Re: PPP tutorial (was Re: Why is PPP so screwed up!?!?!)

1997-03-16 Thread Paul Wade
nk that dialup should be included in the base. However, I did run into problems when everything needed was not downloaded. I had a few things broken at times. Once I built a "mirror", I reinstalled to a clean drive. It was all very educational. Paul Wade, CEO Greenbush Technologies Corpor

Re: Trying to install linux with Allied-Telesyn network adaptor

1997-03-16 Thread Paul Wade
le plug-and-play and choose fixed I/O addresses and IRQ levels. To use it with w95, I have to install it as an NE2000-compatible and specify the settings, but it works well with Linux this way. Hope this helps. Paul Wade, CEO Greenbush Technologies Corporation Web: Email: mai

Re: GNU/Linux C++ compiler, where can I get it? Please help!!!

1997-03-16 Thread Paul Wade
ECTED] Linux wouldn't exist without it. It's called gcc. Use dselect to select it and install it. If you don't have dselect, you need to switch to Debian Linux. Paul Wade, CEO Greenbush Technologies Corporation Web: Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ***

Re: How do I Get my Server On-Line

1997-03-18 Thread Paul Wade
ut actually attempting to login to the wrong system. Paul Wade, CEO Greenbush Technologies Corporation Web: Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * Fresh Linux CD's mailed monthly No refrigeration needed Under 1 billion sold! *

Re: My screen gets messed up :-(

1997-03-18 Thread Paul Wade
ander Berwers > Antwerp, Belgium sometimes the clear command solves it sometimes I logout and login again Paul Wade, CEO Greenbush Technologies Corporation Web: Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * Fresh Linux CD's mailed m

Re: Module utilities disappeared

1997-03-18 Thread Paul Wade
Jost I went back to /rex-fixed/binary/base/ and used dpkg -i mod* to fix this for the time being. I had no idea the problem existed until I rebooted and modprobe was gone. It could have happened anytime in the last week. Paul Wade, CEO Greenbush Technologies Corporation Web:http://www.greenb

Re: where is libpam0 fot samba 1.9.16p11-2

1997-03-19 Thread Paul Wade
cangeli/ > > Debian GNU > __ _ _ __ __ _ _ /\ > ( ) (_ _)( \( )( )( )( \/ ))( > )(__ _)(_ ) ( )(__)( ) ( \/ > ()()(_)\_)(__)(_/\_)() Because of this or some related problem, my samba got broken. It doesn't accept passwords from the win95 client. My temporary workaround is at Paul W

Re: Debian Linux install. from CD Set

1997-03-19 Thread Paul Wade
Marisol Marisol, If you CD is a straightforward copy of the ftp archive: Look in /debian/stable/disks* directories for complete instructions for your architecture. If you don't find it there check at or a mirror site. If you need further help, be sure to indicate wha

Re: Modem

1997-03-19 Thread Paul Wade
ort: rm /dev/modem ln -s /dev/cua3 /dev/modem and various packages configured for /dev/modem continue to work as expected. Paul Wade, CEO Greenbush Technologies Corporation Web: Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * Fresh Linux CD's

Re: Modem

1997-03-20 Thread Paul Wade
Craig Sanders wrote: > > On Wed, 19 Mar 1997, Paul Wade wrote: > > > > It mentioned /dev/modem, which I don't appear to have. Have I missed > > > a package somewhere? Help! > > > > /dev/modem is usually a soft link > > > > for example my mo

Re: /dev/ttyS? v. /dev/cua?

1997-03-20 Thread Paul Wade
write: I/O error > > Does anyone know the reason for this? > > Oliver Elphick Paul Wade, CEO Greenbush Technologies Corporation Web: Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * Fresh Linux CD

Re: RAWRITE2 creates nothing

1997-03-20 Thread Paul Wade
rawrite simply transfers a "raw" image. If the image was a dos floppy, it would have a dos directory. Paul Wade

Re: Include Files for Compiler

1997-03-21 Thread Paul Wade
use dselect most are in devel section and described appropriately libc4-dev, kernel-headers, etc. Make sure the headers match the lib versions you run. Paul On Thu, 20 Mar 1997, Pete Poff wrote: > Hi, > could anyone tell me where to find and what file to get, that has all > the basic in

Re: sendmail on two hosts for one domain

1997-03-25 Thread Paul Wade
Perhaps more specific information is needed. If you have machines and, the nameserver for would normally sort it out for you. Chances are that doesn't answer your question and you are trying to do more than that. Paul Wade - Greenbush Technologies Corporation

Re: Modem not detected

1997-03-30 Thread Paul Wade
Use modconf and add the serial module. It's under misc on the modconf menu. Paul Wade - Greenbush Technologies Corporation Linux CD's sent worldwide On Sat, 29 Mar 1997, Peter Yarych wrote: > > > Hello all > I just installed D

Re: tset?

1997-03-30 Thread Paul Wade
I have .bashrc setup for remote login differences. I also have executable scripts in my home directory to account for other differences. I usually give them single-letter names because I am not a great typist. Paul Wade - Greenbush Technologies Corporation Linux

Re: Lilo and CDROM

1997-03-30 Thread Paul Wade
m the device drivers. This is available from the rescue disk. If the system is booted it is the modconf command. The iso9660 support is also selected this way. If you have unecessary drivers selected, it will take a long time to boot. Paul Wade - Greenbush Technologies Corporation Linux CD's sent worldwide

Re: Debian on Sparc...

1997-03-30 Thread Paul Wade
like it's been growing. Check the debian-lists directory at . If you download the latest one, you can get some email addresses of participants. Paul Wade - Greenbush Technologies Corporation Linux CD's sent worldwide

Re: Lilo booting

1997-03-30 Thread Paul Wade
only use 95 with a 3-D home designer program or to export data from old files. I have it limited to a 233 mb drive and am almost ready to move it to an old 105 mb Seagate. On some of my other systems, I have to use a boot floppy because the Linux partition is huge and is not located in the


1997-03-30 Thread Paul Wade
o our project. :-) > > (a book would be nice to have though) > > Cheers, > > - Jim Last September, I went through the process of putting dpkg and dselect on a system that was initially Red Hat with lots of stuff compiled and installed afterwards. It was no easy chore.

Re: Package MODULES

1997-03-30 Thread Paul Wade
for your copy of bo. 2) use dpkg to install modutils. Since you are using bo, you should get used to running dpkg without dselect. Write if you need more help with it. Paul Wade - Greenbush Technologies Corporation Linux CD's sent worldwide

Re: Pentium GCC

1997-03-30 Thread Paul Wade
y want more speed, the first things to optimize are kernel (including modules) and libraries. Notice that many programs that rely on libc are fairly compact. I'm sure many of them spend more time in library functions than the program code itself. Paul Wade - Greenbush Technologies Corporation Linux CD's sent worldwide

Port dpkg to windows? (was Re: RPM)

1997-03-31 Thread Paul Wade
just installed Slackware version old.old". They must be getting it from cereal boxes or something. Paul Wade - Greenbush Technologies Corporation Linux CD's sent worldwide

Re: The ultimate fate of Debian

1997-04-02 Thread Paul Wade
really means "Devil". > 2. The code names are all characters in "Toy Story". > 3. It's a government conspiracy. > > Bruce If you add Bruce's PGP key to the ASCII sum for Debian and subtract the name of the poster who started t

Re: BUG in dinstall script in BO IMPORTANT!

1997-04-02 Thread Paul Wade
networking up so I could finish the install. I just noticed that my timezone is even set wrong. Paul Wade - Greenbush Technologies Corporation Linux CD's sent worldwide


1997-04-02 Thread Paul Wade
up some unknown owner:group combinations. This could possibly be prevented by checking against the base passwd and group files. As far as building programs in general goes, I think everybody should do a make of Perl at least once. It is a great example of how to configure, build, test, and install

Re: A Qt alternative for KDE?

1997-04-03 Thread Paul Wade
A limited dselect tool would be a good example - it would work on any tty and allow spacebar paging for long lists. You could use it to install the support needed for a higher-level user interface. I chose Perl as a starting point. That doesn't mean I would't build an equivalent C vers

Re: keeping multiple debian machines in sync

1997-04-03 Thread Paul Wade
pendency level: cd /mirrors/debian/local/level1 dpkg -i *.deb cd ../level2 dpkg -i *.deb cd ../level3 dpkg -i *.deb or just put symlinks in the levelN directories: cd /mirrors/debian ln -s contrib/binary/package.deb level1/package.

Re: keeping multiple debian machines in sync / dselect & dependecies

1997-04-03 Thread Paul Wade
packages takes way too long on my 386-40 or 486-66. When dselect is loaded, it locks the database. You can't use it as a viewer/selector and run dpkg on another console at the same time. When do you want it ready? Probably yesterday, like me. > > On Thu, 3 Apr 1997, Pau

Re: make

1997-04-03 Thread Paul Wade
It's in section devel. It's called make. Maybe you need to set the dselect access method and update the list of packages. Paul Wade - Greenbush Technologies Corporation Linux CD's sent worldwide

Re: AXP debian?

1997-04-04 Thread Paul Wade
where it stands by the Alpha file dates. I don't have an Alpha to play with yet, but I've been mirroring it for my CD's. Paul Wade - Greenbush Technologies Corporation Linux CD's sent worldwide

Challenge: Locked screen

1997-04-04 Thread Paul Wade
.7 808 280 3 S 16:46 0:00 /sbin/getty 38400 t root 8038 0.0 4.0 944 420 p2 R 16:57 0:00 ps -aux root 11667 0.0 0.3 80436 ? SApr 1 0:00 /sbin/kerneld sysadmin 7973 0.0 7.5 1600 776 p2 S 16:28 0:00 -bash Paul Wade - Greenbush Tech

Re: MC broken?

1997-04-05 Thread Paul Wade
te: libgpm1 libc5 ncurses-base Get them also from unstable if necessary. Paul Wade - Greenbush Technologies Corporation Linux CD's sent worldwide

Re: dftp without dselect?

1997-04-06 Thread Paul Wade
S If you have nfs installed properly and permission to mount the remote filesytem: mount -t nfs foo:/public /mnt/debian would work if machine foo was exporting /public and you had created a directory /mnt/debian. Paul Wade - Greenbush Technologies Corporation Linux CD's sent worldwide

Re: ip_alias.o module not included?

1997-04-06 Thread Paul Wade
p://server/docs/ and websites could be emulated locally for test purposes. The caching proxy server feature of apache is nice, also. I would appreciate any input from people re what they need most in special kernels. I could also use a good www survey/voting package if anybody has recommendations.

Re: Sound support in kernel recompile

1997-04-06 Thread Paul Wade
Churchill College > Cambridge, CB3 0DS > U.K.E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > --- > Paul Wade - Greenbush Technologies Corporation Linux CD's sent worldwide

Re: Windows for Worgroups

1997-04-07 Thread Paul Wade
indows for Workgroups network and have it recognize that there is > another computer on the network to connect to? Paul Wade - Greenbush Technologies Corporation Linux CD's sent worldwide

Re: .forward not working

1997-04-07 Thread Paul Wade
> PGP fingerprint = 64 71 48 14 31 AE C6 70 E4 4F 64 EB 3B AA 00 6B > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > Paul Wade - Greenbush Technologies Corporation Linux CD's sent worldwide

Re: Question about dselect..

1997-04-08 Thread Paul Wade
o linux, so (once again..) > I'm sure this is user error. > > Any suggestions out there? > > TIA!! > You need to mount the CD as filesystem type iso9660 so the filenames will be complete. Paul Wade - Greenbush Technologies Corporation Linux CD's sent worldwide

Re: communicator

1997-04-08 Thread Paul Wade
I mean if I say ./foo or ../foo for a link in the dialog box, that's what I want in the html. BTW - It's also a piece of [EMAIL PROTECTED] on the same box under win95. Paul Wade - Greenbush Technologies Corporation Linux CD's sent worldwide

Re: NE2000 card

1997-04-09 Thread Paul Wade
d with ne2000 working. /etc/modules add line: ne /etc/conf.modules add line: options ne io=0x300 Paul Wade - Greenbush Technologies Corporation Linux CD's sent worldwide

Re: error in bind.postinst with froze

1997-04-10 Thread Paul Wade
e new bash. > > Than take dselect and select `[C]onfigure' or enter the approbiate > command line (dpkg -). > > Or wait for a new release of the bind package ;-) I can't seem to find a '}' anywhere near line 120. Paul Wade - Greenbush Technologies Corporation Linux CD's sent worldwide

Re: Netcom connection

1997-04-10 Thread Paul Wade
e after you look this over and we will try to get you connected. +------+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation + + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] + +--

Re: Question on install

1997-04-11 Thread Paul Wade
thing from a floppy (like dos). +--+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation + + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] + +--+ +

Re: Install of rpm pk on debian distrib.

1997-04-11 Thread Paul Wade
pk managers ? You need the debian alien and rpm packages to install rpm's on your system. +--+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation + + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://

ae (was: What editors are in base?)

1997-04-11 Thread Paul Wade
The only shortcoming I have run into with ae as a base editor is the lack of a basic search command. +--+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation + + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http

Re: Question on install

1997-04-11 Thread Paul Wade
On Fri, 11 Apr 1997, Alexander Koch wrote: > Quoting Paul Wade ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): > [...] > > > My problem is that I take the resc1440.bin and write it to disc (with dd) > > > and when it comes to boot it just does nothing and the mbr of /dev/sda > > > (lilo)

Re: ISAPNP help

1997-04-11 Thread Paul Wade
boot so pnp setup is done before modules are loaded? Are you sure the i/o address and IRQ are not conflicting? How about doing a pnpdump > pnpinfo and emailing it to me? I will get back to you between innings (Red Sox are on). +-

RE: bi

1997-04-11 Thread Paul Wade
ad, > and then ftp it back in binary mode, thus munging the end of lines, and > then call me again for help, asking why there are all of these funny ^M's > on the end of their lines. Argh. Tell them to install joe. If they can't figure out how to use

Re: Question on install

1997-04-11 Thread Paul Wade on 4/6/97, I think in /pub/bodisks. Help yourselves. It's T-1 bandwidth. +--+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation + + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Advocacy and argument

1997-04-11 Thread Paul Wade
t for this? +--+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation + + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] + +--+ + does W.T.O.P. mean? + +--+

Re: Netscape 4.0 b4

1997-04-11 Thread Paul Wade
in /usr/src/netscape, gunzipped it, untarred it and used the install script that is now included. I manually removed some older versions first. It's still very beta. +--+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corp

Re: Dependency ordering

1997-04-12 Thread Paul Wade
nt. First make it work correctly and then make it faster. +------+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation + + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] + +-

How was the trip?

1997-04-12 Thread Paul Wade
Bruce, Have you posted anything here or elsewhere about your journey to the "primary" coast? If not, please tell us about it. Did you "debianize" the audience? +------+ + Paul Wade


1997-04-12 Thread Paul Wade
user config is allowed, it would be placed on their menus, too. For now, I am trying to build a list of such config commands as I encounter them. +--+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation + + m

Re: Deb file viewing [was: Dependency ordering]

1997-04-12 Thread Paul Wade
On Sat, 12 Apr 1997, Maarten Boekhold wrote: > > On Sat, 12 Apr 1997, Paul Wade wrote: > > > > > I would love to be able to hit the F3 (view) key in mc > > > on a .deb file and get a nice summary of control info and status. > > > > I don't know

Re: 'Frozen' boot disks

1997-04-13 Thread Paul Wade
Shepherd ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) > 8<--->8 > +--+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation + + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] + +--+ + does W.T.O.P. mean? + +--+

Re: update-menus

1997-04-13 Thread Paul Wade
ld include these *config scripts. Also, it might be useful to add > something to the README saying that the *config scripts need to go in the > menus. > > -- > See shy Jo. > +

Re: Paging/memory allocation problem

1997-04-13 Thread Paul Wade
ible explanation: my EISA config was out of sync > with reality, because someone had nicked memory from the machine. > I have since run the EISA config utility and fixed it. > > TIA, > Alastair Gregory Unless you don't have (enough) swap space. Use the free command to see what

Re: bo : upgrade or reinstall

1997-04-13 Thread Paul Wade
I wait an hour or three for responses and I begin. > > Alexandre > +------+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation + + mailto:[EM

Re: cua /ttys

1997-04-13 Thread Paul Wade
tions. From what I remember, I believe that one potential problem involved the proper locking and unlocking of the resource. If it was only accessed as a ttyS*, the problem was eliminated. +------+ + Paul Wade

Re: 'Frozen' boot disks

1997-04-14 Thread Paul Wade
Mon, 14 Apr 1997, Richard L Shepherd wrote: > On Sat, 12 Apr 1997, Paul Wade wrote: > > > > 4/6/97 I put a copy at, look in /pub/bodisks. The files > > are dated by time of transfer, but they are the 4/4 set. > > > > > I have the same problem

Re: How do you guys read news offline?

1997-04-15 Thread Paul Wade
n opportunity send it to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] +--+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation + + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] + +--+ +

CD organization (was Re: InfoMagic's new LDR)

1997-05-13 Thread Paul Wade
n install the binaries on the slower ones. afterthought - the previously mentioned "collection/unpack" phase would help in 2 other ways: binary-all might be on the other CD unstable contains symlinks to frozen and/or stable (other CD) +

Re: samba whoes ...

1997-05-14 Thread Paul Wade
e* commands - however, I don't recommend it unless it's a last resort. +--+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation + + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] + +

Re: samba whoes ...

1997-05-14 Thread Paul Wade
t; -- > TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to > [EMAIL PROTECTED] . > Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . > +--


1997-05-16 Thread Paul Wade
Linux driver for the card, try a card that is widely supported. I paid $18 for new ethernet cards last year. If you always get the same IP address, then it is static. Write it down and use it as your machine IP for Linux. +--+ + Pau

Re: mouse

1997-05-16 Thread Paul Wade
ple question. What does RTFM mean? I lost my code book. +------+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation + + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] h

Re: Connecting terminals

1997-05-16 Thread Paul Wade
etween serial devices and host ports. You may be able to run fine with the -L option if your terminal has adequate buffer memory or you drop the baud rate. +------+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technolog

Re: mouse

1997-05-16 Thread Paul Wade
t; which is in its own debian package. Highly recommended. A lot of > FAQ-s are found on an ftp-site actually called Also > worth a visit. This helps, but leads me to wonder: I have an IBM keyboard and it has a row of keys labeled F1....F12? +--

Re: PASCAL for Linux

1997-05-28 Thread Paul Wade
(http?) and I will see what I can do to help. I absolutely hate pascal, but I'm compassionate :) +------+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation + +

Re: Networking Win95, Debian Linux and Cable Modem

1997-06-02 Thread Paul Wade
wo Ethernet cards and I have managed to get it to > recognise both but I can't seem to get it to talk to the Win95 machine. I > only have one IP address for the two machines, so do not know what to do with > the second. > > Any pointers? +--

Re: Two problems after upgrade to Debian 1.3

1997-06-03 Thread Paul Wade
I guess, but it didn'tused to do it. > > My thanks to anyone who can help. > > Curt > > C.L. Daugaard > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > ___ > > > > > > > -- > TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-ma

Re: trilinux

1997-06-09 Thread Paul Wade
> D.J. Mashao, [EMAIL PROTECTED] > --- > > > -- > TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to > [EMAIL PROTECTED] . > Trouble?

Re: [META] Use of the list for non-Debian matters

1997-06-10 Thread Paul Wade
hy not start a collection of these so the user can get some system information using the same interface? +--+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation + + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http

Re: web documentation

1997-06-10 Thread Paul Wade
On Tue, 10 Jun 1997, Bruce Perens wrote: > From: Paul Wade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > The apache/dwww/lynx combo doesn't need X. > > Try using "boa" instead of apache. It's _much_ smaller, and faster > than apache. However, "lynx" itself can e

Re: Is there a Debian 1.3 "Unleashed" available?

1997-06-17 Thread Paul Wade
lloy deciding > which packages to include and which packages not to include. +--+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation + + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] + +

Re: Is there a Debian 1.3 "Unleashed" available?

1997-06-17 Thread Paul Wade
On Mon, 16 Jun 1997, Bruce Perens wrote: > From: Paul Wade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > Re: stupid non-free restrictions > > > > Is there anything in non-free that can't be given away? > > I'd suggest you read the licenses in there really carefully. We d

Re: Is there a Debian 1.3 "Unleashed" available?

1997-06-17 Thread Paul Wade
( I took out all the extra cc's on this thread. You're welcome. ) On Mon, 16 Jun 1997, Dale Scheetz wrote: > Be very careful here. You have made the common blunder when thinking about > non-free. It has absolutely nothing to do with money! The fact that you > are not intending to sell the CD doe

Re: Is there a Debian 1.3 "Unleashed" available?

1997-06-17 Thread Paul Wade
tuff > are in a Debian package. They are. If they aren't in the dwww menu, they should be. I really mentioned LDP as an example. I mirror it because the maintainer made it clear I may do so and provided a username/password for the master ftp site. +--

Re: extract only PART of an archive

1997-09-28 Thread Paul Wade
On Sun, 28 Sep 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > >> > I've searched through the dpkg info and man pages and haven't found any > >> > way to do this (I might be blind, though). Is there anyway to do it with > >> > out doing > >> > > >> > dpkg -R /tmp/ file.deb > >> > > >> > and then moving the one

Are spammers subscibing to the lists?

1997-06-18 Thread Paul Wade
oblem? +--+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation + + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] + +--+ -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe&

Re: Are spammers subscibing to the lists?

1997-06-18 Thread Paul Wade
hat scans 19000 newsgroups for domain names in order to catch these people. They usually do this in the porno groups and the email volume is high as a result. +--+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corp

Re: Are spammers subscibing to the lists?

1997-06-18 Thread Paul Wade
e ISP that I did it for still had a problem with his original lines (Cisco router and NT Tacacs authentication). Goes to show that Linux systems are better than those ready-made boxes. +------+ + Paul Wade

Re: Are spammers subscibing to the lists?

1997-06-18 Thread Paul Wade
On Wed, 18 Jun 1997, Sudhakar Chandrasekharan wrote: > Talking of spam - Have you folks ever wondered how they never want to > sell anything that is worth buying? All the spam that I have got seem > to belong to one of the following categories - > > * Make money fast (rehash of the old pyramid s

Re: Are spammers subscibing to the lists?

1997-06-18 Thread Paul Wade
On Wed, 18 Jun 1997, Dale Scheetz wrote: > On Wed, 18 Jun 1997, Paul Wade wrote: > > > Seriously, I think they are fishing in the wrong place for idiots. > > > The "snagg rate" can be very low and still be "very" profitable when the > "cost of

Re: Are spammers subscibing to the lists?

1997-06-18 Thread Paul Wade
On 18 Jun 1997, Emilio Lopes wrote: > >>>>> "PW" == Paul Wade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > PW> A list server that requires a password somewhere in the message > PW> and removes it before remailing would be nice. > > Maybe a just header.

Re: The technically challenged WAS Re: Are spammers subscibing to the lists?

1997-06-18 Thread Paul Wade
most ISP's block all messages and traffic from those IP numbers. I do think that 'technically challenged' is appropriate for some ISP's here in Maine, USA. They don't know how to setup a nameserver or block traffic. +-------

Re: How to deliver mail over the modem

1997-06-18 Thread Paul Wade
eople use it, so it's easier to get help. > Any info about the best newsfeed program for a slow link? Someone else can answer this one. +------+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporatio

Re: Are spammers subscibing to the lists?

1997-06-18 Thread Paul Wade
ROTECTED] > Cc: > Subject: Re: Are spammers subscibing to the lists? > Resent-Date: 18 Jun 1997 22:54:22 - > Resent-From: > Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ; > > On 18 Jun, Paul Wade wrote: > > Seems like th

Re: Are spammers subscibing to the lists?

1997-06-19 Thread Paul Wade
everal accounts in my domains, including minor schoolchildren.' The ISP's seem to be sensitive to this wording. +------+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corpora

Re: Long time to login prompt: telnet and ftp

1997-06-19 Thread Paul Wade # w95sux +------+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation + + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] + +---

Re: How do I find the source of the spammers?

1997-06-20 Thread Paul Wade
or smail is (or was anyway) pretty woeful! > > This is rather urgent as I see it! > > John Foster > > System Administrator (in training!?) > Net-Trek/Cynergy > > > > -- > TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING L

Re: What would you do?

1997-06-20 Thread Paul Wade
est howto's, including samba. +--+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation + + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] + +--+ +

Re: eth0: Too much work !!!!!!!!???????

1997-06-20 Thread Paul Wade
re correct. ifconfig will tell you this. +------+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation + + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] + +---

Re: NIS in Debian 1.3 broken?

1997-06-21 Thread Paul Wade
and shadowconfig off are supposed to let you bounce back and forth. +--+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation + + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] + +-

Re: /etc/securetty problem

1997-06-22 Thread Paul Wade
take me off all these lists. > please, fuckas? > thanks. > > > -- > TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to > [EMAIL PROTECTED] . > Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . +----

Dear Mr. Sean.Seaman

1997-06-22 Thread Paul Wade
The copy of my previous message to you bounced because your From: address is invalid. If you want to send an unsubscribe message you need to have the right address set up in your 'Pegasus for Windows' mailer. I have tried to make a good guess as to what address to send this to as you can see from

Re: Books on Debian

1997-06-24 Thread Paul Wade
would be a convenience to me, but I would rather spend the money on hardware. I have a lot of 'obsolete' hardware that is still productive. I can't say the same for most of the software and books that I purchased. If I had spent the money at a good restaurant

Re: nec scsi controller

1997-06-24 Thread Paul Wade
ti I/O card. Try disabling them or changing the nec card to another address. +------+ + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation + + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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