Hi all
Am having a small problem with keyboard locales - when I did an apt-get
update && apt-get upgrade, my keyboard locale went back to the US
keyboard layout, while I can change it back to the UK keyboard layout
temporarily in the terminal windows, but it doesn't change for X server,
and af
Hello all
Does anyone know how to enable 3D acceleration / Open GL for my Matrox
G550 AGP using Debian?
Thanks very much for your help in advance
Cheers - Piers
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sure. Make sure that whatever kernel you're using has support built for
it, load the module, and start up X. Make sure you're loading the dri
Strange - as I've got 2 graphics cards and 3 monitors, an el cheapo TNT2
and the G550. The desktop "on" the TNT2 shows OpenGL application
To Aaron, Marc and Bill,
Marc - here's the Quake 3 error on the G550:
Sys_Error: GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem
But works fine on the TNT2
Bill, Fair enough, but it doesn't work on both heads, not just one.
How do I check if its compiled in the kernel? I think it seems
Hello Marc,
> Don't know a thing about Quake... Quake puts me to sleep. Can't see
> it as anything but a good thing that it doesn't work for you.
Heh... was using it as an example OpenGL - that was before someone told
me about glxgears.
> Ewww... framebuffer. Shoot immediately with extreme
Hello Roberto;
> nForce2 GART support is in 2.4.22 and newer kernels. The nVidia
> drivers have been modified (via a patch) to compile against 2.5.x and
> 2.6.x kernels. If you want I can email you the patch, or you can
> Goolge for it, or search the threads at nforcershq.com.
Aha. Got a bit co
Hello all
Needed to do an "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" and it finished, but
noted an error, so did an "apt-get -f install", and get the following:
desire:~# apt-get -f install
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Correcting dependencies... Done
The following extr
Hello all
I note that I'm using SSH version 3.6.1p2 but I note there's version
3.7.1 out - how do I update it to that? I downloaded 3.7.1, compiled
and installed it, while doing a "ssh -V" shows 3.7.1, doing an
"/etc/sbin/sshd -v" shows version 3.6.1. How do I update the server
properly? Or
> The unofficial package 'fireflies' is flawed. This is not Debian's
> fault. Remove it. It is not the responsibility of an official package
> to attempt to avoid conflicts with some hacked up unofficial package.
desire:~# apt-get remove --purge fireflies
Reading Package Lists... Done
Hello Roberto again;
Have rebooted and sorted out PC regarding to the new kernel - it loads
the AGPGART module and detects the G550 card no problem. Still OpenGL
doesn't work on both heads of the G550, I get:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ glxgears
Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual
Hello all
I'm having problems with ugly fonts - how do I fix it? An example is
shown in the below URL:
Cheers - Piers
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Added a new TNT2 Model 64 video card in my PC along with my AGP Geforce3
and PCI TNT2 Model 64 making a total of 3 GFX cards. Computer was
running okay until around 10 mins ago, when it crashed. Rebooted, LILO
gave a strange error message. Rebooted, the kernel stopped loading
halfway. Reboo
Hello all
Started up my PC and X seemed to have started up twice, then I got a
message saying "You seem to have already a X server running on :0,
should I try starting up in that window or should I not do this?" and I
see there's 2 or 3 instances of X running so I kill them all. But GDM
Hello all
Am installing Debian on a 486 laptop, and because I want to trim down
the installation as much as possible, how do I view a list of what's
installed by apt-get on the laptop? DSelect is useless as it marks some
stuff that hasn't been installed as to be installed.
Thanks very much fo
You are quite right, and I apologise for being arrogrant and ignorant.
Thanks very much to everyone who helped me with my query.
Cheers - Piers
Quoting Charles-Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I hope the comment 'dselect is useless' is just an unfortunate use of
> words used when you were a litt
Hi all
I'm installing debian on a 486 laptop, and want to use it for X, IRC, www and
email, so which window manager is best to use for the 100MHz laptop with 20mb
RAM, and which IRC, WWW and email clients would also be good to use here?
Thanks very much for your help in advance
Cheers - Piers
Hello all
Am going to move house soon, and want to re-setup my network again, as I
want to install debian on the network server which is currently RedHat
(DHCP, DNS, proxy etc). But I'm quite worried about security, and want
to know the best ways to find out how to secure the network. I've a
First of all, google for what type of memory your laptop can take and
how much it can take, then hit ebay. Trust me - X is greedy. If you
can get 64M or 96M you'll be happier then with 16M.
Unfortunately, the laptop can only take 20Mb - 4Mb onboard, 16Mb added
on - there are 8Mb version
Hello Bret,
What threats are you trying to protect against? That decides what you
need to take care of.
Not quite sure - hackers and the like?
My point is that, like in the Window$ world, simply saying "put on a
firewall, and an anti-virus program and you're done. And keep it up to
date" doesn'
Hello all
Is it possible at all for X on a computer to log in another computer
remotely? I.e. one computer has XDM and WMaker on it, but without an
XFree86 server, another computer has a XFree86 server, the computer with
WMaker on, logs on to the XFree86 and shows the XDM login dialog box,
If you are really interested in getting security and having some
functionality hosted yourself (mail/web) then I would strongly recommend
you consider a DMZ for your hosting.
This can be done a number of ways. But if you can spare an extra
machine, this would be pretty good and save yo
0 Aug 2003 04:06:39 -0700 Steve Lamb wrote:
On Sat, 30 Aug 2003 11:42:09 +0100
Piers Kittel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is it possible at all for X on a computer to log in another
computer remotely?
Yes. Look into XDMCP.
Another option would be VNC.
Not with the parameters he specified.
Hi all
Currently, I've got the following hardware:
1) Email/ftp/dns/proxy/web/dhcp/irc server
2) Linksys 3 in 1 hardware router/Wireless AP/switch
3) 2 laptops with WLAN cards
4) Spare PC
5) Spare 486
6) Rest of the network
So I've got 3 options to share out my Internet access to my internal
Hi all
Have just set up my new PC with Debian, changed the apt-get sources list
but I'm having an annoying Gnome2.2 apt problem, and am not quite sure
how to fix this.
I run:
apt-get install gnome
and get the following error message:
Reading Package Lists...
Building Dependency Tree...
Hello all
I have 2 card readers - an Sandisk PCMCIA compactflash card reader, and
an Lexar USB Smartmedia card reader, and well, the question is how to
get those to work on my linux laptop? I'm not fairly sure what is there
to need to know to solve the problem, the laptop's a fairly ancient on
da1 is not a valid block device"
Trying "mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /home/smartmedia" gets the same results.
Any ideas?
Cheers - Piers
Roberto Sanchez wrote:
> --- Piers Kittel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
>>Hello all
>>I have 2 card readers - an Sa
Repeated it many times, still doesn't work :/
Cheers - Piers
Roberto Sanchez wrote:
--- Piers Kittel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
Fantastic thanks so very much for your help Bret and Roberto - much helpful!
Have recompiled the kernel with SCSI support, SCSI disk support, USB
Hi Roberto
Module SizeUsed by Not tainted
sd_mod 10092 0 (autoclean) (unused)
prism2_cs 57040 1
p80211 13048 1 [prism2_cs]
usb-storage 21944 0 (unused)
scsi_mod53548 1 [sd_mod usb-storage]
Cheers - Piers
Roberto Sanchez wrote:
--- Piers
Hello Bret,
Also, is the Smart Media card you're trying to read formatted ("is there
gas in the tank?")?
Heh! Yeah its formatted no worries - after all, I have used it in Win2k
no problems.
Followed your instructions, recompiled kernel with Jumpshot support
built in, and installed hotplug manager,
As my router keep dropping connections to my modem, I need to find out
why it is doing that, still not sure, so have decided to write a ping
script to see if it prevents the connection dropping, but as I haven't
really written a script before, how do I find out how to:
Ping the nearest
Hello all,
Have used windowmaker a lot for quite a while on my work and home
computers, but one thing really bugs me is that only a few certain
window, when opened, is sized in crazy sizes. For example, if I open an
email in Thunderbird, the window takes up the full width but only 1cm or
so hi
deaf-pc15:~# which lsmod
Thanks very much for your help again
Cheers - Piers
Bill Marcum wrote:
On Tue, Sep 21, 2004 at 10:01:41AM +0100, Piers Kittel wrote:
Uninstalled module-init-tools, and modutils was already installed, but
still doesn't f
Hello all,
Do someone have a laptop with a broken screen but working base unit with
a built in network card (i.e. not a PCMCIA network card) lying around
that I can buy off you? Need a low power firewall box.
with a subject of "unsubs
Hello all,
Have had lots of probs with this laptop and decided just to reformat the
hard drive and reinstall Debian (for the first time ever - oh the shame)
even tho all probs would be fixable - but I needed a working laptop.
Anyway it's all working but KDE feels very slow, and looked up the CPU
+0100, Piers Kittel wrote:
Hello all,
Have had lots of probs with this laptop and decided just to reformat the
hard drive and reinstall Debian (for the first time ever - oh the shame)
even tho all probs would be fixable - but I needed a working laptop.
Anyway it's all working but KDE feels very
Hello all,
Am seriously considering mirroring testing for myself (faster updates,
installs etc due to having several computers) but due to only having a
512k download ADSL, can't share it out, and want to check if the
bandwidth is good enough. How much update (as in size) on average
occurs eac
Hello all,
I've got an ancient 486 which needs its kernel recompiled, but it is
extremely slow, and the hard drive isn't big enough - and I think it's
possible to recompile the kernel on my main PC and transfer the kernel
and modules over - how to do this?
Thanks very much for your help in adv
Hello all
Changed my apt sources to get the testing packages, did an apt-get
update then apt-get upgrade, and now GDM won't work properly - when the
PC boots up and loads GDM, I just see the default grey/white screens on
both of my monitors and the pointer is the black cross.
Exiting GDM and d
Hello all
Changed my apt sources to get the testing packages, did an apt-get
update then apt-get upgrade, and now GDM won't work properly - when the
PC boots up and loads GDM, I just see the default grey/white screens on
both of my monitors and the pointer is the black cross.
Exiting GDM and d
Hello all
Changed my apt sources to get the testing packages, did an apt-get
update then apt-get upgrade, and now GDM won't work properly - when the
PC boots up and loads GDM, I just see the default grey/white screens on
both of my monitors and the pointer is the black cross.
Exiting GDM and disab
Bascially, I've got 2 computers, one which is my main PC (named desire),
and the other is a server (named destiny). I'd like the server to
backup the /home/piers directory from the main PC. The server is
accessing the main PC by NFS and desire:/home is moutned on
You are completely correct, and I totally agree, but the issue here is
that the hard drive in Destiny is 12Gb, and the backup is around 6GB and
so there isn't room for 2 backups.
Interestingly, when I tried to tar the files on the main PC (Desire) and
then copy it over via NFS, I alwa
Great! Seems to be working
Michael Heironimus wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 01:24:45AM +0100, Piers Kittel wrote:
>>Bascially, I've got 2 computers, one which is my main PC (named desire),
>>and the other is a server (named destiny). I'd lik
Furthering the subject...
Is it possible to get the crontab to email me each time the job
succeeds/fails or is it better to write a shell script and get crontab
to execute the script?
Cheers - Piers
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contac
Hello all,
Did an "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" and my keyboard settings has
been reverted to the US map (again!) and while I can use "loadkeys uk"
and "setxkbmap gb" to get the UK keyboard back on X and console - but I
can't remember how to make the changes permament? Rebooting reverts t
ks very much for your help so far!
Cheers - Piers
Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corsetti Dutra wrote:
Em Tue, 15 Jun 2004 12:10:09 +0200, Piers Kittel escreveu:
The XF86Config file does contain enteries for the UK keyboard yet I
need to run setxkbmap to change it to the UK keyboard?
Please check
Hello all,
After a long while, finally got GDM to work with Windowmaker, but the
system fonts are a little horrible - am trying to fix it. After
extensive search on Google it seems that GDM sets the DPI of the X
server wrongly - anyone help me find out exactly where to set the
correct DPI? I'
Well, I was using KDM before and the fonts were perfect - when I switch
back to KDM, the fonts are fine, but when I switch to GDM the fonts goes
ugly. But anyway, tried your method, but when I do an "startx" it loads
xcfe - how do I get startx to load windowmaker?
Thanks for your help s
Thanks very much for your help again ;)
Cheers - Piers
Micha Feigin wrote:
On Thu, Jun 17, 2004 at 01:04:56AM +0300, Micha Feigin wrote:
On Wed, Jun 16, 2004 at 06:27:10PM +0100, Piers Kittel wrote:
Hello all,
After a long while, finally got GDM to work with Windowmaker, but the
system fonts ar
Hello all,
Just installed KDE on my work and home PCs to test it out - while I can
edit the KDE menu at work, I can't edit the KDE menu at home - I open up
"KDE Menu Editor", make the changes, save it, and then exit, but find
the menu hasn't changed at all, and reloading KDE Menu Editor shows th
Hello all,
Have finally got my Quickcam webcam to work under Linux, and want to
capture video from it - not images, but video. The only software that I
could find that would capture video was xawtv - is there any other?
My problem with xawtv is that I can start it with 'xawtv -c
Hi all,
Reinstalled Debian last Friday, and upgraded to testing, and installed
KDE, and it worked fine until today, every time I exit any KDE
application, I get the KDE crash handler, for example if I load up the
calculator, and I exit it, I get:
The application unknown (kcalc) crashed and caused t
Am using an USB webcam not a firewire one
Cheers - Piers
Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
On Fri, Aug 20, 2004 at 01:54:22AM +0100, Piers Kittel wrote:
Hello all,
Have finally got my Quickcam webcam to work under Linux, and want to
capture video from it - not images, but video. The only software that I
Upgraded to the 2.4.27 kernels on both my work and home computers but
now I find that they both don't power the computer off automatically, I
have to push the power button manually when the computers has shut down
- how to make it turn itself off now?
Thanks very much for your help in advance
Hi all,
Have got an standard USB Intellimouse - I put in a new hard drive,
installed Debian, and basically it worked just fine. Then I had to
remove the hard drive and go back to my old install, but the mouse
doens't work there, and I've mounted the drive I had to remove and
checked all settin
Needed HID Input Layer Support enabled in the kernel.
Thanks for your help
Cheers - Piers
Craig Jackson wrote:
On Mon, 06 Sep 2004 10:17:56 +0100
Piers Kittel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,
Have got an standard USB Intellimouse - I put in a new hard drive,
installed Debian, and basica
Hello all,
I think it's related to me trying out the 2.6 kernel a while ago and
giving up and going back to the 2.4 kernel, I don't remember exactly
when it occured, but it was several months ago, but when it happened, I
couldn't do any module management, always got complaints that .old didn't e
when X is shut down, and it doesn't install the module as it
failed to insert it:
-> Kernel module load error: WARNING: /usr/local/sbin/insmod.old: I am
not the old version!
Thanks very much for your help again
Cheers - Piers
Adam Aube wrote:
Piers Kittel wrote:
I think it's
Hello all,
Have installed Debian on my K6-3 box, with the Viper V330 card, and
downloaded and compiled and installed the 2.4.25 kernel and its modules
just fine. Have downloaded the latest nVidia drivers, it compiled, but
won't install:
nvidia-installer log file '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log
Running Debian Testing, 2.4.25, NVIDIA-Linux 5336 driver, running 2
cards, Gainward FX Pro 660 128MB AGP and a Gainward FX Pro 660 64MB PCI
with 3 monitors.
Got a new IDE hard drive, added that on my PC, installed Win2k after a
few problems, installed the Nvidia Windows driver, rebooted, then
Hello all,
I work for a very tiny charity. I was given 2 Dell Dimension 1100
computers with Debian installed originally, used as test machines.
Their hard drives were wiped on purpose by an external company (long
story, that I'm not too fully aware of) and I was told to try and
Hello all,
A few weeks ago, I got an Xircom CardBus Ethernet 10/100 PCMCIA card
off eBay. I had an old Etch unstable netinst CD lying about, so I
installed Etch on my old laptop using the CD, installing over the
network without any problems. Now work has given me an old Dell
Inspiron 25
Hello all,
A few weeks ago, I got an Xircom CardBus Ethernet 10/100 PCMCIA card
off eBay. I had an old Etch unstable netinst CD lying about, so I
installed Etch on my old laptop using the CD, installing over the
network without any problems. Now work has given me an old Dell
Inspiron 2500 lapt
Hello all,
I need to delete some words out of a large file containing
information about packets I'm analysing. I know I can use sed to do
this, but haven't really used it before, so am a bit unsure of how to
do it. Two example lines are as of below:
On 31 May 2007, at 17:49, Tyler MacDonald wrote:
Piers Kittel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
d t
ype=ITU-T H.261, SSRC=2008229573, Seq=54520, Time=1725612773, Mark&
Hello all,
I'm sure there is a simple solution to this problem but I'm not quite
sure how to fix it. Bascially, I can't play DVD's unless I'm running as
root - i.e. mplayer only plays if I'm root, but xine refuses to play at all.
Someone suggested that my user wasn't part of the group cdrom
Thanks very much for replying to my email. I appreciate it.
I think what really matters is the permissions on /dev/cdrom or
/dev/hdc depending on how you're set up. check those. they should be
root:cdrom. Also, what mechanism are you using for mounting these
disks? You may have to monk
Thank you very much for your reply.
From: Seeker5528 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Piers Kittel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/dev$ ls -l hdb
brw-rw 1 root disk 3, 64 2005-02-26 06:38 hdb
I assume this should be cdrom not disk correc
If /dev/hdb is your DVD drive then it should get the ownership of
root:cdrom, not root:disk. This an identification/enumeration problem
and the proper fix would be to figure out a udev rule or whatever that
would identify it and give it the correct ownership.
Failing that the next bes
# /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/./install-css.sh
Fantastic! That fixed my problem! Thanks very much for your help, much
appreciated! :)
Regards - Piers
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTEC
Hello all,
Am trying to boot a diskless client with the following spec:
Gigabtye GA-6BXE
256MB PC133 RAM
Slot 1 Intel Pentium 3 666MHz at 133MHz FSB
Intel Ethernet Pro 100B network card
Geforce MX4000 video card
It downloads the 2.4.32 kernel from my server and boots, but when it
tries to moun
Your bit of advice wasn't the only thing I needed to change. I needed
to also change:
* Recompile kernel without cramfs or ramdisk support and include
automounter support, boot with nfs filesystem, and a couple other
options enabled which was pretty important!
* Use a different c
AFAIK Plus.net offers 2 meg with no blocked ports - the Premier service
that is.
Cheers - Piers
Richard Lyons wrote:
A quick OT:
Anyone here found a UK broadband supplier (>=2G) who can provide an open
port 25?
with a subject of "unsubscribe"
Hello all,
Am having a problem with my computer not quite relevant to the list (but
it runs Debian hey... ;)) but not sure exactly where to ask so I guess
this list is better than most. This concerns my computer turning itself
off occasionally and refusing to power on unless I move the "Reset
Even tho it's only about a year old?
Regards - Piers
Raul wrote:
Piers Kittel wrote:
Hello all,
Am having a problem with my computer not quite relevant to the list
(but it runs Debian hey... ;)) but not sure exactly where to ask so I
guess this list is better than most.
r the 2 systems - why didn't it start happening with the old
system? Because the old system didn't draw as much power?
Cheers - Piers
Gene Heskett wrote:
On Tuesday 27 December 2005 20:12, Piers Kittel wrote:
Even tho it's only about a year old?
A year old psu can h
On Tuesday 27 December 2005 21:49, Piers Kittel wrote:
Sorry - I didn't count the PSU fan :/ The PSU does have its own
built in fan. The spare 350watter has 2 built in fans.
Also, it's proprietary so I doubt it'd be easy to find a replacement
But it strikes me strange,
Hello all,
Am trying to mount a DVD drive via NFS and am having problems. For
note, (hostname - destiny) is the client and
(hostname - mythtv) is the server.
I have this in my /etc/exports:
and is in the /etc/hosts.all
how can you mount a dvd over nfs if its not mounted on its local machine? Do these numbers above, as they come from destiny match the numbers if they are run on mythtv? IOW, are we looking at the same disk here?
This bit is just to test if I can acutally mount it, i.e. I'm running
Hello all,
For over a month, I'm seeing extremely poor apt-get download speeds, I'd
be *very* lucky to get 5kb/s and occasionally 25kb/s if it connects at
all, and I've tried several sources including:
On 21/01/06, Piers Kittel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello all,
Am trying to mount a DVD drive via NFS and am having problems. For
note, (hostname - destiny) is the client and
(hostname - mythtv) is the server.
I have this in my /etc/exports:
modprobe apm
if that works, edit your /etc/modules file and add in apm.
Cheers - Piers
linux china wrote:
My debian 3.1 celeron machine can't be powered off when I run the
poweroff command, I had the same issue when I use other old distrubution
Linux system many years ago but fix
Hello all,
Am trying to install Debian on a fairly old laptop (manufactured 1998),
as I've broken my old one (flying hard drives and laptop LCD's doesn't
mix well together) and can't afford a new one right now. The laptop is a
Pico Systems (long since gone out of business - good riddance)
Andrei & Adam,
On Fri, 14 Apr 2006 19:25:45 -0500
Adam Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Piers Kittel wrote:
When trying to boot Debian (using the 3.1 r0 netboot CD) to install, it
won't work at all:
I recommend trying the newer testing netboot installer CDs, rather than t
To those who helped me,
Thanks very much for all your advice, but I've tried all options to
disable everything but they're kernel parameters which aren't taken in
consideration that early I think? It stops exactly at the point right
after uncompressing the kernel - it looks like a bit like tr
85 matches
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