Mitch Blevins wrote:
> I've never had problems with them. They're fast and dirt cheap.
> I have also heard many other people sing praises to NetGear.
They look pretty good. I'll have to pick up a couple this week.
week. I'm told you must use the tulip.c found on the Netgear disk
> for the rev B NICs ...
I was told to grab the model with the DEC chip. If you get around to
stress testing the rev B's, can you post your success, or send me
private email on the outcome. I'd be interested.
other thing they didn't have. That's why I'm using Debian now.
I'm off to read that man page.
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n-meg file transfer. Am I reading this right?
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ot because I used to be able to run
X clients as root in an X session I started with my normal user account.
I'm not sure of any 'fancy' way of getting around this, but you log in
as root at the console and start your X session, and that should solve
your problem, I think (it
it left off?
I haven't looked through my man pages on this issue as my man pages are
broken (another apt-related story that I won't go into).
__ _
Mark Wagnon -o) / / (_)__ __ __
Chula Vista, CA /\\/ /__/
> 'Great X Reorganization' still has some upgrade issues so read all the
> descriptions, especially the xbase package.
Thanks for the tip.
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ed ppp and restarted apt-get and it
picked up where it left off.
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l user.
I did a ctrl-alt-F1 and found xdm in /etc/init.d/. Is it okay to remove
xdm from here without any adverse effects? Well, I did it anyway :) but
I was just wondering if I should seek an alternative solution.
__ _
Mark Wagnon
ng a
donation to Debian. For more info check out:
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write my /etc/vimrc), but I still get no syntax
highlighting :(
Could I replace my lost syntax.vim file with one from someone else's
system? Or does anyone have another solution to my dilemma?
__ _
Mark Wagnon -o) / / (_)__ __
at worked perfectly! Now I'm happy again.
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isn't a TeX or LaTeX command. If you're trying to increment the counter
then according to A Guide to LaTeX2e by Kopka and Daly, you need to use
the \stepcounter command like so:
I've never done this before, but I hope that helps.
n page. It has some options that
let you format plain text for nice printout. I haven't used it in a
couple years though.
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nt and Margins:
> default cat \eE\e&k2G\e(0N\e(s0p12h10v0b0s8T\e&a8L \eE
That's interesting. Could you point me to a list of PCL commands and
their explanantions? I'm using an HO Laserjet 6L and would like to
experiment :)
Hi all,
I purchased a Sony CPD-200ES monitor a couple weeks ago and have been using
it with Debian without any sort of problem. When I bought I re-ran XF86Setup
and configured for my new monitor.
Today when I came home from school, I noticed that my monitor was brighter
than normal. I checked the
-Original Message-
From: Oleg Krivosheev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>i do not believe X will use video mode which is out of
>monitor specs. You can run "xvidtune" and check
>what horizontal and vertical frequencies are
I didn't think so. But it sure is weird. I seemed to have messed u
Hi Matt,
I didn't know that. Thanks, I'll look for it this evening.
-Original Message-
From: Matt Folwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: debian-user
Date: Friday, February 26, 1999 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: X11 and potential monitor
George Bonser wrote:
> I think these criticisms are overstated in many cases. Ever try to get
> ppp running on Solaris? I have installed many distributions. The initial
> install is only a portion of the problem. The rest comes in getting the
> system configured the way that you need it. That
E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a print setup with lpr from the lpr package, and simple print
> filters using gs. If for some reason gs fails, lpr keeps retrying to
> print the file anyway, and the result is a loop that doesn't end until
> the print job is removed with lprm. Is
k) CDs a couple days ago, so I'm
eagerly awaiting them :)
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lilo.conf and rerun lilo
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post how you did it?
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> Here is lilo.conf
> boot = /dev/hda1
That should be boot=/dev/hda
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John Leget wrote:
> Hi,
> "depmod -a"
> check out "man depmod"
> cheers
Thanks, I'll check that out.
__ _
Mark Wagnon Debian GNU
ve a few questions at that time, so thanks for the
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I don't know about adobe acrobat, but I am using xpdf just fine. Try it out
-Original Message-
From: Luiz Otavio L. Zorzella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Debian-user list
Date: Monday, March 15, 1999 8:25 PM
Subject: Acrobat plug in crashes netscape
>my acrobat reader plugin to n
Do you mean that nothing at all is printed when you try to print from
Netscape? Or do you get partial printouts? I don't know if this will pertain
to you, but I had problems printing everything that wasn't plain-text. I
installed the gs-aladdin package to replace the default gs package, re-ran
I haven't received my slink discs yet, but I fried my video card yesterday,
so I bought a Matrox Mill G200. I couldn't find it listed in the video card
database that you get to choose from when you run XF96Setup on my hamm
system. I looked at the xfree86 site and read that my card was indeed
Hi all-
I just received my slink CDs (yay!) and installed without any problems (that
I know of yet). I purchased a Matrox Millenium G200 video card and I was
informed from an response that I needed to upgrade my X packages to 3.3.3
and that the .debs were at
will post to confirm/deny this.
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ut I can't remember which.
If you're using the glibc version, I believe that if you install the
netscape4.deb and that should also install whatever you need to get
things going.
__ _
Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/
he 2.2.1 source (from potato) and no other files
were apparently selected by apt-get. I figured that maybe there was
something wrong with the 2.0.36 source(?)
Does anyone have any pointers?
__ _
Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / / (_
this thing out. I'm off to the archive now.
Thanks again
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ownloading email gets to be ridiculous. I may be asking too
much of my friends, because, a lot of the messages I get are forwarded,
and they exhibit the box-within-a-box pattern.
__ _
Mark Wagnon
rest. I ran across this site which might give
a little info on wordprocessors (free and comercial) for Linux.
__ _
Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / / (_)__ __
alternate sites with the same results.
Anybody know what I need to do? Am I on the right track to begin with?
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iguration tools that redhat has.
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Vaidhyanathan G Mayilrangam wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> I have a Linksys and it seems like your card is identified right. However.
> take a look at /etc/init.d/network. I am using IP and have it
> like this.
[Config info clipped]
> This code brings up the network. you might want to
Vaidhyanathan G Mayilrangam wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> I have a Linksys and it seems like your card is identified right. However.
> take a look at /etc/init.d/network. I am using IP and have it
> like this.
[config info snipped]
> This code brings up the network. you might want t
I've made the changes to Netscape Mail, and now I'm sending this via
[EMAIL PROTECTED] in Linux (Yay!)
Thanks again.
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Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / / (_)__ __ __
Pollywog wrote:
> I have Netscape Communicator 4.51 but I am unable to find an installer for it.
> Has anyone seen such an animal?
Check out
__ _
Mark Wagnon Debia
have something
to do with it?
Any insight is appreciated.
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7;ll go check.
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n't help. Isn't the second xterm session reading the .bash_profile and
> /etc/profile at startup?
.bash_profile is for login shells. .bashrc is for non-login shells. Copy
your alias to the .bashrc file and that should help.
__ _
aliases, etc.
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the file. I've clicked on each several times without
Please help :(
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Mark Wagnon wrote:
> Where might I find the current version of libc6? I've searched in slink,
> frozen, potato, unstable, etc. and the only version of libc6 i can find
> is 2.0.7-19981211-1. I too need to get this file, but I can't find it.
> I've searche th
Is this cool? or did I miss the boat on something here?
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.conf file like so:
search .
nameserver ###.###.###.###
nameserver ###.###.###.###
If you need more help, the ISP-Hookup-HOWTO is invaluable. Check it out
in /usr/doc/HOWTO.
__ _
Mark Wagnon -o) / / (_)__ __ __
Chula Vista, CA
xfstt. Is there anything
that needs to be done after installing it? I made a link to my windows
fonts, and I can preview them when I run the file, but what am I
not doing to make fonts available for netscape, etc?
__ _
Mark Wagnon
ast Q though...when I start xfstt at the console,
it responds with:
Cannot open TCPIP port 7101
Better try another port!
Is this normal? It works fine, I'm just curious as to the significance
of that message.
Thanks again.
__ _
Mark Wagnon
Anyway, I went back to where I got my libc6 2.0.7v-1, and it's gone, and
there is no libc-dev 2.0.7v-1 package either. The only 'non-stable'
version of either is the 19981211 version. Does anyone happen to know
where I can get the dev package?
truetype fonts available on the
internet. The author of xfstt gives several sites where some can be
found. Having windows installed just makes it easier because all you
have to do is make a link to the windows/fonts dir.
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#x27;d libs are
installed. Also, I think you need to put the communicator file in /tmp
or something. The netscape deb package will tell you.
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bogomips: 699.60
My motherboard is an AOpen AX59Pro. I'm not over-clocked however. I'm
also using the kernel I installed with too.
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Tino Schwarze wrote:
> REMEMBER: BogoMIPS, are bogus only - they DO NOT tell you anything about
> your processors real performance. So, I guess, the calibration loop used for
> calculation BogoMIPS is somehow broken if you compile 2.0.36 for 686 instead
> of 586 (as advised in Help to "Processor
tarted X on, so you'll
have to login on anohter console. When you're ready to go back to X type
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going mail server username = myname.
> Should the mail server be set as the ISP mailserver?
Hi Alan
You should set your server name to something like (or
whatever your ISP calls its mail server) and your user name should be
ction. If that is okay, how are you starting xfstt--command
line, at boot, in .xinitrc?
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nly do once a week or so). Another problem with putting it in
the XF86Config file is if you make a new one, and forget to add it,
you'll find yourself scratching your head wondering why your fonts
aren't coming up (at least I was :) ). Excellent, I'm going to try tha
at is the
delay supposed to accomplish? Also, is that 300 seconds? If so did you
leave it alone for 5 minutes? I'll try and report my experience.
__ _
Mark Wagnon -o) / / (_)__ __ __
Chula Vista, CA /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ //
ou an option to resize. Others will allow you to
click on the title bar with one of the mouse buttons and give you
another drop down menu of windows actions. You can also use the
-geometry option to set the window geometry of nestcape before you run
The solution,
run at 16 or 32bpp. In your case, that would be 16bpp.
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essage. Would adding
to my exim.conf file fix that? I didn't elect to relay mail when setting up
exim because I don't have a network at the moment (my other system PS died
and I haven't gotten around to replacing it :) ). This is exciting.
Mark Wagnon
Chula Vista, C Unknown
slrn fatal error:
Failed to initialize server.
Which leaves me very sad.
Any ideas?
BTW, I ran slrn with the -h option and that got me on, but whatta
__ _
Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / / (_)__ __
pserver contained (no good) and
/etc/news.server contained my actual news server. Now it works
Thanks again.
PS- hopefully I've learned a lesson here...always scour /etc
thoroughly before posting!
__ _
Mark Wagnon
server, and I can send e-mail fine as
> well. The problem is that my sent messages arrive from "[EMAIL PROTECTED]",
> which isn't the e-mail address they have to reply to! (No reply-to field is
> defined either..) How can I make messages I send thru mutt & exim come from
Mark Wagnon
Chula Vista, CA
I just
/etc/fstab maybe? I don't know what the error message means
though :)
( __ _
Mark Wagnon ) Debian GNU/ -o) / / (_)__ __ __
Chula Vista, CA ( /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ) _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
init.d. I then moved xdm to it. No more xdm at startup. I've
moved other scripts there too. Things like portmap, and scripts
that I wrote myself. The whole point of the directory was to
remind me where they came from in case I messed up.
ne enlighten me please?
( __ _
Mark Wagnon ) Debian GNU/ -o) / / (_)__ __ __
Chula Vista, CA ( /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ) _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
update-rc.d. Thanks for the reply.
( __ _
Mark Wagnon ) Debian GNU/ -o) / / (_)__ __ __
Chula Vista, CA ( /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ) _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
tc. I did a package search and found that
there are examples in /usr/doc/apache/examples/httpd.conf. Check
it out and the docs there to see where it should go.
( __ _
Mark Wagnon ) Debian GNU/ -o) / / (_)__ __
, but it still
I've installed (and reinstalled) the kernel-sources-2.0.36
package, so I think (hope) all dependencies are met.
I am able to compile a 2.2.* kernel (at least I was a couple
weeks ago).
Any ideas?
( __ _
Mark Wagnon
I installed the gcc and gcc272 packages and made the changes in
the top Makefile and the kernel compiled without a hiccup.
> I hope this helps,
It sure did :)
( __ _
Mark Wagnon ) Debian GNU/ -o) / / (_)__
reen) so I couln't write it down. When I run modconf
and try to install the plip module it just hangs there.
Has anyone else taken a look at the LG article, gotten plip to
work, or know of any plip resources?
( __ _
Mark Wagnon )
aded the original
message while in windows, and it looked Japanese to me. You're
right though, it's not funny.
( __ _
Mark Wagnon ) Debian GNU/ -o) / / (_)__ __ __
Chula Vista, CA ( /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
. In my case
it calls procmail.
The hardest part is getting your .procmailrc set up. I got a lot
of info from this site:
I'm sure others more knowledgeable than I will chime in here.
( __
am I better off installing a tarball and using that?
Q 03. Or should I run a 2.2.x kernel, use the current version of
dhcpcd, and learn how to use IPchains?
tia for any input
( __ _
Mark Wagnon ) Debian GNU/ -o) / / (_)__ __ __
om what I've read, your edit to the config file looks like it
should work.
Hopefully someone will shed some light on this.
( __ _
Mark Wagnon ) Debian GNU/ -o) / / (_)__ __ __
Chula Vista, CA ( /\\/ /__/ / _ \/
error messages at all, so I couldn't figure
out what I did wrong. I posted to my local lug, and I was
informed that I needed to use the -h hostname option. I did and
it works!
( __ _
Mark Wagnon ) Debian GNU/ -o) / / (_)__ __ __
uted file),
> but I'm under the impression they don't matter anyway. The IRQ and base
> address
> are correct, though.
Try taking those mem_start/end numbers out and see what happens.
I've never used loadlin so...?
r help, but end up resorting to
using a pencil and paper and retyping the message.
The man page for dmesg says something about increasing the ring
buffer size, but does anyone know how to do this?
inquiring minds want to know.
( __ _
with their specified icons)? If so, please share,
and I'll pass it along to the other two unfortunate souls and the
KDE list.
( __ _
Mark Wagnon ) Debian GNU/ -o) / / (_)__ __ __
Chula Vista, CA ( /\\/ /__/
work-around for the time being.
I guess it's a good thing that the panel isn't very large and
wont hold more than 10 or so apps at my desktop's current
resolution :)
thanks again
( __ _
Mark Wagnon ) D
o set up the network before hand.
any ideas? tia
Mark Wagnon
Chula Vista, CA
Can someone point me to some documentation on how to set up my
.Xresources? Syntax, etc?
( __ _
Mark Wagnon ) Debian GNU/ -o) / / (_)__ __ __
Chula Vista, CA ( /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
Thanks guys. :)
( __ _
Mark Wagnon ) Debian GNU/ -o) / / (_)__ __ __
Chula Vista, CA ( /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ) _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
n with 128M running potato. KDE, X
3.3.3, and a Matrox G200.
( __ _
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Chula Vista, CA ( /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ) _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
indow manager
> sets the windows initial size and position, but the application
> can override it. I have no idea if this is the case or not
> for the above applications.
I don't know, but I don't think it's a bug.
( __ _
( __ _
Mark Wagnon ) Debian GNU/ -o) / / (_)__ __ __
Chula Vista, CA ( /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ) _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
source only.
Also, IIRC, I should compile security related software on my machine
since one isn't to trust a binary from an external source. Is this
I'm off to read the Security HOWTO
( __ _
Mark Wag
bought my CDs from Cheapbytes (, but
that was the stable (2.1) version.
I installed the stable version from those CDs and then upgraded to
the unstable version. Your ability to do that though will depend on
the speed of your Internet connection.
I hope this he
rrectly) records it at 1250.
( __ _
Mark Wagnon ) Debian GNU/ -o) / / (_)__ __ __
Chula Vista, CA ( /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ) _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
#x27;s a
lot of info in the archives and people more knowledgable than I.
Good Luck
( __ _
Mark Wagnon ) Debian GNU/ -o) / / (_)__ __ __
Chula Vista, CA ( /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ) _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
hem out :)
( __ _
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Chula Vista, CA ( /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ) _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
Try that and see what happens. Other than that, the only way I know
of would be to compile a new kernel with support for your NIC.
( __ _
Mark Wagnon ) Debian GNU/ -o) / / (_)__ __ __
Chula Vista, CA ( /\\/ /__
nto the box and hit
Search. For, I got:
Check if you have the termcap-compat package installed.
( __ _
Mark Wagnon
> Go for it. i won't even offer any suggestions, to let you see what you can
> discover yourself.
I'll try. Now I have to find some scripting stuff in one of these
piles of books :)
( __ _
Mark Wagnon ) Debian GNU/ -o) /
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