no gnome-terminal package in sarge?

2003-04-02 Thread Joe Buck
Hi, I recently upgraded a woody box to sarge and found that there is no gnome-terminal package in testing, although there is one in unstable. What's the story here? As a stopgap I am setting things up to use multi-gnome-terminal, but this looks strange. The sid version is gnome2, and the rest of

Re: no gnome-terminal package in sarge?

2003-04-03 Thread Joe Buck
I wrote: > > I recently upgraded a woody box to sarge and found that there is > > no gnome-terminal package in testing, although there is one in unstable. > > What's the story here? On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 11:00:06PM -0500, Travis Crump wrote: > You can get it from >

inefficiencies in apt-get update

2001-01-01 Thread Joe Buck
apt-get update is annoyingly slow for modem-based users, and also puts an unnecessarily heavy load on the servers, for the common case where only a small change is made to the Packages or Source file for a part of the distribution. I just sucked down a megabyte-sized file to find that one line had

Re: Diagnosing poor performance

2002-02-21 Thread Joe Buck
> My laptop has a 4MB vid card, 64 MB RAM, 120MB swap and a Pii 400 > celeron processor. > I'm running enlightenment with konqueror for file management, galeon for > web and evolution for mail. > Performance is appalling. Konqueror takes 13 seconds to launch. Galeon > takes 10 seconds. Evoluti