Has anyone been able to use framebuffers with kernel
2.6.0 and a GeForce4 MX 440 or a RIVA TNT2 Model 64?
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It isn't veryfan, but varyfan and it works using the
/proc fs and lm-sensors. I tried it and it wants the
control pwm2 which apparently is not used by my mobo.
But since my fan does not shut up with XP (when I used
it last year) and yours does, you probably will have
better luck. Google for varyfan
Putting that into the URL box produces NOT FOUND.
Big question: What do you do in 2.6.0 with the modules
that were in /etc/modules in 2.4.x?
Hugo Vanwoerkom.
Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search
wil wrote:
Sorry I have very little info on this...no logs or anything:(
Running SID, with a custom 2.4.22 kernel, ext3 file system.
HD was checked with the diagnostic utility from IBM, including
surface (advanced) check and was fine.
Did an update via dselect yesterday and after that the wh
Bijan Soleymani wrote:
On Sat, Nov 01, 2003 at 04:52:55PM +0800, Uwe Dippel wrote:
I used to be pretty happy with my newsserver (news.cis.dfn.de), until I
started with Debian. I can't seem to get all messages from there; for no
good reason I'd know about.
Could anybody direct me to a newsserver (f
Christophe Courtois wrote:
Le Dimanche 2 Novembre 2003 03:42, Wesley J Landaker a déclamé :
Then again, as I said, I'm not
a native French speaker, and although I've got *fairly* good inuition
into a word's gender, I still make mistakes! ;)
Don't worry, even French people don't always know all
John Peter wrote:
Lukas Ruf wrote:
Uwe Dippel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-11-03 10:06]:
On Mon, 03 Nov 2003 09:25:13 +0100, Jaque Moreau wrote:
... you can always upgrade manually ... !
can I find the required .deb files anywhere?
I did a quick search on Google amd found it right
Hi all!
I partitioned my new disk with parted. Runs great.
However, when I run parted on it now he comes up with:
No Implementation: This ext2 filesystem has a rather strange layout!
Parted can't resize this (yet).
So you can do anything else, no resizing.
Googling my way around I find indica
Karsten M. Self wrote:
on Wed, Oct 29, 2003 at 02:15:12PM +0800, Uwe Dippel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
I propose "pub", for "power users browser". To four significant
digits. Namespace is available in Debian. My own coding mojo is weak,
but I know what I like in a browser:
Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
On Monday 03 November 2003 22:58, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
Hold it... If you get this one then you get something terrific
besides just getting 4.3.0: XFree86's that will run side-by-side on
separate display cards. I am using this one right now. I am logged in
ScruLoose wrote:
On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 09:04:58PM -0500, Haines Brown wrote:
uhm... "apropos clock" on my box returns
clock (3)- Determine processor time
clock (8)- query and set the hardware clock (RTC)
hwclock (8) - query and set the hardware clock (RT
Alex Malinovich wrote:
On Sat, 2003-11-08 at 11:20, Miernik wrote:
Switching between X and virtual console is very slow, (with
Ctrl-Alt-F1, etc).
Is it possible to have it swich as fast as is switching between
virtual consoles?
If I set exactly the same video mode on my text console and X (I m
Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
I'm interested in this too, so I went looking a bit, and there are many
people citing this message in the parted mailing list archives, but
AFAICS no responses.
So you can do anything else, no resizing.
Yeah, well, I don't know if that is exactly the point, but accord
I am doubtful that this gets a response... but here goes...
Because I run BACKSTREET RUBY the *great* multi-seat Linux solution, I
cannot use framebuffers. So a, perhaps better, solution is to use
SVGATextMode, which sets console fonts by writing directly to the
graphics card. It, however,
Pigeon wrote:
On Tue, Nov 11, 2003 at 03:22:49PM -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
You really need an answer from someone who uses svgatextmode on your
video card; I don't have an nvidia card so can't be specifically
Do your other systems that still work use the same video card
I just dist-upgraded a sarge partition.
Now the hid module for the usb mice will not load.
If you do "modprobe hid" he says "cannot find keybdev which is needed by
Then if I do insmod /lib//hid.o it gets loaded and the mice
can be used.
Sure enough when I do "modprobe -c" it shows:
Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
On Wednesday 12 November 2003 15:30, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
I just dist-upgraded a sarge partition.
Now the hid module for the usb mice will not load.
If you do "modprobe hid" he says "cannot find keybdev which is needed
by hid".
Ron Johnson wrote:
On Wed, 2003-11-12 at 11:54, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
i can not find a print icon on web sight what should i do?
Run naked down the street, and then disembowel yourself with a
short, dull knife?
with a subject of "unsubs
Jimmy Johansson wrote:
I tried to do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 yesterday expecting it to
create a new XF86Config-4 file, but it didn't. I moved the old
XF86Config-4 to my /home/ directory and ran dpkg-reconfigure
xserver-xfree86. Am I supposed to do something else?
I am asking because I
Hooman Javidnia wrote:
Hi list,
I have tried to install debian on my laptop several times and everytime it was a failure. I tried two times with KNOPPIX
but each time when computer boots up, in a text login screen I am been
asked to enter the user name, but the KEYBOARD doesn't work!
Rafael Quintanilla wrote:
(Texto en castellano más abajo)
Hi members of the list,
I recently installed debian from a Knoppix 3.3
catalan. The problem is that I want to have a 1024*768
resolution (BTW my monitor is a 15" SyncMaster 551S,
samsung, with a recommeded refresh vertical rate of 85
Florian Ernst wrote:
Hello Hugo!
Just a short note,
might be of interest, too.
Thanks Florian!
That explains why I could not find where modprobe -c gets the above
from: it is build into the upgraded modutils!
The fix is
above h
Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
On Wednesday 12 November 2003 20:53, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
Right Kjetil! And I figured out that backstreet-ruby removed it.
Yup! :-)
I cannot find keybdev anywhere in the 2.4.22 kernel that I am
using, except for traces in the documenation, but nothing in
R (Chandra) Chandrasekhar wrote:
Dear Sir,
I have an NVIDIA Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 MX440] video card that
worked fine with the nvidia-glx_1.0.4191-1_i386.deb that I got from
Justin A <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'s web page about nine months ago.
Now, during a routine update/upgrade cycle, the package
Only way to go: Knoppix.
It will cost you an iso download, but it is a
fantastic system for recovery anywhere on anything.
Hugo Vanwoerkom
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Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
BTW Knoppix (the booted CD, not the HD installation)
is a great tool to discover if you tuned your system
You have to find out what IDE controller chip your
mobo has and enable that particular option in the
kernel you are using. It made a world of difference
for me...
So may be it is hardware caused, but how to explain
that only one program ever gets it? BTW I never see it
in XFree86 (4.3.0)
Hugo vanwoerkom
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
That is the error you get when you don't have the
right service activated for your IDE controller chip.
What is your controller chip?
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I got 2 A4tech USB mice for the Ruby Backstreet
Multiseat Linux project. They have 2 wheels 2 top
buttons and 2 side buttons. Of course the installation
folder only discusses Windoze and does not say what
the side buttons are for.
Has anybody figured out how to use it?
I just saved myself $600 and did NOT buy another box,
but instead just a monitor, a videocard, a keyboard
and a mouse.
I put them in my box that just runs various flavors of
Debian and apt-getted a modified 4.3.0 X and installed
the vanilla 2.4.21 kernel and applied a patch.
Then I started xdm an
I am doing this from memory, so I stand to be
corrected. But...
You must chroot to the root directory that has the
problem and the /etc with lilo.conf.
Lilo does that with the -r option: so try
lilo -r /mnt/hda1
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Right on.
Do you Yahoo!?
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with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi all!
I have Backstreet Ruby installed so I have 2 monitors
with kbds/mice that each have a user.
The monitors are samsungs 17" but the cards are
different: one is a RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 and
the other a GeForce4 MX 440 AGP 8x.
I notice no difference between the 2 other than that I
Hi all!
Thanks for those answers!
So... apt-getted xscreensaver-gl. gears -fps -delay 0
indeed is the most straightforward app. to show the
Left monitor, with the GeForce4: 155 fps.
Right monitor, with RIVA TNT2: 50 fps.
Quod erat demonstrandum!
Hi all!
I have 2 monitors with each keyboard/mouse and I use
them with Backstreet Ruby to have 2 users use the one
Debian system.
But another use is one user with xinerama. Since I
usually sit 17 inches off the tube, I find looking at
the other tube, which is 31 inches away, not easy.
What in the
From: Ron Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: Re: Diff btw GeForce4 and RIVA TNT2?
>> Quod erat demonstrandum!
>The nvidia-using-TNT2 will *smoke* the
Unfortunately with Backstreet Ruby I cannot mix nvidia
and nv, so both the figures are with nvidia.
Unfortunately that it i
They are sitting so far away because they are normally
used to each have a user with its own keyboard and
mouse and the PC in between them. That is the
Backstreet Ruby multi-user use.
So that way I can (at present) boot with each monitor
having its own xdm login screen, but way I cannot
Best solution ever seen on Linux: I am using it right
now. Have 1 PC running various flavors of Debian, with
2 nvidia video cards, 2 samsung monitors, 2 IBM Model
M keyboards, and 2 usb mice.
They have patches for 2.4.21, 2.4.22 and are working
on 2.6.0
1. I downloaded the 2.4.21 kernel
2. Apply th
Hi all!
Installing the 2.6.0-test6 kernel with make-kpkg and
trying to install the Nvidia kernel module, I get:
modversions.h not found. It indeed is not there.
Using kernel_image and kernel_headers still no
Specifying loadable modules -> module versioning
produces a modversions.h in /i
Thanks! I found the site.
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with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I spoke too soon: mondo 1.62 does NOT always restore
correctly: about half the time it does not and pops
out a message that there was no device specified.
I appear to have 3 double CD backups and 2 or 3 (I
can't tell on one of them) single CD's. Mondorestore
works correctly on 2 single CD backups a
In using vsound with realplayer, realplayer stops
after about 10 minutes.
So a better alternative to realplayer is mplayer,
which I installed from the tarball. It does not stop
after so many minutes, but vsound cannot find its
temporary file after it runs.
Anybody out there use mplayer for music st
Better yet: mplayer does not need vsound. With the -ao
pcm option, what you are listening to is dumped as a
wavefile. One hitch, unlike the vsound -d option you
cannot listen to what is recorded. But the annoying
static bursts that used to occur with vsound and
realplayer are gone.
Mplayer is quit
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with a subject of "unsubscribe". Tro
the primary
vc. Other than that it does things well. I would love
to create a bootable CD with midnight commander but so
far no success.
What are the errors you are getting?
Hugo Vanwoerkom
Do you Yahoo!?
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I downloaded the Knoppix CD. Booting with it gets:
1. It does find everything, but not perfectly, e.g.
the X screen.
2. I have a slowmodem to get onto the internet and for
some reason I had to manually fill in the
/etc/resolve.conf for anything to be found.
Restoring a partition with it:
1. What a
Give him Knoppix that can show him a lot of Debian
Linux without having to make any decision.
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Je kunt er in het nederlands over praten hier:
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To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
Hi Debian Users!
I use make-kpkg to create a new kernel-image for
Knoppix and install it using dpkg.
The install will go all the way except for a
Failed-config because he is trying to create an
initrd.img on /boot and cannot because there is no
/etc/fstab around.
There won't be a fstab because K
Thanks again!
Hugo Vanwoerkom
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I thought too about hold...
So I did set the package to hold,
has no effect:
I apt-get install
he gets and first tries to reinstall the
kernel-package again, when I Ctrl-c out of that, he
installs .
May be I'll try the developers group.
Do yo
.org/HOWTO/Clock.html#toc2 says to do
just what I did except it doesn't talk about
Is there something else I can look at to find out what
is happening?
Hugo Vanwoerkom
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site desig
Hi all!
Reading man apt_preferences I can *almost* get it, but being a doubter...
As a happy user of Backstreet Ruby, the multi-seat Linux solution, I
want to avoid that when Debian testing gets X 4.3.0, that its version
will be installed.
(Unless Debian will have Backstreet Ruby as an option!
Andrew Schulman wrote:
Package: *
Pin: origin "www.schuldei.org/debian/bruby"
Pin-Priority: 999
I think that will work. Unfortunately, the last time I looked, the "origin"
feature is badly documented. So I'm not sure about the quotes, or how much
of the URL you need. But for example, I have
Henrik wrote:
Hello, I couldent find any other place to ask, and no one is intrested in
helping in IRC.
I have installed Debian, and conifgured it a bit(I think)
Now, i need to login with user name and password(Im still in a shell-code,
much like DOS) Then X-server tries to run(so i can get a grap
navaja wrote:
i boot up, and get command prompt login. can use all vitual termninals.
then i start x, with "startx" (with login manager i get the same
problem). x starts, then i try to go back to a virtual terminal, and all
i see is messed up lines going down my screen.
And what
Mihalis I. Tsoukalos wrote:
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 10:10:20AM +0100, guran wrote:
I have a sarge installation and only got to chose between gdm and xdm.
I have read the thread on "GUI login screen" and have a difficulty to decide
what to do to get rid of a graphic login.
Ralph Bacolod wrote:
Hi! I just bought a knoppix cd and i want to install it on my computer.
I'd be interested: why do you want to install the Knoppix CD? The
*installed* knoppix is Debian with zillions of packages. The Knoppix
*CD* is Klaus Knopper's super scripts figuring out where everything
Having been straightened out by Andrew a few posts ago on preferences:
he said that for him:
Package: k3b
Pin: origin debian.org
Pin-Priority: 991
did the trick.
So I now have as only entry in my /etc/apt/preferences:
Package: *
Pin: origin schuldei.org
Pin-Priority: 999
Rationale: the man-p
Because of previous posts that the "stable" sarge netiso was not booting
I downloaded the 11/15 version on Sunday.
Very fast server: could do it easy on my 56kb line.
It boots.
The menu sequence seems messed up: the selection stays put on network
Debootstrap kept failing with no
Andrew Schulman wrote:
So I now have as only entry in my /etc/apt/preferences:
Package: *
Pin: origin schuldei.org
Pin-Priority: 999
Rationale: the man-page says about origin "fully qualified domain" and
"debian.org" is really "www.debian.org" so I did the same for
schuldei.org which is really "ww
Dave Howorth wrote:
Mozilla crashes whenever I try to display an SVG graphic :(
so I'm trying to work out how to display the graphic instead :)
I'm running Woody with mozilla 1.2.1 (Mozilla Debian Package
1.2.1-2.bunk - Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.2.1)
Gecko/20021213 Debian/1.2.1
Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
Dear all,
Well, I guess many of you have been through this, so allthough it may be
somewhat OT, I hope it can be enlightening.
My father needs a new flatbed scanner, something in the NOK 800 range
(that's about USD or Euro 110).
He has a workstation running Woody with s
Tom wrote:
On Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 05:53:09PM -0600, Nick Welch wrote:
... Could you possibly do me a favor and run
'xev', and then put your mouse cursor over it, and hit that button, and
then report whether anything comes out?
Nothing comes out, when I press it nor when I move it. I never
Mark Healey wrote:
I previously posted this under a different subject heading and got no response so I'm
trying again.
My X won't work with the default installation. When I boot it tries
to start it and after several attempts I get a message telling me to
look at the log followed by one asking i
Vineet Kumar wrote:
* Hugo Vanwoerkom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [031120 10:19]:
* Tom wrote:
The ability to launch special applications when I press buttons doesn't
"press my buttons" :-) Do they work as back/forward in Moz? That would
be useful. (I wonder if anyone has gotten Micro
Karsten M. Self wrote:
I've been lurking on the #debian-devel IRC channel, some info on lists.
This is an unofficial informational posting.
If you weren't already aware, several Debian project servers were
compromised by what appears to have been a password capture through one
of the Debian Develop
Simon Tod wrote:
I'm having no luck in getting a USB Mouse to work...
/etc/fstab reports:
none /proc/bus/usb usbfs defaults 0 0
On boot up into a Knoppix 2.4.20-xfs kernel I always
usb.c: registered new driver usbdevfs
usb.c: registered new driver hub
usb-uhci.c: $Revision: 1.275 $ t
Simon Tod wrote:
I'm having no luck in getting a USB Mouse to work...
/etc/fstab reports:
none /proc/bus/usb usbfs defaults 0 0
On boot up into a Knoppix 2.4.20-xfs kernel I always
usb.c: registered new driver usbdevfs
usb.c: registered new driver hub
usb-uhci.c: $Revision: 1.275 $ t
Akira Kitada wrote:
Hi all.
Refering "debian-reference", I'm configuring Debian
for learning debian(and my convenience).
One of my intention is make debian auto power-off
when I invoke "shutdown -h now".
for that, I've done the following configurations.
(in /etc/lilo.conf)
Monique Y. Herman wrote:
Will there be a sudden flood of the messages that weren't processed in
the last several days, or are they just lost?
Yep! Reply posted yesterday turned up today.
But all this is very interesting: I depend very much upon Debian: its
mailing lists and its archives...
Joxny wrote:
I try to create floppy boot disk, but something is wrong.
I study method in how-to-bootdisk, and I`d like create single bootdisk
with lilo.
But when start my system it only write:
Uncompresing linux...ok, booting the kernel.
and it`s all. Where is the problem ?
(sorry fo
Hi List!
I had this crazy notion to add some packages to Debian 3.01r2, because
when I create a system from scratch it for one has a terrible console
font and for two it doesn't have a decent file manager.
So first I discovered upon googling that the way to change the root disk
was appended to
Michael Dominok wrote:
On Wed, 2003-11-26 at 14:33, Dennis wrote:
Please think of Fairbury Steaks for your holiday needs. We have been in
business since 1937, most recently marketing our premium quality meats
online at www.FairburySteaks.com -- Check us out there, or call toll
free at 1-877-31
Otto Wyss wrote:
Isn't there a usable X login/starter in Debian. I've tried XDM (doesn't
allow shutdown, looks awfull), login.app (can't start my otherwise
perfect running X). I won't try GDM (requires too much of gnome), KDM
(requires too much of KDM). Does anyone know a simple solution?
O. Wyss
Alf Werder wrote:
On Fri, 2003-11-28 at 06:17, H. S. wrote:
In my newly intalled and dist-upgraded Debian system, I get crapy fonts
in Mozilla(version 1.5). How do I get the nice anti-aliased fonts?
Install 'mozilla-xft'.
But I note that even after that, my fonts suddenly get bett
Tom Badran wrote:
On Friday 28 November 2003 13:02, Rus Foster wrote:
On Fri, 28 Nov 2003, Richard Kimber wrote:
All I can think of:-
2 boxes Tesco 3-ply paper hankies
Radio Times
1 tin Crapso Olives
Peregrino Water
1 box tonic
Grab a pack of 12 guiness whilst there :)
To continue with this ra
mighty sword wrote:
I am new to all this lists stuff. I have primarily
used newsgroups readers till now. I have just
subscribed to debian-user list from my linuxmail
account, found that inconvenient and unsubscribed, and
again subscribed from this yahoo account.
So from this new email account,
Mark Healey wrote:
Now that I have the networking fixed and sort of figured out the mouse
problem I'm ready to tackle X not starting.
When I boot I get a couple of attempts for gdm to start. After that
fails there is an error message stating
Fatal server error:
no screens found.
I tried xf86config
Cruncher wrote:
Anybody know whether and how I can set text modes in the console? I'm
running woody, on a Pentium 200 with ATI Mach 64 chipset. I've
installed svgalib, svgatextmode and fbset but I can't see how to change
my text mode from 80x25.
I've put vga=ask in the boot script (or whatev
Thomas H. George wrote:
chkrootkit reported possible LKM Trojan. 4 processes hidden for ps
Bug in chrootkit. Check Debian Bugs. Has been discussed here before.
Before reformating the hard drive and reinstalling Debian, started a dvd
backup using growisofs.
The backup of /usr was succ
M. Kirchhoff wrote:
I've recently started using aptitude from the console instead of apt-get
for package management on my Woody systems. I find some of the
features, like the ability to do a "--with-suggests", quite useful. It
seems like Aptitude does a better job of handling dependencies as well
Richard Kimber wrote:
On Fri, 28 Nov 2003 14:05:45 +
Ken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri 28 Nov 2003 13:02, Rus Foster wrote:
On Fri, 28 Nov 2003, Richard Kimber wrote:
All I can think of:-
2 boxes Tesco 3-ply paper hankies
Radio Times
1 tin Crapso Olives
Peregrino Water
1 box tonic
tripolar wrote:
I have used the new sarge installer alot in the last week and am pretty
impressed. Thanks to all responsible.
But where do you get the iso file from? I still cannot get to gluck on
A few things that seem different are
1) the way discs are labeled in lilo
for exam
Hi list!
Is there an irc equivalent to linux.debian.user?
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Paul Burkett wrote:
I've been having a helluva time to get sound working
decently in Linux. The issue isn't so much quality
(though I do notice a slight difference in quality
compared to Windows, nothing to complain about) but
that fact that is skips whenever I do anything that
requires CPU resourc
Hi list!
I did a Sarge dist-upgrade (after backing up the partition with
mondoarchive) and got 71 packages upgraded. It went with blazing speed
(4.4Kb/sec) on my 56kb line.
After the installation I get this error from Xprt:
debian Xprt_64: lpc: /usr/lib/libgnutls.so.7: no version inf
:11, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
Hi list!
Is there an irc equivalent to linux.debian.user?
Yes, irc.debian.org #debian
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Eric Dickner wrote:
Hello All,
I have a BCM V.90 56K Modem (PCI Bus 1, device 4, function 0) on an Intel
Pentium 4 that the debian configuration software never did detect. I went
on to try and configure PPP as best I could...
When I try to use 'pon' I get messages about looking for ethernet cards
Monique Y. Herman wrote:
On Sun, 30 Nov 2003 at 20:00 GMT, Paul Morgan penned:
On Sun, 30 Nov 2003 11:37:56 -0700, Monique Y. Herman wrote:
On Sun, 30 Nov 2003 at 12:04 GMT, Paul Morgan penned:
You have a fair chance of gaining some unexpected experience points
by logging into X as root, unless
Paul Morgan wrote:
On Sun, 30 Nov 2003 12:17:41 -0500, Eric Dickner wrote:
This is not meant as a smartass answer, but, as "real" modems are
relatively cheap, I would respectfully suggest that you consider getting
one instead of using CPU cycles running a winmodem.
I second that. Even at a hi
Elie De Brauwer wrote:
On Sunday 30 November 2003 00:15, Frank Thomas wrote:
Gerard Ceraso wrote:
I am planning on getting a new video card. I have a nvidia geforce2 right
now and it works great under linux. I have not had any problems. I have
noticed that some of the Ati cards seem to have a bit
Patrick Beard wrote:
"Hugo Vanwoerkom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
Hi list!
I did a Sarge dist-upgrade (after backing up the partition with
mondoarchive) and got 71 packages upgraded. It went with blazing speed
(4.4Kb/sec) on my 56kb line.
Hi list!
I would like to understand Woody's dbootstrap, which I understand is
hidden in boot-floppies.tar.gz.
With packages.debian.org being down, I am having a heck of a time
finding it.
with a subject of "unsubscribe".
Tom wrote:
God, I hate dicking with the kernel.
What would be nice is a really well-thought out Wizard that just tells
me what to do. My process for answering the questions is pretty
formulaic: favor modern features over archaic ones, favor simplicity,
and don't use every feature under the sun
Andreas Janssen wrote:
Chema (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote:
Now that packages.debian.org is down, I have found myself looking for
"which deb provides such file/library" a pair of times. Having
resolved the situation in unusual froms, I'm starting to miss
Is there a mirror or e
Hi list!
I tried again with the sarge netinst iso from
But had no better luck than the last time.
The menu hilite keeps pointing to network install (forget the exact wording)
and does not progress, so you have to do the things yourself.
Result is something th
Jeff Bauer wrote:
I recently installed Knoppix 3.3 on my desktop
(2.4.22-xfs). I had no problem using apt-get
to grab the latest openoffice, python, xemacs,
etc. But after I retrieved some KDE development
tools, I'm no longer able to use apt-get.
When executing apt-get -f install:
Reading Pack
Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:
On Sun, Nov 30, 2003 at 10:09:07AM -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
[zealous snip]
| debian Xprt_64: lpc: /usr/lib/libgnutls.so.7: no version information
| available (required by /usr/lib/libcups.so.2)
Install libgnutls7, or install a different version if you
Greg Folkert wrote:
On Tue, 2003-12-02 at 15:51, Neodym123 wrote:
Does anyone know, when the packages list and search on www.debian.org
will be available again?
apt-cache search
Does just fine!
Having installed apt-file...
apt-file search CD-Writing-HOWTO.gz (previous post) produces
1 - 100 of 3342 matches
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