multichannel audio listening)

2021-04-27 Thread didier gaumet
Le 27/04/2021 à 17:30, Rodolfo Medina a écrit : Joel Roth writes: On Mon, Mar 05, 2018 at 10:39:19AM +0100, Rodolfo Medina wrote: Hi all. After learning, some months ago, thanks to listers' help, how to live record into a multi channel audio file, I was wondering about the reverse problem: n

Re: Multichannel audio playback (was: Multichannel audio listening)

2021-04-27 Thread didier gaumet
Le 27/04/2021 à 22:08, Jeremy Nicoll a écrit : On Tue, 27 Apr 2021, at 19:45, didier gaumet wrote: [...] b) https://mediadl.musictribe.com/media/sys_master/h7e/hfb/8849567252510.pdf your audio interface is a stereo one: it has only two channels (Left +Right) as outputs. I'm not sure t

Re: Multichannel audio playback

2021-04-28 Thread didier gaumet
Le 28/04/2021 à 09:37, Rodolfo Medina a écrit : [...] First of all, problem 1): same error now with a 2-channel and a 3-channel file: [...] ERROR: Connecting chainsetup failed: "Enabling chainsetup: AUDIOIO-ALSA: ... Channel count 2 is out of range!" [...] http://nosignal.fi/ecasound/Documen

Re: Multichannel audio playback

2021-04-28 Thread didier gaumet
Le 28/04/2021 à 13:48, Rodolfo Medina a écrit : [...] $ ecasound -a:1,2,3 -i:sndfile,3canali.wav -o alsahw,2,0 [...] I would suggest you to try here to replace alshw by alsaplugin and see if it works better If you want to use ecasound, I suggest you read the ecasound documentation (particul

Re: Multichannel audio playback

2021-04-29 Thread didier gaumet
Did you adjust the volume of output 3 and 4 in alsa? if you are lucky, the routing is correct and these outputs are only muted. But I think (no pun intended) that in your present case, you need to learn about: - mixing and mastering (partcularly routing) - particular abilites or limitations

Re: Multichannel audio playback

2021-04-29 Thread didier gaumet
Le 29/04/2021 à 14:56, Rodolfo Medina a écrit : [...] Actually I don't even know if that's ever possible with Behringer or with any other device... - What you want is to play multiple channels: of course it is possible. Surround sound is one of the use cases: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sur

Re: Installing Debian 10.9 Buster on iMac G5 (powerpc)

2021-05-02 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, From what I understand (If I understand correctly), your processor is a powerpc64 Big Indian, not a powerpc64 Little Indian and nowadays the rare Linux ditros that still propose a powerpc64 portage do it for Litte Indian (ppc64el) as Debian do. So Debian is not compatible with your h

Re: Installing Debian 10.9 Buster on iMac G5 (powerpc)

2021-05-02 Thread didier gaumet
Le 02/05/2021 à 16:43, Greg Wooledge a écrit : On Sun, May 02, 2021 at 04:38:21PM +0200, didier gaumet wrote: From what I understand (If I understand correctly), your processor is a powerpc64 Big Indian, not a powerpc64 Little Indian [...] That's "Endian", not &

Re: Installing Debian 10.9 Buster on iMac G5 (powerpc)

2021-05-02 Thread didier gaumet
Le 02/05/2021 à 19:29, didier gaumet a écrit : (I have  almost wrote "inglish") sorry : "written" There: absent-minded ;-)

Re: Piano live recording (was: Live recording)

2021-05-04 Thread didier gaumet
Shure publishes a doc for best using microphones for particular instruments (grand and upright pianos: pages 24-25): https://www.shure.com/damfiles/default/global/documents/publications/en/performance-production/microphone_techniques_for_live_sound_reinforcement_english.pdf-3df433145fca686a73

Re: why btdownloadcurses can't open it

2021-05-09 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, please do not attach a (possibly corrupted) file to your post the error you get is reported (rightly or wrongly) as bittornado specific and the software you use seems based on bittornado http://support.proaudiotorrents.org/knowledgebase.php?article=7 http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpage

Re: Intel i810 graphics working as expected in openSUSE Tumbleweed, not in Stretch, Buster or Bullseye

2021-05-10 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, DRI not working in Debian while working in Opensuse: I would surmise that is a missing firmware in the former and not in the latter

Re: Installing Debian 10.9 Buster on iMac G5 (powerpc)

2021-05-10 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, Your graphic card can probably be managed by: - Nvidia closed-source driver (including firmware): https://wiki.debian.org/NvidiaGraphicsDrivers - Nouveau open-source driver (automatically loaded by default for your hardware) with a firmware you have to install (probably the firmware-mi

Re: Intel i810 graphics working as expected in openSUSE Tumbleweed, not in Stretch, Buster or Bullseye

2021-05-10 Thread didier gaumet
Le 10/05/2021 à 09:28, Felix Miata a écrit : didier gaumet composed on 2021-05-10 09:13 (UTC+0200): DRI not working in Debian while working in Opensuse: I would surmise that is a missing firmware in the former and not in the latter

Re: Thunderbird: how can I set permanent custom headers?

2021-05-14 Thread didier gaumet
Le 14/05/2021 à 21:13, Ottavio Caruso a écrit : Groups.io are not official Thunderbird mailing lists. Anybody can create a Debian-devel mailing list on groups.io. Hello, You may ask a question on the Thunderbird official forum there: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/new

Re: How do I disable display power management on bullseye?

2021-05-16 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, from http://blog.tordeu.com/?p=292 , perhaps this would do: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay 0 By the way, by default nowadays, Gnome runs on Wayland, not on Xorg, so unless you specifically launch Gnome on Xorg, your Xorg settings will have no effects, I suppose

Re: Has anybody [had] good/bad experiences with the Bose QuietComfort 35 II and Debian ?

2021-05-16 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, Disclaimer: I do not use bluetooth nor Bose hardware there is a webpage (4 years old) about a Quietcomfort 35 (first gen) paired with an Ubuntu PC here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/833322/pair-bose-quietcomfort-35-with-ubuntu-over-bluetooth

Re: Has anybody [had] good/bad experiences with the Bose QuietComfort 35 II and Debian ?

2021-05-16 Thread didier gaumet
another less specific webpage about Bose headphones on Linux: http://www.bingshui.org/tech/bose-headphones-on-linux/

Re: audacity on Buster - qui est 'input?'

2021-05-17 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, This chapter of the on-line Audacity doc could be of interest to you: https://manual.audacityteam.org/man/tutorial_recording_computer_playback_on_linux.html

Re: audacity on Buster - qui est 'input?'

2021-05-17 Thread didier gaumet
Le 17/05/2021 à 13:45, Bob Bernstein a écrit : [...] Much of the focus of the above is setting PulseAudio to launch as a system-wide service, for all users, [...] pulseaudio --daemonize It's not my impression. I agree with the reply of Greg Wooledge: to me, Pulseaudio is automatically starte

Re: No deb for seamonkey?

2021-05-19 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, I would say that you express your point of view with unnecessary vigour and that it is not fully endorsed by the Debian community: https://wiki.debian.org/Seamonkey (disclaimer sentence) https://wiki.debian.org/DontBreakDebian Cheers :-)

Re: thunderbird

2021-05-31 Thread didier gaumet
Le 31/05/2021 à 13:45, rust a écrit : Sunbird huh? I'll have to take a look. Part of what led me (back) to Thunderbird was the calendar. There are surprisingly few standalone, graphical calendars that are still being developed for linux. I think Sunbird has not been developped for 10 years On

Re: grub2 boot menu

2021-06-24 Thread didier gaumet
Hello,  Grub can ignore all or only certain OSes that os-prober detects by setting up the desired behaviour in /etc/default/grub from the grub info page: [...]" 'GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER' Normally, 'grub-mkconfig' will try to use the external 'os-prober' program, if installed, to discov

Re: grub2 boot menu

2021-06-25 Thread didier gaumet
Le vendredi 25 juin 2021 à 11:40 -0400, Cindy Sue Causey a écrit : > On 6/24/21, didier gaumet wrote: > [...] > > 'GRUB_OS_PROBER_SKIP_LIST' > >     List of space-separated FS UUIDs of filesystems to be ignored > > from > > os-prober output.  For e

Re: Mail Reader

2021-07-08 Thread didier gaumet
Le mercredi 07 juillet 2021 à 23:41 -0400, Polyna-Maude Racicot- Summerside a écrit : > Hi guys (and possibly girls), > > I am currently using Thunderbird as a mail reader. > It did a good job until now. > I am also using the PGP plugin. Hello, Enigmail, the Thunderbird PGP plugin, is depre

Re: New video card, how to deal?

2021-07-30 Thread didier gaumet
Le vendredi 30 juillet 2021 à 11:42 +0300, Anssi Saari a écrit : > Felix Miata writes: [...] > > [OTOH, why not Bullseye? It's on the verge of official release, > > running on more > > than 20 PCs here. > > Because it doesn't solve any problem since it has no newer Nvidia > drivers. If it did

Re: Apparmor: 1 processes are unconfined but have a profile defined

2021-07-30 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, Disclaimer: I never wrote an AppArmor profile >From what I understand, unless you specify a deny rule, when you switch an >AppArmor profile to complain mode, it complains but does not confine, so you >would probably switch your AppArmor profile to enforce mode instead. And I suspect tha

Re: Re: Updating kernels impossible when /boot is getting full

2021-08-01 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, Disclaimer: I have never tested what is following. Perhaps another way of keeping two kernels without increasing the size oft the /boot partition would be to decrease the size of the initrd files: by default they are built with allmost all possible modules, but they can be built with

Re: Apparmor: 1 processes are unconfined but have a profile defined

2021-08-02 Thread didier gaumet
Le lundi 2 août 2021 à 06:00:05 UTC+2, Ratan Gupta a écrit : [...] > In my case it is not at all complaining as it is because the process is > unconfined. [...] If I am not mistaken, the purpose of the complain mode is precisely to inform about policy violations without forbidding them (forbiddi

Re: need help on setting up thunderbird

2021-08-05 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, >From memory (so take it with a grain of salt), when Thunderbird asks for a password to access a mail server for the first time, it proposes to store it in order for the user to not have to enter his password each time. But this storage is not mandatory. If the user choses to enter his pa

Re: Thunderbird add-on for SMS

2021-08-06 Thread didier gaumet
Le vendredi 06 août 2021 à 09:36 +0300, ellanios82 a écrit : > Good Day, List ! > > >   - is there a way to send an SMS to a mobile phone,  from > Thunderbird ? In theory, yes, via a SMS/MMS gateway (either a dedicated commercial service or one of the services of a mobile operator): https://e

Re: How to Boot Linux ISO Images Directly From Your Hard Drive Debian

2021-08-06 Thread didier gaumet
I can give no evidence but chances are that Gunnar Gervin, Rishi and roa moshin (non-limitative list) are the same troll: there are troubling similarities...

Re: apt-upgrade (Bullseye) shows 1 pkg not upgraded

2021-08-10 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, If for example you have set up unattended-upgrades and installed apt- listbugs, then when unattended-upgrades runs, apt-listbugs automatically pins (-3) upgradable packages that are affected by bugs in order for them to be hold until a fix. They are automatically de-pinned when bugs are

Re: GNOME Evolution cannot lock /var/spool/mail/

2022-01-28 Thread didier gaumet
Hello, Pretty old bugs you dug up: more than 10 and 20 years old ;-) Here (Bullseye, Evolution 3.38, Exim standard setup (local only)), with an Evolution dedicated local account set up to send (server type: sendmail) and receive (server type: local distribution in /var/mail/didier), I have no

Re: Re: GNOME Evolution cannot lock /var/spool/mail/

2022-01-28 Thread didier gaumet
Le vendredi 28 janvier 2022 à 14:32 +0100, Patrice Duroux a écrit : [...] > Just in case that that a package version as introduce some change to > the > following: > > patrice@kos-moceratops ~> ls -l /usr/libexec/camel-lock-helper-1.2 > -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 22784 14 janv. 13:15 /usr/libexec

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