On Sat, 2021-08-14 at 20:44 +0100, Michael Howard wrote:
> and her is an off list reply reply from the less than honourable Polyna
I killfiled them weeks ago, I don't know why people do just do similar
and move on...
th all of the above, but as the saying goes: 'you can lead a
horse to water, but you can't make him drink'.
r may hit).
Want to take bets that Gene won't be back in a few days with problems
caused by some of the above changes? He could save himself, and you,
time and hassle if he read the release notes.
On Wed, 2021-08-18 at 09:06 +0100, mick crane wrote:
> On 2021-08-18 08:40, Tixy wrote:
> > I agree with all of the above, but as the saying goes: 'you can lead a
> > horse to water, but you can't make him drink'.
> You can't blame a horse for wa
efault on bullseye. Maybe that behaviour changed during the release
> process.
It's enabled on my PC which was a fresh install in December using a
Bullseye release candidate installer.
ialog box uses javascript, you don't have
any plugins that might might block that do you? E.g. I needed noscript
set to enable scripts on localhost. Also, I don't know if Firefox's
'Block pop-up windows' setting may affect things.
ment order as WHAT WHERE
d this out when I decided to enable motherboard WiFi in the BIOS
settings on my new desktop PC and this caused my ethernet to stop
working. Upon investigation I found the ethernet was now called 'eno2'
and the Debian installer had put 'eno1' in /etc/network/interfaces
because I had installed with WiFi disabled.
f that page on
archive.org. So seems strange that for many years my Makefiles have
worked with Libraries specified before inputs that use them.
On Fri, 2021-09-03 at 14:10 +0100, Tixy wrote:
> On Fri, 2021-09-03 at 12:24 +0200, Piotr A. Dybczyński wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > in contrary to previous versions, now in Debian 11 with gcc-10:
> >
> > gcc aa.c -lm -o aa works, but
> >
> &g
also download the latest pages from wiki.debian.org and email
them to you if you want.
ave no idea what
> > the set command does in them.
> >
> I agree. In the "normal" shells, you need to use "export" instead of "set"!
Or, if you don't want to assign the variable value in the current shell
environment, just that of an external command you run, then you can
make the assignment part of the same command expression:
VAR=value command
Example in action...
$ FOO=foo
$ FOO=bar sh -c 'echo $FOO'
# command above saw new value 'bar'
$ echo $FOO
# this shell kept original value 'foo'
if installer kernel has the cdc_ether driver), but
sounds like the device initially presents itself as a USB mass storage
device and needs some way to force it to change modes.
> hits for either term :{
Google does. It's part of the documentation in the Linux source code
for the "Driver for CDC MBIM Mobile Broadband modems".
Perhaps that is what your Linkzone implements and no Ethernet as I
speculated? You can check by looking at the kernel logs when you plug
the device in on a computer.
On Wed, 2021-10-13 at 13:18 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
On 10/13/2021 12:35 PM, Tixy wrote:
> On Wed, 2021-10-13 at 17:09 +, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> > On Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 08:51:28AM -0700, Peter Ehlert wrote:
> > >
> > > On 10/13/21 8:16 AM, Richard Owlett w
Resending with quoting fixed...
On Wed, 2021-10-13 at 13:18 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
> On 10/13/2021 12:35 PM, Tixy wrote:
> > On Wed, 2021-10-13 at 17:09 +, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> > > On Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 08:51:28AM -0700, Peter Ehlert wrote:
> > > >
ote NDIS protocol. It make work in other cases, that's just what
my phone does and what I tested.
' as
you are the owner, and owner has write permission set.
opening several tabs (which I don't
normally do). If I then turn off the ad blocker and enable javascript,
then it seems to use up to 100% of a single CPU total when doing
'nothing'. (Presumably that's crap and malicious java script doing
whatever it does.)
ere is a reason or two.
Guessing here... because a live version already has a desktop
environment on the disk, so it make sense to default to installing that
one. E.g. if you choose, say, the XFCE live iso, it would default to
XFCE not Gnome. Would be a bit perverse otherwise.
wn before network filesystems are unmounted.
Probably the same as with 'halt -p' because 'halt', 'poweroff' and
'reboot' are symlinks to the same program and according to the man page
the -p option means "Power-off the machine, regardless of which one of
the three commands is invoked".
bian on the desktop (who use MUA
> software, as opposed to webmail via a browser) have such a font
> installed, or do they see tofu?
I see the rectangle which is used for missing glyphs, I'm guess that's
what you mean by tofu (had to google the term).
the original cores?
> Or does someone have a better explanation?
That each core supports Symmetric Multi-Threading (SMT), AKA
Hyperthreading, so appears to software as two CPUs. This is common for
most modern x86 CPUs. (Though the one I'm typing this on actual 8 CPUs
without hyper-threading).
or chip can execute 8 independent programs
simultaneously, so I would consider it more silly to report it only
having 4 CPUs (or one if that was what you were expecting - for one
e name with the generic
governors, they do not work in the same way as the generic
[1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/CPU_frequency_scaling
On Thu, 2021-12-02 at 08:02 +, Tixy wrote:
> On Thu, 2021-12-02 at 00:38 -0500, Stefan Monnier wrote:
> > > > >
> > [...]
> > You might want to try and figure out why you get `powersave` as
> > default governor, but until you've figured it out, y
rom the
Debian installer on a USB stick.
> Maybe it installs os-prober automatically then.
> In my case, I installed Windows later, and I am almost sure that I had
> to install os-prober manually.
The grub-common package Recommends os-prober, so I would have thought
it would be installed automatically by the installer, unless you've
taken special measures to tell it not to install recommended packages.
On Thu, 2021-12-02 at 15:52 +, Tixy wrote:
> On Thu, 2021-12-02 at 13:52 +0100, Christian Britz wrote:
> >
> > To be honest, I don't know exactly what the installer does, if it finds
> > another OS.
> How would it do that? Detecting other OS's i
[1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/CPU_frequency_scaling
[2] https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/v4.19/admin-guide/pm/intel_pstate.html
ld one and deleted the new one it created.
(Using the URL "about:profiles")
ng chmod 755). Though to
me, it seems that wouldn't help without changing the owner too, which
I've done (to my user). Will see how things go on the next ESR release.
On Fri, 2021-12-10 at 15:45 +, piorunz wrote:
> On 10/12/2021 15:27, Tixy wrote:
> > Will Firefox be able to update itself with security updates?
> > One HowTo on the web I saw said to change permissions of files
> > extracted from the tarball to allow this, (usi
On Wed, 2021-12-22 at 04:36 -0500, gene heskett wrote:
> What utility could adjust the baud and endianess of this tty_ACM0?
I can't see how that is relevant, this is your printer's USB connection
not some old style asynchronous serial interface like RS232.
On Wed, 2021-12-22 at 14:14 +0100, didier gaumet wrote:
> Le mercredi 22 décembre 2021 à 11:54 +, Tixy a écrit :
> >
> > I can't see how that is relevant, this is your printer's USB
> > connection
> > not some old style asynchronous serial in
On Thu, 2021-12-23 at 13:22 +, Curt wrote:
> On 2021-12-22, Tixy wrote:
> > On Wed, 2021-12-22 at 04:36 -0500, gene heskett wrote:
> > [...]
> > > What utility could adjust the baud and endianess of this tty_ACM0?
> >
> > I can't see how tha
On Thu, 2021-12-23 at 14:20 +, Curt wrote:
> On 2021-12-23, Tixy wrote:
> >
> > Still none the wiser of what hardware in the printer you would be
> > setting the baud rate of though, but as I'm ignorant of the insides of
> > 3D printers perhaps that's
On Fri, 2021-12-24 at 10:41 +1100, David wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Dec 2021 at 00:50, Tixy wrote:
> Hi Tixy,
> After reading your several musings in this thread regarding
> USB verses serial interfaces for CNC machines (3D printer, etc),
> I thought I'd respond, becaus
graphics acceleration doesn't work for me,
so to avoid screen tearing when watching video, I have had to start
using a Chrome based browser (Vivaldi). Hopefully the Firefox graphics
situation will be fixed at a point before Google removes the APIs ad
blockers and I can continue to enjoy a tear and ad free browsing
On Mon, 2021-12-27 at 08:39 +, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 27, 2021 at 08:14:17AM +0000, Tixy wrote:
> > On Sun, 2021-12-26 at 22:17 +, piorunz wrote:
> > > On 21/12/2021 01:06, Kushal Kumaran wrote:
> > >
> > > > As of a day ago, Firefox
om the mirrors as it has been replaced
> with pool/main/g/gpsd/python3-gps_3.22-4~bpo10+1_arm64.deb
> Are these older versions archived anywhere?
Yes, at https://snapshot.debian.org/
home, I fully migrated to Linux when Debian Lenny was
in testing (2008) and never bothered configuring swap, I couldn't see
the point. The only reason I can see to do so is if it's required for
the system to do suspend to disk (not anything I've used).
[1] If I remember correct, you couldn't actually disable swap, just set
it's size to the minimum of 4MB.
higher limit of
memory usage and it jumps to 1.5GiB. That still leaves several GiB for
disk caches.
On Sun, 2022-01-09 at 18:19 +0200, Georgi Naplatanov wrote:
> On 1/8/22 19:38, Tixy wrote:
> > On Sat, 2022-01-08 at 19:18 +0200, Georgi Naplatanov wrote:
> > [1] If I remember correct, you couldn't actually disable swap, just set
> > it's size to the minimum of 4MB.
On Sat, 2022-01-15 at 14:45 -0600, c. marlow wrote:
> Are there any LXDE users STILL out there?
Yes, it's the desktop environment I use on both my Debian Bullseye
computers. I moved to LXDE when Gnome went to version 3. I tried XFCE
at that time but didn't like it, so went with LXDE.
On Sun, 2022-01-16 at 06:02 +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
> On 16/1/22 5:08 am, Tixy wrote:
> > On Sat, 2022-01-15 at 14:45 -0600, c. marlow wrote:
> > > Are there any LXDE users STILL out there?
> >
> > Yes, it's the desktop environment I use on both my Debian Bull
file in ~/.local/share/applications.
The Arch Wiki site is a good place for info desktop files:
Using Google I found an answer to your specific question about Telegram:
the executable binary in the file
hierarchy? You could just try looking around in directories and see
what you can find.
much prefer this technology than UIs that seem to want
to move, hide and remove things.
72] r8152 2-9:1.0 enx0023563c4747: renamed from eth0
limit exceeded (5 msgs
> per 30s). ...
> 5 msgs per 30s exceeds a rate limit in a computer? Granted this is an
> old machine but it's a computer not an abacus.
That limit is on the rate the kernel produces the messages, a lot of
warnings are programmed that way to avoid spamming your logs too much.
; do : ; done" for each core. I'd guess
the bulk of that is the CPU, not the memory system.
It soon drops to 130W as the thermal protection kicks in, but you'd
want a PSU to cope with the peaks. And maxing out all cores isn't just
a theoretical exercise, transcoding video files or compiling programs
will happily do that.
On Mon, 2021-03-08 at 21:16 +0100, Linux-Fan wrote:
> Tixy writes:
> > On Mon, 2021-03-08 at 05:36 -0500, The Wanderer wrote:
> > > On 2021-03-07 at 22:53, Felix Miata wrote:
> > >
> > > > Linux-Fan composed on 2021-03-08 03:35 (UTC+0100):
> > &g
> Let me see. Does this [1] work for you?
Butting into this discussion...
I would suggest that the automatically inserted Spanish version is fine
and shouldn't be edited. There comes a point where the inconvenience to
the person sending the message outweighs the trivial benefits to the
person receiving it.
ake it's
parameter '1' come straight after [1], so my go-to command for tracking
down where disk space is been used is...
du -hd1 | sort -h
then 'cd' into a likely candidate directory and repeat.
[1] parameters for short options like this only works for last short
option in a joined list, e.g. -d1h is invalid.
x27;t be involved any more with
its loading.
Maybe the old ways are still enabled in Debian and used in some cases?
My bullseye kernel does have the kernel config enabled for user side
firmware loaders, I've not looked at udev.
I'm sure someone will be along shortly to give an example of how the
search can be done from a commandline using Debian's packaging tools or
similar... :-)
fit-of-the-doubt humor I construe as a typographical oversight?
Given Lee's statement it seems likely to me that he indeed tried the
incorrect redirection ">2" and it would be worthwhile pointing this
out, certainly not warrant criticism.
I believe ">/dev/stderr" is not Posix standard and knowing the correct
standard way of doing this could be beneficial.
s were...
1. Install python-certbot-apache, (there's an nginx version too
and in Bulyseye this is called python3-cretbot-*)
2. Run certbot once
3. Config apache for SSL
Certainly no messing around with cron jobs. I guess the Debian package
manages setting that up for you.
> My best guess, and admittedly a WAG, certainly not a SWAG, is that ssh
> and its ilk have been around for yonks. It has not been updated to allow
> what the lastest rfc now does.
That 'latest' RFC [1] mentioned in another mail is dated October 1989.
[1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1123
of seconds. There
again, I've got a pretty fast CPU (an i7-9700) which I guess makes all
the difference.
*my name* as a keyword when looking for
> resolved issues.
Have you considered the reason why someone else would think to do such
a thing?
stalled after forcibly reinstalling them.
I've not done this sort of thing, but to get and set package states
'apt-mark' looks like the tool. Try 'man apt-mark'.
On Wed, 2021-05-19 at 07:42 +0100, Tixy wrote:
> When reinstalling packages that were installed automatically to satisfy
> dependencies, you would want to make sure their state is set back to
> auto installed after forcibly reinstalling them.
> I've not done this sort
sktop will go
from drawing 17W from the mains when idle, to 160W when maxing out all
8 CPUs and temperature will jump about from 40C to 95C in a few
for our benefit, they do whatever benefit's their bottom line in the
long run.
; kernel, but as time goes on there is surely less need for it?
There is need, because if there's no binary compatibility change,
Debian kernel updates keep the same version number and overwrite the
existing one. So if that new kernel has a bug on your system and won't
boot, then you're a bit stuffed. This has happened to me in the past.
7;s not working and find the fix immediately yourself.
It often does work that way :-) But in this case the original question
here was 4 days ago, and replies included lots of what I assume were
useful clues, including suggesting that the eth0 and eth1 labels may
not refer to the cards David thought they did.
[1] https://wiki.debian.org/PaulWise
If you look at the wiki page for GregWooledge there is no contact info
only a link to a page that starts with American political messages.
Fortunately, my first impressions of this Greg person were from
postings to this list, so to me he's this Bash expert and generally
technically sound guy who's worth listening to.
like it's available for arm64 architecture since Stretch...
e owned by root but access by frank ?
> Will chown work ?
Also looks like / is not writeable by root, what have you done to your
Didn't you have directory permissions problems before? A quick search
throws up https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2020/10/msg00059.html
Presumably the process is as described in full freeze announcement,
i.e. package developer makes unblock request to allow migration into
testing and release team grant it if they think it meets the criteria
for release.
fixes for that package in a stable release.
For highly complex software like the Linux kernel, and web browsers
like Firefox, Debian security releases tend to stick with upstream long
-term-support releases that contain the security fix. It's completely
impractical to maintain a Debian specific fork and patch that.
> 2) Create a partition to hold the LVM subsystem, but do not mount it.
> 3) Go into the LVM subsystem, and turn your empty partition into a
> volume group.
> 4) Create logical volumes within the VG for each file system you want,
> including root.
> However, since you were trying to do encryption as well, you should
> definitely look for advice from someone who has done that.
Between steps 2) and 3) you encrypt the partition.
On Wed, 2021-07-28 at 13:31 +0100, Tixy wrote:
> On Wed, 2021-07-28 at 07:54 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 10:05:54PM -0600, Jupiter777 wrote:
> > > so loop-with-no-exit went like:
> > >
> > >
> > > -- installer recognized t
there is only a single non-null argument between the [ ]
d into
immediate use. I for one consider internet access sufficiently
important to make fixing it a priority.
dict-moby-thesaurus from Debian 10 and it would work. No python2
> > As far as I know, NTFS3 is not enabled in any Debian kernel. 🤔
> > https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=998627
> >
> Which probably explains why I could not mount using `mount -t ntfs` :-)
> Slightly off-topic question: using pre-5.15 kernel, how can I mount a
> partition with kernel driver?
You can't, the NTFS kernel driver first appeared in Linux 5.15.
On Tue, 2022-02-01 at 17:56 +0100, Yvan Masson wrote:
> Le 01/02/2022 à 14:24, Tixy a écrit :
> > On Tue, 2022-02-01 at 13:39 +0100, Yvan Masson wrote:
> > > Le 31/01/2022 à 18:02, Christian Britz a écrit :
> > > >
> > > >
> >
fs # before jessie this was
Presumably that's the voodoo I found on the internet when I set things
up many years ago. I do have all my UIDs and GUIs matching across all
machines at home. Everything works seamlessly here. (On the server the
exports have option no_root_squash, the latter lets root use NFS
filesystem too.)
the paths you use
I use this for quick access for copying and editing files on other
machines. For proper automated backup and bulk storage I use NFS on a
NAS/router box (an ARM based computer running Debian).
reason to upgrade upgrade hardware. The fact that it's a
1999 CPU with 768MB RAM and the tendency of software to bloat and
consume CPU and memory resources as time goes by should be enough. ;-)
> You mean BIOS? What should I be looking for there?
Something line "Wake on LAN". My bios also seems to have timers you can
set to automatically wake up. Though it seems highly unlikely that
something like that would be enabled by default
ute and 30 seconds delay.
> Anyone can help, please?
Do you have any network filesystems mounted? I've found that systemd
takes down the network connections before it unmounts disks, so if I
forget to unmount them before shutting down I get this delay.
rowsing' mode set so, in theory,
nothing should remain after I close Firefox. Then for the cases where
I'm doing sensitive stuff (online banking, shopping, etc) I close
Firefox, re-open it to do that one task, then close it again.
On Thu, 2022-02-17 at 10:02 +, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 11:28:18AM +0100, Stella Ashburne wrote:
> > I wonder who embed Thai fonts and code in the first place..
> อย่าเหยียดเชื้อชาติ
it's due to go into LTS this July.
Buster isn't yet in Long Term Support, it's still
getting updates from Debian's security team in the same way it did the
very day after it was first released.
On Mon, 2022-02-21 at 15:48 +, Tixy wrote:
> On Mon, 2022-02-21 at 08:16 -0700, Keith Christian wrote:
> > The Buster machine I'm planning to re-activate is still powered off
> > until I find the exact security update lines for sources.list.
> These won'
On Tue, 2022-02-22 at 06:00 -0700, Keith Christian wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 21, 2022 at 7:33 AM Tixy wrote:
> > I assume because Buster isn't in Long Term Support yet, it's still in
> > normal support by the security team. From the schedule on the wiki,
> > it
iews on Amazon didn't complain about noise, sure enough, the new
one was silent so the old one was duff (possibly some inductor not
wound rigidly or touching another component).
[1] SilverStone NJ450-SXL
ings from overheating.
sness and lack of preparation.
> What is demonstrated is not a "dependency bug" but an unwillingness
> to learn from the past and plan for the future.
I totally agree. Somehow after all these years Richard Owlett hasn't
ended up in my kill file, but this is the final straw.
Perhaps you should not be using STARTTLS but just connecting initially
as TLS. My MUA (Evolution) has three options for connections...
- No Encryption.
- STARTTLS after connection.
- TLS on dedicated port.
I use the latter to connect to my Dovecot server, on port 993.
no swap available AND I/O cache already
> dropped THEN kill most memory hungry process
> 2. Repeat
> Job done!
I may be wrong here, but I seem to remember that something like that
used to happen a long time ago, and it had a habit of picking the X
server as the first thing to kill, not very friendly for GUI users.
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