> 2. Occasionally, I would like to ssh into my network from
> work. Is it
> best to only open up the port on the firewall or do some port
> forwarding so that ssh connections automatically go to a different
> (non-firewall) machine?
I have been using ipCop on a P133 with dsl, no problems at
Does anyone know of a apt-source to update my mysql server ?
there are some features in v4 which are not in the v3.23.
Children's Cancer Institute Australia is the only independent medical
research institute in Australia solely devoted to research into the causes,
prevention and c
> The last two messages I have sent using this account have not
> gone through.
> Testing, please ignore.
> Thank you!
> --
It is not the policy of this list to ignore posts.
Children's Cancer Institute Australia is the only independent medical
research institute in Australia solely
> Joyce, Matthew wrote:
> > Does anyone know of a apt-source to update my mysql server ?
> >
> > there are some features in v4 which are not in the v3.23.
> >
> > thanks
> >
> > Matt
> >
> >
> deb ftp://ftp.de
I have a debian woody box running mysql from apt-get.
PHP4 on the same box can connect ok, but I cannot connect from another
machine on the same subnet.
Do I have to specifically allow other non localhost connections ?
Children's Cancer Institute Australia is the only independen
I am keen to move to a later version of Mysql.
I have a fairly unmessed-around Woody stable, can anyone guide me through
the upgrade from mysql v3.23 to 4 ?
Children's Cancer Institute Australia is the only independent medical
research institute in Australia solely devoted to rese
> > > the gimp. Using 'apt-cache search gimp gif' did not return the
> > > correct answer. The man page for apt-cache says:
> > >
> > > search search performs a full text search on all available
> > > package
> > > files for the regex pattern given. It searchs the package
> > >
> > From the man page.
> > "Seperate arguments can be used to specified multiple
> search patterns
> > that are and'd together."
> >
> > 'apt-cache search server' and 'apt-cache search server ftp' produce
> > quite different amounts of hits, the space does not 'stop' it.
> OK, I may not
> The part of the argument that is incomprehensible to me is
> why they need $1000 to buy a single computer! Nowadays most
> people (even those who use Windows) are spending $500 or less.
> Since presumably no one in the group is simulating nuclear
> bomb blasts or calculating the structure o
I have been using BMF ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/bmf/ ) for about 6
months with procmail on woody, utterly impressed.
The developer answers email on the mailing list very quickly and as far as I
can tell noone has found any bug since I have been using it.
.deb supported.
I can't see how
I do not know the answer to your question.
However, I was googling about similar things and stumbled across a developer
thread, the gist of which suggested that it would not be any time soon.
One point made, was that there are sill bugs being found in 3.23, and
another was that DB developers are
> qpopper Enhanced Post Office Protocol server (POP3).
I have used this and found it to be very, very easy to setup and use.
I moved to an IMAP server fairly soon afterwards, so I cannot comment on how
it performs over time.
Children's Cancer Institute Australia is the only indepen
Probably better to export as text from outlook first.
> -Original Message-
> From: Frederico Rodrigues Abraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, 16 October 2003 12:46 PM
> Subject: Mozilla Mail & Microsoft Outlook
> Hi.
> Ha
> >
> >> I currently use a fetchmail / procmail / mbox / mutt e-mail setup,
> >> with ssmtp (properly linked through `sendmail` of course) for
> >> sending. I would really like to have a web mail system set
> up so that
> >> I can at least read, if not send, e-mail from my website as well.
> >
> -Original Message-
> From: Joris Huizer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, 19 October 2003 9:02 PM
> To: debian-list
> Subject: defragmentation on M$ disc?
> Hello everybody,
> I'm wondering, is 't possible to "defragmentate" a M$ disc
> while running
> in Debian? I wan
> -Original Message-
> From: Brian Walker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, 21 October 2003 3:36 PM
> Subject: motherboard temperatures
> Greetings all,
> does anyone have a recommendation for a program to monitor
> temperatures inside my box? Us
> -Original Message-
> From: Arnt Karlsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, 23 October 2003 1:51 AM
> Subject: Re: More on spam
> On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 19:58:16 -0400,
> Bill Marcum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > O
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 10:28:57AM +1000, Joyce, Matthew wrote:
> > Spam is just marketing.
> SWEN isn't marketing. Part of this is about SWEN (and
> other similar viruses/worms).
SWEN is about propogating a spam delivery system.
> > Marketi
> -Original Message-
> From: Ron Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, 23 October 2003 1:55 PM
> To: Debian-User
> Subject: Gender in language (was Re: way-OT: regularity of
> german v. english [was: ])
> On Wed, 2003-10-22 at 20:47, Erik Steffl wrote:
> > Nori Heikkin
> Hey, Linux is Perfect!!! You must be an Evil Windows Troll!!!
> But seriously:
> On Thu, 2003-10-23 at 17:08, James D. Freels wrote:
> > Can you figure out a way to get a listing of a directory (folder in
> > Windows) and print it, without resorting to command prompt ?
> What's w
> -Original Message-
> From: Thomas Pomber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, 24 October 2003 11:03 AM
> To: trevor brooks; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: please read this
> --- trevor brooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi my name is Trevor Brooks. I go to G
Most Toshibas have a small pinhole reset button.
Try pressing this button while holding down the left shift key, keep the
left shift key pressed while it boots up.
This does not work for all tosh laptops.
-Original Message-
From: michael stephens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
or, alternatively you can install etherconf.
'apt-get install etherconf'
this will lead you through a prompted setup.
-Original Message-
From: Alberto Tobias [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 29 October 2003 8:36 AM
> I'm going to attempt to make this a polite question, rather
> than a rant or flame ...
> For those of you who CC people when responding to the mailing
> list, why do you do this? Is there some benefit to doing so
> of which I'm unaware?
> I believe I have the Mail-Followup-To header
> >
> >>Hi.
> >>How can i do this without losing the data on my NTFS partition?
> >>This is the final step for moving completely from
> windows to linux!
> >>yay!
> >>Thanks
> >
> >
> > You can't convert the partition in-place, you'll have to
> copy the data
> > somewher
Does anyone here use Debian as a file server in a NT4 or AD domain ?
I'm just wondering what headaches the integration would bring, we have w2k
pro/ os9.2 and osx 10.2 on the desktops.
The older mac files can be a pain, but I guess I can have hfs.
How do I control access to the files.
> -Original Message-
> From: Rodney D. Myers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, 30 October 2003 4:43 PM
> Subject: Re: Converting a partition from NTFS to Ext3
> On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 16:33:25 +1100
> "J
> Microsoft's software has always sucked, so I can't imagine
> they're losing too much sleep over quality or security, their Trusted
> Computing(tm) initiative notwithstanding.
Excel is pretty neat and I wish there was a DOC Edit clone for linux.
> -Original Message-
> From: Tom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, 31 October 2003 9:33 AM
> Subject: Re: Microsoft good press over Longhorn
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2003 at 08:34:38AM +1100, Joyce, Matthew wrote:
> > Excel i
> -Original Message-
> From: Darik Horn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, 31 October 2003 12:24 PM
> To: Joyce, Matthew
> Subject: Re: using debian in a NT4 or AD environment
> > Does anyone here use Debian as a file s
I complied the kernel I am using last may.
I noticed when I did an 'apt-get update', 'apt-get upgrade' that a
kernel-source-2.4.18 was updated.
So should I recompile ?
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTE
> -Original Message-
> From: ScruLoose [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, 12 November 2003 1:49 PM
> Subject: Re: regarding kernels
> On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 01:31:53PM +1100, Joyce, Matthew wrote:
> >
> > I com
> Whoops,
> missed a step converting a box to ext3
> procedure i was using was:
> 1) #tune2fs -j /dev/hda*
> for all ext2 file systems.
> 2) edit /etc/fstab to change all references from ext2 to auto
> 3) #touch/forcefsck
> 4) reboot
> only i forgot step 2
> it reb
> >-
> --
> > >--- This message is intended only for the personal and
> confidential use of
> > > the designated recipient(s) named above. If you are not
> the intended
> > > recipient of this message you are hereby notified
I really do not know why filters like this are so popular, surely they need
constant manual changes to keep up with the spam.
I have found the bayesian filters to be much much more effective and easier
to mangage.
hey ho, each to their own I suppose.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> -Original Message-
> From: Vincent Morlot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 8:27 AM
> Subject: unsubscribe
> unsubscribe
> --
> Vincent Morlot([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> --
> Guys...it's a bit sad when some very brave people died in
> Columbia to be talking stuff like this...i agree with Vincent
> that comments like this are not necessary. Spare a moments
> thought (or longer if possible) for those brave Astronauts
> and their families who will no doubt end
HP do a RedHat and a Suse version of the webjetadmin.
Can either of those be persuaded to work on deb ?
Title: Message
You cannot unsubscribe. Noone
can. Why would you want to anyway ?
-Original Message-From: Fer'had Erdogan
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, 14 February 2003 9:16
AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: how the fuck
do I unsubscribe
I have bee
> I don't know of a single native Windows or Mac ftp client
> that supports it. For that matter, the last time I checked
> support in the UNIX world wasn't that great either. Most of
> my ftp is through wget or ncftp (in both Linux and Windows)
> and I don't think either one supports ssl-ftp.
Dear Debain Users,
I'm a little confused regarding the use of group to assign file rights.
I was under the impression that user can be members of groups and groups can
be used to assign permissions to files and folders.
How then, do I assign multiple groups, different permission to the same
"very high volume, very low signal,"
Much like this thread has become.
The first 3 posts were useful, the other 7 (8) were totally off topic.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Maybe this would be the future for e-mail, deny all but specified...
> --
> -daniel
It is probably (should be imo) the future of all computing.
Permit this
Permit that
Deny everything else
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Conta
> bet one could even get non-computer people go buy one of
This really is a horrible turn of phase for many reasons.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm just configuring an Exim setup and I want to test it.
I do not want to change my MX records yet, but I want to be sure it will
accept email and relay it properly.
Is there anyway to do this ?
Are there any tools to analyse exim configs ?
yes, there does seem to be a reduction, hopfully these boring threads will
stop soon too.
> -Original Message-
> From: Ron Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, 26 September 2003 10:54 PM
> To: Debian-User
> Subject: Anyone else notice that Swen is slowing down?
get it to go in my prompt?
> On Monday, September 29, 2003, at 11:41 PM, Joyce, Matthew wrote:
> >
> > I used to use apmd, it worked pretty well, I used to cut the power
> > left %
> > out and use it in my prompt.
> >
> > hub:~# apt-cache show apmd
I'm trying to a horde/imp system, the doc say I must have gettext support in
running Woody, appache-ssl, php4
I have run apt-get gettext, but the docS say it is php4 which needs gettext.
Any ideas ?
with a subject of "
> -Original Message-
> From: Vineet Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, 1 October 2003 5:48 PM
> Subject: Re: gettext
> * Joyce, Matthew ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [031001 00:21]:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> >
> -Original Message-
> From: Daniel B. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, 3 October 2003 8:00 AM
> Cc: Debian-User
> Subject: Re: Do we really need to worry about viruses
> "Jamin W. Collins" wrote:
> > .."
> >
> > Aye, but you do have backups right?
> Well, a virus like Swen wouldn't need root access to spread. I don't
> know what Swen does to a Windows machine (and I don't care, I haven't
> got any), but just to annoy people with enormous amounts of e-mail,
> someone could imageinebly write a perl script with its own
> SMTP-engine.
I have an old pc running Debian Woody and I have 2 questions.
Firstly, the hard drive ios quite old and become quite noisy, I suspect it
is on the way out.
What is the easiest way to replace it ?
It only have 2 partions, one of them a swap.
The new drive is slightly bigger.
Secondly, compl
> -Original Message-
> From: Karsten M. Self [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, 8 October 2003 9:05 AM
> Subject: Re: SWEN isn't slowing down
> on Tue, Oct 07, 2003 at 08:31:53AM -0700, A P
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > These f** SWEN emails
> -Original Message-
> From: Monique Y. Herman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, 10 October 2003 12:11 PM
> Subject: Re: Transfer of files from laptop to desktop
> On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 at 01:35 GMT, Naitik Shah penned:
> > Easiest would be to install
I'm using Fetchmail and have a fetchmailrc in etc.
Fetchmail starts and syslog show my messages being gathered.
the problem is the messages do not end up in my home Maildir (courier-imap),
they end up in spool somewhere.
Any ideas ?
I've clearly missed something important.
> -Original Message-
> From: Jens Grivolla [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, 15 October 2003 10:37 AM
> Subject: apt: exporting and importing list of installed package
You could try running etherconf to help construct a valid /etc/interfaces
If it not already installed
apt-get install etherconf
If is is already installed dpkg-reconfigure etherconf
Matthew Joyce
-Original Message-
From: paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, 7 October 2002
Well you could try configuring with a static address, and prove the
hardware, network is actually working ok.
I recently had a similar problem, I had to add a couple of modules to my
kernel (2.4.18) and recompile.
Matthew Joyce
-Original Message---
I'm sure I had to include "Packet Filtering" and "Socket Packet" in the
Networking Options in make menuconfig, before my dhcp client would work.
Matthew Joyce
-Original Message-
From: paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, 8 October 2002 1:47 PM
I definitely have a Packet Socket option.
I also have Prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers selected
in Code maturity level options.
Matthew Joyce
-Original Message-
From: paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, 8 October 2002 2:19 PM
To: Joyce, Matthew
linux lark, so I'm sorry I have not helped much, I
hope I have not caused you to waste your time.
Matthew Joyce
-Original Message-
From: paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, 8 October 2002 2:44 PM
To: Joyce, Matthew; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ifup, dhcp troubleshooting
I largely agree with this post.
Would it be useful to simply create many more groups or categories and allow
packages to associate with more than one group ?
So, perhaps there could be a ConsoleApps and XServerApps and TextEditors,
Nano would be part of ConsoleApps and TextEditors, whereas Kate
I while back I attempted to install IMP webmail, however I got into an awful
mess with mysql passwords and eventually gave up.
Has anyone managed to get the latest IMP version (www.horde.org/imp) working
on Debian ?
Can anyone give me some advice as the sequence of installing all the various
My adsl connection gets a different ip address each time it connects, this
makes setting up routes tricky.
Is there anyway to setup routes using MAC addresses or even eth1 instead of
using the ipaddress ?
Matthew Joyce
Children's Cancer Institute Australia
Yes, apt-get install imp would be great.
I think I will use quirrelmail until then, I really did not have any fun
with imp before.
Matthew Joyce
-Original Message-
From: Alvaro Figueroa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 11 October 2002 1:53 AM
To: 'Debian User List'
Subject: R
Ah, interesting stuff.
Many thanks.
Matthew Joyce
-Original Message-
From: Crispin Wellington [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 11 October 2002 3:01 PM
To: Debian Users
Subject: Re: Default gateway
On Fri, 2002-10-11 at 12:49, Joyce, Matthew wrote:
> My adsl conn
It is so nice to the old Norton Commander cloned as MC, a hugely productive
I seem to remember being able to use alt+key in NC to jump to the first
matching file/folder.
Is there a similar feature in MC ?What does M-key mean is this the same
Also, can I configure MC so it remem
I found this document bery useful.
I did not follow it to the letter, but I did manage to rebuild the kernel
first time with no problems.
Perhaps also a section on why someone might want to rebuild, I found the
pcmcia so much easier in
Is there a download manager for linux at all ?
I would like to schedule late night downloads.
Preferably with a pause/resume feature.
Any ideas ?
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Download manager
This one time, at band camp, Joyce, Matthew said:
> Is there a download manager for linux at all ?
> I would like to schedule late night downloads.
> Preferably with a pause/resume feature.
> Any ideas ?
cron + wget?
You could try adding the following to /etc/lilo.conf
When it boot it should give to option to try different modes, and you can
enter 'scan' which will try to determine which mode are suppoorted.
Matthew Joyce
-Original Message-
From: Try KDE [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>So, I am fiddling around with whereami to do this; check for a wire, if so
>bring it up. If no wire, drop eth0 and bring up wlan0. Solves the "pump"
>problem; now all I have to do is get it to find the wireless card on boot.
Can't you test the output of lspci for the wireless nic ?
Just a tho
Does wget -I file, read the entire file before starting downloads, or just
the first line ?
Can I add to the file after wget has started ?
Matthew Joyce
-Original Message-
From: Rob Weir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, 15 October 2002 12:22 PM
To: 'Debian User List'
Stay where you are, noone leaves!
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I was able to install woody v3 on a 486/16mb/500mb the other day.
I don't really have any need for it, I just did it to see what would happen.
-Original Message-
From: Elizabeth Barham [mailto:soggytrousers@;yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, 24 October 2002 3:48 AM
Just for the archives sake, the problem I was having was causes because, the
router's acl was blocking port 143.
-Original Message-
From: nate [mailto:debian-user@;aphroland.org]
Sent: Friday, 18 October 2002 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: Imap issue
Joyce, Ma
Title: Message
Possibly apt-proxy or apt-move
I have
not done this myself, but I am mildly interested.
Package: apt-movePriority: optionalSection:
adminInstalled-Size: 164Maintainer: Herbert Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Architecture:
i386Version: 4.1.21Depends: awk, bc (>= 1.05a-6), dpkg-dev (
Has anyone done any research into completely replacing an existing MS
Exchange email setup ?
I have Exchange 5.5 with PC and Mac clients, they use a mixture of Eudora or
We are about to expand some, and I will have to replace the current server
wityha bigger one, and buy a heap of l
I have a box running woody v3, kernel 2.4.18, with uw-imap
I can connect from a client on the same network, everything works fine, but
I cannot connect from home, or anyother network so far.
The network guys assure me the correct ACL changes have been applied to the
>From home and
ate [mailto:debian-user@;aphroland.org]
Sent: Friday, 18 October 2002 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: Imap issue
Joyce, Matthew said:
> Hi,
> I have a box running woody v3, kernel 2.4.18, with uw-imap
try telnetting to it. from your nmap output I get the impression that it is
You need to delete a netware partition which contains a segment of the root
volume, on a 1000+ user server, on a Friday afternoon, before a magazine
goes to print, to fully understand the word, humility.
-Original Message-
From: dave mallery [mailto:dmallery@;cia-g.com]
Sent: Mond
I recently read that Brits tend to put emphisis in the leading sylables and
the Americans on the trailing sylables.
...um..i don't really have a point to make.
-Original Message-
From: Paul Johnson [mailto:baloo@;ursine.dyndns.org]
Sent: Thursday, 24 October 2002 4:08 PM
To: duser
Just do it, if it NT it will give you a 'lock workstation' dialog bog, which
you can cancel.
-Original Message-
From: Tom Cook [mailto:tom.cook@;adelaide.edu.au]
Sent: Friday, 25 October 2002 9:44 AM
To: Debian User
Subject: Re: x2vnc + Ctrl-Alt-Del
On 0, Alex Malinovich <[EMAIL
I have done this on several machines.
By far the easiest is to erase everything from the machine and start from
Then, install w2k. Do not use the whole drive though, but how big a
partition to make, will be dependant on how big your drive is and what you
will be using the two OSs for.
I was able to get to the download for a 74mb tar of eDirectory 8.64 for
I used Novell NDS extensively a few years back, at the time it was years
ahead of others for managing 1000s of users on 100s servers.
I think eDirectory is th
Most BIOSes have a fast boot/less tests option.
Having said that, I recently took out a scsi burner because the boot time
was just doing my head in.
The answer is to not shutdown, but this is not very ecological.
-Original Message-
From: Crispin Wellington [mailto:crispin@;aeonlin
Sent: Monday, 28 October 2002 11:01 AM
To: debian-user
Subject: RE: dual-booting with debian
On Sun, 2002-10-27 at 14:24, Joyce, Matthew wrote:
> I have done this on several machines.
> By far the easiest is to erase everything from the machine and start
> from scratch.
This is a go
broadfoot [mailto:ibroadfo@;cis.strath.ac.uk]
Sent: Monday, 28 October 2002 12:10 PM
To: Joyce, Matthew
Cc: 'Greg C. Madden'; debian-user
Subject: Re: dual-booting with debian
> On Sun, 2002-10-27 at 14:24, Joyce, Matthew wrote:
>>I have done this on several machines.
I have an old 486/66 with debian, I though I might use it to get my emails
from several accounts.
I have install fetchmail, configured exim and install courier imap.
After creating a Maildir folder (makemaildir I think) I can connect via an
imap client and see the folders ok.
When I ran fetchma
You can try to ping a host by hostname, one that is not in you hosts file.
If DNS is working ping with use and display the ip address.
Also look at the 'nslookup' or 'dig' util.
-Original Message-
From: Ole Gammelsæter [mailto:gammelsa@;online.no]
Sent: Monday, 28 October 2002 6:0
-Original Message-
From: Curtis Vaughan [mailto:curtis@;npc-usa.com]
Sent: Tuesday, 29 October 2002 10:00 AM
To: Debian User List
Subject: Corporate Anti-virus solutions
One year ago, our organization was t
I have used sophos a lot in the past, I was not aware of a linux client
I found it was a particularly fast av scanner when use to scan many small
files , such as on an email filtering box, like Mimesweeper. But I did not
like the update methods. Basically wget iirc.
As for Nortons/Syma
Title: Message
base1.bin bootable ?
think you need to get some other floppy images. They depend on which
type of kernel you will be using.
http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/i386/ch-rescue-boot.en.html#s-boot-from-floppies Files for the Initial System Boot
I deleted the exin.conf, and reconfigured exim, then made the change you
suggested :
file = /var/spool/mail/${local_part}
directory = /home/${local_part}/Maildir
and added
When I run fetchmail, it connects and recieves, but the mails do not appear
in the Maildir
I fixed the problem of mails not arriving in my Maildir, they were ending up
in /var/spool/exim/input with the error,
/home/matt/Maildir is not a regualr file. - Frozen
I had a .forward file in my home folder with the line /home/matt/Maildir, I
deleted the file and it all started working.
I ha
After it has booted, and gone blank, can you disconnect it and connet a crt
monitor ?
Unless yuo are uing a dvi connecter I suppose.
> -Original Message-
> From: Rick Berger [mailto:rberger@;sympatico.ca]
> Sent: Thursday, 31 October 2002 1:48 PM
> Subject:
It's not something simple like the mouse/keyboard is plugged in the wrong
way round ?
> -Original Message-
> From: messmate [mailto:messmate@;tiscali.fr]
> Sent: Wednesday, 30 October 2002 7:54 PM
> To: debian-en
> Subject: for tecnical linux users
> Hi experts,
> I have a li
Perhaps people will start to use the existing cpus for longer, and recycle
older ones, distributed processing etc, instead of feeling they must upgrade
their hardware because there is an upgrade available.
However, emailing all my friends and family and trying to explain TCPA to
them and ask them
The information below should be sent as a separate email to users when they
sign up.
Full marks for clarity.
> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:bob@;proulx.com]
> Sent: Monday, 4 November 2002 5:01 AM
> Subject: Thread Stealing (was: Ins
Righto, I will email Senator Richard 'ludite' Alston and ask him to clarify
the Australian Governments position this matter.
Are there any questions you would like me to ask him, or information, or
urls I should bring to his attention ?
> -Original Message-
> From: David Pastern
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