Re: Huge X-fonts in Frozen

2000-07-25 Thread Mark Wagnon
never mind, it can be set as a command-line option: startx -dpi 100 -- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ((

Re: font problem

2000-07-25 Thread Mark Wagnon
in the subject line... -- ---- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ((

Re: exim & mutt

2000-11-23 Thread Mark Wagnon
heading in the email header like so: b - blind copy c - courtesy copy f - from r - reply-to F - From So whenever your local email address appears in any of these headers, it will be rewritten with your "real" address. HTH, Mark -- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ((

Exim and .forward

2000-06-01 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all, I'm trying to get exim and procmail to cooperate, but I'm having a little trouble. I've read that if you use the procmail transport and director stanzas in the exim.conf file, you can do without a .forward file. Well, I have the following default stanzas in my exim.conf: # This transport

Re: Compiled Emacs

2000-02-04 Thread Mark Wagnon
a look at: for more mirror info. -- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Using procmail with Exim

2000-02-18 Thread Mark Wagnon
some old handwritten notes I made, so I may be missing something. Also, I haven't found much at the exim website/mailing list (although I'm still looking). If anyone has an idea as to what's going on or has a similar functional setup, can you clue me in or send me your exim.conf file? Thanks :) -- Mark Wagnon Chula Vista, CA [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Using procmail with Exim

2000-02-19 Thread Mark Wagnon
27;t happy. A simple cut n paset fixed it. No need to respond, I just wanted this in the archive in case someone else does the same thing ;) -- -------- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: First network

2000-02-19 Thread Mark Wagnon
is pretty much serverless. It's basically a client/workstation OS -- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: mouse/gpm

2000-02-19 Thread Mark Wagnon
ernel during installation and dmesg reports the module > is loaded. Any Ideas why this isn't working? try /dev/psaux -- ---- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

X Font Deuglification

2000-02-19 Thread Mark Wagnon
tant! Once the TrueType fonts are properly installed, as root: ttmkfdir -o fonts.scale mkfontdir I can't find this file. I've used the search engine on the Debian site, but nothing came up. Anyone know where this file is? I'm running a potato system. Thanks -- ---

Re: X Font Deuglification

2000-02-19 Thread Mark Wagnon
Instead, use the '-nogs' option to type1inst > so that the "Fontmap" isn't modified, but the fonts.dir fonts.scale are > created. > Okay. I've know idea what you're talking about here ;) Anyway, I've got it up and running now, thanks. BTW, what&#

Re: X Font Deuglification

2000-02-19 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 02/19/00 12:53AM, Ethan Benson wrote: > On Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 01:00:36AM -0800, Mark Wagnon wrote: > > > > BTW, what's the diff between xfs-xtt and xfstt? > > xfs-xtt replaces xfs and supports both normal and truetype > fonts. xfstt is a mini font server that

Re: where is lpr (or LPRng) ?

2000-02-21 Thread Mark Wagnon
step effect, but it is solved with this set up. hth -- ---- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: on compares Linux distributions

2000-02-22 Thread Mark Wagnon
From the page on Debian: Development Notes 2.1 was released in March 1999. The team recently did a code-freeze for the next major release (code named stink.) What's that smell? :) Not to mention that the "code name" doesn't match the version. -- ----

slrn and leafnode

2000-02-24 Thread Mark Wagnon
ow did you configure slrn? Thanks -- -------- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: slrn and leafnode

2000-02-24 Thread Mark Wagnon
> I've never used any other news client under Linux, but with slrn and leafnode, you get a placeholder message that informs you that the messages willl be retrieved the next time fetchnews runs. Is that what you mean? Thanks again -- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: slrn and leafnode

2000-02-25 Thread Mark Wagnon
my machine name a little later, when I get my little home network set up ;) -- ---- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: sendmail (or exim) help, please

2000-02-25 Thread Mark Wagnon
than the email address. This isn't very secure, so if you have a bunch of users, then it may not be the best method. Check out the article, it may give you some pointers. The URL is: and in case I messed that up, it's the July 1999 is

umask for root

2000-02-26 Thread Mark Wagnon
x27;m doing wrong here, and you know what it might be, could ya give me a hint? TIA -- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: umask for root

2000-02-26 Thread Mark Wagnon
ing it out as I write this). -- ---- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: Kitchen sink and Linux?

2000-02-26 Thread Mark Wagnon
y-Mini-HOWTO is three revs out of date. LOL! -- ---- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: xfs-xtt HELP!

2000-02-26 Thread Mark Wagnon
n it worked okay. I still had problems with Netscape (which was the whole reason for my actions) so I ended up trying xfstt (also described in said HOWTO) which worked fine right off the bat. HTH -- -------- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: Lexmark 3200 colorjet...

2000-02-27 Thread Mark Wagnon
s root). I'm not sure if your printer is supported directly, but you maybe able to find a filter that works for the most part. hth -- -------- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: How do I give a 'clear' command when leaving kdm/X?

2000-02-27 Thread Mark Wagnon
creating a little script like so (I called it StartX): #!/bin/bash startx clear make it executable and run it to start X -- -------- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: Wanted: 'Piecewise' Debian Compact

2000-02-27 Thread Mark Wagnon
rency, but maybe something at that URL will help you? HTH -- -------- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: Lexmark 3200 colorjet...

2000-02-28 Thread Mark Wagnon
#x27;d also like to see that Redhat sound configuration program on Debian too. -- -------- )Mark Wagnon ) ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( VI VI VI The editor of the beast. ( )[EMAIL PROTECTED]) )

Re: Unidentified subject!

2000-03-04 Thread Mark Wagnon
TO/Ethernet-HOWTO-5.html#ss5.14 hth -- ---- ) Mark Wagnon) Treat passwords like underwear... Never) ( Chula Vista, CA ( let friends borrow them and never leave( ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) them lying about. And as anybody's mother ) (

Re: Stupid X question

2000-03-08 Thread Mark Wagnon
entation, howtos, faqs, man-pages, etc, but couldn't find this > anywhere. Please help. > You can put DefaultColorDepth ## in your XF86Config in the Screen section. Check out man XF86Config for more info. -- -------- ) Mar

Re: Help Meeeeeee!

2000-03-14 Thread Mark Wagnon
to boot. I don't know if it makes a difference, though. I'm not sure what's up with your BIOS. hth -- -------- ) Mark Wagnon) The squeaky wheel doesn't always get the ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( grease. Sometimes it gets replaced. ( ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) )

Re: setting up network for @home account

1999-12-02 Thread Mark Wagnon
u do all this, you need to run /etc/init.d/network restart. I can't remember if this was the "right" way to do it, but it has worked for me. Also, make sure you make backups of all the files you're going to edit, just in case ;) --

Re: setting up network for @home account

1999-12-03 Thread Mark Wagnon
t's the network you system is in, ie the @home network. You can just enter the first three bytes of your IP address + a zero. If your IP address is: 123.456.789.101 then your network would be: 123.456.789.0 hth -- ---- ) Mark Wagnon

Clipboard-like software?

1999-12-03 Thread Mark Wagnon
ems to serve as a place to paste text into that can be used in another app. Does anyone know of anything else? TIA -- ---- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: Clipboard-like software?

1999-12-03 Thread Mark Wagnon
k and lose the selection. Do you think that's more of a window manager/X thing, or could a util be written to handle that automagically? If I could program, that would be something that I'd look into. Oh well, the search continues... thanks again -- ------

Re: exim config probs

1999-12-03 Thread Mark Wagnon
what the '/16' does though. There are a bunch of more knowledgeable people on this list who (hopefully) will chime in to clear up any of [my] misconceptions. Hope I was helpful and good luck Rereading your message, I'm not sure how much help I was. Take a look that article for some point

Re: Clipboard-like software?

1999-12-03 Thread Mark Wagnon
/ Thanks -- -------- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Installing ps2 wheel mouse

1999-12-04 Thread Mark Wagnon
and I get this message: /dev/mouse unable to get status of mouse fd (inappropriate ioctl for device) Any ideas as to what else I need to do? TIA -- ---- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: Installing ps2 wheel mouse

1999-12-04 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 12/03/99 04:57PM, Mark Wagnon wrote: > I just bought a wheel mouse for my system. I wasn't sure what I needed > to do to change over from a serial mouse, so I reconfigured X. After > Uh, scratch that. I'm a big dummy. Aparently my XF86Config file was getting saved under /r

Re: Why

1999-12-05 Thread Mark Wagnon
nk things have changed around here in the past year or so with the > advent of "Open Source," hang on to your hats; we're in for a real ride, and > real soon, and it won't be nice to watch... > > What do you mean? -- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: Why

1999-12-05 Thread Mark Wagnon
tasks that someone running linux will face. IMO, setting up and troubleshooting my home network was 10x harder than the installation. -- ---- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: Why

1999-12-05 Thread Mark Wagnon
t be (Stallman, Torvalds, Raymond, etc.) remain committed to their beliefs. -- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

slrn and leafnode: problems

1999-12-05 Thread Mark Wagnon
ould my /etc/news/servers file contain? Right now it contains my actual news server ( I can't remember what I did to get it goin the first time and what I'm not doing this time :( Any clues? TIA -- ---- ) Mark Wagnon )

Re: Why

1999-12-05 Thread Mark Wagnon
r goin thru the howtos. I fried my first monitor with slackware 3.2 (or 3.3) :) Good thing it was already several years old. I came really close again when using SuSE ~5.3 on some really cheap equipment. That was before they developed SaX. -- ---- ) Mark Wagno

apt-cache and package dependencies

1999-12-06 Thread Mark Wagnon
each other? Maybe I just answered my own question. Can anyone shed any light on this for me? TIA -- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: Need some help with a Install.

1999-12-06 Thread Mark Wagnon
ess when the system boots. I can't really help you here. I don't know much about the boot process myself. There are a bunch of rc.# directories and the init.d directory in the /etc directory that get ran at bootup. hth -- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: Why

1999-12-06 Thread Mark Wagnon
ibute it to the dumbing down of society. -- ---- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: apt-get upgrade

1999-12-07 Thread Mark Wagnon
case the package will appear in the Kept Back list. The best way to convince packages listed there to install is with `apt-get install' or by using `dselect' to resolve their problems. To install them, just run apt-get install , [...] hth -- ---

Re: Mozilla

1999-12-08 Thread Mark Wagnon
is available. Anyway, look up the communicator packages on the debian site. -- ---- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: Netscape time == GMT (UTC)

1999-12-12 Thread Mark Wagnon
ng netscape for a mail client. I can't wait till Opera is released. I guess if you want to use Netscape, install the tar file from Netscape's ftp site. -- ---- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: /etc/hosts.deny "booby trap"

1999-12-12 Thread Mark Wagnon
difference. Any ideas? TIA -- ---- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: is base-files pkg broken?

1999-12-18 Thread Mark Wagnon
/archives/base-files_2.1.11_all.deb E: Sub-process returned an error code (1) --- I'm having probs with base-files too, but it hasn't broken my X. -- ---- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (


1999-12-18 Thread Mark Wagnon
tp:// -- ---- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: fixed broken pkg but still no X

1999-12-18 Thread Mark Wagnon
; Any ideas as to what might still be broken? You might try posting more of the error message after X dies. Check out for some tips on getting the output to a file so you can try to narrow down why X is dying. hth -- --------

Re: X won't start after upgrade

1999-12-18 Thread Mark Wagnon
gfile.txt for anything funny. Post that to the list and others can check it out too. -- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: apt-get upgrade after removing apache in potato

1999-12-18 Thread Mark Wagnon
ite -i /var/cache/apt/archives/base-files_2.1.11_all.deb That worked for me to solve the base-files issue. However, the other problems persist. -- ---- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: connecting to internet

1999-12-19 Thread Mark Wagnon
27;ve done to figure it out, and to see if you made a typo or something. That's it, hope I was of some help, and welcome to Debian! -- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: announcing a new service for MP3 collectors

1999-12-20 Thread Mark Wagnon
Man! What's with all the spam? I sure hope Debian is following up on their advertisement charges.

Mail Delivery Failure

1999-12-31 Thread Mark Wagnon
do anything and that delivery attempts of the messages will continue. TIA -- ---- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: Mail Delivery Failure

1999-12-31 Thread Mark Wagnon
#x27;; while (<>) { if (/^From: /) { s/<.*>/<$address>/; print; last; } print; } while (<>) { print; } Any ideas? -- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: Mail Delivery Failure

1999-12-31 Thread Mark Wagnon
in my exim.conf file that refer to the output filter, it works. The rub is that then my email address is wrong. G. Deliver me from netscape mail please! -- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: Mail Delivery Failure

1999-12-31 Thread Mark Wagnon
Okay guys, problem solved, with some assistance from a private post. I ended up ditching the script for a rewrite rule in my exim.conf file. All is back to normal. still, it's strange that the script stopped working...oh well. nite! -- ---- )

apt-get: upgrade vs dist-upgrade

2000-01-03 Thread Mark Wagnon
t used the upgrade option to apt-get. Am I doing it wrong? Oh, I remember now, it was on the svlug list. I'l check to see if I can find the original post. TIA for any clarification. -- ---- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vist

cron reports re: suidregister

2000-01-07 Thread Mark Wagnon
o worried. TIA -- ---- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: cron reports re: suidregister

2000-01-08 Thread Mark Wagnon
the emacs 20.5 subdirs. Since 20.3 is no longer installed, then I'll just look at the docs for suidregister and remove the line. Since this appears to be a bug, should it be reported even though a newer emacs package is available? -- ---- ) Mark Wagn

Re: Netscape 4.7 and Fortify

2000-01-08 Thread Mark Wagnon
ollowing the symlinks halfway around my system and back always ends up with communicator-smotif.real as the binary. However, fortify doesn't like it :( tia -- -------- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

portmap question

2000-01-13 Thread Mark Wagnon
portmap binary to editing the script in /etc/init.d. I didn't want to resort to these little hacks. Is there a way to keep it from starting in the first place? Also, why is portmap included in the netbase package anyway? tia... -- -------- ) M

Re: portmap question

2000-01-13 Thread Mark Wagnon
e netbase deb. I'll take a look at the portmap script. I thought that the links in the rc*.d directories ran the scripts in /etc/init.d at different run-levels and that renaming one would stop that script from executing. Right? Wrong? thanks --

re: Trouble with X Windows

2000-01-25 Thread Mark Wagnon
to the current stable at debian's server, but you can change/add to it as you see fit. -- Mark Wagnon [EMAIL PROTECTED] Chula Vista, CA

Re: pronunciation of daemon

2000-01-26 Thread Mark Wagnon
d. Since Linus pronounces his name with the short 'i', I pronounce Linux with a short 'i'. -- Mark Wagnon [EMAIL PROTECTED] Chula Vista, CA

Re: headers in mutt

2001-06-26 Thread Mark Wagnon
ignore in the muttrc file seems to be endless, because there > is a lot of things to be ignored. I think that is better to tell mutt what to > keep instead... Hi, What I do is ignore all headers with: ignore * Then I uignore the headers I want to see: unignore from: date subject to cc HTH! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Old Libs Question

2001-06-28 Thread Mark Wagnon
is This actaully exists in the Woody version, but is too new (I guess). Anyway, an older version is unavailable under 'oldlibs', so I was wondering how safe it is to install the xpm4.7 pacakge from Potato? Or should that be avoided? If so, anyone know where I may find compatibl

Re: Old Libs Question

2001-06-29 Thread Mark Wagnon
s > like your best bet if Netscape 3 is libc5. I went ahead and tried it and it seems to have worked okay. I'll know more if things start to fail. Thanks for the push. -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Apache config question

2001-06-29 Thread Mark Wagnon
tato system. Now I'm running woody and have no joy :-( Many thanks! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Apache config question

2001-06-29 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 06/29/01 20:21:41 -0700, Mark Wagnon wrote: > > Is this a sever thing or an apache thing? I've installed apache once I had a brain fart. Oh well. That should have read is this a network thing or an apache thing? Thanks again! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Printing Question

2001-06-30 Thread Mark Wagnon
my problem lays somewhere in recode, although searching through the recode docs is beginning to change my mind. Is anyone doing anything special to print plain ascii text on a woody system running lpd, magicfilter, etc.? TIA! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Apache config question

2001-07-01 Thread Mark Wagnon
trick. Unfortunately, I don't know what that was. Bummer, but life goes on. -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Printing Question

2001-07-01 Thread Mark Wagnon
t; "then upgrade to woody" Well, that's where I am now. I don't want to start anew. I'm planning on picking up a larger drive soon, so maybe I'll try your upgrade path to see how it goes. Until then, I guess I'll just keep pressing the form feed button on my printer. Thanks again -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Apache config question

2001-07-01 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/01/01 13:51:29 -0700, Eric G. Miller wrote: > $ /etc/init.d/apache start ??? Yeah, I did that, several times. That's why I'm scratching my head wondering what else I may have done. Thanks though ;-) -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Apache config question

2001-07-01 Thread Mark Wagnon
user account. I've since created a publib_html directory in ~, so I guess that's out of the way. Then I just rebooted again from Windows at 18:20 and all looks cool so far. So, ??? Any ideas? Thanks again. -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Apache config question

2001-07-02 Thread Mark Wagnon
ce there's something legit there > now. Aha! That's nice to know in case I run into this problem again. Thanks! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: newbie doc volunteers

2001-07-02 Thread Mark Wagnon
list) when I get it together. Hopefully that won't bee too far off, but I'm prepping for an interview in the next week, so I may not devote much time to it until after that. Cheers. -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Printing Question

2001-07-02 Thread Mark Wagnon
this even though I have an Espon Stylus Color 880. I've played around a little more, and I'm not getting the error message like on the first line above. I'm thinking that there's something screwey with my /dev/lp0, now. Any ideas why I'd suddenly be unable to send files

Re: Printing Question

2001-07-02 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi Larry, I CCd this to the debian-user list in order to preserve the thread. On 07/02/01 23:16:38 -0500, Lance Simmons wrote: > On Mon, Jul 02, 2001 at 08:35:35PM -0700, Mark Wagnon wrote: > > > My parallel port is still being detected at boot, here's the excer

Re: Printing Question

2001-07-03 Thread Mark Wagnon
a weird, because it looks like the CUPS filters converto to ps from other formats before printing. Another puzzle to figure out... -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Mail from OE to linux and more

2001-07-03 Thread Mark Wagnon
icks booty. Plus, if for some bizarre reason you can't start an X session, you can still read your mail with Mutt. With those others, you're SOL. Not of much help was I? -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

GTK Errors using GNOME in Testing

2001-07-04 Thread Mark Wagnon
/sh: esd: command not found Does anyone know what might be the culprit for the first? And just what is esd? I searched the package directories on the Debian site and came up empty handed. It is that sound server thing? TIA! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: GTK Errors using GNOME in Testing

2001-07-04 Thread Mark Wagnon
> Shouldn't APT and dselect get the same results? I though APT was a front-end to dselect. Well, I found and installed (via APT) the esound packages and all seems to be well now. Thanks! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: GTK Errors using GNOME in Testing

2001-07-04 Thread Mark Wagnon
in this Ah, thanks. I wonder why my search for esd didn't turn this up. Oops, now I know. I searched the package directories instead of the contents. I must have been more tired than I thought. I've installed the esound package and the abherrant behavior has ceased. Thanks for the help! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: GTK Errors using GNOME in Testing

2001-07-04 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/04/01 19:45:39 +0300, Amardeep Singh wrote: > On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, Mark Wagnon wrote: > > i think it is a known problem (check gnome mailing lists archives or > google). it occurs when esd is not present or improperly configured. > installing esd should make the problem go awa

Re: [users] Re: Mail from OE to linux and more

2001-07-04 Thread Mark Wagnon
dmond, WA, USA. ;-) -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Microsoft Reader... argh!

2001-07-08 Thread Mark Wagnon
ooks (yay!), yet the only format available is MS' (boo!)? If MS disagreed with a publisher's views, they could yank their licensing. Scary stuff. I would write the publisher and let them know how you feel whichever way I went though. Just my two pennies. -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [users] Mail from OE to linux and more

2001-07-09 Thread Mark Wagnon
e this line! if error_message then finish endif elif $h_Resent-From: contains "debian-user" then save $home/Mail/IN.Debian-User else save $home/Mail/Inbox endif You might want to check the filter.txt.gz file in /usr/share/doc/exim for more info on this. If you can compare my recommendations to what you did and get back to the list, we can get a better jump on setting your mail system up. Good luck! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Scroll Wheel

2001-07-09 Thread Mark Wagnon
* # Core Pointer's InputDevice section # ** Section "InputDevice" # Identifier and driver Identifier "Mouse1" Driver "mouse" #Option "Protocol""PS/2"

Move Installation to Larger Drive?

2001-07-11 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all, I know this is off-topic, but figured this would be the place to get an expert opinion. I just purchased a 30 Gig drive and want to know if it's possible to move my current installation over to it? If so, does anyone have any links to documentation detailing how? TIA! -- Mark W

Audio CD Problems with Potato

2001-07-15 Thread Mark Wagnon
ll this is on a self-rolled 2.2.19pre17 kernel. Any clues? Thanks in advance! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Audio CD Problems with Potato

2001-07-16 Thread Mark Wagnon
device I was trying to access belonged to the disk group. I didn't add myself because I wasn't sure about it from a security standpoint. Also, I didn't know if there was a different approach. I just added myself and logged in again. I'm now able to play my audio CDs. Than

Re: Audio CD Problems with Potato

2001-07-16 Thread Mark Wagnon
e man page for usermod right now, and not really feeling too confident that it's going to do what I want. I don't want to remove myself from other groups, especially my default group. Can you (or anyone else) give me a hint? Thanks again! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Audio CD Problems with Potato

2001-07-16 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/16/01 21:12:16 -0400, Andy Saxena wrote: > The easiest way I know is to manually edit the file /etc/group. Hmmm. I didn't think of that! ;-) Okay, will do. Thanks! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Audio CD Problems with Potato

2001-07-17 Thread Mark Wagnon
t really sure what groups I was a member of, and omitting one by mistake didn't sound too appealing. Thanks! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Audio CD Problems with Potato

2001-07-17 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/18/01 01:00:19 +, Robin Gerard wrote: > > Have a look at the attached mail that I send you. > HTH That was really nice. I've saved that message for future reference. It worked like a charm and I'm in business and my system is safer for it too. Thanks! --

Re: Setting up printing

2001-07-18 Thread Mark Wagnon
#x27;ve ever seen! Is this normal with CUPS? Anybody able to offer suggestions? TIA! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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