to see your options at the boot prompt, just press the tab key. that will
give you a list of available partitions lilo is configured to boot from. if
you want to change lilo options, boot into linux, by typing in linux at the
boot prompt, and edit your /etc/lilo.conf file. the default=w
hello all,
i'm having a small problem with apt-get and was wondering if anyone can
help out. i'm running woody by the way. everyday i run apt-get update and
apt-get upgrade, but i always get these errors when performing the upgrade.
Failed to fetch
daemons are located in /etc/init.d
to start lpd for example
# /etc/init.d/lpd start
to stop
# /etc/init.d/lpd stop
to control which runlevel a daemon is stopped/started automatically, use the
command update-rc.d. as an example:
# update-rc.d -f lpd add
hope this helps you out!
Use the command update-rc.d, you can easily manage the rc directories with
> Hi all,
> I would like to ask a question that has come to my mind...
> How should be the /etc/rcx.d directories managed ? (replace x with a
> number)
> I currently have runlevel 2 with gdm set and 3 with
If your hardware is listed somewhere on this page, debian will work
> I am thinking of installing Debian on my PC.
> Could somebody send me a list of supported hardware?
> Thanks,
> Dimitar
> --
> Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscrib
You need to install binutils, as you are missing the as86 assembler.
Also, i would run make bzImage, instead of make zImage, compression on the
kernel will be better.
-Original Message-
From: Gutierrez Family [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2000 11:46
oops, my bad. you need the bin86 package. sorry about that.
> -Original Message-
> From: Jason Holland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 6:18 AM
> To: Gutierrez Family;
> Subject: RE: Error compiling
Not that this was the correct address to send this to, but AT LEAST you
could spell it right! please see the following link on the CORRECT way to
do this!
> -Original Message-
> From: James Grant [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday
FYI, there is a little program called Bootpart, that will allow you to add
linux to the nt boot manager menu. having done that, you would no longer
need the floppy. floppies are slow, and die often! you will, of course,
need lilo installed, but pointing to the root partition of your linux
hey all,
ever since i upgraded to woody, i've been getting a size mismatch with
Get:2 woody/main tetex-lib 1.0.7+2807-2 [33.4kB]
Failed to fetch
Size mismatch
Yep, usually running apt-get update twice fixes it for me also. A few times
i had to manually install all the updates. Yuk! :) Thanks for the replies!
> Jason Holland wrote:
> >
> > hey all,
> > ever since i upgraded to woody, i've been getting a s
Is there anyway to bypass the size check? I didn't see anything in the man
page. Just curious..
> Gareth Bowker wrote:
> > I get this every so often too. I just rerun apt-get update. What seems
> > to happen is that the last byte of the packages isn't being downloaded
> > for som
yeah, that would be important. looks like I'm gonna be looking at some
source code today. and to think my day started out boring. thanks!
> >
> > Is there anyway to bypass the size check? I didn't see
> anything in the man
> > page. Just curious..
> Having never looked into the detail
have you tried the creative opensource site???
You will find the latest daily source snapshots for the SB Live card. I
managed to get it working at home.
> Hello fellow coneheads.
> I have a soundblaster 1024 Live, and I cant seem to get it
> working.
Better yet, install openssh. it has both sshv1 and sshv2 support.
> In potato I would like to have ssh2 with ssh1 compatibility. I
> installed ssh-nonfree for ssh1, also installed ssh2, and set in
> /etc/ssh2_config the option Ssh1AgentCompatibility to
> "tra
According to
its the SVGA server.
>Can anybody help me to find the xserver for the Diamond Viper V550?
>thx Ton
PHP needs the apache source dir to properly compile. Your php configure
line should look more like this
$./configure --with-apache=../apache_1.3.12 --with-interbase --with-apxs
$ make
$ make install
You then must tell apache to use the php4 module
$ cd ../apache_1.3.12
$ ./configure --ac
'winipcfg' under windows 95/98
'ipconfig /all' under NT
'ifconfig | grep HWaddr' under linux
> > Hello, I am trying to configure webramp router. It keeps asking me MAC
> > address of the computer. Do any of yoy know how to find out the MAC
> > address? Is it th
Try putting the option 'prompt' at the top of your lilo.conf and running
/sbin/lilo to write the changes. You also might want to increase the
'timeout' option as well.
> On Sat, Jul 22, 2000 at 06:55:57PM +1000, Chris Marsh wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am a newbie to Debian having just instal
i wouldn't replace it, but simply add linux to the menu so each os can
safely coexist. here is a little utility that will do that for you,
provided you install LILO at the beginning of your root partition, and NOT
the mbr.
> -Original Message-
try this
# dd if=imagefile of=/dev/fd0
or whatever device your floppy is
> Hello Zach,
> Have you used rawrite or dd? The disk-files are disk-images, this means,
> they should be copied bit by bit to a disk, and not by some tools which
> use the file-system, which is on the disk.
> By
I don't know what version that magazine had, but if you got to, and register, you can download, or order a free
version of Oracle 8i (8.1.6) for linux, either enterprise or standard
edition. its a pretty sweet deal! kudos to oracle!
> Hi,
> I've s
I've installed Oracle 8i on a woody box. I didn't use any documentation,
I am not sure if there is any, but I just ran the installer off the cd. it
worked perfectly.
> Hi!
> I would like to know if there is a possibility to install oracle in
> debian and if there is some
> d
The download size is i think 300 megs?? I would order the cd though. It
comes in a few weeks, and its a full working, unlimited version. I can't
remember anything about the license though, that is probably where they get
> Hi,
> Very. But for us poor miserable slobs here in 56k
> In "Running Linux", the example lilo.conf includes the line
>boot = /dev/hda
this is used if LILO will be the controlling boot manager for the system.
The bios will read this first when the system is turned on.
> This will install LILO into the master boot record (MBR) of hda. The
> ex
I set my shell env settings http_proxy and ftp_proxy and it works perfect.
> I can't go through our intranet proxy, although I configure my
> apt.conf file to use it...
> Is there a HOWTO about 'apt-get' ? (and other 'apt' programs?)
> Please show me an URL, where I can see a usable '
Do you have this in your httpd.conf
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
?? You need this to map the cgi-script handler to all .cgi scripts. And
you probably can take that extra Options line out, you don't need to tell
apache Options ExecCGI twice. Also, your directory definition probably
should look li
yes, grab the latest modutils
the latest is 2.3.19.
There are quite a few changes you need to learn about. I suggest reading
Documentation/Changes in your 2.4 kernel source tree.
> i make 2.4.0 test 8 kernel before,by the co
oops, and woody contains 2.3.19 if your running it.
> -Original Message-
> From: Jason Holland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 9:43 AM
> Subject: RE: question about my 2.4 test10 k
I do this in a script
for tty in /dev/tty[1-9]*; do
/usr/bin/setleds -D +num < $tty
The relevant information being the setleds command.
> How do I make my numlock pad active from start?
> Thanks,
> Antonio.
> --
> Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe
You can recreate your by running make install in /usr/src/linux,
or wherever your kernel source is that you recently recompiled.
> Recently I started getting a message when I do a ps -ef | grep *something.
> The message reads about my system map not matching my kernel. I re
Hi Stan,
you don't need anything extra to install Oracle 8i in Debian. java comes
with oracle, you need no extra java packages. If your not building a
production machine, 64MB would probably work, but I would not run X at the
same time, otherwise, go with 128MB. Hope this helps
> Cool. thnaks.
> I would have sworn somewhere that I had seen that the
> Oracle installer required
> a particular JRE, Blcakdown I think.
I think previous versions required this. Earlier than 8.1.6. But Oracle
was nice enough, and smart enough, to include this in 8i for us
It looks like the vfat partition type is not supported by the kernel your
running. Are you using modules?? If so, try loading it before you try and
mount the partition.
modprobe vfat
also, are you sure its a vfat partition? second, are you sure that is the
correct partition number? fdisk -l /
You can use scp, secure copy, included with openssh. It has the same syntax
as rsh, but traffic is entrypted.
> hi,
> Unfortunately I haven't found a solution to the following yet:
> I need a secure(1) file transfer method (passwords and data travelling
> encrypted through the networ
> After hours and hours of aggravation I was finally able to get both
> Windoze and Debian installed on my wife's compaq presario. Because of
> partioning problems (I think) I had to install win98 in the first
> partition and it finally worked fine. I will copy some of the files from
> the CD
What does your lilo.conf file look like?
You should have something like this
in your image section
> I have a network set up (one other machine) and have now decided to go
> to cable for Internet access (phone service here is painfully slow, and
> won't be g
To get rid of that, put this line in your /etc/modules.conf file
alias char-major-10-135 off
> Hello debs,
> How do I fix the following?
> modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-10-135
> This appears when booting my potato box. Why does this come up?
> I me
that file by hand?
> is that the "proper" way of doing it, or is there an official
> debian method
> that doesn't involve editing that file by hand?
> pete
> On Sat 16 Dec 00, 8:02 PM, Jason Holland said...
> > Sven,
> > To get rid of that,
i use proftpd, its pretty sweet. the config file syntax is a lot like
apache config files. its stable, good performance, and more secure that
wu-ftpd i think. just my personal $0.02. later
> Hi,
> Could you recommend the best ftp server for my Linux-Debian box?
> Thanks,
> --
I did. Until i used aumix to change the volume, and it fixed the problem.
No more low sound. :)
> >Finally can hear sound, but with low volume and when I try to move the
> >control in the mixer the sound vanishes.
> I have a similar problem. When I installed my SBLive, the volume
> is
what modultils version are you using?? the 2.4 series requires at least
version 2.3.18 or above. check your
/usr/src/linux-2.4/Documentation/Changes file for other relevant software
updates you might need to make. If that is not the problem, imm.o is the
driver for an Iomega parallel po
Try looking at the top of your /usr/src/linux/Makefile
or whatever...
> -Original Message-
> From: Robert Newton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 12:27 PM
> To:
> Subject: incorrect kernel
> i originally compiled imm support as a module because you never
> know when a
> friend will come over with one of these things...
> well, i recompiled the kernel and modules without imm support,
> and there are
> no complaints from depmod.
> but this kind of sucks! it's precisely the reaso
> -Original Message-
> From: Peter Jay Salzman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 1:30 PM
> To: Debian user mailing list
> Subject: Re: depmod question
> On Tue 19 Dec 00, 1:08 PM, Jason Holland said...
> > Peter,
> > wh
yes, install cpan and use cpan to install dbi. ppm i believe is for active
perls port to windows. cpan is the unix equivalent.
> I have installed Perl 5, it works ;-)
> I have installed Mysql, it works also
> Now someone tell me about DBI ?
> Is there an easy way to install this (
cpan is pretty awesome for installing perl modules.
> OK, can you tell me how to do this, apt-get could not find it,
> neither could
> dselect ;-(
> Cheers for your help ;-)
> James.
> - Original Message -
> From:
me how to do this, apt-get could not find it,
> > neither could
> > dselect ;-(
> >
> > Cheers for your help ;-)
> >
> > James.
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Jason Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "jam
check out mkboot. its a pretty sweet way to create a boot floppy in case of
emergencies. :)
> Hi all
> Well I was wondering can one transfer lilo onto a stiffy and boot from
> that?
> Scenario:
> You reinstall windows (wich is on the same drive as linux) and it
> overwrites your mbr.
reply works for me. see, it just did! :)
> Hi all... just a curious question: whenever I
> reply to a message, I have to manually enter the
> address. (well, I
> cut and paste) I was just wondering why the
> list's "reply to" address isn't set
> to [EMAI
have you tried DBD-mysql??
> Can anyone point me into the right direction
> I would appreciate some sample code.
> I have created a database within mysql, its fine, I can get Perl
> to talk to
> it.
> I need to know how to create the htm and I guess a perl/cgi code
> to talk to
> the
In /etc/modules.conf
alias sound emu10k1
should do the trick.
> I have auto module loading compiled into my kernel. How do I
> specify that when an application attempts to access the sound
> hardware that the kernel should install the emu10k1 module into the
> running kern
> A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
> > i've been using stock kernel 2.2.17 that came with potato. it
> > recognized my 3com nic (as 3com 3c905c) and works wonderfully.
> >
> > i would like to ungrade to kernel 2.4.0 (now that it's stable).
> > after rebooting a custom 2
Devfs has a compatibility mode which can be turned on. it enables the old
device paths, like /dev/hda4, to coexist with the new paths, though mount
will report the new path.
> On Sat, Jan 06, 2001 at 01:34:07PM -0500, S.Salman Ahmed wrote:
> >
> > I have one question regarding devfs: d
> On Sat, Jan 06, 2001 at 06:38:16PM -0600, Jason Holland wrote:
> > Devfs has a compatibility mode which can be turned on. it
> enables the old
> > device paths, like /dev/hda4, to coexist with the new
> paths, though mount
> > will report the new path.
> SubSection "Display"
> Depth 32
> Modes "default"
> Virtual 1024 768
> EndSubSection
> EndSection
Take the Virtual line out
1 PM
> Cc: 'Debian User'
> Subject: Re: FrameBuffer and XF86
> "Jason Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > SubSection "Display"
> > > Depth 32
> > > Mo
incorrect. openssh is NOT licensed at all. it includes ssh v1, ssh v2 and
> -Original Message-
> From: Joris Lambrecht [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 3:11 AM
> To: 'Benjamin Pharr';
> Subject: RE: SSH
> Onl
I have compiled everything from 2.4 test5 on up to 2.4.1 pre8 on my woody
box, using gcc 2.95.2 and it has worked fine, without any compiler
complications. to disable framebuffer you will need to recompile.
-Original Message-
From: Joris Lambrecht [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Th
59 matches
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