--- Olive Esseret <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes I knew this command but it does not works in all
> case: try (in X)
> nohup emacs&
This works fine for me, and does what it is supposed to do.
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http:/
;kdm" have to be coerced
into using it.
See the following page for details:
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://linuxgazette.net
se, I use neither)?
login into the (gasp!) console, and use 'startx'.
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://linuxgazette.net
" We'll just save up your sins, Thomas, and pun
--- Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Deinstall xdm, gdm and/or kdm, depending on which you've installed.
echo false >> /etc/X11/default-display-manager
Is probably "better".
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic"
assumes that highrt version numbers of programs must be
good because they'll work "better".
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://linuxgazette.net
" We'll just save up your s
ur logs to the list, but providing a URL
to them (at the worst case, a pastebin).
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://linuxgazette.net
" We'll just save up your sins, Thomas, and punish
d have made do quite happily with XFree86. :P
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://linuxgazette.net
" We'll just save up your sins, Thomas, and punish
you for all of them at once when y
--- martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Are there any differences between the run-levels 1 and S? I know
> that S10single is not executed for S, but init spawns sulogin
> directly. Any functional differences?
Other than what you have said above, no.
-- Thomas Adam
--- "H. S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I change their permissions to root:cdrom and reboot, the permissions
> again are set to root:disk.
Remove 'discover'.
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazett
c, how I can set "cyriilic" alias to be "main"?
The order that the fonts are searched in is dependant on the order that
the font lines are listed in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 -- change them around.
> - setserial sets my internal modem speed to 9600 on every reboot.
ack to
yourself. There's nothing near the correct amount of information needed to
answer it.
Specifically you need to say *what* issues you are having with the Motif
interface. Knowing your WM (Window Manager) would help, too.
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic"
[ -f ~/.bash_profile ] && . ~/.bash_profile
#Add any other programs you want to start here
#in the form:
# program &
# program2 &
# Start the window manager
exec /path/to/my/window/manager
Then just:
chmod 700 ~/.xsess
;t know what the BTS is [1]. The Bug Tracking System is
useful when things like this happen.
Look here:
-- Thomas Adam
[1] Whether you knew it existed or not is irrelevant. If you did, then
you'd surely have looked there.
--- Ishwar Rattan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I installed sylpheed-clasws using apt-get and want to remove it.
> # dpkg --purge sylpheed-claws
You want:
apt-get --purge remove sylpheed-claws
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://
--- Michael Satterwhite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> trying to overwrite `/usr/share/man/fr/man1/cups-config.1.gz', which is
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linu
It's only a question of time before he's left lying on his back, legs
twitching in the air.
Don't take it personally, but this is the second time within the last few
days where we (as in the sense of debian-user) have had to play the
BTS-frontend, for an otherwise simple operatio
--- Michael Satterwhite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The problem you referenced is stated as being closed on 12/29/2004. It's
> occurring *NOW*.
Have you done:
apt-get update
since then?
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http:
--- Michael Satterwhite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> several times
Is it possible then that you're using some mirrors in
/etc/apt/sources.list that have fallen by the wayside? I'd certainly check
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http:/
; command in 'man fvwm'.
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://linuxgazette.net
" We'll just save up your sins, Thomas, and punish
you for all of them at once when you get better. The
-- Thomas Adam
Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail
emical formula and equilibria
chemtool - Chemical structures drawing program
xmakemol - A program for visualizing atomic and molecular systems
xmakemol-gl - A program for visualizing atomic and molecular systems
"chemtool" is
nces to pkgcache and srcpkgcache. You can turn
these off if you wish, in favour of using apt-proxy, or apt-cacher or
But I'd be more inclined to run:
apt-get {auto,}clean
every so often.
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor&quo
hell-bent on running. But then they're DEs and not WMs.
Perhaps the best place to look would be here:
it has to be my most favourite website.
-- Thomas Adam.
Yahoo! M
, like there is with DEs. It certainly provides a
great deal more flexibility.
So in that way, WMs are much faster, and most WMs are damn good at
managing the windows mapped to them.
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor"
When was the last time you tried to load KDE or GNOME? They take
an absolute age, pulling in I don't know what -- and whats more, the
case of KDE that loads a lot of libs for applications, whether you use
them or not.
But then, this discussion doesn't change the difference betw
haps. But XFCE4's only good thing is that it
has plenty of eye-candy. You can't do a thing with it other than that.
-- Thomas Adam.
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://linuxgazette.net
" We'll
and good. When I used it, it seemed to crash a lot, and offered
not a lot in terms of focus or placement policies in comparsion to
other WMs (and some DEs). But I can see why people like it.
-- Thomas Adam
t; Also calling XFCE a desktop environment is pushing it a little.
No, it's the exact, and proper definition.
-- Thomas Adam
How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday
snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Pho
> Configuring
> that portion for most WMs is a PITA. The other portions they are
Configuring that aspect is usually what makes the whole process fun,
IMO. I am curious though which WMs you feel were "lacking" in that
regard. I'd have s
#x27;s the exact, and proper definition.
> And yet it performs hardly any of the fuctions attributed to DEs
> like
> KDE/GNOME or Winders.
It still provides inherent look and feel across those applications that
XFCE supports.
-- Thomas Adam
> Hrm, which WMs did I use in the past? FVWM2, WM, BB, a few
> others that
> were supposed to be the kitty's titties but I uninstalled in about 5m
> flat
> because they were completely lacking. IceWM was
> D: in a manner which fits about 80% of my needs?
Sure -- but it's still subjective. Which is not a bad thing, but it
cannot be applied across the board. If that's what works for you, then
that's nice.
-- Thomas Adam.
click this button or that button, an
action is performed. Whether that action is what you were expecting or
not, depends. But like all good WMs, they can be changed -- as to how
this happens, depends on the WM, and t
o use a
text editor to change a menu entry -- I see it as just another means to
achieve the same goal. Just because that means might not be how you
wanted, that is not lacking; the functionality still exists.
-- Thomas Adam
vwm that you
just couldn't represent graphically. fvwm has hundreds of style
options, and many focus policy hints. You can't enumerate these easily
in such a way that the user could understand or know what they mean.
-- nano, jed, vim, emacs, etc.
> configuration inside the application itself, readily accessible does
> not
> preclude text file configuration. If you think it does, go try
> configuring
I never said it did.
-- Thomas Adam.
s one of those things you'd realise, if you used the WM in question.
Trying to explain it otherwise, is tricky.
-- Thomas Adam
How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday
snaps for FREE with Yahoo! P
king to. If you can't get to
it, none of the options would work -- simple. That's not something
neither you or a WM could do anything about.
-- Thomas Adam
Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal cle
especially if they need to use or set it up quickly. So I thought the
comments helped. Unweildly? Perhaps.
> Sure are acting like it.
Welcome to a text-based medium. Ambiguity, anyone?
-- Thomas Adam.
one would hope the WM fell back to some internal defaults.
-- Thomas Adam.
How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday
snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos http://uk.photos.yahoo.com
graphically, I
don't just mean a drop-down list, with a mass of text then appearing
detailing the option. To depict anyone of those options would be quite
a challenge.
As a semi-example of a
fast) internet connection, most just download one of the
following (depending on your needs):
... the "netinst" iso comes with base -- whereas the business card one
does not.
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weeke
;s by no means deprecated when you compare the weaknesses aptitude
has over apt-get. But that has been discussed to death already.
-- Thomas Adam
Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC call
here a way to determine the name of the (non-installed)
> package
> which owns a particular (non-installed) filename? e.g., which package
> will install the file printf.1.gz?
apt-get install apt-file && \
the only thing that did not work, the touchpad worked.
You should ensure that for your configured mouse in
/etc/X11/XF86Config-4 that you're using "/dev/input/mice" as the
correct Mouse location. Also, assuming you have everything picked up
by hotplug, you'll w
t's because the gnome application will start up
'gnome-settings-daemon' if it isn't started.
-- Thomas Adam.
Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with
ide some context with this? I assume based soley on the
way the key-binding is written, that you're referring to some aspect of
-- Thomas Adam.
How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday
x27; | xargs apt-get --reinstall
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://linuxgazette.net
" We'll just save up your sins, Thomas, and punish
you for all of them at once when you get bette
onolithic release if not. See
for more information .
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://linuxgazette.net
" We'll j
--- Don Hayward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a package that contains the standard contents of the /bin
> directory? I erred.
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor"
--- "Mark D. Hansen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can anyone tell me how to determine if this is the case or not?
grep -i parport /boot/config-$(uname -r)
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor"
--- Nils-Erik Svangård <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> bash-3.00$ df
> bash: fork: Resursen tillfälligt otillgänglig
What does:
ulimit -Su
say? Also have a look in: /etc/security/limits.conf
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxg
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Can someone please explain why some packages might be "kept back", or
> how I might find out?
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://li
consider that overkill on you part. Indeed, I'd agree. What you'd really
want to do is use 'deboostrap' on the headless server. There's plenty of
documentation on how to do this.
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
r/Desktop Environment you're using.
* Which application you're using.
If you can't manage this, then we're in trouble, as it makes trying to
answer your question rather difficult. You can do it using -geometry, only
if the application supports it.
-- Thomas Adam
--- Eric Dickner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Will I, or some kind of disconnnect at the ISP, ruin
> the whole thing? Can I then issue the command again
> and will it recognize the packcages it already got?
If apt-get is interrupted, it'll continue from where it left off. Note
that you might f
Two tin-cans and a piece of string. Just make sure you shout loud enough;
the commands into the can.
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://linuxgazette.net
" We'll just save up you
Why is there no mention of bzip2
> support for {Packages,Sources} in any of the example configs, or package
It also begs the question "who cares?" given that the size decrease would
be negligable.
[..snip egotistical bull..]
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechani
ti-user linux? What's that? If it is a kernel version, I
certainly have never heard of it. Although one thing you could try is
pressing ^L at the console. But again, I can't be any more specific.
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
just delete it unnecessarily.
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://linuxgazette.net
" We'll just save up your sins, Thomas, and punish
you for all of them at once when you get
X: xset b off
For the console you can add that to ~/.bash_profile
For X, add it to ~/.xsession
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://linuxgazette.net
" We'll just save up your sins, Th
--- Otto Wyss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm starting X through startx so again I'm missing the .xsession . I
> know there is a sample somewhere but I can't find it.
-- Thomas Adam
nds you want to launch here
#Now launch the window manager
xfwm4 --daemon
xftaskbar4 &
xfdesktop &
exec xfce4-panel
Save that as ~/.xsession. chmod 700 ~/.xsession
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic&qu
--- Adam Felix Bogacki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hdb: irqtimeout: status=0xd0 {Busy}
> ide0: reset: success
> ...
You could try passing the kernel parameter "nodma" at the grub/lilo
prompt, although I'd be much more inclined to say
unconv(8) to 'decode' the file and pwconv(8) to
recode it again. Be *very* careful that you don't clash any UIDs.
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://linuxgazette.net
" We
squid -D -sYC
proxy 1318 0.5 23.3 18592 14532 ? SOct16 80:26 (squid) -D
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://linuxgazette.net
" We'll just save up your sins, Thomas, and
--- Scotty Fitzgerald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can't be the first person to want to do this, so how do I do this?
apt-get install gvidm
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://l
--- Chris Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> #!/bin/bash
> /usr/bin/find /usr/lib/ecartis/lists/ -name users -print \
> -exec grep --ignore-case "$1" {} \; | grep -B 1 "$1"
Odd, it works fine for me. Are you sure there is no other factor?
-- Thomas Adam
--- Micha Feigin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> possible (I seem to recall seeing an option for this somewhere but not
> sure about it and I can't find it).
mount --bind
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
--- David Baron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What two calls should I put in here to get the mixer setting saved and
> restored?
alsactl store
alsactl restore
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor"
--- David Baron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Didn't work.
Can you be any less specific? Please give details, about *what* didn't
work, expected outcomes, any errors produced, etc.
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http:/
--- Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> What's the best way to remove Remove Config-file packages?
COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/ {print $2}' | xargs dpkg --purge
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.
--- Brian Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 11:03:30PM +0000, Thomas Adam wrote:
> > --- Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > What's the best way to remove Remove Config-file packages
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://linuxgazette.net
" We'll just save up your sins, Thomas, and punish
you for all of them at once when y
--- Lance Hoffmeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How can I get a count of the number of files in a directory?
> directory + subdirectoies?
ls -1 | wc -l
(note the "-1" option to 'ls' is hyphen-one, NOT lower-case L, which is
what the option to '
ckage you install will work. If it is the case
that youhave versions of packages B and C that are already installed, you
could use 'equivs', but I don't think it will help you here.
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
in a similar way to
No can do -- the license of AAR is such that it cannot be shipped with
Debian officially. You could use xpdf instead.
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://linuxgazette.net
you don't care for portability, the command above is the same as:
thescript &> /dev/null )
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://linuxgazette.net
" We'll just save up your sins
--- RituRaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any approx dates?
When it's ready.
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://linuxgazette.net
" We'll just save up your sins, Tho
change all the files to DOS format. There's many, many ways you can do
this. I happen to use a nice program called "flip" (which is
apt-gettable). You use it thus:
flip -m *.txt
Which will convert all .txt files to msdos CR/LFs.
That way, when they're burnt to CD, it'
es anyone know how?
xmms -> preferences -> Audio I/O Plugins -> CD Audio Player (doube click
on that). Ensure the "digital audio extraction" box is pressed in.
That's it.
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
would have a look at your memory chips, identify
them, google for the specs, and compare their heat tolerant levels against
the temperature the CPU is at.
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://linuxgaze
--- Blake Swadling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> grep 2>&1 logfile
grep 'whatever' > ./file 2>&1
is what you meant.
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://linux
--- Mirek Stefanski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But one day I decided to upgrade to Sarge - after one day battle it was
> done. Now I have to wait about 10 minutes to start KDE desktop, and
This is normal for KDE.
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend
ncurses interface, then you are probably using it
wrong. :) I also find the fact that aptitude's difference on the CL to the
ncurses interface to be worrying at best.
I'm sticking with apt-get. At least until the bugs for aptitude are
-- Thomas Adam
--- Jon Dowland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Nov 2004 14:21:54 +0000 (GMT), Thomas Adam
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I can see no advantages to using aptitude over apt-get.
> If I'm not mistaken, d-i uses aptitude (or maybe its a cu
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://linuxgazette.net
" We'll just save up your sins, Thomas, and punish
you for all of them at once when you ge
--- Christian Christmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> are there any SCP GUI clients for Sarge?
xterm -e "scp ." :)
gftp can be coaxed into using ssh2 as one of its supported protocols, so I
would imagine that can do it, at least.
-- Thomas Adam
--- Pascal Bonesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> How about konqueror with the fish:// or nautilus with sftp:// protocoll?
> Or am I mistaken? Isn't that going through ssh and using scp?
Sort of. Fish is a filesystem via ssh. Although for such things, I prefe
--- "Rodney D. Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any idea how to correct this?
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http:/
NOT want that. I need to keep the two installations completely separate.
> Any
> ideas, critiques, etc are welcome.
Use "equivs" to trick the system into thinking you have the perl package
installed. This will allow you to install other packages that might depend
on the perl package, allowin
kg --force-conflicts
> There may be some way to do this. It may be in the debian 'alternatives'
Debian 'alternatives' has nothing to do with the installation of a
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Edit
--- Kenneth Jacker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any comments, suggestions, and/or help is appreciated!
Try and use 'equivs' for this, or:
dpkg --force-depends
and in the latter case, on your head be it should anything break.
-- Thomas Adam
s respawned, as it is initially killed when you
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://linuxgazette.net
" We'll just save up your sins, Thomas, and punish
you for all of them at once whe
imp 2.0 I am getting:
> stekas:/var/cache# apt-get -f install
You only need to do that if there are dependency issues beforehand.
You clearly have an issue with perms, although why this should be as root,
I don't know.
-- Thomas Adam
> Debian with the CD. It seems the kernel freezes up
I'm not surprised. That kernel version lacks support for new hardware. I
suggest you download the new beta4 installer:
burn that to a CD, and
ould I do so?
Generally you don't -- you wait for the bug to be fixed.
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://linuxgazette.net
" We'll just save up your sins, Thomas, and punish
you for
the disown that'll keep it alive if the controlling terminal
disappears (note that 'nohup' might be a more acceptable alternative, if
you have issues with using shell builtins):
> Try running it through screen instead:
(this is another alternative)
-- Thomas Ada
--- Ricky Clarkson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Jun 2004 16:07:10 +0100 (BST), Thomas Adam
> > Generally you don't -- you wait for the bug to be fixed.
> If you have appropriate source lines you can do apt-get install
> thepackage/testing or apt-
gt; TeX thread, would this be an appropriate application of LaTex?
I would use "dia" to do this.
-- Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
"TAG Editor" -- http://linuxgazette.net
" We'll just save up your s
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