running backup

2006-05-30 Thread Jon Miller
I have a file that I want to run daily to backup data. This tgz file then needs to be copied to a Windows 2003 server. I'm using smbclient, but it does not seem to work thru the script. Can someone point out where the problem lies. I run this as a cron job as follows: 30 19 * * 1,2,3,4,5 roo

help with mailscanner and mailwatch and unstale packages

2006-10-04 Thread Jon Miller
I need to know if there is a debian list that has unstable packages. Seems the one I've found do not work when trying to get the latest version (unstable) of mailscanner_4.51.5-1 Also like to know if there is someone on the list that uses mailscanner and mailwatch. I'm having an issue where t

how to use initrd command

2006-01-04 Thread Jon Miller
I'm attempting to upgrade Debian 3.1 kernel version 2.4 to the latest 2.6 version. I understand I need to add a initrd command somewhere in this. How do I pass this command and when (a link to a document would be a big help). Thanks Jon

cannot mount cdrom/dvd drive

2006-01-05 Thread Jon Miller
I've managed to get Debian 2.6 installed on my system using a Pioneer DVD/CD-ROM Drive. After the install I wanted to use the DVD/CD as a source and found that the system does not recognize the drive. I also have a SATA drive 200GB installed. Seems that the 2.6 kernel treats the SATA as a sd

Install of 2.6 kernel with sata drive

2006-01-05 Thread Jon Miller
Is there a way to install Debian using the 2.6 kernel with a SATA drive? So far it goes through the install then when the CD is removed it boots up to a "Diskboot failure enter system disk" message. Is there a way to install Debian using the 2.6 kernel with a SATA drive? So far it goes thr

Apache, Debian and Mysql

2006-01-07 Thread Jon Miller
Does anyone know how to make apache2 authenticate against a MySQL database on a Debian Sarge system? Want to create a login dialog box for users trying to access the webserver. But also want to be able to enter the data or edit in MySQL. Thanks Jon L. Miller, ASE, CNS, CLS, MCNE, CCNA Directo

getting PHP and MySQL to work together

2006-01-08 Thread Jon Miller
I would like to have Apache2, PHP4 and MySQL to work together. I did a apt-get mysql-server, php and several other modules and it all went in. I can access mysql from the local server and from using phpmyadmin from a WinXPP PC. However, when I run the phpinfo() from a php file, it does not me

redirecting where cucipop looks for mail

2006-01-09 Thread Jon Miller
I've had to move the mailbox (/var/spool/mail) from the installed location to another location /db/mail. This was done due to space constraints. Like to know if anyone knows how to reconfigure cucipop to point to /db/mail instead of /var/spool/mail. Users are not getting their e-mail in their

Failed to load module e1000

2006-01-23 Thread Jon Miller
On reboot of our Debian server the 2 x Intel 1000 GT nic are not detected and therefore do not load. When I try modprobe e1000 I get a message stating it cannot find the file e1000.o, although the file is there and in the right location. This appears to be some sort of interrupt conflict or som

network card problem

2006-01-24 Thread Jon Miller
Recently I had to replace a motherboard and 2 network card due to a static discharge in a rack. I've now have 2 networks cards in the server and they load ok, both can be seen with lspci. The interrupts are not being shared or anything of the sort. Yet one of the cards (Netgear FA311) will no

error in script

2006-01-25 Thread Jon Miller
Trying to run a test to see if certain files exists in a certain location using the following: # Check files at location LOCSAV="/usr/local/sop" if [ -e $(ls -l $LOCSAV/*.ide) ] it comes up with an error, can some lend a hand in fixing this? Thanks Trying to run a test to see if certain files

RE: IDE PCI Advice Needed

2006-01-28 Thread Jon Miller
Stan, What I would do is the following: As you've stated run the primary IDE on the 20GB drive and remove the secondary drive. Compile the kernel (2.6) with the correct driver. When completed, add the 250G drive back and try to access that drive. I didn't have the same problem but a similar pro

forwarding iptable packets

2006-01-31 Thread Jon Miller
I'm having a major problem trying to forward packets from either a workstation of the LAn to the Internet. I want to be sure I'm doing this correctly. I set a forward rule: $IPT -A FORWARD -i $INT_IFACE -o eth1 -p tcp --dport 1262 -j ACCEPT Then I set a PREROUTING rule $IPT -A PREROUTING -i $EX

upgrading a kernel

2006-02-01 Thread Jon Miller
Just found out that I need to upgrade a kernel from 2.4 to 2.6.11 or greater due to the patch needed by sip_conntrack. Can anyone point me in the right direction (doc) for upgrading a kernel and the steps I need to do. I want to save the existing kernel so if something goes wrong I can fall ba

kernel update from 2.4.26 to 2.6.

2006-02-01 Thread Jon Miller
I need to do a kernel update on our Debian server from 2.4.26 to 2.6.11 or better. When I did a apt-cache search kernel-image 2 of the images I got was: kernel-image-2.6-686 - Linux kernel image for version 2.6 on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/P4. kernel-image-2.6-686-smp - Linux kernel image for versio

kernel update from 2.4.26 to 2.6

2006-02-02 Thread Jon Miller
On Thu, Feb 02, 2006 at 06:04:38AM +0800, Jon Miller wrote: > I need to do a kernel update on our Debian server from 2.4.26 to 2.6.11 o= r better. When I did a apt-cache search kernel-image 2 of the images I got= was: > kernel-image-2.6-686 - Linux kernel image for version 2.6 on PPro/C

replying to list

2006-02-02 Thread Jon Miller
Is there a simple way to reply to the list when using the digest form. It just that I do not want a lot of email floating around so I selected to have the digest only come to me. But I find it difficult to reply to an individual from the digest. anyone know of a better way to doing this? Tha

backup on DVD

2006-03-28 Thread Jon Miller
Does anyone know of any script that can backup to a DVD media? What I want to do is run a nightly backup of certain samba shares data M-F and rotate the disk either daily or weekly on the server. Furthermore, if possible have the backup report the amount of space used in an e-mail sent to the

Help with iptables

2006-03-31 Thread Jon Miller
I'm trying to construct a set of rules that would allow udp ports 5060, 7824, 49152:65535 6000:6004 to come in as well as go out. It is my understanding that these packets needs to be able to have an open port both incoming and outgoing. What I'm looking for is the iptables rule to allow these

Re: kernel update from 2.4.26 to 2.6

2006-02-02 Thread Jon Miller
>Is your search string 'kernel-image'? I get a lot more entries. You should >check your sources.list >Andrei >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1:43:34 am 3/02/2006 >>> Yes I get a lot more, I only gave a sample, what I was showing is that I do not get the version on the strings that are returned when I do

Error in /var/log/message

2006-03-08 Thread Jon Miller
Like to know if someone can explain what the following messages mean: Mar 9 09:29:16 gw kernel: Code: Bad EIP value. Mar 9 09:29:27 gw kernel: <1>Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 04e8c358 Mar 9 09:29:27 gw kernel: printing eip: Mar 9 09:29:27 gw kernel: 04e8c358 Ma

error message on screen

2006-03-16 Thread Jon Miller
Client is getting the following on his Debian 3.0 server: Mar 13 12:00:19 gw kernel: <1>Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 04e8c358 Mar 13 12:00:19 gw kernel: printing eip: Mar 13 12:00:19 gw kernel: 04e8c358 Mar 13 12:00:19 gw kernel: Oops: Mar 13 12:00:19 gw kernel:

hacked server

2006-03-17 Thread Jon Miller
I have a hacked server that has a few rootkits installed. I'm going to rebuild this using the following procedure: 1) backup data files 2) copy /etc/*.conf 3) either make an image of the system and then blow it away or get new drives. Have I missed out on anything? Thanks Jon L. Miller, ASE,

setting up mirrored server

2006-03-22 Thread Jon Miller
I'm in the process of setting up a server with 2 disks that I want to mirror. I'm using a Promise Fasttrack S150 Tx2 plus SATA card. I've gotten the system to boot stating it has the 1 logical volume, however, when I use the Sarge DVD to do the install it reports the 2 physical drives instead