Re: Installation..How to add packages!!

1998-04-08 Thread Oliver Elphick
27;) The CD's contents are visible under /cdrom. You do not need to mount the CD to use it with dselect; choose the CD installation method and dselect will mount it for itself. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight http

Re: tape drive

1998-04-09 Thread Oliver Elphick
ears in dmesg, the SCSI drivers are recognising it. If no device is assigned, the most likely cause is that you haven't got SCSI tape support in the kernel. If it's the only tape, it ought to be /dev/st0. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Is

Unidentified subject!

1998-04-09 Thread Oliver Elphick
ately not. The reason is that there is a vast range of hardware that might be used and its manufacturers don't provide Linux drivers as they do Windows ones. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: sgml authoring

1998-04-09 Thread Oliver Elphick
us to add SGML elements. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 === God did not send his Son into the world t

PostgreSQL packages

1998-04-11 Thread Oliver Elphick
annot get it from Incoming, get it from <>. (Unfortunately, I don't have enough space on that server to upload the source, so these are just the binary packages.) -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTE

Re: Desktop: colours and fvwm

1998-04-11 Thread Oliver Elphick
ng you are running fvwm2, look into its documentation and change its configuration files. The most likely place to put your own preferences is in /etc/X11/fvwm2/post.hook and /etc/X11/fvwm2/background.color -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: What is a block device name?

1998-04-13 Thread Oliver Elphick
r to be running in the wrong timezone. Use tzconfig to correct this. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 = A message for East

Re: Another Debian 2.0 Question - GMT

1998-04-15 Thread Oliver Elphick
to do with it (this is in my /etc/init.d/boot) >. Use tzconfig to set your timezone. Then set your clock right with date. Finally, use hwclock --hctosys --utc to set your hardware clock to the current Universal time. -- Oliver Elphick

Re: XDM-start when?

1998-04-16 Thread Oliver Elphick
an.README ... start-xdm ... -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 Come to me, al


1998-04-16 Thread Oliver Elphick
e end of the gcc command that the makefile runs. If it's already there, I can't help... -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1

Re: Setting system time?

1998-04-16 Thread Oliver Elphick
ect by reference to Internet timeservers -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 Come

Re: Setting system time?

1998-04-17 Thread Oliver Elphick
Mark Phillips wrote: >What is the difference between hwclock and clock, between xntp and >netdate? Remco answered that. > And which package contains hwclock and xntp? hwclock is in util-linux xntp is in xntp (This is on hamm.) -- Olive

Re: stuck with only 1 xterm in X

1998-04-22 Thread Oliver Elphick
session. I have the two files linked together. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1

The effects of backspace and delete are reversed in vim

1998-04-22 Thread Oliver Elphick
be regarded as a bug? Versions: vim 5.0-0.2 libc6 2.0.7pre1-4 ncurses3.4 1.9.9g-8 linux 2.0.33 -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from

Re: Can't find bo->hamm upgrade instructions.

1998-04-23 Thread Oliver Elphick
amm still isn't released, it is, strictly, for developers rather than users.) -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1

PSGML and split documents

1998-04-23 Thread Oliver Elphick
However, the documentation gives no example and I have not yet found a combination that works. How should I define this, please? -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

SGML, Jade, Docbook -- HELP!!!

1998-04-23 Thread Oliver Elphick
1.01 libc6 2.0.7pre1-4 sp 1.3-1.1-5 gawk 3.0.3-0.2 perl5.004.04-5 libstdc++ -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: Software for ISDN

1998-04-26 Thread Oliver Elphick
Nuno Carvalho wrote: > Now that I had installed, finally, my ISDN card (PCBIT) on Linux I want >to make a connection >to my ISP but I don't know what program to use! You need the isdnutils package. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: i'm not able to run mosaic

1998-04-26 Thread Oliver Elphick
find that X would also refuse to run your program for authorisation reasons. Alternatively, you are trying to run mosaic in a non-X environment, which I would not expect to be possible. If you need a non-X web browser, use lynx. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle

Re: Error at boot

1998-04-28 Thread Oliver Elphick
t sure what I am doing that is keeping the box from booting from the >hard drive. > After you change lilo.conf, you must run /sbin/lilo. Perhaps that did not get done. Try doing it now. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTE

Re: list of kernel error codes

1998-04-29 Thread Oliver Elphick
ude/asm/errno.h and /usr/include/linux/errno.h #define ENOENT 2 /* No such file or directory */ -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public

Re: gcc help

1998-04-29 Thread Oliver Elphick
"calvin" wrote: >everytime i try to compile something i get a error sayin cpp option not >found or somethin like that..anybody know what my problem would be? Have you got the cpp package installed? -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTE

Re: monitor rates for X

1998-04-21 Thread Oliver Elphick
for instance, I did not have the function of a >right handed user's left button, on any of my buttons. > This setup works for me: XF86Config: Section "Pointer" Protocol"PS/2" Device "/dev/psaux" EndSection gpm.conf: device=/dev/psa

Re: Clear screen on logout (Re: Terminal Corruption)

1998-05-04 Thread Oliver Elphick
d control characters can hang the VDU, so that you have to do a power cycle of the VDU to recover it. If you want to do this and also have VDUs, use the -i option to agetty in the inittab file for the VDU connections; this will stop agetty from displaying /etc/issue on VDUs that

Re: Boot problem

1998-05-04 Thread Oliver Elphick
"Erik Eriksson" wrote: >3. Can you recommend any SQL based freeware for Linux, we would like to do s >ome >tests. There are Debian packages for PostgreSQL, mSQL, mysql and nosql. (mSQL and mysql are in non-free.) -- Oliver Elphick

Re: small bug in Debian 2.0 installation

1998-05-04 Thread Oliver Elphick
y because users failed to check the bugs system before they posted. Bear in mind also that new releases sometimes take time to make it into the distribution, especially into frozen. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight ht

Re: Mouse and Mystique

1998-05-04 Thread Oliver Elphick
ian release 1.3.1 is new enough. Anyone else help on this? -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 ==

Re: recompiling kernel

1998-05-05 Thread Oliver Elphick
ro exit status. See if your system does the same. If it doesn't find encaps but gives a 0 exit status, try doing bash -c "hash encaps" and see what error status that gives you. (I don't see why there should be a difference, but there must have been some reason for making thi

Re: recompiling kernel

1998-05-05 Thread Oliver Elphick
Nathan E Norman wrote: >On Tue, 5 May 1998, Oliver Elphick wrote: >: Presumably someone else was having some kind of problem with this >: feature. > >But why is "-k" being passed to `objdump' at all? According to the docs >I have, "-k&quo

Re: make-kpkg error

1998-05-08 Thread Oliver Elphick
ine does not terminate with \, so the `if' construct is not terminated. All lines before the final `fi' need to end with \. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key fr

Re: libc6 2.0.7 is not installing...

1998-05-08 Thread Oliver Elphick
K. do dpkg -L libc6 for a list of the package contents: ... /lib/ ... I suppose that 2.0.7pre1-4 means that this is a pre-release to 2.0.7, so it's not actually 2.0.7 yet. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: XF86Setup not finding where Xfree86 is installed

1998-05-10 Thread Oliver Elphick
find the other parts of X. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 "My son

Re: Removing libc4

1997-12-04 Thread Oliver Elphick
search for a.out executables: find / -type f -perm +111 -print | xargs file | grep '[QZ]MAGIC' -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 Unsolicited e

Re: HELP: Installing Debian in a Bussines

1997-12-04 Thread Oliver Elphick
eed to rework the design of the database; multi-valued fields will have to be normalised. It's a big job. > -Probably some way to keep both systems in parallel. You will need to define input and dump routines for both systems (unless the traffic is one-way only

Re: Running defrag in single user mode...

1997-12-06 Thread Oliver Elphick
ad to defragment a disk. This isn't a Micro$oft product... Can anyone suggest why one might want to defragment a disk in Linux? -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public se

Re: 'make config' issues.

1997-12-06 Thread Oliver Elphick
er, gcc? You will also need that and several other things to compile the kernel. These are in the Standard devel section in dselect. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public server

Re: Debian Problem after Compiling Kernel

1997-12-08 Thread Oliver Elphick
odules. Have you enabled ethernet in the kernel as well as incorporating a driver for your particular network card? If you have configured these as modules, are you either running kerneld to load them automatically when required, or else running modprobe at boot time to load them once and for a

postgresql update

1997-12-08 Thread Oliver Elphick
version (6.2.1-4) from: <> -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 Unsolicited email advertisements are not w

Re: fetch/mail and xconsole

1997-12-08 Thread Oliver Elphick
chmail > >&/dev/console > > This doesn`t work with xconsole. Use `logger' to write things to the logs (including the console, which displays some of them.) Full details in `man logger'. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle o

Re: Several Q's

1997-12-10 Thread Oliver Elphick
anyone recommend a decent three-button mouse (serial or >ps/2). The middle button on my current mouse doesn't work. The problem is probably with your configuration rather than with the mouse. What have you got in the Pointer section of /etc/X11/XF86Config? -- Oliver Elphick

Re: Help with using a remote xserver

1997-12-11 Thread Oliver Elphick
. If you have security concerns, transport the .Xauthority file from the Mac to the Debian machine and run `xauth merge '. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; k

Re: permission denied

1997-12-12 Thread Oliver Elphick
ld suggest something. The object is to see what command in the script is failing. If you can't do it that way, check the permissions of every command the script tries to run. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: Several Q's

1997-12-12 Thread Oliver Elphick
e I am amazed at the quality... > >Maybe x86 HW isn't that bad after all... It should be even better: you shouldn't have to hold that button down. Use ClearDTR and ClearRTS in the Pointer section of XF86Config. (See `man 5 XF86Config' for full details.) -- Oliver Elph

Re: clueless people on debian-user

1997-12-13 Thread Oliver Elphick
e got the best of both >worlds. I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but I think you want the newsgroups to be moderated? (Presumably the clueless can still post direct to the mailing list.) Someone would have to filter the clueless postings out before sending the rest on to the mai

Re: Image & Sound

1997-12-13 Thread Oliver Elphick
st I edit to use it? (for example to >listen CDs, etc). Must I have installed some special package? rebuild your kernel to incorporate sound support. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: dtterm

1997-12-13 Thread Oliver Elphick
minfo database. Use similar methods to transfer the termcap settings. If you want it to go into future Debian releases, send the results to the maintainer of the appropriate package; no doubt he will be grateful. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: dtterm

1997-12-14 Thread Oliver Elphick
George Bonser wrote: >On Sat, 13 Dec 1997, Oliver Elphick wrote: > >> I don't know what dtterm is, but from context it sounds like a terminfo >> or termcap setting. > >It is, I suppose, the destop terminal. In its default configuration, when >you ri

Re: Disk partioning error any idea what this means?

1997-12-14 Thread Oliver Elphick
quot; > >Drive C: has 1 Error This tells me that you are running MS-DOS and are posting to the wrong list. debian is a Linux system and has nothing to do with any Micro$oft products. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: dtterm

1997-12-14 Thread Oliver Elphick
like a good terminfo entry. You probably need to make a termcap entry as well, which should be added into /etc/termcap. `infocmp -C' should produce a termcap listing from the terminfo entry. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: Disk partioning error any idea what this means?

1997-12-15 Thread Oliver Elphick
ng lis >t. Sorry, then, but in principle my reply stands. You're running a Microsoft utility on a MSDOS partition. Surely the best place to ask is a Microsoft list? If there's any way that Debian is involved, please give more detail. -- Oliver Elphick

Re: error when starting X

1997-12-15 Thread Oliver Elphick
your question implies that you have met and overcome this error in the past. Is that indeed the case? -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 Unsolic

Re: A ( simple ? ) question about configuration

1997-12-16 Thread Oliver Elphick
ant commands `by hand'. The relevant command for xbase is /usr/sbin/xbase-configure -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 Unsolicited email

Unidentified subject!

1997-12-18 Thread Oliver Elphick
m for your root partition. Can you boot from your CD or rescue floppy? -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 Unsolicited email advertisements are not welc

Re: 3FA ???

1997-12-18 Thread Oliver Elphick
: The only other valid key which may be pressed is RETURN, which continues booting with the default partition. ====== -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: Problems with Cron

1997-12-18 Thread Oliver Elphick
contents of over the current user's crontab file, destroying what was there before. If you use this method to update your crontab, do it like this to preserve your existing set of cron commands: crontab -l >/tmp/ vi /tmp/ crontab /tmp/ -- Oliver Elphick

Xsetup_0 does not run when xdm starts on local display

1997-12-18 Thread Oliver Elphick
being set or why xdm doesn't know that this machine is called linda. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 Unsolicited email advertisements ar

Re: bootable Debian 1.3.1 CD

1997-12-21 Thread Oliver Elphick
and SCSI CD-ROM, and am able to boot from a Debian 1.3.1 CD. I can't tell you the Adaptec BIOS version without shutting down, but I bought this card about the beginning of 1997. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight ht

Re: Full Root

1997-12-22 Thread Oliver Elphick
se `du -sx /*', but I find that this does not ignore other partitions; the man page leaves me uncertain about its intended effect.) -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public server

Re: How do I use the source package disributions?

1997-12-26 Thread Oliver Elphick
reate the directory bible-kjv-4.00 in the current directory, containing the original source with Debian changes applied. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8

Re: gimp and

1997-12-31 Thread Oliver Elphick
> lesstif provides is from Motif. I see that there is a package gimp-dmotif (which conflicts with gimp). If that is what you installed, it requires Motif. Install gimp instead. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: Beginner Question

1998-01-01 Thread Oliver Elphick
cumentation on the monitor or the video car >d. Look at /var/log/xdm-errors for anything that xdm may have produced. Try using startx when you are already logged on, to see what messages appear on the (non-X) console. Have you installed xbase? (Sorry - I hope that's a silly quest

Re: laser printers and linux

1998-01-02 Thread Oliver Elphick
ver given me any trouble over paper feeding nor has it failed to print anything. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 Unsolicited email advertisements are

Re: [postgres] libpgperl: undefined symbol: PQconnectdb

1998-01-05 Thread Oliver Elphick
x/5.004/auto/Pg/ undefined symbol: >PQconnectdb >== There was a problem in the build of libpgperl. Try loading release libpgperl_6.2.1-7 which will be on master shortly (currently being uploaded to chiark). -- Oliver Elphick[EMA

Re: Weird /tmp permission/ownership problem

1998-01-06 Thread Oliver Elphick
ns; the directory has the ownership of its creator and the permissions dictated by the owner's standard umask. I can't identify the culprit, though... -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: exmh questions

1998-01-06 Thread Oliver Elphick
Lee Bradshaw wrote: >I'm considering using exmh for my mail reader. I want to filter mail >into different folders and be able to see which folders have messages in >them. Suggestions of other mail readers with this feature would be >welcome. I use procmail to write -

Re: IDE CD-ROM-Driver

1998-01-06 Thread Oliver Elphick
help screens, i seem to remember that there's a booting option for specifying the CD-ROM.) -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 Unsolicited email

mt setblk fails

1998-01-19 Thread Oliver Elphick
c6 2.0.6-2 Is there anything I can do? Is it likely that this drive doesn't support changing the block size? -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers;

Re: command set

1998-01-19 Thread Oliver Elphick
h basic commands can be found at another section is at -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: partitioning

1998-01-24 Thread Oliver Elphick
ce and make room for Linux. Then proceed with the installation. Perhaps instead you could buy a new hard disk to put Linux on? -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public serve

Re: Login-Warning

1998-01-26 Thread Oliver Elphick
s stored in /var/log/btmp, but only if that file already exists. If it doesn't exist, create it (as superuser) with the command `touch /var/log/btmp'. See `man last' for full details. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: Dates, postgresql and pygresql

1998-01-27 Thread Oliver Elphick
t; >in the program to see if that will solve the problem, but it made no >difference. The message you are getting appears to be a PostgreSQL message, but the syntax you are using works OK in psql. Is it possible that Python is mangling the data being sent to the backend? Can you r

Re: Dates, postgresql and pygresql

1998-01-28 Thread Oliver Elphick
Johann Spies wrote: >On Tue, 27 Jan 1998, Oliver Elphick wrote: >> Try running the postmaster in the foreground and have the backend echo >> queries, to check what requests the backend is seeing. > >I also do not know how to do this. I will have to study some mor

Re: debian keeps mail where?

1998-01-31 Thread Oliver Elphick
/var/spool/mail should have these permissions/ownership: drwxrwsrwt 2 mail mail 1024 Jan 28 18:06 /var/spool/mail or the mail delivery program may not be able to create the file when it has mail to deliver. If none of this helps, you should review all the logs to look for mail ha

Re: Need help

1998-02-02 Thread Oliver Elphick
thing at all happen, or just silence? Basically, you must give more information or we can't help you. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 --

Re: a MANPATH problem

1998-02-05 Thread Oliver Elphick
ation you are using to talk to the X server, so that it can share it. For example: $ su # xauth merge ~dmallery/.Xauthority -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key

Re: a MANPATH problem

1998-02-05 Thread Oliver Elphick
"Oliver Elphick" wrote: >Check out xauth. > >You need to tell root what authorisation you are using to talk to the >X server, so that it can share it. For example: > >$ su ># xauth merge ~dmallery/.Xauthority Only don't do this in your own ho

Re: Lyx, StarOffice, & word [was Re: Win95 and Linux:

1998-02-05 Thread Oliver Elphick
ibe to the LyX users' mailing list. The message address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]; I can't remember the subscription request address, but it's in the documentation somewhere. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight ht

Re: Installproblem Xfree86.

1998-02-09 Thread Oliver Elphick
ough you are trying to install a non-Debian version; this is not really a good idea. >In my /lib/ I only have >What«s wrong? is the aout format libc, which is out of date as far as the bo (stable) distribution is concerned. You appear to be running bo (??) -- Oliver

Re: xlib6g

1998-02-12 Thread Oliver Elphick
is not that simple. It is a fundamental change which affects a lot of other things. Especially, don't force anything or you may end up with an unuasable system. Look at: and

Re: wanted packages

1998-02-12 Thread Oliver Elphick
t appear in stable (bo) unless there is some critical problem that they fix. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LI

Re: xlib6g

1998-02-12 Thread Oliver Elphick
Britton wrote: > >On Thu, 12 Feb 1998, Oliver Elphick wrote: >> Upgrading to glibc (libc6) is not that simple. It is a fundamental >> change which affects a lot of other things. Especially, don't force >> anything or you may end up with an unuasable s

Re: PS/2 Mouse problem

1998-02-12 Thread Oliver Elphick
e gpm or X = >Windows where the mouse is actually at in /dev. I've read through the = >manpages, the FAQ's and many of the HOWTOS and I'm at a loss. Any help = >on this would be most appreciated. The correct device name is /dev/psaux -- Oliver Elphick

Re: Fatal server error

1998-02-13 Thread Oliver Elphick
screen bandwidth necessary to drive the screen at at least one of the sizes given on the mode line. It sounds as if you need to run XF86Setup, which should get your X properly configured for you. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

SGML - can one create new DTDs using Debian tools?

1998-02-14 Thread Oliver Elphick
a particular DTD? -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL

Re: Questions...

1998-02-18 Thread Oliver Elphick
t;is its proven, in my case, low maintainability. Now isn't that a unique > selling point? It's why I've stuck with Debian. (It's also very satisfying to be able to contribute to the distribution I use.) -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTEC

Re: good morning

1998-02-18 Thread Oliver Elphick
n the kernel source and merely need to be configured in when you build your own. The standard Debian kernel contains support for IDE CD-ROM. Even if you have something different, you will probably find a driver for it in the kernel source. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTEC

Re: kcore

1998-02-19 Thread Oliver Elphick
h contains `files' with information about the running process.) Originally it was just devices like printers, disks, tapes and memory. With the /proc filesystem, you also have things like lists of interrupts and network parameters. All these things are presented as files, so that you can use

Re: Missing Mouse Drivers

1998-02-20 Thread Oliver Elphick
nux. My first thought was that you didn't include PS/2 support when you built the kernel, but the fact that you plugged a different mouse in and it worked seems to contradict that. Have you confirmed that the trackball itself is not faulty? Please tell us what the trackball interface is (

Gimp non-free - gif doesn't work

1998-02-20 Thread Oliver Elphick
nfree0.99.18-2 GIF and TIFF support for the GNU Image Manip hi libgimp10.99.18-2 Libraries necessary to run the GIMP -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers

Re: Motif

1998-02-22 Thread Oliver Elphick
rather than as (ELF-libc[56]) is lesstif. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word


1998-02-23 Thread Oliver Elphick
ill show you what kernel functions are being used and might help you understand what's happening. You are on hamm, so the problem might be to do with mixed libraries: use ldd to find out what shared libraries the executable is wanting. -- Oliver Elphick

Re: Binary Directorys

1998-02-24 Thread Oliver Elphick
Programs in /bin and /sbin are needed in single user mode when /usr is not mounted. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM

postgres95 - missing library - Repeat message

1997-03-06 Thread Oliver Elphick
message: postgres: can't load library '' libbsd.a is present, but I can find no reference anywhere to the shared library. Where can I get this library, please? Oliver Elphick [EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: turning off computer

1997-03-06 Thread Oliver Elphick
shutdown /root/shutdown can be a script that runs shutdown with predetermined parameters or else prompts for how long to wait, messages to send to other users and so on. If this script were to disappear, the log-in would fail rather than giving a root-access shell. Oliver Elphick

Re: What Can I do?

1997-03-17 Thread Oliver Elphick
s >slirp and it has to be compiled. What can i do? Use the reget command in ftp to continue a download from where it stopped. Oliver Elphick [EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: SCSI Ultra/Wide support

1997-03-19 Thread Oliver Elphick
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, writes: >We would like to run Debian Linux on a PC with >all its disks connected to a > > Adaptec AHA 2940U/W PCI Ultra/Wide SCSI-3 > >controller. > >Does anyone have experience with this controller? >Do we have to expect any problems with the dr

/dev/ttyS? v. /dev/cua?

1997-03-20 Thread Oliver Elphick
nal cu: Can't disable hardware flow control: I/O error cu: write: I/O error Does anyone know the reason for this? Oliver Elphick [EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: Network Configuration

1997-03-25 Thread Oliver Elphick
beginner in LINUX, so I would apreciate >being told what to do step by step. > Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 13:30:08 + From: "Oliver Elphick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> First, try the command ifconfig You should see something like:# ifconfig loLink encap:Local Loopback

Linking problems boundary="==_Exmh_13452812500" boundary="==_Exmh_13601327980"

1997-03-25 Thread Oliver Elphick
minimal set of files which demonstrate the bug. I don't know if this is in fact a bug in the GNU compiler or in QT. Version levels: Debian Linux 1.2 GCC libg++ 2.7.2 QT 1.0 Oliver Elphick Isle of Wight

Unidentified subject!

1997-04-07 Thread Oliver Elphick
omplain:true Xaccess: * #any host can get a login window * CHOOSER BROADCAST #any indirect host can get a chooser -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight pgp60Pius

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