uilt with docroot as
Anyways, you can use perl to modify the binary, something like:
cp suexec suexec.save
perl -pe 's/\/var\/www/\/\0\0\0\0\0\0\0/' suexec.save > suexec
chmod 4555 suexec
Jeremy C. Reed
.86.9-2 Development library and header files
for Les
Does any one know what I should do or check next?
Jeremy C. Reed
On Sat, 28 Aug 1999, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> I can't compile Ted (richtext word processor)
> I keep getting the error
> ld: cannot open -lXm: No such file or directory
> Usually this means that the -L is set wrong but it says:
> (beginning clipped)
I am running hamm but I don't have the cd; I do have the slink cds.
Where can I download hamm's apt-get so I can upgrade to slink?
My machine dual boots, but I accidently set debian up to use GMT.
How can i change it so I can have the real time?
antelope:/etc# more timezone
antelope:/etc# date
Thu May 13 07:01:16 PDT 1999
**BUT it is really 2:01 p.m. PDT
Jeremy C. Reed
mpile even though I have installed
slink's GTK-dev etc...)
Jeremy C. Reed
What is the best/easiest way to stop gpm and the ssh daemon from starting
at boot? (Should I just manually remove *gpm and *ssh from /etc/init.d
and from /etc/rc?.d ??)
I can not remove the packages because I use the ssh client and the gpm
library is needed by another package.
Jeremy C. Reed
pm1 which recommends gpm or xbase
and xbase does not appear to be available on my slink cd.
so I used deselect to remove gpm and then pressed Q to accept the conflict
and the gimp still works.
so do i really need gmp?
ybe Apple OS X will start
using them too?)
Jeremy C. Reed
look at many things.
> in pop3 configuration or radius?
Does their internet connections work? Then probably Radius works. (If not,
did they change the IPs that were assigned correctly?)
Jeremy C. Reed
http://bsd.reedmedia.net/ -- BSD news and resources
Use something like:
hwclock --systohc --utc
Jeremy C. Reed
I think you answered your own question: "I'm not using bbkeys".
Read the blackbox documentation and webpage.
Jeremy C. Reed
echo 'G014AE824B0-07CC?/JJFFFI?D64CB>D=3C427=>;>6HI2>
a google's usenet search, but never found an
answer within all the noise about logo contests and framebuffers. Feel
free to point me to documentation, FAQ or mailing list posting that
answers this question.
Jeremy C. Reed
BSD software
iling list. The debian.org
archive was last updated on Monday and the geocrawler.com archive doesn't
show anything yet. Please consider Cc'ing messages to me.)
Jeremy C. Reed
FAQs for ISPs
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