Re: fresh potato install dpkg problem

2000-03-11 Thread Jonathan Nieder
I found it... the link is below. Note that the problem goes away on upgrade to 1.6.11... So this information isn't really relavent anymore. -- Jonathan N

KDE (was Re: alternatives to gnotepad+)

2000-03-19 Thread Jonathan Nieder
Also what about kedit part of KDE. It opens more than one file simultaneously. BTW, are there .debs for KDE in Debian? I tried GNOME, but it wasn't really my kind of desktop, and KDE looks good. Thanks, Jonathan Nieder __ Get Your Pr

slsc, i.e., spreadsheet calculator using s-lang (Re: sc, i.e., spread sheet calculator using ncurses)

2012-07-13 Thread Jonathan Nieder
Hi, Wilko Fokken wrote: > I remember 'slsc', a text based spreadsheet, based on 'sc', but more > advanced. Unfortunately, Debian doesn't contain it any more. > > At least up to Debian 3, this prog was provided. > > If you can find an 'slsc' source, you might be instrumental in > bringing it back

Re: Why compiling.

2012-07-13 Thread Jonathan Nieder
Hi, Atıf CEYLAN wrote: > For example, my wireless card is not supported by debian wheezy standart > kernel. Also non-free package is not working. So I compile it from > source code and I change some part of the code (because some part of > code is not working with my hardware). So I must make com

upgrade-report: errors from squeeze tar unpacking packages from testing (Re: Upgrade from stable to testing problem)

2011-12-16 Thread Jonathan Nieder
Hi Hans, Hans-J. Ullrich wrote: > some weeks ago I made a fresh instrallation on a notebook with debian/stable. > > Well, then I started a aptitiude full-upgrade, but it did not work. I found > out, the reason for it, was, that the installed version of tar could not > unpack the packages of deb

Re: Missing package changelogs

2011-12-16 Thread Jonathan Nieder
Hi Štěpán, Štěpán Němec wrote: > There are lots of packages for which aptitude gives > > Failed to download the changelog of foobar: 404 Not Found [IP: x.x.x.x 80] > > (and you get the equivalent when trying to access the changelog online) Yep. See . [...] > Is

Re: vsftpd-2.3.5.deb: Can I get the debian source of 2.3.4?

2012-01-19 Thread Jonathan Nieder
Hi Regid, Regid Ichira wrote: > Referring to Package: vsftpd, Version: 2.3.5-1. > > 1. Can I get the debian source for 2.3.4, and possibly older? >I think debian had some version control archive for the vsftpd >package. Sure, they are available from and from

Re: dpkg --compare-versions vs. ls

2010-01-19 Thread Jonathan Nieder wrote: > Is there any case where > $ cd /var/cache/apt/archives > $ set -- $(ls -r some_package_*) > $ dpkg --compare-versions $1 gt $2 > isn't true? Yes. * dpkg --compare-versions uses ASCII to compare letters (so B < a). In non-C locales, ls does not. * dpkg --compare

Re: how are you kids compiling kernels these days?

2012-05-31 Thread Jonathan Nieder
Hi Paul, Paul Johnson wrote: > Now I've got a laptop with an Intel Centrino Ultimate 6300 wireless > device and it has been very unstable when joining wireless networks. I > complained about it in the intel wireless support page and today a > technician answered me back with a kernel patch. > > h

Investigating bugs without risking damage (Re: [bash] Everything Segfaults After lib6 -7 Upgrade)

2011-06-16 Thread Jonathan Nieder
Hi David, David Baron wrote: > (I do not want to unnecessarily try to boot up the errant Sid /lib because of > possible file system damage.) Quite understandable, but it makes life hard to be tracking down a bug from memory only. I would not personally expect an problem to cause corrupti

RFH: slow awk scripts wanted

2010-04-21 Thread Jonathan Nieder
Hi, I am new to awk but quite like it, and I am considering working on some changes to mawk that would have an impact on performance. Problem: generally awk is already more than fast enough for me. So chances are, this would end up ruining it for everyone else! Unless you help. If you have -

Re: Chromium in Sid

2010-05-23 Thread Jonathan Nieder
Hi Steve, Steve Fishpaste wrote: > In my opinion we should keep up with the new releases at least weekly. > Is this on the agenda to do? No, I do not think it is in the plans any time soon: - sid is used to stage versions that could potentially be used in some stable release. I can’t see a

Re: Git sources of git-core (for SID) out-of-date?

2025-01-26 Thread Jonathan Nieder
Hi Michal, Michal Maruska wrote: > sid has version 1:2.47.2-0.1 > mentions as git source: > > > which indeed has the relevant branch: > > > but it's