On Fri, Oct 02, 1998 at 09:56:42PM +0800, zuwi wrote:
> When I tried to dpkg --configure libpam0g, it told me this depends on
> libpam0g-util, and libpam0g-util had not been configured, so failed.
> Then I tried to dpkg --configure libpam0g-util, it told me this depends on
> libpam0g, and (of co
On Mon, Oct 05, 1998 at 02:38:03PM +0100, J.Miguel Signes wrote:
> The system is an Intel Pentium, at 90 MHz, with 24 MB RAM.
> There is an Adaptec AIC-7850 Host SCSI Adapter (BIOS v1.11) at
Have you tried using the special disk images for that SCSI adapter?
[Redirected to -user]
On Mon, Oct 05, 1998 at 09:36:57AM -0400, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
> I just noticed that glimpse is *not* on my _official_ LSL Debian 2.0 disk
> set. Strange.
There's nothing strange about it. Glimpse does not meet the Debian Free
Software Guidelines (IIRC, because the lice
On Wed, Oct 07, 1998 at 08:43:50AM -0500, Brian Armstrong wrote:
> Typed:make config which resulted in the following:
> make:***No rule to make target config! Stop.
You need to be in the top level directory of the kernel source to run "make
On Thu, Oct 08, 1998 at 09:25:53AM +0200, Mans Joling wrote:
>How do I install my HP Deskjet500 under linux
Using a printer cable :-) Seriously though, install the "magicfilter"
package. It is fairly easy to set up, and allows you to print all kinds of
files using via the "lpr" command.
[Courtesy copy of Usenet posting]
>I would like to install some non-free and contrib Debian 2.0 packages. I
>have main, non-free and contrib on three different CDs.
>I select a package from contrib that depends on another package on
>non-free, dselect
On Fri, Oct 09, 1998 at 09:12:11AM +0200, Bostjan JERKO wrote:
> > libXpm.so.4 => /usr/lib/libc5-compat/libXpm.so.4 (0x400eb000)
> I seem to be missing this library. Can anybody tell me in which package it
> is included.
The libc5 xpm libraries are in
On Mar 19, Nathan O. Siemers wrote
> There's no big syntax error that I can see (with my uneducated eyes)
> in that area of "available",
The section before it most likely has an entry with a ':' in the version
numbering. This is a use of the new "epoch" feature in dpkg (to deal with
packages whose
On Mar 19, Alexander Koch wrote
> So you may see what Mutt is like. But you should be careful. I'd say:
> stick with the Debian- MUTT- Package and you're fine. It's not as news as
> the real MUTT but it _works_ (believe me, it's a bit tricky to make it
It is. Due to unclarity wrt ITAR for package
On Mar 19, Luis Francisco Gonzalez wrote
> after reading about mutt I decided to try again (first time it would give
> some sort of error). Anyway, I like it very much but sort of miss the
> menus in elm. Is there any way of activating the menu display (as was
> possible under elm). I have looked
On Mar 20, Hamish Moffatt wrote
> > It is. Due to unclarity wrt ITAR for packages with hooks for crypto,
> > such as mutt, the Debian mutt packages resides on debian-non-US sites
> > nowadays. I've reported a bug against ftp.debian.org to get the old
> > package removed.
> Which is odd, because
On Mar 21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
> I want to install debian on different PC's using same selection of
> packages for each PC. Is it possible if I have one PC fully configured
> to take its list of installed packages and install these on a
> second pc, whithout having to go through the
Can one of our non-X newsreaders deal reasonably with MIME messages?
(by "reasonably" I mean along the way mutt works for mail: decode
base64/quoted-printable messages and headers, handle text/* itself, and
offer to run metamail for non-text parts (e.g. application/postscript);
being able to send
On Mar 21, Ken Gaugler wrote
> This guy must not really want anyone to send him help via email!
["REFUSED" message deleted]
I appreciate help via email very much (which is why my Usenet posts don't
have mangled From:s). However, I don't want to waste time on junk email
(aka UCE, aka bulk mail aka
On Mar 26, J. LILLIBRIDGE wrote
> I'm running Debian Linux at home. When I send e-mail out, I want to have
> the From: header say [EMAIL PROTECTED] I've figured out how to get
> nmsu.edu put in there (instead of [EMAIL PROTECTED]). But my login here at
> home is just jl. What is the best way to
On Feb 28, Dale Martin wrote
> Can anyone point me to an online reference on how to compile and use
> shared libraries?
Check out "ELF: from the Programmer's Perspective" by H.J. Lu:
On Apr 2, Richard Kilgore wrote
> What happenned to mutt? It was in the mail subdirectory for a little bit,
> and it still appears in the Packages file, but the latest .deb file (or an
> old one for that matter) is nowhere to be found.
I withdrew it from the regular distribution and moved it to d
On Apr 10, digger vermont wrote
> I'm upgrading from 1.2 to bo and at tetex-*'s request am trying to run
> "dpkg --purge --force-depends latex". This is the response I get:
> (Reading database ... 31313 files and directories currently installed.)
> Removing latex ...
> Removing latex format(s) u
On Apr 15, Remco van de Meent wrote
> I'm using Debian 1.2, patched up to level 9, together with qmail-1.00,
> majordomo-1.94.1 (patched for use with qmail) and hypermail-1.02-2.
Once upon a long ago, the Debian lists' web archive was based on hypermail.
Unfortunately, hypermail began to exhibit c
On Apr 18, Shane D. McAndrew wrote
> I have a strange problem whilst reading the debian-user mailing lists with
> my mail reader Elm 2.4 PL25 and metamail 2.7-15.
The "unstable" tree now has "elm-me+", which has better support for MIME and
PGP than plain old elm; you might want to use that (or "mu
On Apr 29, Danny ter Haar wrote
> During the upgrade i saw the following message:
> Update-menus: Dpkg is locking dpkg status area: forking to background
> and wait for /var/lib/dpkg/lock to become unlocked.
> Setting up lynx (2.7-2) ...
> Configuration file `/etc/lynx.cfg'
> The defau
On May 1, Paul van Berlo wrote
> geez:) I'm encountering too many problems lately.. anyways.. I just tried
> to install libc6 from unstable.. (yes.. I know.. unstable.. but I dont
> care:) How can I safely install it? because libc6 conflicts with libc-dev
> and libc5-dev provides libc-dev.. but if
On May 1, Nikolaj Richers wrote
> Can anyone think of a utility or word processor that can read Postscript
> files and save them in a common WP or even TeX format?
I'm afraid such a utility does not (and up to a certain degree, can not)
exist. PostScript is a full general programming language, and
On May 2, Ted Harding wrote
> The closest you'll find to what you're looking for is in the "pstools"
> package, which at best will extract the text characters in the order of
> printing, but totally unformatted. It may, however, do a lot worse than
> that.
Which program are you referring to, Ted?
On May 5, Paul Serice wrote
> I've installed ssltelnet, but can't find much documentation.
> Is this thing secure? Do all I do is telnet in and out using the new
> programs? How do I know if a secure connection has been established? If
> a secure connection is established, does it just protec
On May 13, Brent Hutto wrote
> I've seen references a couple of times to something like a "Linux Standard
> File System" (of course, now I can't quite locate the document(s) where I
> saw it). Is that a document that exists somewhere like HOWTO or similar? A
> pointer would be appreciated.
On May 13, Rolf Obrecht wrote
> On Tue, 13 May 1997, Gernot Bauer wrote:
> > what do I have to change if I want the xdm-login and all further screens
> > to be at least 16 bit (when I dont use xdm I get the right screen depth
> > with "xinit -- -bpp 16" but how does this work with xdm)?
> >
> Chan
On May 15, E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote
[problems when cron jobs are never executed on systems that aren't switched
on 24hrs/day ?]
> Could this be harmful?
AFAIK: not really. It does mean that logs keep on growing, but that's easily
> I think a lot of people using linux at home don't leave th
On May 26, Alexander Koch wrote
> > Your message was addressed incorrectly. Here is a list of all of the
> > valid addresses in the lists.debian.org domain:
> > debian-admintool-REQUEST: request ser
On May 27, Mark Glassberg wrote
> I wish to install the latest Debian package while retaining the /root and
> /home directories of my old a.out Slackware system. Can I do this and, if
> so, what is the best way?
Disclaimer: this comes from memory; please check for yourself.
The Debian boot/root
On May 27, Alexander Koch wrote
> I got some problems with depmod.
Please check that you are using the latest Debian version; older versions
somtimes dumped core on 'depmod -a'.
> What is the latest version of modutils (?) to upgrade to?
modutils_2.1.34-5.deb on the mirror I use.
> And, while a
On May 28, Alex Yukhimets wrote
> By the way, where are ddd-dmotif and ddd-smotif packages?
They are no more; they were quite out of date (1.4). I don't have motif, and
thus cannot build them.
> The package ddd (compiled with lesstif) leaves core dumps all over the
> place itself.
That should c
On Jun 1, Karl M. Hegbloom wrote
>I installed the shadow stuff from experimental a while back, and now I'd
>like to move to the newer shadow suite with 1.3. When I `dpkg -i` it
>though, `dpkg` tells me that shadow-login is essential, and won't let the
>upgrade happen.
I had this to, but I don't r
On Jun 2, Magic wrote
> I have a problem with afterstep. I love this window-maneger but...
> I haven't an icon on my Wharf :-( For example...
Are your running in 8bpp mode (256 colours) perhaps?
>From /usr/doc/afterstep/FAQ.gz:
3.3. Icons disappear from Wharf. What's wrong?
You are most li
On Jun 2, Matthew Tebbens wrote
> Maybe someone can help me with a few problems I'm having with DDD.
> At certian times (or mouse clicks) in the program, I get the following:
> ---
> Error: PANIC: no geometry_manager procedure spe
On Jun 5, stephen farrell wrote
> Oh geez... what have I done? I can't seem to figure out which library
> is missing, but if I try to compile, e.g.:
> /tmp/cca027141.o: In function `main':
> /tmp/cca027141.o(.text+0xe): undefined reference to `_stdprintf'
OK. Linker errors. Please pr
On Jun 9, Sebastien Phelep wrote
> gcc is; libg++ is /
> I guess it's because I've used "unstable" packages, but I'm note sure.
> Does anybody knows what's the problem is ?
Debian's gcc packages by default use with libc6; for libc6 you need
the "libg++272"
On Jun 10, Eugene Sevinian wrote
> This string frequently appears in my auth.log. Does it mean that something
> wrong with security?
Probably not. It is most likely a result of your system running
/etc/cron.daily/find, which updates the database used by "locate"; this
update is done as "nobody"
On Jun 10, Fredrik Ax wrote
> On Mon, 9 Jun 1997, Max Stevens wrote:
> > :0:
> > * ^TOdebian-user
> > debian-user
> If match "* ^To.*debian-user" you will miss all CC:ed and BCC:ed mail to
^TO != ^To. TO also catches Cc and Bcc. See procmailrc(5):
| If the regular ex
On Jun 10, Andrea Arcangeli wrote
> How can port my programs that
> require "chat2.pl";
> making it to work with perl 4.004?
5.004, you mean?
> es.
> chat::close($fh);
Randal Schwartz (author of chat2.pl) has made some Usenet postings on this:
- go to http://www.dejanews.com>
- select "power se
On Jun 10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
>During the installation phase, text flew by on my screen, seldom pausing.
>I believe install went well until post-configuration. As text flew by, I
>saw some "broken pipe" and either "gzip" or "grep" errors, until dselect
>hung on post-configuring xfnt75.
As some of you may have noticed already, the http://www.debian.org/FTP/
interface unfortunately has duplicated entries in it.
The script that generates it does a 'find' through all the directories
of the FTP archive. To be precisely, it does a
find unstable contrib non-free -name '*.d
[my find/symlink problem: find each file _once_ in the FTP directory
structure; to remove duplicates from http://www.debian.org/FTP/]
Phil> How about:
Phil> find unstable/* contrib non-free -name '*.deb'
Phil> It won't find hidden files in unstable/, but it doesn't look like you
Phil> want to
> I remember having heard of some way to mount a *file* as filesystem. I
> would want to use this to mount an iso9660 filesystem that is created as
> file. Still with me? :)
> I couldn't find info on this anywhere.
It's documented in the kernel's Configure.help:
Loop device support
> Is it common knowledge that the search engine isn't working on
> www.debian.org?
It should by now be common knowledge that no CGI script whatsoever
is working on www.debian.org.
Explanation: www.debian.org has moved to another machine. In order to
make mirroring it easier, it has been decided t
> In an old package list, I have copied in August, the debian
> pgp packages (US and international) were in non-free.
To prevent problems because of US export restrictions, the
PGP packages were moved outside of the US.
Currently, you can find them at
[linking C++ code with gcc fails]:
>gcc -o test test.cc
> both give the following (linker) errors:
> /tmp/cca001121.o: In function `main':
> /tmp/cca001121.o(.text+0x13): undefined reference to `cout'
> /tmp/cca001121.o(.text+0x13): undefined reference to
> `ostream:operator<<(char co
> I have been told that InfoMagic has just released a 6 cd-rom set for
> linux which includes the Debian/GNU Linux 1.1.4. Is this a stable
> and recent version or is a later version out there?
The numbered releases are stable, but not frozen: once fixes are applied,
the last number is incremente
[Johannes complained about dselect not allowing you to override
> But as it is currently, maintaining a Debian system by using
> deselect is a real pain ...
'dselect' is aimed at normal users, and what you see as restrictions
in at, can also be seen as preventive measures.
If you d
> In libwww-perl there is a command GET that makes the trick.
> If you have a squid proxy, you can read it next time directly from
> cache. Otherwise, you can put it to a file.
Wouldn't it be easier to use 'lynx' (-dump or -source or somesuch)
or 'snarf'?
> On Mon, 11 Nov 1996, Lawrence Chim wr
Lars wrote:
> To sign e-mail by hand, you should save the text into a file,
> say foo, and then run PGP with the -sta options:
[example deleted]
You can do this from inside an editor too; for VIM, select the body
(shift-V) and do
!pgp -fast
(pgp as [f]ilter; [a]
I wrote:
> On our Sun systems, we have two versions of vim,
> with 4.2, you don't get too see pgp's prompt for the passphrase, and
> pgp's stderr output is captured by the pipe too;
> with 3.0, you get too see pgp's prompt, and the pipe command doesn't
> capture stderr.
> Stuart, I like 3.0
> Is there a version of Hypermail (the web-based mail archiver) for Debian?
Having used Hypermail, I recommend mhonarc (hypermail dumped core when used
on large archives on FreeBSD), which is packaged:
Version: 1.2.3-2 Last modified: Mon Sep 23 09:19:52 1996
Architecture: i386
> Are there any programs available for linux that allow you to
> logon to a normal telnet getty and then start up a PPP connection from
> the command line? I have a dialup connection to the whole network, but
> the PPP lines for this school are monstrously overcrowded.
I'm not aware of such
> Is there SCCS for Linux? I have been able to find it.
True SCCS is commercial.
Try a dejanews (www.dejanews.com) search on "SCCS Linux"; it
results in 50+ hits, including a references to the following URL:
Hope this helps,
> In the past few weeks I've had a lot of problems with various
> binaries losing their suid bits. For example, I upgraded smail
> to the latest (package), and started getting errors from smail
> telling me it couldn't write to the paniclog. It wasn't suid,
> as it should've been. A few people have
[moved to debian-user@lists.debian.org; you were using debian-changes!]
Fundamental writes:
> I have installed the kernel source, and when i get to teh stage where i
> should make deb ; make clean i get the following error,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] [/usr/src/linux]: make deb
> make: *** No rule to
Fundamental writes:
> I was wondering where i could get these libraries from? I searched the
> ftp.debian.org via the web debian package finder and came up with nothing.
Get the libgdbm* packages from the base and devel sections; they provide
J.H.M. Dassen | RU
On Jan 15, Walter Tautz wrote
> other than pine. I would like a simple curses based
> reader
> that easily allows one to configure the mail to read
> automatically into separate folders depending on
> the address it came from,
I'm not sure if I'm understanding you here: if you want incoming mail
On Jan 16, Bob Clark wrote
> I think you want the gs package,
Yes. The non-free one if possible, because it is better.
> actually gv is probably "better".
No. ghoscript is a PostScript interpreter, with very limited viewing
capabilities; gv and ghostview are PostScript viewers that use ghostscri
On Jan 17, Jan Camenisch wrote
[cron suggestion for machines that don't run all day]
> How about a (cron) job, that executed every time the
> machine gets booted and that checks when the cron jobs
> were executed for the last time. If these for were not
> executed for say two days (weeks, months)
On Jan 20, Karl M. Hegbloom wrote
> I discovered today, while attempting to compile the modutils for the
> Linux 2.1.21 development kernel, that Debian installs a set of kernel
> includes into /usr/include/{asm,linux}, rather than the standard
> symlinks to the kernel source tree!
There are good
On Jan 21, Eloy A. Paris wrote
> I'd like to know if someone can give me a link to a place where I can read
> the Debian review made by the Linux Journal staff in their November 1996
> issue.
I don't think you can find it online yet. But, http://www.ssc.com/lj/mags.html
gives an email address for
On Feb 18, Hamish Moffatt wrote
> > So, what else are the links good for? Most programs do not
> > (and should not) depend on kernel version specific api's; and the
> > handful that do should ask for and include -I/usr/src/linux anyway.
> Has anyone had any luck compiling (z)ftape 3.02 on
On Feb 18, Dr. Andreas Wehler wrote
> I would like to resolve these many abbreviations today, as
> So, is there any appropriate dictionary? Thanks.
Of course,
On Feb 20, Bruce Perens wrote
> I think what we need first is a person to coordinate all of the oldbies
> who are answering questions. There has to be a schedule, perhaps a mail
> alias that is directed to different people at different times, etc.
> Second, we need a person who edits all of the
On Feb 27, Steve Reid wrote
> I'm trying to configure a PLIP connection between two machines, but I'm
> having some problems...
> It looks as if the PLIP device is not compiled into the kernel. I don't
> get any message regarding PLIP when I boot, but I _know_ I have PLIP
> compiled into the
> I have a problem with the Debian web site: http://www.debian.org/
> The "Name", "Description", and "Maintainer" fields of some of the packages are
> empty, trying to download such a package results in an "Unknown URL" error.
> However this problem is not quiet reproduceable. Last week the p
[Please fix your return address: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" is incomplete]
> I'd like to have some info about locale handling in Debian. The
> /usr/lib/locale directory has just an emty dir en_GB in it.
> I tried to set LANG to fr_FR or ISO-8859-1 (which Linux should
> support) but nvi still does not
> I have come at the following but it doesn't work (and can't figger
> out why not from the manpages).
> find / -size +459976c -noleaf -type f -name '*.deb'|\
> xargs -n 1 dpkg-split -s {} && rm {}
> I was thinking that {} would be replaced by the filename but that's
> not the case. Anyone k
> The search system has not responded tonight while I was searching
> for a solution to this problem.
"has not reponded" is a very vague description. Can you give a better
one please?
> another question(s): what good is an extensive mailing list archive if the
> search system does not work? Also
> a couple of weeks ago I reported a problem with the web site:
> >I have a problem with the Debian web site: http://www.debian.org/
> >The "Name", "Description", and "Maintainer" fields of some of the packages
> >are
> >empty, trying to download such a package results in an "Unknown URL" error
> I have a problem with root login again. All other logins are fine,
> but root login is waiting after I typed the password. Even
> su isn't working anymore. I updtated some packages, including
> a few from Incoming this morning, after reboot, this behaviour
> is present. Sound familiar, a solution
> When I dpkg -iGBE netsc*.deb, I get the message that Netscape wants to
> see the archive netscape*.tar.gz in /tmp. Nothing further seems to
> happen. The obvious thing to try was to cd /tmp, then run dpkg, but
> alas, no joy:-(
> What's the story?
The story is available via "dpkg --info net
> I don't know why there is a libc5-dev. If I install a new kernel,
> it comes with its only kernel headers. Is it necessary to install
> lib5-dev in order to compile programs.
Yes. The kernel headers are not enough to compile even a normal "Hello, world!"
program. etc are libc headers, and ar
> Heh, I have a problem.
> I got a virus on my Windows partition ( And YES I did scan it first with
> norton ).
> But After I debugged, and fixed as much as I could, everything looked
> good...
> But now on boot up - LILO dosent show... It just boots into win - blows (
> oops, I meant Wondows ;).
> Is there shadow password support for debian yet? (Or PAM?)
Yes. There is an experimental shadow package, and a libpam has
recently been uploaded (expect it to be visible in a few days).
> Does debian use the "user groups" system that redhat uses, that makes each
> user be in a group containing
> There was some kind of a bug in 2.0.7, so 2.0.8 was released; similarly
> for 2.0.8->2.0.9 and 2.0.9->2.0.10. 2.0.8 is however, stable. This is
> the kernel
> which the current Debian installation uses.
> >the message "Can't resolve symbol llseek".
> This sounds like a programming error.
> Can someone point me toward the FAQ or HOWTO that will explain the
> issues with Motif?
Please clarify what you mean by "the issues".
> Why is Motif hard to come by
Because it is commercial software. You have to pay for it.
Several vendors sell Motif for Linux. See the "Linux Commercial HOWTO
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Jean Orloff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Thu, 22 Aug 1996 17:00:07 -0700, Ken Gaugler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> Ken> At 10:33 AM 8/22/96 -0700, you wrote:
> >> Is there a digested version of this mailing list?...
> Ken> Check out http://www.debian.org/List
> as86 -0 -a -o bootsect.o bootsect.s
> make[3] as86: command not found.
> Any ideas what am doing wrong?
Nothing. You just don't have a package installed that is required to build
the kernel:
bin86 (29 Kb)
Section: devel
Version: 0.3-1 Last modified: Fri Apr 26 10:47:00 1996
Architecture: i3
> It just occured to me that any evil intentioned or mad maintainer could add
> rm -rf /
> or anything of this sort in a postinst script.
Yes. Or hide stuff in the binaries. You need root permissions to install
stuff in /bin etc.
> I just would like to know what kind of protection debian co
> Is there an official Debian Logo? I haven't found one.
There was one: a "baby-gnu". It was decided to drop it following the
troubles with the FSF (the "lignux" stuff).
I still have copies:
> >Also, I receive this message when past this point and writing the
> >inode tables, "256/350 mkfs.ext2: Can't resolve symbol llseek"
> >
> >Does anyone have any idea what is going on here?
> The install discs have a slimmed-down version of C library on them to
> allow the rest of the install
> I maintain a mirror of ftp.debian.org for internal use (we've got several
> linux machines), however, the last several times I've started to run
> mirror its reported:
> compare directories (src 8356, dest 32957)
> I'm not too keen on letting 3/4 of the mirror get toasted, so I've
> killed
> I'm using Debian .96 and have a need to change all the files in a
> directory from uppercase to lowercase (ftp'ed from DOS). Is there a
> quick method or command to do this?
Not a single command, but a small combination of utils will do.
[Solution for use with a Bourne shell, e.g. bash;
> I have no idea why the 'non-free' set is not included on the
> CD set,
> other than for space reasons, as most of the programs in that set are
> included in the other distributions.
Probably because we are considerate :-( In Debian, all packages that
cannot be freely redistributed
> Is there anywhere a man page to (un)protoize? I'd liked to know if there
> are some options that controll compiler directories, etc. I think these
> programs came with gcc, and I'd liked to avoid unpacking all the gcc
> sources.
(un)protoize is documented in the GCC documentation, which is in th
> I'm trying to help myself. Really. But, the Debian web pages only
> list mailing list archives up to June 1996,
My scripts that made the archives then were lost in a disk crash; I've
recently recreated them, and the FTP archive (/debian/debian-lists)
are up to date.
As for the webserver, it
89 matches
Mail list logo