ork. And don't use cfdisk, use plain fdisk- it's
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://min
can use to try and
> mount or at least copy this disk?
Go snag a copy of Anadisk from a local tsx-11 mirror. It's a DOS program, but it
will copy disks with weird layouts, eg strange and/or different sector numbers
and sizes.
hat unstable?
It's been working fine for me, I think you just haven't done enough research.
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
see any mention of having
multiple redundant DHCP servers in the dhcpd docs, but I could be mistaken.
I'm running the ISC DHCPD 1.0.2-0.1, from the hamm dist.
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and
iles like with the -y option. Any suggestions?
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://minion.org ;
: raw speed = 105.6 wpm with 4.5% errors :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
sure if AGP needs an irq or not,
since I have absolutely no experience with them.
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://minion.org ;
: raw speed = 105.6 wpm with 4.5% errors :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
make: *** [swfplayer] Error 1
any ideas?
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http:/
ib6g-dev and xlib6g installed. Otherwise you are
> doing it right.
> Ian Eure wrote:
> >
> > Hi there. I'm trying to get the shockwave flash plugin for netscape to
> > compile, and not having much success. It fails with this error:
> >
> > g++ -o swf
libX11.6.so ->
> /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.so.6.1.0
> Otherwise, we can go one on one in irc or something.
> Ian Eure wrote:
> >
> > ieure!Phaktory:~$ dpkg --status xlib6g-dev
> > Package: xlib6g-dev
> > Status: install ok installed
> >
> > ieu
> gzip or uncompress. Thanks for any help
Umm... They are usually in standard .zip format, as used by the old dos
program PKZip. Install the unzip & zip packages, then `unzip filename'.
| ian eure, network admin, fr
mething anyone else has experienced, or is this
> just another part of the ever growing list of problems associated with
> the Bill Gates Virus?
Sounds weird, but we need more information on your setup.
| ian eure, netwo
hopefully once you zap the root password...it SHOULD be sufficent
> to remount the filesystem read-only and issue halt or reboot
remounting read-only does not always work. Just sync your disks and reboot.
| ian eure,
/dev/hdXX (full device name, eg /dev/hdb1)
table=/dev/hdX (device w/o partition appended, eg /dev/hdb)
rerun lilo and you are set.
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://minion.org ;
: raw speed = 105.6 wpm with 4.5% errors :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
oblem. Any
suggestions? I don't really want to go back to the PAS16, it has
this nasty hardware bug where the right/left channels can get
reversed sometimes.
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
| mani
nyone have any suggestions
on how to get it back without a reboot?
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
e, Sep 15, 1998 at 02:38:38PM -0400, TheKman wrote:
> Did you try typing reset. Or just typing shutdown -r now. Even if you
> can't see it a lot of the times the computers sees what you are typing.
> Ian Eure wrote:
> >
> > Ok. Interesting thing happened. Accidentally kill
ng as just `fubar' doesn't really help people help you
> btw do you know what fubar means, the d at the end is wrong
> Ian Eure wrote on Tue, Sep 15, 1998 at 06:37:18PM -0700..
> > Don't think a "reset" will do it, as that just manipulates the terminal
/etc/init.d/xdm start
> as super-user?
> Ian.
> On Tue, 15 Sep 1998, Ian Eure wrote:
> > Don't think a "reset" will do it, as that just manipulates the terminal
> > behaviours... I'll give it a shot anyways in a minute though.
ight? Anyways. Neat trick nonetheless. :)
PS: Sorry for any incoherency. I'm recovering from a nasty tonsilitis
and am all drugged up on antibiotics & stuff. Heh.
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and
xx is stable enough to work properly,
and you should be set.
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://minion.org ;
: raw speed = 105.6 wpm with 4.5% errors :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
hmm... i seem to be having strange problems with my keyboard... i'm running a
current (updated today) hamm... seems like backspace and delete both send a
delete under X, so i can't backspace at all... seems fine in console mode, at
least in bash, i can backspace, and delete deletes the character un
i just need to know if there is some script (ala slackware's netconfig) that
will let me reconfigure my network settings after debian has been installed-
i've checked, but haven't found anything, nothing in the faq, etc.
with a subject of "unsubscribe
ed. It's
kinda ironic that all the calls for help with windows problems get switched to
the support tech by a linux box. :)
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
| manically depressed paranoid schiz
e. They are
available from http://www.stardivision.com
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://minion.org
t dosen't work- alternatively, you could just recompile your kernel
with the 3c509 driver in the kernel instead of a module.
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
| manically depressed paranoid schiz
er mode, umount the ide devices, rmmod the driver and maybe have a chance.
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
andard kernel yet, and I don't remember
the www site, but an altavista search for "ppp multilink protocol" +linux
should get it for you.
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
| manically
one else has more
info? PAM always looked interesting, but not quite stable yet, and lacking the
program support it really needed. But, I definitely want to play with it if it
is standard on Debian.
| ian eure, network
; Time: 01:12:04
> This message was sent by XFMail.
> Powered by GNU/Linux 2.0.
> --
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> to specify the dependence on bin86.
> The way around this problem is to read the documentation that comes with
> the kernel related packages. The need for bin86 is pointed out there. I
> am guessing that you (like me) missed those references.
Perhaps bin86 should be recommend
GIMP has some stuff you might find useful- it will load and
edit many types of animations, such as MPEG, but saving is currently not
supported for all formats yet.
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
x27;t think anyone else is nearly psychotic enough. ;)
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://minion.org
if you can't find it (with ftpsearch or some other such thing) then I can mail
a copy over.
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
| manically depressed paranoid schizoph
--) SVGA: chipset: generic
> > (**) SVGA: videoram: 4096k
Here, we see a _third_ video adapter getting detected. A generic (or
unsupported) VGA with 4mb ram.
>> > (**) SVGA: 16bpp not supported for this chipset
It picks either the c&t or the generic, and complains.
> >
Hey... I'm not seeing libX11.a anywhere... It's needed to compile X client bins,
and it is not a part of the xlib6g-dev package... anyone know where it's gone
off to?
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security
On Wed, Jul 01, 1998 at 09:52:15AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 30, 1998 at 07:01:48PM -0700, Ian Eure wrote:
> > Hey... I'm not seeing libX11.a anywhere... It's needed to compile X client
> > bins,
> No. It is only needed to compile _static_ X c
On Wed, Jul 01, 1998 at 12:51:10PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 01, 1998 at 03:54:52AM -0700, Ian Eure wrote:
> > ld: cannot open -lX11: No such file or directory
> > make[1]: *** [maube] Error 1
> >
> > Phaktory# ls -l /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11*
add, how would I add it using the above method? I found that
> eth0:255 is the highest possible virtual network number. So I
> couldn't add any more?
> All you network-gurus: Please give me a hint or any pointer as
> to where I can find more info on that.
yao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ICQ 836655
> Don't waste your computer's time.
> Join the Singapore RC5 Effort now!
> <http://www.raffles.nus.edu.sg/~rekcah/rc5/>
> --
> Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
and Qmail
> Both are really good for Virtual Hosting
> Matthew
> On Wed, 1 Jul 1998, Ian Eure wrote:
> > On Wed, Jul 01, 1998 at 02:55:39PM +, Andy Spiegl wrote:
> > > Hi!
> > >
> > > I am currently setting up a
> > simply given its inode number as a name. To recover it, identify it by its
> > contents and mv it to its proper location.
> --
> Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
oesn't seem to like doing that.
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://minion.org ;
s as /usr/X11R6/lib/libkfm.so.0. Any ideas?
> >
> >
> >--
> >Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
> --
> _ _
> | |(_)
> | _| | |
> | |___ | |
> |______/ |
> |__/
> --
> Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL
virtual web hosting is that on some very old
browsers (netscape 1, mosaic etc) you just get the main page for the machine,
because they don't send the full address of the page they're trying to get. But,
no browser software currently shipping has that problem.
There should be no reason n
logs to track down what's going wrong.
Local sessions (eg startx) on the system work fine. Any hints?
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at yo
etty sharp, I'd like something similar
> for linux).
> Thanks!
> Matt
> --
> Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
| ian eure, network admin, freelance securi
On Sun, Jul 12, 1998 at 09:00:08PM -0500, the lone gunman wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 11, 1998 at 04:46:58PM -0700, Ian Eure wrote:
> > Hi. I do a lot of this kind of thing, so let me tell you what my setup is.
> Hey, thanks for the info -- it's very helpful!
np :)
> >
> Armenia
> URL: http://crdlx5.yerphi.am/prs/sevinian.html
> Phone: 374-2-352041 (YerPhI), 374-2-344873 (aprt.)
> Fax: 374-2-350030
> --
> Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
. All else seems OK so far. I uninstalled beta 4 first.
> I couldn't find the admin deb package at sunsite, but that's fairly
> minor anyway.
> Tom
> Ian Eure wrote:
> >
> > I'm running KDE 1.0, from the debs on ftp.kde.org, and it seems ok. Hasn'
e and can have problems with the X
authorization & DISPLAY environ variables. This way is much cleaner.
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service.
s not what I expected
The size of the file is not what I expected
presumably for every package that is in the download queue.
reply address would be good, since I'm not subscribed.
Thanks in advance.
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
ault route" option for ppp to get to everything on the
> > internet. I ran this way for some time and it worked fine for access
> > to either route.
Ah but, let's say that you also have file sharing or some other
service on your system, and that it is visible to the outside
http://www.xfree86.org - XF86 home page, info about supported cards
http://www.4front-tech.com - OSS/Linux commercial sound drivers (you can
download a demo version)
uhm... check the 3dfx-howto, it has good info about 3D cards...
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://minion.org ;
: raw speed = 105.6 wpm with 4.5% errors :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lee Bradshaw wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 16, 1998 at 10:19:35AM -0800, Ian Eure wrote:
> > Lee Bradshaw wrote:
> > >
> > > On Wed, Dec 16, 1998 at 03:29:04AM -0600, John C. Ellingboe wrote:
> > > > Lee Bradshaw wrote:
> > > > >
> > &
or pci? If it's an AGP card, you need to add the line
`Chipset s3_virge' to the Devices section for your card in
/etc/X11/XF86Config. It's a bug in XFree86, and is fixed in the
3.3.3 release.
| ian eure, n
.xxx kernels.
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://minion.org ;
: raw speed = 105.6 wpm with 4.5% errors :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vidtune to be found. Can someone
help me out here?
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
localservers is an acl with the ips of both nameservers:
acl localservers {
So, can anyone suggest what's wrong here?
Thanks in advance
You are not actually in the audio group. You want to (as root) edit
/etc/group, and add your login name (and the names of anyone else who
should be able to access the audio device, seperated by commas) onto the
end of the line beginning with "audio". eg, on my system, my login is
ieure, and my /etc
#x27;t support dos...
I spend over 2 weeks talking to the HP tech people _every_day_ before
they finally gave in and took the drive back.
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and |
| manically depres
e an option other than reinstalling?
| Network Administrator, Cross Sound Appraisal Company
| "A conclusion is simply the place where someone got tired of
Having some weird probs using apt (0.1.9) through a squid proxy. The
Squid is version 2.0.PATCH2, all systems mentioned are current Slink
systems. When I do an ``apt-get upgrade'' from any system going through
the proxy, the upgrade process stops several times with errors like:
Error http
Ossama Othman wrote:
> Hi,
> I am currently using hamm and am very happy with it. I will be
> installing a new Linux system soon but everyone is telling me to install
> RedHat 5. Has anyone any opinions on this? I tend to be partial to
> Debian, especially with GNOME being integrated into ham
Martin Jackson wrote:
> I recently bought an HP 7200i CD-RW, an internal EIDE device. I was
> wondering if
> 1) Kernel 2.0.33 (or perhaps one of the 2.1 series) supports CD-RW format?
Not a kernel issue. The kernel supports ATAPI (e/ide) devices- so if the drive
it, it works.
Find a new ISP :)
Lindsay Allen wrote:
> Is this possible?
> My ISP does not allow direct ftp any more. Ftp via lynx works if I use
> his proxy , but I want to use ncftp and mc. Any hints or advice welcomed.
> Lindsay
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Robert Goodwin wrote:
> hi there,
> a while ago i asked about installing linux on a large drive in a system that
> does not support LBA. somebody replied that such a thing would not be a
> problem but likely i would have to make the root partition containing the
> kernel smaller in order to acc
Hi there, just a quick question. As an old slackware user, I usually
have a restricted boot with a password in my lilo setup, as well as an
entry for the floppy drive in my system- so, the system boots from drive
c, hits lilo, and boots linux with the default parameters; if you have
the password, y
You want a package called ppptcp - it allows you to run ppp connections over
tcp/ip, with some optional encryption stuff. It's not in debian afaik, but
be available on sunsite.
Stephen Carpenter wrote:
> Ok...I got a bright idea earlier
> I have a linux machine at work (where we don't
It's set to boot from /dev/hda1.
Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
> Perhaps your /etc/lilo.conf is not putting the boot record where you want it.
> Do
> you have a line in there that says 'boot=/dev/hda' or 'boot=/dev/hda1'? The
> former will replace the MBR.
seems to hang after the md driver- presumably while probing for scsi
hardware. hamm bootdisk works fine.
System is an AMD K5-100, 64MB 60ns non-EDO RAM- primary HDDs run off
embedded ide controller, Adaptec 2940AU for my Jaz drive. 4mb s3 Virge
pci video card, pnp pci ne2k clone, isa sb16.
Carey Evans wrote:
> Jameson Burt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I seek to use one computer with two full X-windows users.
> > This would be a cheap in time/money approach for my wife and I
> > simultaneously
> > using Linux.
> It might be worthwhile finding a cheap 386 or 486 with a good gr
You might want to look at Abacus Sentry- you can get it from www.psionic.com
matthew tebbens wrote:
> Is there anything out there to stop people from port scanning my system ?
> I had someone last night scan my system from port 1 to 50,000 !
> I heard that there is a portscand out there somewhe
has anyone out there been able to get DRI working properly with XFree86
4.0.x and a 3dfx board?
it _seems_ to work, but framerates are low... not at low as with software
rendering, but low. i also get horrible flicker when polygons are redrawn.
i was told that installing libglide3 would help - it
On Thu, 17 May 2001, Andrei Ivanov wrote:
> Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 12:05:23 -0500 (CDT)
> From: Andrei Ivanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Ian Eure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Re: XFree86 4.0.x & tdfx DRI
> > has anyon
I'm trying to get AutoPPP working on a woody box.
When I dial in, I get this in the syslogs:
Jul 18 13:51:33 axinite pppd[12370]: rcvd [PAP AuthReq id=0x1 user="ieure"
Jul 18 13:51:33 axinite pppd[12370]: no PAP secret found for ieure
Jul 18 13:51:33 axinite pppd[12370]: sent [PAP Aut
On Friday 18 July 2003 03:18 pm, Thomas Krennwallner wrote:
> Hi!
> On Fri Jul 18, 2003 at 02:28:50PM -0700, Ian Eure wrote:
> [...]
> > Jul 18 13:51:33 axinite pppd[12370]: rcvd [PAP AuthReq id=0x1
> > user="ieure" password=]
> > Jul 18 13:51:33 a
77 matches
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