Where is faq/HOWTO for changing locale?

2003-03-22 Thread Peter Farley
I need to change my locale from LANG=C to LANG=en_US on debian-390 (woody-3.0r1), running under hercules 390 emulator. Just changing the value of LANG does not seem to do what I expect. In fact, it doesn't seem to do much of anything. Could someone please point me to a faq or HOWTO that tells wh

How do I "apt-get upgrade" the kernel for debian-390?

2003-03-29 Thread Peter Farley
I am running stable debian-390 under the hercules emulator on an RH7.3 base system, and the debian-390 kernel is 2.4.17-s390. I have set up my sources.list to add the testing release, but neither apt-get upgrade nor dpkg -l seem to have anything for the kernel itself. Is the kernel not upgradeabl

Re: How do I "apt-get upgrade" the kernel for debian-390?

2003-03-30 Thread Peter Farley
Thanks for that info, Scott. I'll do that and see what I get. Peter --- Scott Henson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > kernels are special in debian since you have to > reboot for them to take effect. apt-cache search > kernel-image should show you all the kernels > avaliable. Choose one and apt

Re: How do I "apt-get upgrade" the kernel for debian-390?

2003-03-30 Thread Peter Farley
I got it from a DVD install disc for s390 that I bought from linux-cd.com, plus whatever the install process got from the stable archive. The installation was done six weeks or so ago. The disc was burned around Feb 9, 2003, AFAIK. Thanks for the url for s390 kernel-images. Peter --- [EMAIL PRO

Re: How do I "apt-get upgrade" the kernel for debian-390?

2003-03-30 Thread Peter Farley
That matches my experience, though I only tried apt-cache search for "kernel" and then "image", I didn't think to try "kernel-image". Peter --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > On 30 Mar 2003 00:11:39 -0500 > The s390 kernels don't show up when I do "apt-cache > search", but they're in the pool. ___

Re: How do I "apt-get upgrade" the kernel for debian-390?

2003-03-30 Thread Peter Farley
OK, I went to that link and downloaded what looks like the right files (please tell me if I downloaded the right ones: ipv6-modules-2.4.19-s390-udeb_2.4.19-2_s390.udeb kernel-image-2.4.19-s390_2.4.19-2.dsc kernel-image-2.4.19-s390_2.4.19-2.tar.gz kernel-image-2.4.19-s390-udeb_2.4.19-2_s390.udeb ni

Help w/failed Sarge install - Dell 8400+SATA

2007-03-03 Thread Peter Farley
Hi all, Trying to install Sarge to Dell 8400 w/internal SATA from jigdo'd i386 DVD. Kernel 2.4 fails to see SATA internal HDD entirely (CD access OK). With kernel 2.6 using expert26 I can wait to load ata_piix driver until after CD is accessed, but STILL does not see SATA drive, only external USB

Re: Help w/failed Sarge install - Dell 8400+SATA

2007-03-03 Thread Peter Farley
--- "Roberto C. Sanchez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > You really should be using Etch. Well, some of us prefer not to live at the bleeding edge. Regards, Peter Any questions? Get answers on any topic at www

Re: Help w/failed Sarge install - Dell 8400+SATA

2007-03-04 Thread Peter Farley
--- Steve Lamb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Peter Farley wrote: > > --- "Roberto C. Sanchez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote: > > >> You really should be using Etch. > > > Well, some of us prefer not to live at the > > bleeding edge. &g

Re: Help w/failed Sarge install - Dell 8400+SATA

2007-03-04 Thread Peter Farley
--- "Roberto C. Sanchez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Sun, Mar 04, 2007 at 12:30:23PM -0800, Peter > Farley wrote: > > > > "Bleeding edge technology"?!?! I bought the Dell > > 8400 as-is and used (from the Dell bargain area) > > over tw