I want to share Internet from my Debian to my Android phone. How can I
do that?
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software in a non-standard prefix.//
//Alternatively, you may set the environment variables GTK_CFLAGS//
//and GTK_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.//
//See the pkg-config man page for more details./"
How can I fix this?
With thanks,
I have installed the package as you said and now I have another problem.
I was told to install gstreamer-0.10 and I installed libgstreamer-0.10.
But it would not understand. The following message is showing:
"/configure: error: Package requirements (gstreamer-0.10) were not met://
//No p
using WINE. But in fact they are not. Now what can I do? Should I
fall-back to the Debian Stable or what?
With thanks,
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I installed Debian NetInst with i3wm. I have a problem. Bengali/Bangla
fonts are not visible in websites; I can only see English fonts. The
place of the Bengali fonts are shown blank. What can I do?
With thanks,
Muntasim Ul Haque
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I already installed 'fonts-beng' and others I thought might have been
necessary. But that didn't change anything. Any other solution?
-Muntasim Ul Haque
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with a subject of "unsubscribe".
Yeah. Here it is: http://www.priyo.com/
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I don't have any problem with preconfigured Debian e.g. Debian 7 Wheezy
GNOME, Xfce etc. But after installing from NetInst, it's creating
problem for me. Need solution.
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Yeah, I can read http://www.asahi.com/
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have such problem in Ubuntu.
So how can I solve this?
With regards,
Muntasim Ul Haque
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perhaps any working links?
With thanks,
Muntasim Ul Haque
Windows 8 without any problem. So
I don't have any big issue here except Windows 8 is detected as Windows
Vista and that occurrence of error message. So what's the remedy?
With thanks,
Muntasim Ul Haque
I'm using Debian Wheezy and grub2 is default here. And I do not have
Windows Vista installed. It's just as I told you, grub2 detected Windows
8 as Windows Vista.
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f I do not install Infinality in Xfce. What's the
WIth thanks,
-Muntasim Ul Haque
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7;t make a big difference.
-Muntasim Ul Haque
Thanks, Filip. I hope this would do the job.
On 05/16/2014 02:00 AM, debian-user-digest-requ...@lists.debian.org wrote:
Re: Font rendering (was:Can't login to Xfce after reboot in Debian 7.5)
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es it work
flawlessly? Or, is there any great alternatives?
-Muntasim Ul Haque
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Thanks John. I'll now use the Xfce-Settings manager instead for
assigning shortcuts.
-Muntasim Ul Haque
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GNOME-Terminal is blank in Awesome WM. It just opens but doesn't show
anything. Not even by username and hostname. Absolutely nothing. But
Xfce terminal was working great. Even Terminator is working properly. So
what's wrong with GNOME-Terminal?
-Muntasim Ul Haque
To U
Thanks guys for the responses. It was black font on black background. So
I changed the color scheme, as some of you have told me to, and boom!
Problem gone.
-Muntasim Ul Haque
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providing password they just mount the drive. But this isn't the case
for WM.
-Muntasim Ul Haque
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Using different WMs and FMs didn't make any difference for me. I used
i3, Awesome, Openbox WMs while using Nautilus, Thunar FMs. Nautilus in
GNOME and Thunar in Xfce work perfectly. But cannot mount drives while
using these FMs in WMs.
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Thanks Scott! It worked like a charm.
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utdown. Is that possible? Is there a tool or anything out there that
can do this for me? Let me know. It would be of great help. Thanks in
, then it would be a waste of my Internet. That's
why I needed a command that would shutdown the computer after the
command execution. That's it. And thanks for your concern.
With thanks,
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an example:
*/$ sudo -i/**/
/**/# apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; shutdown -h now/**/
/*I would try it myself though. Hope this works.
With thanks,
nothing that can open the TTFs. That's why I cannot install them
easily here. So, how can I do that?
With thanks,
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To Patrik: I have the fonts. I was just looking for a way to install
them easily like I used to do in GNOME. Thanks by the way.
To Siard: Thanks. I think I would go with /usr/local/share/fonts.
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s are
creating the same problem. I cannot see web content, like materials or
writings, but images are clearly visible. So what should I do?
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I installed Linux Kernel 3.11 from Debian Backports repo. Now, would I
get the kernel upgrade automatically as soon as it is available? Or, I
have to install the upgraded kernel like this one, manually?
With thanks,
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Fonts is Debian Wheezy XFCE does not look good. I'm not comparing the
font rendering with other distros but I have to make it better and
clearer. How to make fonts look great in Debian Wheezy XFCE? What's the
way out?
With thanks,
Thanks everyone. Look like it worked.
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**/looking fonts!/*"
Everything worked well except one thing; the last line of the codes.
"*/sudo dpkg -i freetype-infinality/*.deb fontconfig-infinality/*.deb/*"
I was told cannot found */freetype-infinality/ /*and
*/fontconfig-infinality//*. Now what to do?
With thanks,
How much it differ being the default DE and being one of the DE?
With thanks,
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I dual-booted Debian with Windows. I reinstalled my Windows and now the
GRUB menu does not appear. How can I fix this without reinstalling
Debian again?
With thanks,
I use two repositories for Debian Wheezy for the same purpose. One of
them is "HTTP" and another one is "FTP". My two alternatives
sources.list are as follows:
"*/deb http://http.debian.net/debian wheezy main/**/
/**/deb-src http://http.debian.net/debian wheezy main/**/
/**/deb http://
Thanks, Bob. I think I would go for the /*http.debian.net */after
reading about it from your supplied link. And for the record, */ or **/
was unintentional and wasn't on my sources.list .
l and it is blocking ICMP and/or*//*
*//*UDP traceroute. Or the servers test are actively blocking*//*
*//*ICMP and/or UDP traceroute probes.*/
So what's the probable reason behind this? How can I use Netselect-Apt
without any further problem?
Thanking you,
t a socket can connect to it, so Tor is
being careful.)*//*
*//*[Warning] Failed to parse/validate config: Failed to bind one of the
listener ports.*/
Now how can I make Tor work?
Thanking you,
Right you are. I installed both the Tor browser bundle and Debian Tor
package. I also installed Viladia. Should I install only one of them?
Which one? Enlighten me.
Thanking you,
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l and it is blocking ICMP and/or/**/
/**/UDP traceroute. Or the servers test are actively blocking/**/
/**/ICMP and/or UDP traceroute probes./*
So what's the probable reason behind this? How can I use Netselect-Apt
without any further problem?
Thanking you,
I want to know what is the basic difference between *apt*, as in /apt
update/ and *apt-get*, as in /apt-get update/.
How can I determine the IP address if I already have the MAC address or
Hardware Address? What is the most convenient way?
-Muntasim Ul Haque
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While registering in forum.debian.net, I got error message saying my IP
has been blocked for spamming. But I haven't spammed. Who to overcome
this problem? Need help!
-Muntasim Ul Haque
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I've tried several times, around the year. No result.
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Hi, while playing most of the video files using Videos (Totem), a get
an error message, saying "An error occurred | GStreamer encountered a
general stream error.". Videos (Totem) plays *.avi files without any
error. But the problem occurs for *.mp4, *.mkv, etc. How to solve the
N.B. V
Since I already installed Debian from a Live USB, I cannot go back. I
need a way to solve the problem. Can anyone help me out in this regard?
I opened an .mkv file using Totem through Terminal and got the
following error in Terminal:
"libva info: VA-API version 0.36.0
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva info: Trying to open
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_0_36
I do not have anything to do with those messages. I just want 'Totem'
to just works. That's all. I thought these messages could help solving
the problem Totem encountered. Anyway, I still cannot play mp4, mkv,
and most other types of video files using Totem. Doesn't any other
people having the
Yep. "gstreamer1.0-libav is already the newest version."
nd. So what's the deal with Xfce? Why
there was no sound on YouTube? And why I had to configure every time I
switch from and to headphone and speaker?
With thanks,
Muntasim Ul Haque
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I installed parole media player in Debian 8 jessie Xfce, but couldn't
run it. Then after some digging, I installed gstreamer0.10-plugins-good
package and was able to run parole. But I couldn't play anything using
parole. Every time I open any media file uisng parole, I get the same
error m
I installed all the gstreamer plugins needed for parole to work. But
that didn't help much. I can now play mp3's, but not any video or movie
file. Here's the output while trying to play a movie:
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory**
**Cannot connect to server reques
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