X down, other errors after apt-get upgrade

2003-02-17 Thread Paul Mackinney
til Woody shipped, then switched to testing, so this didn't feel like too much of a risk. I'm off to school to burn a new CD, I'm basically ready to start over with a clean install of Sarge, judiciously spiced with settings preserved from /etc. But I'm open to repairing this s

Re: my CUPS RUnneth Over!!!

2003-02-17 Thread Paul Mackinney
, I really enjoyed this off-topic digression. I hope that others can appreciate your good intentions and your humor, regardless of their feelings about the content. Paul -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Apt-install base system to non-root drive?

2003-02-17 Thread Paul Mackinney
fails because the module can't be found although I'm booted from the durn install CD. [/rant] TIA, Paul -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

DONE: Apt-install base system to non-root drive?

2003-02-20 Thread Paul Mackinney
Rob Weir declaimed: > On Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 09:30:40PM -0800, Paul Mackinney wrote: > > Hi, I'm off to cruise through the docs, but some quick help on this > > would be appreciated. I have a booting, network-capable system, but > > it's not running well. I'd l

Re: Thanks Pigeon for Your mailfilterrc

2003-10-21 Thread Paul Mackinney
t; > > Just wanted you to know how much I appreciated your posting. Another endorsement. Thanks, Pigeon! BTW: mailfilter's author is Andreas Bauer. His website is worth checking out. PM -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a

Re: Problem with instalation Debian on Be6 II

2003-10-25 Thread Paul Mackinney
xt of the error. It would also be helpful to know generally what your system is like (what CPU? what hard drive?) HTH, PM -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Games for 1-2 year old child. Recommendations wanted.

2003-10-29 Thread Paul Mackinney
eally big. As for me, without TV I've had the bliss of missing Star Search, Survival, and lord only knows what else. As far as I can tell, the only thing I'm missing is the Daily Show. And I _think_ I'm getting the BBC's best thanks to video and DVD releases. Father Ted!

Re: Adding scsi devices ???

2003-10-31 Thread Paul Mackinney
y information. Most SCSI cards that I've used display a status message and identify the devices found on the bus, jumperless cards will typically offer a chance to configure the card. The fact that the devices were recognized by the card is good news, but useless unless the proper Linux dri

USB primer?

2003-01-25 Thread Paul Mackinney
fter rebate)): Webcam is Veo Connect [it sucks] Scanner is Artec e+48u [not too great] Mouse is Logitech Wheelmouse (optical)[very nice, can move wheel without accidentally clicking button 2] TIA, Paul -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL

Re: Mailman problems

2003-01-25 Thread Paul Mackinney
/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users HTH, Paul -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Mailman problems

2003-01-26 Thread Paul Mackinney
27;s very safe: Qmail is set up so that you can install and test it before switching from your old MTA. Paul -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: LinkSYS BEFSR41 router

2003-01-26 Thread Paul Mackinney
use 22 (ssh/scp) and 80 (http). Note that only one machine can receive a given port. 2. You can go to the DMZ Host window and give one machine unrestricted access to the Internet, just as if there were no router. This way you'll be subjected to all the port scans and other

Re: LinkSYS BEFSR41 router

2003-01-27 Thread Paul Mackinney
static address netmask gateway c) Edit /etc/resolve.conf to look like this search .com # optional nameserver nameserver d) Run the command '# ifdown eth0; ifup eth0' (or just restart) Now just se

Re: Qmail (was Mailman problems)

2003-01-28 Thread Paul Mackinney
And oh yes, let me mention that quite a few of my scripts, settings, and other fixes have been provided by or suggested by Dman since I migrated to Debian and joined this list. Thanks! Paul -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Bash terminal beep - how to shut it up?

2003-01-29 Thread Paul Mackinney
the trick. A truly saavy user will refrain from silencing the beep, preferring to set its volume, pitch, and duration to a pleasant and harmonious tone that reminds them how much they enjoy running Debian GNU/Linux. $ xset b My system is set to 75 75 75 for a quiet, low tone. HTH, PM -- Paul

Re: editing a text file in a tar.gz file without decompressing

2003-02-11 Thread Paul Mackinney
ns that you aren't using now because it would be too tedious to type. Haven't found a workable debugging module yet, but someone will write one soon, this project clearly has a comitted & savvy crew behind it. Enjoy, PM -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, em

Build & install a single module for existing custom kernel

2003-02-14 Thread Paul Mackinney
urces have been sitting untouched since I last built and installed a custom kernel. TIA, Paul -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OT: Burned by domain name registrar for $150, suggestions?

2003-09-18 Thread Paul Mackinney
Recommendations? I'd like to go with a business that thinks you should make a second attempt to contact someone if an email bounces. Thanks for listening :-) Paul -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Still on install

2003-09-25 Thread Paul Mackinney
inter to work? I tried magicfilter, > but I don't know what filter to use (tried ljet4l). > $ apt-cache search cups The main package name is apparently 'cupsys'. HTH, Paul -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Any users of mondoarchive on debian boxes?

2003-09-27 Thread Paul Mackinney
at used to say something like "Why I hate Debian" has been replaced with a blurb that starts out "I used to badmouth Debian's distro ... However, recent releases are much improved ..." Thanks, Hugo, that really makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. HTH, PM -- Paul Mackinney [EM

Re: Still on install

2003-09-27 Thread Paul Mackinney
inter to work? I tried magicfilter, > but I don't know what filter to use (tried ljet4l). > $ apt-cache search cups The main package name is apparently 'cupsys'. HTH, Paul -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Any users of mondoarchive on debian boxes?

2003-09-28 Thread Paul Mackinney
ed to say something like "Why I hate Debian" has been replaced with a blurb that starts out "I used to badmouth Debian's distro ... However, recent releases are much improved ..." Thanks, Hugo, that really makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. HTH, PM -- Paul Mackinney [EM

Re: How to have Exim send to another Exim server before bouncing?

2003-09-30 Thread Paul Mackinney
loop for all mailman traffic. The only exim configuration work (other than the mailman modifications) is to make sure that the list server accepts mail addressed to 'lists.yourdomain.com' as local mail. This should be easy, done right at the top of the exim.conf file with a declar

Re: vim: available colors?

2003-09-30 Thread Paul Mackinney
tax Down at item 16. (in my version) is a bunch of stuff about xterms. Everything in vim seems to be customizable, the eternal question is whether it's worth figuring out how... PM -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Spam, exim, .forward vs. procmail

2003-10-03 Thread Paul Mackinney
first time, I'm contemplating making it a true mailserver for incoming and outgoing. I'm sure I'll be learning all about spamassassin, do people have any advice about gotchas, must-have packages, or best books? TIA, PM -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE,

Re: Spam, exim, .forward vs. procmail

2003-10-03 Thread Paul Mackinney
r "ispName" is "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" $ crontab -l SHELL=/bin/sh # m h dom mon dow command @reboot/usr/bin/fetchmail -f /home/et/.fetchmailrc -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RH to Debian conversion help

2003-10-03 Thread Paul Mackinney
ws you to dynamically enable/disable kernel modules, and 'dmesg' will print all the startup messages, which typically show lots of device info. -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Old address

2003-10-03 Thread Paul Mackinney
until I get the checks from all those Nigerian politicians--oops! That was supposed to be a secret. 3. I hope this isn't a new version of Swen... -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RH to Debian conversion help

2003-10-04 Thread Paul Mackinney
Paul Mackinney lied: > Debian certainly doesn't have anything like RH's kudzu Well that was a rather sloppy reply, wasn't it? Steeped in humiliation, PM -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubsc

Re: Any users of mondoarchive on debian boxes?

2003-10-04 Thread Paul Mackinney
Vineet Kumar declaimed: > * Pigeon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [030928 16:00]: > > On Sun, Sep 28, 2003 at 08:27:27AM -0700, Paul Mackinney wrote: > > > At a BALUG meeting last spring I heard a talk by mondo's inceptor, Hugo > > > Rabson, who took some special time t

Re: exim/fetchmail config

2003-10-04 Thread Paul Mackinney
me reason (experimental mbox-hooks in .muttrc) then it uses the default. You can get a lot of info by bcc:ing yourself on a message and reviewing the headers. HTH, PM -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

man/mandb errors

2003-10-07 Thread Paul Mackinney
ut errors) and read most of the man-related docs, but I don't understand what's going on. How can I get manpath to drop the java man directory? TIA, PM -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

mutt header display question

2003-10-12 Thread Paul Mackinney
msg file in the shell it showed as AmikaGuardian (TM) Server <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> So now I understand why my filter wasn't working. Can someone explain to me why mutt's display omitted the parenthesized bit? TIA, PM -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email t

xdm config help

2002-10-18 Thread Paul Mackinney
;/usr/bin/xdm'. Any tips on this issue? Last step was to apt-get update to version 4.2.1. Thanks, PM -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xdm config help

2002-10-19 Thread Paul Mackinney
Karl E. Jorgensen declaimed: > On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 11:10:39PM -0700, Paul Mackinney wrote: > > I'm trying to set up xdm. Whenever I boot the last message I see before > > the login prompt is: > > > > Not starting X Display Manager (xdm); it is not the default d

Re: xdm config help

2002-10-22 Thread Paul Mackinney
#x27;t really possible...] But I don't mean to pick nits, if you're willing to work as a package maintainer and a new package is the right thing, then you have my thanks and support. That 'coordination with the maintainers' you speak of is surely one of the toughest parts of t

Segmentation faults in apropos

2002-10-29 Thread Paul Mackinney
on this? Thanks, PM -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Segmentation faults in apropos

2002-10-30 Thread Paul Mackinney
Colin Watson declaimed: > On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 04:35:15PM -0800, Paul Mackinney wrote: > > I've been running Sid, for some time, lately I've started getting > > segmentaion faults when I run apropos, as in the following: > > > > $ apropos

Re: Fixed libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 package

2002-11-14 Thread Paul Mackinney
.3 > > A fixed package can be found at: > > http://incoming.debian.org/libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2_2.95.4-15_i386.deb Thanks for posting this! It kept my down-time < 5 minutes. The moral: when something big goes wrong after an apt-get upgrade, try again, then try deb-user. Regards

Re: Fixed libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 package

2002-11-14 Thread Paul Mackinney
d gaining the benefit of your troubleshooting process, not to mention reading everyone else's reactions to your ideas. Regards, PM -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Help with login/environment: bash_profile, bashrc, xdm

2002-12-09 Thread Paul Mackinney
l principles. TIA, Paul -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Help with login/environment: bash_profile, bashrc, xdm

2002-12-10 Thread Paul Mackinney
t Hed Linux' logo in the login window. Then it ceased to display the PNG's without reporting any errors, even after being reconfigured. Since xdm was installed, I thought I could just switch to it but then I found that it wasn't processing .bash_profile. I'll check out the websi

Re: mail basics on a debian system

2002-12-10 Thread Paul Mackinney
Robert Land declaimed: > I'm not very experienced with unix/linux and would > appreciate some information on the mail topic. > > I have this one box system, using my general account > 'rland' and sometimes root for system configuration. > > What I would like to know is if/how rland recieves mail

Help with DRM / DRI on Matrox G400

2003-03-28 Thread Paul Mackinney
update regularly. Any advice appreciated. Regards, PM -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How do I 'tar' a huge file?

2003-03-28 Thread Paul Mackinney
tape library. I also got the 'unexpected EOF' on the first restore attempt, then tried again specifying --multi-volume on restore. Run info tar and look up 'mult...' in the index. You can definitely do this, I'd experiment with a small data set so you can test backup & resto

Java plugin help? (was: Mozilla 1.3 for Woody?)

2003-03-30 Thread Paul Mackinney
together (both compiled with gcc-2.95xxx). When I compile a trivial applet (straight from Bruce Eckel's Thinking In Java) that works fine with Appletviewer, Mozilla gives me an error saying that the plugin for "application/x-java-applet;version=1.4.1" needs to be installed, Mozilla's

Re: Help with DRM / DRI on Matrox G400

2003-03-30 Thread Paul Mackinney
Mark Zimmerman declaimed: > On Sun, Mar 30, 2003 at 12:08:56PM -0800, Slava ZHdanobvich wrote: > > On Fri, 28 Mar 2003 19:23:03 -0800 > > Paul Mackinney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > I've got a Matrox Millenium G400, and recently installed a DVDR

Re: Help with DRM / DRI on Matrox G400

2003-03-30 Thread Paul Mackinney
[EMAIL PROTECTED] declaimed: > >>>>> "Paul" == Paul Mackinney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > Paul> I don't have a device /dev/dri/card0. Am I supposed to be > Paul> running devfs? Kernel config shows > > Paul> $ grep DEVFS co

Re: Java plugin help?

2003-03-31 Thread Paul Mackinney
daniel huhardeaux declaimed: > Paul Mackinney wrote: > >I'm running Sun's Java package and Mozilla 1.3 talkback from Mozilla.org. > >I've symlinked > > > >/usr/local/mozilla/plugin/libjavaplugin_oji.so -> > >/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_02/jre/plugin

Re: Play DVDs on K6/4xx (was: Help with DRM / DRI on Matrox G400)

2003-03-31 Thread Paul Mackinney
fer and the sound cuts out. Picture is great although I suspect that its playing the video too slowly. Any advice appreciated. Paul -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: disable one users email?

2003-04-03 Thread Paul Mackinney
their access back so much that they might as well not have an account (IMO). I'd be glad to hear from more experienced sysadmins on this, and I'm curious as to what's the problem with a normal user having mail access. HTH, Paul -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSC

Re: Dmesg & Fdisk see only 30 out of 60 MB--SOLVED

2003-04-05 Thread Paul Mackinney
cessfully on my old (1997) Pentium I, 166MMX-System with > a Western Digital 60GB-Harddisk on Debian 3.0r1 ! > > ___ > > Final Note: I recomplied the kernel and it worked like a charm. Thanks! > > -- > David Raeker-Jordan > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > GnuPG key: 1024D/CD956608 -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: OT: Politics of Java

2002-12-12 Thread Paul Mackinney
essions that expand infinitely. For those who've never seen this language, here's the quicksort algorithm in 2 lines: qsort([])= [] qsort((a:b)) = qsort([x | x<-b, xa]) Not sure about licensing, but it's small, free, and available for *nix, MacOS, and Wintel. http://haskell.o

Re: users and x/gdm

2003-01-03 Thread Paul Mackinney
H 7/8 The Debian system's /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config file has the line described by Karsten, the RH system doesn't have that file. Note that I don't know _why_ my solution works... HTH, PM -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux config question: dates don't display year?

2003-01-10 Thread Paul Mackinney
ls, but still want to know how to set default behavior. TIA, PM -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Linux config question: dates don't display year?

2003-01-10 Thread Paul Mackinney
Brian Potkin declaimed: > On Fri, Jan 10, 2003 at 09:34:49AM -0800, Paul Mackinney wrote: > > > OT disclaimer... what controls the standard date abbreviation? On some > > Linux systems 'ls -l' displays the year, on others it doesn't. 'finger' > >

Kernel panic error on startup

1998-05-22 Thread Paul Mackinney
NetServer 486 with some kind of integrated SCSI bus. Its only hard drive is at scsi0. I've tried this with and without partitions defined on the drive (using DOS 6.2 fdisk). Any advice/help would be useful. Thanks, Paul Mackinney -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subje

RE: Kernel panic error on startup

1998-05-22 Thread Paul Mackinney
him, this worked and got me into Install routine. Thanks everyone, I really appreciate the support. I've run some small UNIX systems before (can you say 3b1?) and can usually avoid deleting critical system files by mistake, but kernel panic errors are over my head. Best Regards,

Re: boot disk dilemma

2001-06-20 Thread Paul Mackinney
o use a pair of the same cards in your router so that you only need to get one network driver going. Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Original Message - From: "MaD dUCK" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "debian users" Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 11:03 AM Subject: boot

Re: simple routing question

2001-06-25 Thread Paul Mackinney
ard all packets from your host straight to Regards, Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Original Message - From: "Jonathan Lupa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2001 5:17 AM Subject: simple routing question I have the feeling that I just can'

apt question revisitted

2001-07-03 Thread Paul Mackinney
x27;. I downloaded the Sun Java SDK, javac won't run either, basically says the same thing. I *think* I know that this error means that the program is looking for a symbolic link to the libc shared library, can someone confirm this and/or explain how to resolve these issues? Thanks, Paul Mackin

Re: Install "testing" from scratch?

2001-07-05 Thread Paul Mackinney
t vi doens't want to run (something about a bad wrapper, vi-base or elvis-tiny not found) but I use vim anyway so no big deal. I used the advanced (dselect) method to finish the install. Anyone have comments on this technique? Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 09:31:

Re: [users] Mail from OE to linux and more

2001-07-09 Thread Paul Mackinney
Hi! This is a little long-winded, so bail now if you're not interested in newbie mail setup woes... I'm yet another person who'd love to completely transition from Windows to Linux. And yes, I use Outlook and yes, getting mail really working on Linux is the biggest obstacle to my completing the tr

Help with icewm-gnome

2001-07-12 Thread Paul Mackinney
I'm running gnome, want to use icewm with the default theme. Unfortunately, the Gnome Control Center's Window Manager caplet is empty. How can I get icewm listed in there with all the themes, etc.? Here's how I got to this state: - Installed potato base. - Added woody sources.list lines - Used dse

Re: Mouse problem

2001-07-13 Thread Paul Mackinney
On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 11:09:55AM -0400, Cheng-Dar K Lee wrote: > Hi, > I am a newbie of Debian. I tried to install the potato version of > Debian for like the nth time and still couldn't get my mouse worked. The > mouse doesn't follow my hand motion and moves erratically on the screen > in

Re: .bashrc

2001-07-13 Thread Paul Mackinney
On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 10:20:52AM -0500, Larry W. Irwin Sr. wrote: > Hi everyone, > > I am running Debian potato and am having a problem with .bashrc. > It works fine as root but does not get executed when I log in as > a user. The default .bashrc contains one alias command (the rest >

Re: sendmail gethostbyaddr fails

2001-07-13 Thread Paul Mackinney
On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 12:51:20PM -0700, Mike Pfleger wrote: > On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 01:10:01PM -0600, Jimmy Richards wrote: > > > Try dig -x > > Hi Jim. > > OK. Here's the spew: > > ;; Got answer: > ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 55359 > ;; flags: q

Re: Installing Java

2001-07-14 Thread Paul Mackinney
D-Man uttered: > On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 04:41:40PM -0300, Juan wrote: > | HI, > | > | Which packages will I have to install to run & compile Java? And run Java > | Server Pages? > > kaffe might be enough. There are different versions and vendors of > Java interpreters so it depends on which on

Re: keyboard HOWTO

2001-07-14 Thread Paul Mackinney
Carel Fellinger uttered: > On Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 05:39:05PM +0200, Ionel Mugurel Ciobica wrote: > ... > > I have tried LeftAlt with numbers from keypad and the others, > > for me only keypad nrs work, on the console that is > > > P.P.S. My /etc/console/boottime.kmap.gz file have this line: > >

Re: Installing Java

2001-07-14 Thread Paul Mackinney
Juan uttered: > At 09:04 14/07/01 -0700, you wrote: > >It's java, why not get it from Sun? http://java.sun.com/j2se/ > > > >You want either the 1.4 beta or 1.3.1. There are two packages, a RedHat > >RPM shell script and a GNUZIP Tar shell script. I've installed both with > >equal success, but if yo

Re: Installing Java

2001-07-14 Thread Paul Mackinney
D-Man uttered: > | It's java, why not get it from Sun? http://java.sun.com/j2se/ > > It's not "Free". I knew it, theology! > | Not quite sure what you mean by "run Java Server Pages", but I've > > He's talking about Java Server Pages (aka JSP) : _informed_ theology! The best kind... this is wha

Re: mkfs.vfat? where is it ??

2001-07-16 Thread Paul Mackinney
Disem uttered: > I was unable to create an *windows* filesistem... > > mkfs -t vfat /dev/myharddrivepartition.. > > mkfs.vfat: no such file or directory mkfs.vfat returns this error when the specified myharddrivepartition is invalid. You do know that mkfs won't create the partition, right? Wh

Re: "man" command made easy?

2001-07-16 Thread Paul Mackinney
All that Will said about the man pages is true, and I completely agree about the need for examples; I to have wasted hours fighting syntax errors, all the while with an ugly feeling that I might not even be trying the right command or option. General advice based on things I've done: 1. Use less

Re: .bashrc

2001-07-16 Thread Paul Mackinney
Joost Kooij uttered: > On Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 08:00:16AM -0700, Greg Wiley wrote: > > > > There might be a better way that doesn't > > require modifying /etc/X11/kdm/Xsession > > and I'd be happy to hear it. > Here's what I'm doing: I installed gdm, then deleted the 'S99gdm' symlink from /etc/r

Re: "man" command made easy?

2001-07-16 Thread Paul Mackinney
D-Man uttered: > > [I haven't been following most of this thread, but] > > On Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 10:59:23AM -0700, Paul Mackinney wrote: > | Night before last I ran 'find /usr/doc -name "index.html" >foo.txt' and > | then spent 2 hours adding li

Re: Off Topic: iptables, ping, traceroute

2001-07-16 Thread Paul Mackinney
William Jensen uttered: > > I'm experiencing 20 to 54% packet loss coming into my pc and going out. > Charter cable company has been "resolving" this for almost 8 months now. > I've even showed them the exact ip to their local router that's causing > the problems, yet the continue to want to ping

Re: "man" command made easy?

2001-07-16 Thread Paul Mackinney
Rebecca Dridan uttered: > > And for those who, like me, don't like the key bindings in info, check out > pinfo, apt-get install pinfo. Thanks, Bec. I don't much like the Info bindings. (Don't like Lynx too much either, but I'd rather learn as few sets of keybindings as possible...) Paul

apt-move config problem

2001-07-17 Thread Paul Mackinney
Anyone have more insight on this? Here's a question I asked Joost & his reply: > I've installed apt-move, and I've got my mirrors directory set up. Each > time I run apt or deselect I decline to let it remove downloaded files > and apt-move update. > > So far so good, but when I apt-get update i

Re: How to set up a "prefect" router

2001-07-18 Thread Paul Mackinney
Wayne Topa uttered: > > Subject: Re: How to set up a "prefect" router > Date: Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 12:16:30AM +0200 > > In reply to:Raffaele Sandrini > > Quoting Raffaele Sandrini([EMAIL PROTECTED]): > > On Tuesday 17 July 2001 20:02, Michael B. Taylor wrote: > > > > Is there a one

Re: [OT] beware citibank!

2001-07-18 Thread Paul Mackinney
Jens Gecius uttered: > Vineet Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > > ---Very OffTopic--- > > Mozilla just doesn't work. > Further OffTopic: I can't get Mozilla to do java. I'm using the nightly builds, the installer works great. If I follow the link they recommend to install Java support from

Re: Folders in Mutt

2001-07-18 Thread Paul Mackinney
Sam Varghese muttered: > > I'd like to have a few folders into which I can > move mail after reading but if the mail supposed to > go there does so automatically I wouldn't mind either. > - My system is essentially single user, right now I'm only checking one POP3 account for incoming mail. I us

Re: Quick mail delivery question

2001-07-18 Thread Paul Mackinney
See the "Folders in Mutt" thread on this list.

SOLVED (was Java (was Re: [OT] beware citibank!)

2001-07-18 Thread Paul Mackinney
DvB muttered: > Paul Mackinney wrote: > > Jens Gecius uttered: > There's something seriously messed up with debian/mozilla/java. However, > I found the following usenet thread which helped me get mine working > (I'm using the blackdown jre from testing with mozilla n

Re: my console.

2001-07-19 Thread Paul Mackinney
Adam Bell muttered: > Might want to try vga=ask first, since it fails softly if it can't > select the mode you ask it for. :/ I use vga=ext on a system that started with the default potato kernel, later upgraded to Woody. Works great. Paul

Re: New-to-Debian

2001-07-19 Thread Paul Mackinney
Sam Varghese muttered: > > On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 12:52:53AM +1000, K.P wrote: > > > Hello, > > > I am NEW to the world of Linux and Debian has come higly recommended in > > > Australia for its versatility. I have not tried it yet and I hope to gain > > > some feedback as to whether Debian is ap

Re: Help with creating installation CDs

2001-07-21 Thread Paul Mackinney
Giri X muttered: > hi > I am trying to install Debian GNU/Linux on my PC. I wanted to know > if i culd burn the images that are in formats like .bin, .exe, .bat and use > them for installation. I have access to CD writers only on Windows. The CD > writer software is DirectCD. > Thanx and Regards

Re: follow-up to my queries on folders in mutt

2001-07-21 Thread Paul Mackinney
to be valid. > > i am using version 1.2.5i on potato. > > sam > -- Sam, Did you try a .forward file? Exim downloads my mail and put's in the mailboxes I specify. Also, check out the contents of /etc/cron and the /etc/cron.d folder, this is where automatic mail checking is scheduled. -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Backup strategey? (Was: Preventing windows from scr...)

2001-07-27 Thread Paul Mackinney
Cormac McGuinness muttered: > All my files/data were gone (I had two synchronised copies though, so I > wasnt really worried :) ) I'm a recent convert to Linux as my defaul boot-OS and the OS I do email on (a definition of where we really live?) One thing I haven't done yet is get a good autom

Re: forcing a pci nic to use a different irq?

2001-07-30 Thread Paul Mackinney
Matthew Garman muttered: > According to the Ethernet HOWTO, the most common cause of this problem is > an IRQ conflict. This seems believable, because... > > cat /proc/interrupts > >CPU0 > 0: 42726 XT-PIC timer > 1: 2024 XT-PIC keyboard > 2

Re: dhcp & ip addresses

2001-08-09 Thread Paul Mackinney
> On Sat, 28 Jul 2001, Eric Boo spake: > > > Hi all, > > > > I'm using pump on SID. My ISP is a cable provider who do not issue > > static ips. Usually, when I use pump, I have the same ip address for > > months, unless I switch off the modem and someone else grabs it. > > > > When I reboot int

Re: Where to go from here

2001-08-10 Thread Paul Mackinney
_might_ want with base-config, then use dselect to trim the fat. HTH... Paul -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Toggle English/Dvorak keybaord in wmaker?

2001-08-11 Thread Paul Mackinney
the Dvorak keymap is installed and available to X. I've looked in the Window Maker User's guide and the relevant HOWTOS without finding an answer. Anyone know how to set this up (and/or where it's documented?) TIA, Paul -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Cable Modem on Linux

2001-08-13 Thread Paul Mackinney
86 and a pair of 3c509s, gave it up when my RH6.2 system got hacked repeatedly. I didn't have time to learn how to secure it so I switched to the Linksys (should have just switched to debian :-), but this is the way to go if you want to learn how to harden your system. Paul -- Paul Macki

Re: debian-user-digest Digest V101 #1003

2001-08-13 Thread Paul Mackinney
aps someone will decide that this is an urgent matter and contact www.eurospace.be and ask them to disable his account. Of course, my sense of humor is so low that I think this is kind of funny. HTH, Paul -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] <- Please note new email address

Re: debian-user-digest Digest V101 #1003

2001-08-13 Thread Paul Mackinney
aps someone will decide that this is an urgent matter and contact www.eurospace.be and ask them to disable his account. Of course, my sense of humor is so low that I think this is kind of funny. HTH, Paul -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] <- Please note new email address

Re: jdk 1.3

2001-08-14 Thread Paul Mackinney
Blackdown mirror sites, I was able to successfully configure my sources.list file and persuade apt to work. I use 'javac' to compile .java to .class, 'java' to run .class files. I've heard that gcj is only 1.0 compatible. Any know of a jdk1.3 compatible compiler to create b

Re: jdk 1.3

2001-08-14 Thread Paul Mackinney
dman muttered: > On Tue, Aug 14, 2001 at 08:49:49AM -0700, Paul Mackinney wrote: > > | I've heard that the Sun and Blackdown are identical for jdk1.3, I've > | installed both and on the surface they appeared identical. By inspecting > | one of the Blackdown mi

Re: jdk 1.3

2001-08-14 Thread Paul Mackinney
Craig: Yes, I knew you meant the 'Q' key. My favorite thing about dselect is that I haven't had to learn how to use dpkg :-) dman: Yes, I understand jikes is just a compiler, but I'll try it with your recommendation. I've noticed that javac is kind of s l o w. Thanks

Re: jdk 1.3

2001-08-14 Thread Paul Mackinney
Aaron Maxwell muttered: > On Tuesday 14 August 2001 09:48, Paul Mackinney wrote: > > Question: dselect wants to install something to give me Java VM to go > > with jikes (e.g., kaffe, jdk1.1). Should I just override this and > > install jikes by itself? Is there a graceful way

Re: .forward file format for exim

2001-08-14 Thread Paul Mackinney
breaking it, and generally complicating my life, I can heartily recommend that you take the exim docs seriously and test filters before you implement them. HTH, Paul -- Paul Mackinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] <- Please note new email address

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