card with IRQ0?

2001-11-18 Thread Timo Boewing
Hello all, I have a very strange problem i nevr have had: i build a new computer from scratch and installed woody. The funny problem is that linux detects all cards but cannot use'em cos they are assigned to interupt zero. Thus lspci and modprobe works onn all cards in the pci slots but the BI

Re: xmixer?

2001-11-18 Thread Timo Boewing
Stan Brown wrote: [...] xmixer. Any idea where I can get this program? Hello Stan, i think it is xmix, the pure X Window sound mixer. A simple "apt-get install xmix" or dselect should do the job. greetz, Timo

eth0: abnormal interupt, status 0x00....

2001-11-18 Thread Timo Boewing
Hello, it is me again. after a strange problem with a friends computer, one of my workstations is getting strange... That computer has a SiS900 Ethernet 100 card that worked pretty okay so far. When i booted my box today, this card caused a strange error message kinda: eth0: abnormal inter

mozilla + sawfish

2001-11-19 Thread Timo Boewing
Hello, currently i am using my GNOME with sawfish again but still having "problems" with mozilla. With enlightenment, everything worked pretty well, but w/ sawfish all moilla windows have the same size, no matter if a porperty window (e.g. bookmark window, image props, popup etc.). Thus, if a

Re: interfaces and ip addressing

2001-11-19 Thread Timo Boewing
Ronneil Camara wrote: > I would like to know what file is used for setting up ip addresses and > gateway. What about interfaces, how can I create more than 2 lan cards > enable. Let say, I got 2 3com nics. The file of interest is /etc/network/interfaces, an example would be: # Used by ifup(8) a

Re: card with IRQ0?

2001-11-22 Thread Timo Boewing
mike wrote: Is your BIOS "helpfully" breaking PnP for a windows style OS? There should be an option to turn it to other or none instead of windows somewhere. --mike Hello Mike, Thanxs for the reply. In the deeps of the www i found that from Award BIOS' higher than version 6.0 (the ASUS ha

Re: eth0: abnormal interupt, status 0x00....

2001-11-22 Thread Timo Boewing
Rehi, for thos interested: I temp. fixed the error by upgrading to a 2.4.13, but one day later the problem arraised again. I tried to manually force the slots to specific interrupts, but no mater how i did it, my AGP card and the NIC shared the same IRQ. So the solution was quite easy: i put t

Re: info i found !!

2001-11-22 Thread Timo Boewing
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: peace anyone a win virus scanner? is this a virus spam? help, not here! Timo

Re: Framebuffer VGA settings

2001-11-27 Thread Timo Boewing
Hello, Recently found a table telling all those numbers. Well, with a custom kernel having vesafb enabled and using a Geforce2Go, i am using a simple vga=791 This opens my console to 1024x768 pixels and works very well. Maybe this helps a little bit, Timo

Re: Framebuffer VGA settings

2001-11-27 Thread Timo Boewing
Hi Jan, Jan Ulrich Hasecke wrote: [...] I never found settings to alter the refresh rate. Isn't it possible with vesafb? [...] Mh, goog question, i never thought 'bout that. Cos using a laptop, i do not have to care about this... I forgot to wrote that i have forgotten the source where i fo

Re: RealPlayer

2001-12-01 Thread Timo Boewing
Hello Arlen, Several times i had the same probs with RealPlayer. Do you use GNOME? Sometimes a (on my system!) faulty esd caused trouble (have a laptop w/ i810_audio, 48kHz, esd never worked a long time). Sometimes RealPlayer worked fine until some apt-get upgrade and failed after that. Did mu

Re: ethernet question

2001-12-02 Thread Timo Boewing
Alec wrote: How does one connect two computers to the internet throught one ethernet socket? Does one of them have to have two ethernet cards and run special software? Technically, one socket would not do the job. But to your querstion: One computer acts as a gateway. One interface is connec

free/open documentation formats

2001-12-02 Thread Timo Boewing
Hello all, for some future and current works i want to provide my writings additionally in other formats than xhtml. Has anyone a link to a list of free documentation formats? The problem is that i want to avoid using formats on that evtl. patents are pending. for example, i would like to prov

Re: free/open documentation formats

2001-12-03 Thread Timo Boewing
Hey, thank you all for your reply. Regarding PDF/PostScript that was exactly what i was thinking of, the LZW compression. But good to hear it is possible to avoid this compression. Regarding the authoring tools, i am using a selfmade XML format that i transform into XHTML using XSL Templates.

Re: DVD player

2001-12-03 Thread Timo Boewing
There are : vlc and xine DVD players. Hi Chris, there is also ogle. I also tried vlc and xine, but i got the best results with ogle. why? vlc suffered from hangings and segfaults on my system, and later on i never could get acceleration to work (e.g. via libsdl). Xine did also some "pumping

Re: DVD player

2001-12-03 Thread Timo Boewing
Hello Chris, sorry, i cannot further help with this. i was glad that dvds work on my linux box, but i never ripped one. those i know still use windoze :-( So far, the old trick "warez dvd rip linux" (or similar) on google should help. greetings, Timo

Re: DVD rip (Was RE: DVD Player)

2001-12-03 Thread Timo Boewing
Thomas Hallaran wrote: Hey, thanx for these hints! greetings, Timo

Re: DVD player

2001-12-03 Thread Timo Boewing
Jeffrey W. Baker wrote: Ogle also has issues. mh, so far i discovered none, but also watched only two movies with it (T2, Episode1). From my point of view, ogle seemed to have the same probs on smooth cam movements like all the other players have (linux and windoze). May this be due to har

Re: mouse problems using x

2001-12-03 Thread Timo Boewing
Hello Isidor, from experience, please check for these reasons/try this: a) try to use ImPS/2 protocol in X config b) check if gpm is running (general purpose mouse, e.g. for console) typically, i could isolate these two reasons for the symptoms you mentioned.. hope that helps, Timo

Re: Ghostscript/Fonts problem

2001-12-03 Thread Timo Boewing
Hi Thomas, dunno if that would help, but please try these: a) check if you have "dir" lines in /etc/X11/XftConfig (dunno if this applies, had to use id for font AA in KDE...but am back to GNOME again ;-] ) b) reinstall XFonts (quite large...if not using a fast inet conn) c) try to embed the

Re: DVD player

2001-12-03 Thread Timo Boewing
Alec wrote: How much RAM on the video card? I'm wondering what kind of hardware one needs to play DVDs and MPEG-4s under Linux. Alec The Laptop: PIII 850MHz w/ 256MB SDRAM 133, GeForce2Go w/ 16MB DDR, Desktop:Athlon A 500MHz w/ 384MB SDRAM 133, GeForce 1 w/ 32MB DDR works mostly liq

Re: woody and mozilla 0.9.5

2001-12-04 Thread Timo Boewing
I had similar symptoms with a non-deb mozilla as of version 0.95. I recommend to install 0.96 (if not available as .deb) from directly. Between 0.95 and 0.96 about 1500 bugs have been wiped out. Give it a try, not only it is noticeably more performant than the 0.95. hth, Timo

Re: 2.4.16 kernel crashed

2001-12-07 Thread Timo Boewing
Preben Randhol wrote: [...] Do somebody know of particular problems with 2.4.16? Well, for the first time i had a similar problem with GNOME/screensaver under 2.1.16 (custom), bot only once and do not really know if this is related with the kernel. just my two eurocents, Timo

intrusion detection / logfile reporter

2001-11-09 Thread Timo Boewing
Hello all, I have some questions regarding system security. Besides of doing filtering with IP tables, disabling inet.d services like telnet, r-tools etc. and setting some general denials in /etc/hosts.deny (plus some other stuff like changing default ports of some demons like sshd), I am loo

Re: intrusion detection / logfile reporter

2001-11-09 Thread Timo Boewing
Stephen E. Hargrove wrote: has some good stuff - logcheck, portsentry and hostsentry. Hello Stephen, Hey, that was *exactly* what i was looking for. When i have time, i will try these packages. When i am done, i will let the list know about my experiences; if anyon

Re: intrusion detection / logfile reporter

2001-11-10 Thread Timo Boewing
Original Message Subject: Re: intrusion detection / logfile reporter Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2001 00:24:34 -0800 (PST) From: Alvin Oga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Timo Boewing" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> CC: "Debian User (en)" hi timo i like to ask mor

esd & sawfish crash

2001-11-14 Thread Timo Boewing
Hello everyone, I have a problem regarding the enlightened sound demon esd and my sawfish windowmanager. If i tell sawfish via the GNOME control center to use sounds, everything works fine for a while but my after a while X hangs step by step. That means technically, sound works but after some

Re: Which mail user agent do you use?

2001-11-14 Thread Timo Boewing
Hello, if you want a MUA not using console, I recommend these: a) mozilla-mail: faster from version to version, capable of having multiple email accounts per user (in contrast to the old netscape mailer), good filtering, threading (good for majordomo lists like this here) b) evolution: needs

Re: Linux counter registration?

2001-11-14 Thread Timo Boewing
Karl M. Hegbloom wrote: I wonder if we really are in second place, or if we are undercounted? well, many counts have been removed cos supposed to be out of date. visitors have been asked to recount'em, this may explain the low number. greetz, Timo

Re: nvidia drivers & kernel 2.4.14

2001-11-14 Thread Timo Boewing
Kyle Girard wrote: Has anyone been able to get the nvidia drivers to work with the stock 2.4.14 kernel? It works well with my 2.4.14. Got it from the FTP of and did just a patch for my USB graphic table (Aiptek 8000U), but i think it has nothung to do with the nVidia drivers. I