At 12:45 AM 10/4/01 +0100, Ricardo Diz wrote:
>Hi there!
>I wanted to know what is the best PDF viewer around. I installed Acrobat
>Reader, but I found it not being as good as I hoped.
>Is gnome-gv a better solution?
xpdf is superb within it's limitations
>Don't annoy me anymore with messages as un thought out as this. It feels
>like the sort of responses I used to get from the Redhat technical support
> Cassandra
The difference being this is a volunteer list and RH tech support is paid.
So maybe you should try being
>that being said, and acknowledging that we aren't really nice now
>cassandra: you are welcome to come back to the forum and ask your
>questions in a reasonable form and manner. if we aren't offended by you,
>we are more than happy to do our best at helping you!
I'm guessing she hasn'
At 08:59 AM 1/17/02 +1000, john wrote:
>martin f krafft wrote:
>I feel like taking the subject of this thread personally.
me too
>Suggestions would be very welcome at this point. Unfortunately, the
>suggestion to drop ICQ for another IM is not feasible, due to the
>infamous Circumstances Beyond My Control (tm).
>Thanks for any help,
Gnome ICU did everything I wanted and more, been a year since I used it
> fishbowl:~> apt-cache search icq
>- centericq - A text-mode icq client based on ncurses
>X everybuddy - An all in one messaging client
>X gaim - GPL clone of AOL Instant Messenger - GTK version
>D gnomeicu - Small, fast and functional clone of Mirabilis' ICQ
>+ jabber - Daemon for the jabber.o
At 04:22 PM 1/17/02 -0800, Mark Ferlatte wrote:
>On Thu, Jan 17, 2002 at 07:27:39PM -0500, dman wrote (1.00):
>> | I'm considering installing WINE and trying to get the Windows ICQ client
>> Ugh! That client is really really ugly.
>I don't care so much about how ugly it is, I just need it to
>> I want to know if there is a way I can take material on a casette tape and
>> convert it to an audio file on my computer.
>You could try connecting the cassete deck to input of your soundcard :)
>- Adam
C'mon guys, play nice
what program to use? how to stop it, how to start it, how to spec
>I'm using some of my spare time developing software that is free in the
>GPL sense, but I rather use the time finding that last bug, than
>introduce more by putting useless easter eggs into my code. But then I
>think that rain is wet, so who am I to judge.[1]
>[1] Hitch Hiker's Guide to The Gala
>And that fish is relevant to "free" vs "closed" software exactly how?
>Dima (boggle)
Because the developers were free to put it in
and you are free to take it out if you care enough
you're not free to decide the developers priorities for them
only for yourself.
this is a virus doing the sending
for more info.
At 07:48 PM 1/28/02 -0600, Colin Watson wrote:
>On Mon, Jan 28, 2002 at 06:00:07PM +, Pollywog wrote:
>> I did not spam the debian lists. Please, listmaster, find out who is
>> putting my addres
At 10:29 AM 1/29/02 +0100, Preben Randhol wrote:
>John Griffiths <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 29/01/2002 (01:16) :
>> In any volunteer endevaour the people who do the work decide how they shall
>> manage their time.
>> if putting the fish in gave someone a sen
At 01:07 AM 1/30/02 +0100, Preben Randhol wrote:
>John Griffiths <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 29/01/2002 (23:20) :
>> My point is it can be whatever the people willing to do the hard work want
>> it to be
>Which means that free software cannot be trusted and
> Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function mysql_connect() in
>/var/www/ on line 122
> (I can connect to the mysql server locally.)
>Could anyone tell me how to fix it? Thank in advanced!
#apt-get install php3-mysql
ususally fixes this one for me.
>wendy:/etc/php3/apache# apt-get install php3-mysql
>Reading Package Lists... Done
>Building Dependency Tree... Done
>Sorry, php3-mysql is already the newest version
>0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 56 not upgraded.
>Any idea?
56 not upgraded?
At 08:30 PM 5/16/01 -0500, DvB wrote:
>I was going to burn myself a copy of potato to see how much the
>install's improved since I last ran it and noticed there are not one,
>not two, but _three_ freaking iso images (binary-i386-1 thru 3.iso) out
>there. Are they all really necessary? Or can I i
At 02:48 AM 5/18/01 -, Brian Schramm wrote:
>I have a new machine here with a netgear fa311 network card in it. I want to
>install Debian on it but the only drivers I can find are for Redhat. Has
>anyone gotten this card to work with Debian?
Use the tulip module
, including posting to news groups or web
pages, is strictly prohibited without the express prior consent of Capital
Monitor Pty Ltd.
John Griffiths Tel 02 6273 4899
Capital Monitor Pty Ltd Fax
>Actually, it's not that bad now. If you have a decent net conection you
>only need two floppies: rescue.bin and root.bin. Once you get to the
>second floppy (root.bin) you're asked if you would like to install over
>the network. The URL is set up already, as well. Couldn't ask for a
>simpler s
>Am I right in thinking that I need something like "sendmail" and
>"procmail" on the server and any old mail client on the Windows/Linux
>machines in order to get this done? Do I need to be setting up any other
>software specifically to make this work?
I'm pretty sure u've already got exim runni
At 10:43 PM 5/28/01 -0500, Wayne Sitton wrote:
>I had php-nuke up and running on Debian stable with php4.
>Because of another program I wanted to run, I had to upgrade to woody
>first it un-installed my php4, in dselect when I tried to re-install it
>it complains about the version of apache-com
At 10:59 PM 5/28/01 -0500, techlists wrote:
>The package i have installed is php3-mysql 3.0.18-12
d'oh.. i find that one always worth checking...
i guess its not a mime-type issue then either...
I'd double check your nuke config file for the mysql password, thats how i get
that part
At 03:07 PM 6/6/01 +0800, wayne wrote:
>i setup a debian server,i used rp-pppoe to connect internet through adsl,when
>i finished rp-pppoe's setup,i use "adsl-start",it conected successful,but when
>i ping the internet ip address,nothing reply.what is the problem?i found
>debian has pppoe.deb. w
>It used to work with just port forwarding but since upgrading to
>icq 2000b, user to user file transfers and voice messages
>don't work anymore.
My understanding is you need to specify in ICQ the ports to use and then setup
your portforwarding appropriately.
At 11:34 PM 6/12/01 -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
>Dave Sherohman wrote:
>> Does any tool currently exist that will create an archive of this sort
>> for me? If not, where can I find documentation on setting it up manually?
>apt-ftparchive(1) or dpkg-scanpackages(8), take your pick.
>You really need
>I think somebody has to send an email to Scott McNeally; telling him
>that .deb format is _way_ neater than .pkg.
I believe he knows, last sun seminar I went to they were waxing lyrical
about doing something very similar to apt.
At 09:26 AM 3/8/02 +0700, Oki DZ wrote:
>John Griffiths wrote:
>> I believe he knows, last sun seminar I went to they were waxing lyrical
>> about doing something very similar to apt.
>Is there any distant clue that he suffers from the NIH syndrome? I hope not.
hi guys...
i've just upgraded a machine from potato to woody as practice for the
"Great Leap Forward" to come.
i've got couple of things that while fixable, were certainly suboptimal...
should I submit them as bugs?
for example,
apache access.conf was standard potato install but wouldn't upgra
>The issue isn't whether we should keep racist material out of debian. It's
a matter of providing software without racist material when people don't
want racist material, joke or otherwise. Right now, there is no way to
install bitchx without getting these messages. Contrast with fortunes,
where a
At 04:10 PM 3/14/02 -0300, Daniel Ruoso wrote:
>I live in Brasil, and here, Racism is crime. I think the developer
>should be asked to remove the Offensive Material.
Lets leave national jurisprudence out of this eh?
somewhere in the world, EVERYTHING is illegal...
>b.s.! making fun of someone else's skin color is patently wrong, and i
>don't care how you want to slice it or garnish it with "red herring":
No! bullshit to you
free speech is free.
>> >b.s.! making fun of someone else's skin color is patently wrong, and i
>> >don't care how you want to slice it or garnish it with "red herring":
>> No! bullshit to you
>> free speech is free.
>please. in my country, yelling, "fire," in a crowded theater
>(that is not on fire)
At 06:36 PM 3/19/02 -0800, Jeff wrote:
>curtis, 2002-Mar-19 14:43 -0800:
>> What is the best tool for editing and creating pdf files?
I think you guys are going about this the hard way.
PDF is a display format, not a layout format.
to make pdfs just print your layout fomat to postscript an
you think acrobat "protects" your files with their dinky password system?
it's worse than useless.
pdf version 1.4 is supported by most linux tools now, thats the version
used in Acrobat 5.
At 03:55 PM 3/20/02 -0600, hanasaki wrote:
>Can it password protect them?
>What version of Acrobat is it c
At 11:21 PM 4/11/02 -0400, Gaelle T. Morin wrote:
>Karsten M. Self wrote:
>> Use instead the free xdpf or gv readers, both of which handle (almost
>> all) PDF documents.
>I am using xpdf, but there are font type problems.
>May I know, how to get "Type 3" fonts?
Type 3 fonts are a bitch even un
venience caused.
Republication or re-dissemination, including posting to news groups or web
pages, is strictly prohibited without the express prior consent of Capital
Monitor Pty Ltd.
John Griffiths Tel 02 6273 4899
>Hmm. I just ran xpdf on an old pdf file that was created using TeX, and
>it says:
> Error: This document uses Type 3 fonts - some text may not be correctly
>and gives the same kind of display as what you describe, so this may be
>your problem. xpdf doesn't understand Type 3 fonts. (Ty
>(A _continent_ got the crap bombed out of it?
just darwin
>Very strong internal isolationist sentiments allowed even
>Lend-Lease to only pass Congress after major arm-twisting by
>Roosevelt. The only reason the the USN was able to help
>with GB in the BoA before 07-Dec was by not making
>Last I checked Germany and Australia were both in the Eastern Hemisphere...
oh we are S OT
anyway only one nation on earth divides the world into US and THEM and
calls it the western and eastern hemispheres.
I guess you'd be from the USA then?
>> Ron Johnson wrote:
>Still, wrong hemisphere, wrong ruler...
>Do Aussies have the concept of New World and Old World? Is it
>still the RAN, the RAAF, etc?
Still loyal soldiers of the Queen.
the airforce is RAAF, navy is RAN, the army is the Australian Army, but the
fighting units are all s
At 06:49 PM 5/27/02 -0400, Scott Henson wrote:
>WOW, sponsor one coup and everyone thinks your the bad guy. ;-)
ONE? if only!
I think the resentment is cause by a heady mix of cavalier US Government's
and a population that doesn't care what suffering its government causes
beyond the USA's borde
Monitor Pty Ltd.
John Griffiths Tel 02 6273 4899
Capital Monitor Pty Ltd Fax 02 6273 4905
Press Gallery Mobile: 0412 690 643
Parliament Housee-mail: [EMAIL PROTE
openoffice is the answer
also for pdf files you want a recent veriosn of xpdf to handle the new 1.4
pdf format
At 05:27 PM 5/29/02 -0700, Jim McCloskey wrote:
>Hello. Like others here, I suspect, I've developed over the years a
>little toolbox of stratagems for dealing with the Word documents
At 03:21 PM 5/30/02 +0800, Patrick Hsieh wrote:
>I'd like to raise the MaxClient to 1500 in apache.
>Basically, I have to get apache source and modify the HARD_SERVER_LIMIT
>value in httpd.h and rebuild the .deb package. However, if I use apt-get
>upgrade to upgrade my system packages, I have to re
on the subject of moz, does anyone know of any debs for 1.0 suitable for
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
didn't realise ximinan had done this.
At 11:48 AM 6/11/02 +0800, Paolo Alexis Falcone wrote:
>On Tue, 2002-06-11 at 11:27, John Griffiths wrote:
>> on the subject of moz, does anyone know of any debs for 1.0 suitable for
>> potato?
>If you're
At 07:53 PM 6/11/02 -0400, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
>On 11/06/02 John Griffiths did speaketh:
>> on the subject of moz, does anyone know of any debs for 1.0 suitable for
>> potato?
>You might want to just grab the binary tarball from the Mozilla website.
>My theory is that others experience the same (after all, it's just ones and
>zeros, not weather forcasting), but everyone is afraid to speak up for
>political reasons, since Mozilla is thought of as IE's competitor on Windows.
>End of troll. Dictated, but not read. YMMV IFF you are a lying SOB
>(I repeated the whole experiment twice for each browser, starting them
>and shutting them down after the experiment)
>HW: K6-2 550 w/ 256 MB (Java disabled in Netscape. Don't know about
Mozilla -
>whichever way it comes on Woody)
first problem, woody's version isn't close to the 1.0 re
potato users left out again?
At 09:02 PM 6/20/02 -0500, Kevin C. Smith wrote:
>On Thu, Jun 20, 2002 at 09:26:06PM -0400, Neal Lippman wrote:
>> With Openoffice 1.0 now out, I wondered if there was anyone aware of any
>> for this - or is everyone just compiling their own from source?
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