I am having trouble to listen to any song song from my
woody. I have a Celeron 400 with
everything_build_in_features, one of them is sound
Is there any good doc that I can read to configure the
sound card? I've tried googling around, and all I can
find are PCI_sloted_sound_card.
I do not know how, it was giving me a headache to
configure my sound card, a buildin Intel 810 from
motherboard. I've tried configuring /etc/modules.conf
but still hopeless.. :(
At the booting process, the ALSA had failed to load
module i8x0. But anyway, I log-in as root to GDM and I
just realized
I have a motherboard with build in sound card. I've tried to configure
the right module which I believe is i8x0. Currently I can use my speaker
with GDM, which means that my sound card is working find, but I still
not happy with it. I found a few strange things, and I hope somebody can
How to install some new fonts with Defoma? I pick some fonts from
windowz and wants it to be installed. I've put the new fonts under
/var/lib/defoma/fontconfig.d/fonts (I create folder 'fonts') and it
seems I already can use the fonts for my dektop setting.
Unfortunetly, I can't use it for m
I want to change the 'look-and-feel' of my clock (usually at the very
right Gnome taskbar) what package(s) I should download from apt-get? Or,
can I choose the 'model' somewhere on the web?
And... how to change date and time from Gnome? When I right-click and
choose 'Adjust Date & Time', I go
I want to auto mount windowz share folder into my linux box. I add this
line into my /etc/fstab:
// /mnt/windowzsmbfs auto,guest 0 0
This is what I've got in my log file at startup:
tree connect failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.)
SMB connection failed
I had a GeForce MX 2 64 mb and trying to make it work
under my debian box. I looked at the docos and the
easiest way to get these files:
Package nvidia-glx
Package nvidia-glx-dev
Package nvidia-kernel-common
Package nvidia-kernel-source
is to use apt-get (hey, thats way I am using debian)
Hi there,
I broke my box because when im trying to update my box
with unstable system, I change the 'source.list' and
grab packages from testing source.
As a result, (I think) half of the package damage,
including 'dpkg'. Even when I try to install something
with 'dpkg -i' I got error message:
Hi there again,
Im trying to install NVDIA driver and make it work for
my xFree to run GNOME. I follow instruction which is
compile the kernel-header-my-kernel, built the nvidia
driver into deb package and use dpkg to install it.
Unfortunetly, when I boot my computer, the only error
message is:
Hi there,
How to compile kernel 2.6.1 in Debian way? Can
somebody point me at a good doco?
What are the requirements to install kernel 2.6.1? The
gcc, etc?
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Hotjobs: Enter the "Signing Bonus" Sweepstakes
I am in Sydney using TPG and they gave me D-Link
DSL200 as the free modem (USB modem).
Last night I've tried to connect this modem with
Unfortunetly, the modem that I've got is the newest
version of DSL200: Generation II,
hi there,
reading your mailling list, i am interesting to give
it a try. Unfortunetly, after apt-get install finished
and I run the gdesklets, nothing happen.
During the starting GANOME desktop, I can see that
gdesklets is running (the splash screen shows what are
packages runing)
How to activat
even though I dont know what "TechTables" is, but your
question is about php.
It is clear error that you need to fix "pg_connect()"
function inside your php file. You should look what is
in line 4, it might because you missed passing
But anyway, if you certain that the problem is cause
- floppy disk = only 1.44mb per disk, easy to break
- zip disk = more than 100mb (old and new ver) harder
than floppy, the floppy drive of Mac :)
- vcd = ??? video cd is refer to movie in a cd
- dvd = dvd is the media that being used in replacment
of CD (not vcd) has more advance tech, can contain
Hi there,
I just installed IPCop on my old celeron. I got USB
DLINK DSL200 modem. Anyhow, I got everything working
under control, the IPCop box is connected to Internet.
The problem is, even I set my windowz pointing the
IPCop ip (green: as the gateaway, still
nothing happen, I can n
veritech 512 DDR400 $105
Hi there,
I just got a broblem when installing Debian 3. On the
base installation, I received this error:
Failure trying to run: chroot /target dpkg
--force-depends --install
After I pressed continues, this follow error
Hello Debian User,
I am using GNOME and Debian woody updated from unstable distro. When I
right click on the date and time (displayed at the right-top of the
GNOME) I got error:
"Failed to locate a program for configuring the date and time. Perhaps
none is installed?"
What kind of program sh
I'am a very newbie in scsi raid devices. I collect
some of old scsi hdd to experiment in Debian.
Before I start my experiment, I would like to ask a
few questions
- Is it possible to have different scsi hdd (e.g. 1
hdd 20g with 10k rpm and 50g with 15k rpm) as raid 5
(where more than 1 hd
What is the benefit of having dual processor for a server box? Depending
on the nature of the OS, some will boost, say, dual PIII 500 to become
PIII 1000. Other OS can make the second CPU and back up processor just
in case the first one blew up. And, another configuration, is, to
separate a
Hi there,
I woke up this morning and I found my debian log-out from its GDM and
back to the log-in screen. I usually leave my Debian online 24 hours and
I am pretty sure it's still log-in before I go to sleep last night.
I use Evolution, and I found out that the folder I set for Debian
mailing li
> Its not the computer that shut down but the gnome configuration manager
> that was sent the kill signal probably because X died for some reason
> and gdm shut it down on logout.
> Are you running a firewall? (very recommended if your computer is always
> connected, although it doesn't look li
Hi there,
I need some advice here. I want to create a system where 2 HDDs (80g,
13g) will be share as the storage among Debian(s) and windowz. This
shouldn't be a problem for export import in Debian, and samba will do
the rest for windowz. But is this the only solution? Is there any way
that I can
Hi there,
I am setting up a BIND for my local network (anydomain.bom) acessible
only for local domain. This is the second time I build BIND, my old
Debian crashed after I accidently unplug one of my hdd-ide cable (there
are 3 hdd(s) ) and Debian kernel starting panic...
When I start Bind from '/e
On Wed, 2004-02-11 at 23:55, Joost Witteveen wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Phillipus Gunawan wrote:
> > Hi there,
> >
> > I am setting up a BIND for my local network (anydomain.bom) acessible
> > only for local domain. This is the second time I buil
Hi there,
I had a gigabyte motherboard, GA-6BXDU - rev1.3, dual PIII 500 with scsi
50pin and 80pin on board. To boot from cd-rom, this m/b only support
cd-rom boot via scsi, it wont allow me to boot ide cd-rom, that is what
the previous owner said to me and I've tried to boot from ide cd-rom, no
Hi there,
Im a newbie at debian, just installing debian 31r0a from a DVD. I got an ADSL
connection with a crappy modem. Anyhow, I want to make a box that can do:
- Generating traffic usage (download/upload)
- List the program / port / destination used in daily/weekly/monthly basis
(just in case
Hi There,
A while ago, I burnt my lovely Debian laptop, its a
Olidata laptop which I purchased from Ebay. I open
every parts and found out a small cable connecting
between motherboard and LCD monitor has been melt.
I have seen this cable before, when I open another
laptop, it seems a common cable
Hi there,
I recently installed NTOP in my box. Just to see how good this package.
The problem is, somehow I have to run it as root user even though if I logged
in as root
Something like ntop -u root then the password.
My quiestion is, how can I make this command and the NTOP running on backgroun
Hi There,
I had a linux box to do pppoe auth from my billion ADSL modem
eth0 connected to modem (Billion BiPAC 7402NX)
eth1 to my linksys router connected to LAN
Both billion and linksys having gigabit LAN port
I am using webmin to configure pppoe.conf and to start the ADSL connection
A while ag
Hi There,
I just been asking by manager to deploy a POP3 connector for winblow$2008 with
exchange 2007
The company been using winblow$2003 and moving to 08 with exchange 2007
What would be a good friendly package to integrate it with AD which will
deliver the POP email to its mailbox in the ex
Hi There,
My friend told me about Home Server, and when I have a read about it, wow
The only feature that interest me is "Drive Extender"
(taken from Windows Home Server Technical Brief - Drive Extender.docx)
As you add more hard
drives to your home server, they are treated as a single lar
One time, in a cold day...
I want to configure a Spam filter for Exchange
After googling and read few docos, I realise that I want something like:
- SMTP/MTA Proxy (SpamAssassin/ASSP)
- Update spam list (from net?)
- Ability to be updated by client (e.g M$ Outlook when an email tagged as "This
Hi there,
I am trying to build postfix mail MTA spam with guide from
Everything working OK until implementing policy-weightd
I hope someone can point out my mistake, here are my conf files
Hi There,
Is there anyway we can trick Exchange OWA to be redirected via Apache server?
I had SBS 2003 with OWA working OK locally
But the http server is on my Debian box
Can I somehow make virtual directory (or something else) under Apache so when
user type www.mydomain.com/exchange,
it will a
: Re: Apache virtual map for Exchange OWA?
On Sat, May 16, 2009 at 10:23:29PM -0700, Phillipus Gunawan wrote:
> Hi There,
> Is there anyway we can trick Exchange OWA to be redirected via Apache server?
> I had SBS 2003 with OWA working OK locally
> But the http server i
Hi there,
I am looking a (debian) package to control bandwidth for my network
So far, the best candidate from googling is IPCop, which I havent try it yet.
I want to be able to control the bandwidth for each host (mix win, lin, mac)
The idea of IPCop is to have 2 or 3 (with DMZs) NIC and make the
Hi There,
Is there any application to log bandwidth for each clients/hosts connected to
debian gateway?
I got a debian act as gateway for each hosts.
The purpose is to produce report on periodically (daily, monthly...) on how
much bandwidth each hosts used up, either they currently online or off
Hi There,
I got a problem setting up Shorewall under Debian, hope if someone can guide me
Problem 1
I install Debian with eth2 plugged
When Im using eth2, I can log in to my box (using webmin) to configure the
debian either using or address remotely from other hosts,
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Tuesday, 25 November, 2008 2:47:14 PM
Subject: Re: Shorewall with Debian
On Mon, 24 Nov 2008 18:50:38 -0800 (PST)
Phillipus Gunawan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi There,
> I got a problem setting up Shorewal
why is that?
- Original Message
From: subscriptions <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Cc: Phillipus Gunawan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, 25 November, 2008 3:17:31 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Shorewall with Debian
On Tue, 2008-11-25 at
er, 2008 4:46:45 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Shorewall with Debian
On Tue, 2008-11-25 at 06:36 +0100, Phillipus Gunawan wrote:
> Thanks for the reply,
> I admit, yes, it was mistake to create both NIC on the same subnet,
> though I need to study more about this
> 'ping 1
t and not set to
Whats wrong with /8? Do I really making mistake by not subnetting on /24 only?
Thank for the reply
- Original Message
From: subscriptions <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Phillipus Gunawan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, 25 November, 2008 6:33
Hi There,
As suggested, I change the IP for eth1, but unfortunately, still same result,
but I hope to get a light this time
On Policy, I simply put "ALL ALL ACCEPT" just for a starter, to get this
shorewall working is my priority
Why i am not simply put net.ipv4.ip_forward=1, I want to get this
And attaching my shorewall.conf(.txt)
Hope these info clearing up my mistake somewhere
- Original Message
From: subscriptions <[EMAIL PROT
- Original Message
From: subscriptions <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Phillipus Gunawan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "debian-user@lists.debian.org"
Sent: Thursday, 27 November, 2008 1:27:23 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: shorewall newbie Revisit: new IP
On Wed, 2008-1
command all the time
But anyhow, a bit relieve 1 homework finished
next is to connect my wireless router, which actually is a modem-router-switch
and use it on eth2 connected with CAT5e
- Original Message
From: subscriptions <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Phillipus G
Hi There,
I am trying to make BandwidthD working, on the official web site, it stating it
will need:
libpcap, libgl and libpng
which should be (correct me if i am wrong) = libpcap07, libpng12-0
but i could not find libgl, which on debian.org will resulting many other
installing bandw
Hi There,
I got Shorewall running with no real firewall (ALL ALL ACCEPT)
I am planning to get bandwidthd-pgsql working (apt-get install bandwidthd-pgsql)
The database postgre has been set up according to the schema
The bandwidthd.conf and php config file also being setup
No error when opening in
Hi There,
Failing to make bandwidth-pgsql to work, I decided just to log individual host'
bandwidth consumption within the IPTABLES
I got Shorewall up and running with simple configuration allowing everything to
I put my own script on /etc/shorewall/start
iptables -N localnet
- make sure the host ip are different for each pc (e.g. x.x.x.1 - x.x.x.2 - etc)
- make sure the network ip are same for each pc (e.g. 192.168.0.x -
192.168.0.x - etc)
- on linux system, make sure your 'interfaces' file (e.g on debian:
auto eth0 lo
iface lo inet
Hi there,
I got a debian box with a shorewall setup
Every client will have gateway pointing to debian and it works ok currently
on /etc/hosts file, i got this line:
but then, even from myxp box, when I try to ping with command:
C:\>ping debian
ng request could not find host debian.
i want my debian act as the local dns, we ping any hostname within the network,
debian resolve the ip.
'hopefully' apart from installing BIND, this can be done by dnsmaq or something
Any advice?
Phillipus Gunawan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]&g
Hi there,
I am using debian etch/lenny
I installed PHP5 using apt-get
I seems can not find my executable php
whereis php giving me result:
thats it
I also installed php5-cgi which also didnt give me anything
I expect to see my executable php in /usr/lib or /lib or somewhere similar
but alrea
Hi There,
I saw a WatchGuard VPN hardware today (http://www.watchguard.com.au/), I might
be naive about this box.
Well, what interested me, this box offer its client to connect to the local
network remotely
In short, by installing a watchgurad VPN software, a remote computer can
virtually conn
I am planning to experimenting my own Secondary Mail server (MX)
Currently I had a Postfix on my shorewall and working fine to deliver all
emails to stupid Exchange07
Setup the DNS, everything ok
To add the flavor, I am planing to ask my best mate so I can leave a small box
over his house t
Hi Sluggers,
I got 4 un-managed switches, 3 (sw1, sw2, sw3) in the same room for
workstations, and 1 (sw4) in the server room (debian-samba)
Currently I link those 3 switches to the 1 in the server.
Those switches are 4 ports, please do not ask why the company insist of using
them (money talk..
Hi People,
Today I found a network problem which being fixed but I can not explain why/how.
So if someone can enlightening me, would be much appreciated
Network situation:
Level 4 in the building
1 network router (gateway and DHCP server)
1 Debian file/print server
5 wind
Thank for you replies,
Once those 3 PCs on level 5 turn on, after a few minutes, level 4 and 5 loose
The PCs starting to throws errors IP duplications
As I mentioned, DHCP server is on Netgear FVS318v3
I should mentioned earlier, the cabling are straight to the switches are
NetgearĀ -
Hi There,
Sorry if this is a bit 'Off The Topic' discussion. I am planning to get
fileserver dedicated for iSCSI.
My option is to grab Thecus N4200 or to build OpenFiler with any Duo-Core CPU,
>1G RAM, RocketRAID 644 controller, and other basic PC stuff.
I have been googling to compare OpenFil
59 matches
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