Re: guacamole - recording

2019-02-20 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
¡Saludos! Esta lista es para correos enviados en inglés. Si necesita ayuda en español, escriba a la lista debian-users-spanish en Saludos, Peter On 19.02.19 21:53, Eriel Perez wrote: > Saludos amigos de la lista. > > Tengo guacamole instalado en d

Re: Debian man pages - mechanics of creation/publication?

2017-04-19 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
On 04/19/2017 01:40 PM, Richard Owlett wrote: > I've an idea for something to be added to some man pages. > It has not risen even the "wishlist bug" stage yet. > To rise that far I have to convince myself that the modification of so > many existing man pages could be automated. > > A web search tu

Re: pdf file editieren mit dicken Pinsel

2017-04-20 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
Am 20.04.2017 um 11:17 schrieb Thomas: > Hallo, > ich suche ein Programm um einfach eine Zeile oder ein paar Wörter unkenntlich > zu machen. Bei Windows hatte ich da ein Programm und konnte einfach mit einem > dicken Pinsel drüber gehen. > Hier drucke ich das aus, gehe mit einem eding drüber un

Re: fcgiwrap systemd

2017-04-21 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
On 04/21/2017 10:46 AM, Basti wrote: > Hello, > I try to use fcgiwrap on debian jessie (systemd). Now i need it as > socket (fcgiwrap.socket) and also as tcp (fcgiwrap.service). > As I can see it only start one of then or in other words only one is > available . > > Is there a way to start socket

Re: Segmentation fault in top -b1 -hc

2017-05-08 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
On 05/08/2017 11:19 AM, Valentin Bajrami wrote: > Hi, > > There is a segmentation fault when top is used as follow > > top -b1 -hc > > I think the args are not parsed properly. The version used is: > procps-ng version 3.3.10 > > -- > Met vriendelijke groet, > > Valentin Bajrami There's no p

Re: Download Manager

2017-05-08 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
On 05/08/2017 10:19 AM, Thomas Schmitt wrote: > The image 2.png says "91.2 MB (9,11,79,280 bytes)". Ignoring the strange > commas in the byte number one can compute That's probably due to the Indian numbering system[0] being used, which groups digits above 9,999 in twos. Regards, /peter [0] http

Re: Get the external IP address from a Linux box

2018-05-24 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
curl Regards, /peter On 2018-05-24 08:22, André Rodier wrote: Hello, I am looking for a native package on Debian, that can give me the external IP address of the machine. So far, I used internet sites, but I am sure there is a package that do that properly, especially if

Re: proper way to handle NFS for laptop ?

2016-05-18 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
autofs will handle both issues just fine. 1. autofs disconnects a mount if there hasn't been any activity for a certain amount of time (default 5 minutes). 2. see above A distributed filesystem might create even more problems, as you'll have to re-sync with the other nodes on reconnect, which -- i

Re: Bash command completion

2016-07-06 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
After an chsh, you have to log out & in again. Am 07.07.2016 um 00:17 schrieb Glenn English: > >> On Jul 6, 2016, at 4:06 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote: >> >> So have you followed the suggestion to test whether it is in fact bash that >> you are in fact using? > > Yes. And I wasn't -- it was dash. > >

Re: Bash command completion

2016-07-06 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
file, /etc/bash*, ~/.profile, or ~/.bash* anywhere. Am 07.07.2016 um 07:14 schrieb Glenn English: > >> On Jul 6, 2016, at 10:38 PM, Peter Ludikovsky wrote: >> >> After an chsh, you have to log out & in again. > > I thought of that -- I logged out and back in, no j

Re: Debian Server (NAT Gateway) Periodically Crashing

2016-07-07 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
Hi, I don't know much about kernel debugging myself, but this looks like something to report. Take a look at [0] on how to do that. Regards /peter [0] Am 07.07.2016 um 08:38 schrieb Christian Harris: > Hello All, > > I am hoping to get some help with one o

Re: Hot swapping failed disk /dev/sda in RAID 1 array

2016-07-19 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
Ad 1: Yes, the SATA controller has to support Hot-Swap. You _can_ remove the device nodes by running # echo 1 > /sys/block//device/delete Ad 2: Depends on the controller, see 1. It might recognize the new drive, or not. It might see the correct device, or not. Ad 3: As long as the second HDD is w

Re: Jessie (8.0) - Unexpected behavior of "MATE Terminal" after reboot

2016-09-21 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
Hello, Not a bug, but a feature since the first C shell release in 1978 [1], which was copied to pretty much every shell created since (Korn shell/ksh, Bourne again shell/bash, Z shell/zsh, …). The reason behind it is that – since Unix predates most graphical user interfaces, and most of the time

Re: mws vs metar data, nsw 1, metar 0

2016-10-18 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
When you visit the URL it's fetching there's a notice that the service is no longer available: "In Accordance with NWS Service Change Notice 16-16 this service has been discontinued." Regards, /peter Am 19.10.2016 um 05:32 schrieb Gene Heskett: > METAR is a std data format that has been used for

Re: A full /var partition destroyed 3 hours of my life!

2016-11-14 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
Am 15.11.2016 um 06:00 schrieb Borden Rhodes: > I start blindly casting whatever btrfs spells I can find on the > Internet to fix 'no space left on device' errors. One of them > eventually works and df -h correctly reports the free space in my /var > partition and Debian boots normally again. > >

Re: deborphan

2016-12-01 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
What was the output from aptitude purge? The reason I'm asking is that aptitude usually auto-removes packages where the one removed was the only one with dependencies. Regards. /peter On 12/01/2016 12:26 PM, Rodolfo Medina wrote: > I did a little experiment with deborphan: first I did: `aptitude

Re: xfce

2017-02-03 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
Am 03.02.2017 um 21:58 schrieb John Culleton: > Some OS like Slackware come with an optional screen manager called > xfce. Does Debian? If not has anyone installed anyhow with success? Complete description here: signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Cepstral swift and Debian Stretch

2017-02-28 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
Am 28.02.2017 um 01:03 schrieb Chuck Hallenbeck: > Hi everyone, > > I'm attempting to install a tommercial TTS from Cepstral on my Debian > Stretch system, and get the following when running swift: > > /usr/local/bin/swift: 12: exec: /opt/swift/bin/swift.bin: Exec format > error > > My system d

Re: Cepstral swift and Debian Stretch

2017-02-28 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
Am 28.02.2017 um 13:00 schrieb Chuck Hallenbeck: > On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 12:47:35PM +0100, Peter Ludikovsky wrote: >> Am 28.02.2017 um 01:03 schrieb Chuck Hallenbeck: >>> Hi everyone, >>> >>> I'm attempting to install a tommercial TTS from Cepstral on

Re: tor -- way OT

2017-03-18 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
Hello, First things first: AFAIK, just installing privoxy doesn't make it use Tor, it just acts as a regular proxy. Visit [1] to see if you're using Tor or not. In order to enable chaining through Tor you'll have to have a line like forward-socks5/ : An example line, as well as a d

Re: When specifying path to file - confused about ./ and ~/

2017-03-27 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
./ - the current director, usually used when running a script from it and it not being in the search path for executables ~/ - the current users home directory Trying to get through an interview? Regards, /peter On 03/27/2017 01:14 PM, Richard Owlett wrote: > Please avoid trying to briefly expla

Problems with php5-fpm/nginx/ownCloud after upgrade

2015-08-17 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
page just fine. Listening in on the FPM port I see that only an empty response is returned. I have attached the scrubbed configuration files for nginx and php5-fpm. Any help is much appreciated. Regards, Peter Ludikovsky [global] pid = /run/ error_log = /var/log/php5-fpm.log includ

Re: Problems with php5-fpm/nginx/ownCloud after upgrade

2015-08-20 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hello, For documentation purposes, if someone might stumple on this. On debian-user-german it was suggested [1] that a new snippet has been added to nginx for FastCGI [0]. Using that snippet solved my issue. Regards, Peter Ludikovsky [0] Bug

Re: Redirecing root emails to a gmail account

2015-09-08 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi, First of all, use -v -s instead of -sv, as the latter says to set the subject to 'v', and adds an additional recipient Testing. Other than that, can you post your /etc/postfix/, and/or the relevant parts from /var/log/mail.log? Regards, /

Re: upgrading debian 8.1 to 8.2

2015-09-10 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hello, Updating between point releases is the same as any other update: apt-get update apt-get upgrade Regards, /peter Am 10.09.2015 um 10:17 schrieb Himanshu Shekhar: > i have debian jessie 8.1 on my laptop and wish to upgrade it to > 8.2 without m

Re: NFS rename sometimes hangs for 15 seconds after upgrade to Debian 8

2015-09-23 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hello, I tried to replicate your problem, but couldn't. When mounted as NFS3 over UDP: - root@lab1# echo foo > file1 root@lab1# cp file1 file2 root@lab2# cat file2 foo root@lab1# time mv file1 file2 real0m0.004s user0m0.000s sys 0m

Re: NFS rename sometimes hangs for 15 seconds after upgrade to Debian 8

2015-09-24 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am 24.09.2015 um 11:46 schrieb Vincent Lefevre: > On 2015-09-23 17:56:30 +0200, Peter Ludikovsky wrote: >> When mounted as NFS3 over UDP: - root@lab1# echo foo > >> file1 root@lab1# cp file1 file2 >> >> root@lab2#

Re: NFS rename sometimes hangs for 15 seconds after upgrade to Debian 8

2015-09-25 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am 25.09.2015 um 09:32 schrieb Vincent Lefevre: > On 2015-09-24 14:38:01 +0200, Peter Ludikovsky wrote: >> Other than that, what mount command did you use? Are you mounting >> the share yourself, or is this an fstab or autofs mou

Re: NFS rename sometimes hangs for 15 seconds after upgrade to Debian 8

2015-09-28 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am 25.09.2015 um 14:04 schrieb Vincent Lefevre: > On 2015-09-25 10:11:10 +0200, Peter Ludikovsky wrote: >> My guess is: Due to the rather large wsize/rsize, the clients >> create a rather large attribute cache. As a result, when you c

Re: NFS rename sometimes hangs for 15 seconds after upgrade to Debian 8

2015-09-28 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am 28.09.2015 um 18:59 schrieb Mike Kupfer: > Peter Ludikovsky wrote: > >> The big difference happens at packets 58/54 (Deb7/Deb8). For >> Deb7, the RENAME call is immediately answered by an NFS4_OK, >> whereas for De

Re: Advertising and commercial services in free software

2015-10-05 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi, > Lately, I feel that this trust has been violated. Most notably, by > the addition of advertisements to iceweasel's new tab page. > See the "" > sponsored link. Apparently, that's a bug: htt

Re: Isn't this a security compromise?

2015-10-13 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi, As a general rule: If someone with malicious intent has had access to your box it ain't yours anymore. But there are some things you can do in order to keep all but the most determined attackers out: * Set a boot password, either in BIOS or (U)EF

Re: System craches when browsing a web site

2015-10-27 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hello, This is not a bug with Debian in particular, but with Epiphany in general. I could reproduce a similar behaviour, but managed to kill the browser process before the system became completely unresponsive. I suggest you file a bug report with th

Re: System craches when browsing a web site

2015-10-27 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
m issues like that in the future, either switch to a better maintained browser (Iceweasel is the default for Debian for example) and/or set a hard memory limit through limits.conf or control groups. Regards, /peter Am 27.10.2015 um 10:05 schrieb Abou Al Montacir: > On Tue, 2015-10-27 at 09

Re: System craches when browsing a web site

2015-10-27 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Thanks for the corrections. To be honest, the install to test this was the first install using tasks I've done in a very, very long time. /peter Am 27.10.2015 um 22:51 schrieb Lisi Reisz: > On Tuesday 27 October 2015 13:30:02 Peter Ludikovs

Re: L7 filter and iptables Problem

2015-12-01 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi, According to to project site [0] there hasn't been any real development since 2013, which was a patch against the 2.6 kernel line. That kernel line is out of support since mid-2015. I'm afraid the string matching module would be your best bet for

Re: Debian security: need recipe for blocking root ssh access AND all ssh password access

2016-02-17 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi, The first requirement is simple. Add the line PermitRootLogin no or change it accordingly, and reload the SSH daemon. For the second: do you want to disallow any logins via passwords, or are the to be allowed once to set up the keys? The first

Re: Debian security: need recipe for blocking root ssh access AND all ssh password access

2016-02-17 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
56 schrieb Tom Browder: > On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 8:23 AM, Peter Ludikovsky > wrote: >> -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- > ... > > Thanks, Peter. Do you agree with Darac's solution? > > Best, > > -Tom > -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version:

Re: Cannot install Mono Develop on Debian

2016-02-21 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
Hello, Does it work using the standard way for Debian? # apt-get install monodevelop Since with the first way you already verified it's in the repositories, why go the proprietary way of things, instead of using the power of Linux distributions? Regards /peter Am 21.02.2016 um 20:49 schrieb joh

Re: iceape availability

2016-02-24 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
Hello, Searching for a single .deb & trying to install that is the way proprietary systems handle it. With Debian, and most other Linux distros, there's repositories, and tools to handle dependencies. Open a command line / terminal and enter sudo apt-get install iceape It will pull iceape, and al

Re: iceape availability

2016-02-25 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
um 09:32 schrieb Bret Busby: > On 25/02/2016, Peter Ludikovsky wrote: >> Hello, >> >> Searching for a single .deb & trying to install that is the way >> proprietary systems handle it. With Debian, and most other Linux >> distros, there's repositories, an

Re: iceape availability

2016-02-25 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
.0.2d * libgtk: 2.20.1 vs 2.24.28 So there's a good chance iceape won't even install, and if it does, you might experience strange behaviour, or nothing at all. Regards, /peter Am 25.02.2016 um 16:27 schrieb Bret Busby: > On 25/02/2016, Peter Ludikovsky wrote: >> Hello, >> &g

Possible bug, unsure of where to report against

2016-03-29 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
Hello, I'm currently experimenting with a VM running Debian 8 on top of a ZFS root, and noticed a kernel panic occurring on shutdown. The bug happens only when * /boot (ext3) is mounted * the machine is shutting down It does not happen when * /boot is unmounted OR * the machine is rebooting My qu

Re: [ A little off topic] Best e-mail client for Android

2016-04-12 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
Reference: Am 12.04.2016 um 02:40 schrieb > On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 04:44:50PM +0200, Siard wrote: >> Byung-Hee HWANG: >> I really hate K9-Mail's logo. >> Looks like a severely battered blind dog. >> That's why I go for Kaiten. >

Re: Zero filling my HDD before installation

2016-05-02 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
Hello & welcome to Linux! To be honest, I haven't found a good reason to zero any media, unless I was decommissioning it and/or selling it. When you create a new file system on installation, any new information will overwrite the old one. And as soon as it's created, the old file system won't be a

Re: Zero filling my HDD before installation

2016-05-02 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
inue to effect my > system. I want a fresh start. And I know you can't be 100% sure, > unless you initiate multiple passes and try to recover your disk using > another system to check, still not 100% sure but better then blind > trust. > > On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 11:41 AM

Re: Creating a home network

2016-05-11 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
Not really broke. Eg. the BananaPi Router board comes in at about €75, with 5 Gb interfaces (4 switched) and a 2.5" SATA connector, and runs a minimally adapted Debian called Bananian. Add to that a small powered USB hub, starting at about €10, and some cables, and your total should be at around €1

Re: /etc/init.d/networking does not start everything in /etc/network/interfaces

2016-05-17 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
In /etc/network/interfaces change allow-hotplug eth1 to auto eth1 Regards, /peter Am 17.05.2016 um 14:05 schrieb Gene Heskett: > Greetings all; > > 32 bit Debian wheezy, updated at least daily. > > This fact was brought to my attention because I needed a path to a router > I needed to