LVM2 snapshot question

2006-05-12 Thread Grant Thomas
My main issue is using snapshots to backup a system implementing LVM2. I'm using LVM2 on a testing server, using ReiserFS as the filesystems for the partitions. The system is running 2.6.15-1-k7 as the kernel. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I would use the snapshot functionality to create a sn

Re: install with lvm and striping

2006-05-12 Thread Grant Thomas
On 5/12/06, Bram Biesbrouck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi all, The debian-installer allows to format disks using LVM, but it doesn't offer the opportunity to use striping. Is there a way I can do this during the installation process. If not, how do I re-partition my volumes using striping? Bram

Re: smp kernels and xorg

2006-05-12 Thread Grant Thomas
On 5/12/06, Luis Fernando Llana Díaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello, I have just installed a new debian box (etch version). Everything runs perfect until I have installed a smp kernel, I have tried 2.6.15-1-686-smp and 2.6.16-1-smp. It has a hyperthreading (or something similar) pentium and i

Megaraid HP Proliant ML330

2006-05-15 Thread Grant Thomas
I have a question regarding hardware RAID on a Megaraid controller. Using a netinstall etch CD, the installer recognizes my Hardware raid controller and the disks in it, but not the HW array. I have initialized a RAID 1 array in the setup utility provided after the machine posts. During boot, be

Re: dhcp, router and debian

2006-05-15 Thread Grant Thomas
On 5/15/06, Alle Meije Wink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi, I have installed a D-Link DI-524 wireless/ethernet router between my cable modem and my PC. It worked fine on the first 5 (or so) sessions, but now when I start up debian, the startup item `ATM' takes ages to finish (it says `exim4' in t

Re: Megaraid HP Proliant ML330

2006-05-15 Thread Grant Thomas
This may not be of assistance to the Megaraid question I have, but installing the system on one of the drives listed in the installer installs to just one drive. Even though HW RAID in active, it only access the individual disk. I tried to use software RIAD in it's place, but after I made the md

Re: [OT] Re: Problem with T-bird (was Re: Mail Issues (pt 2 ))

2006-05-16 Thread Grant Thomas
I'll bite: I can't stand it when you guys hijack a thread like this. And over something so silly!! Everyone knows that CLI tools are dead. Windows has sooo much of the market share that *nix will die a slow horrible death!!!

Re: switching from apt-get to aptitude

2006-05-16 Thread Grant Thomas
> > For example, a few days ago I decided to take a look at KDE (I am a long > > time IceWM user). I just did 'aptitude install kde' and had almost > > several hundred MB worth of k* applications. Exactly what I wanted and, > > so far, exactly what apt-get would have done. But it was just an > >

Bind9 DHCP3 ddns static lease question: Post successful setup

2006-05-16 Thread Grant Thomas
[stable] I have a successful setup of internal ddns. It works like a champ for 99% of what I need. The problem is assigning static leases through dhcpd. To be complete, here is some information that may com in useful: Client: uncommented line in /etc/dhclient.conf to send host-name "3800-dc";

/etc/hostname /etc/dhclient.conf question

2006-05-16 Thread Grant Thomas
Quick question about the two files mentioned above. If I change my hostname, I also have to change a line in /etc/dhclient.conf to update my hostname on the network. Is there a Debian Way to synch both of these files? Or should I create a script that creates the /etc/dhclient.conf at boot befor

Re: /etc/hostname /etc/dhclient.conf question

2006-05-23 Thread Grant Thomas
That's what I had to do. I use m4 to create the dhclient.conf file on boot. Thanks for the info. What is m4?

Re: /etc/hostname /etc/dhclient.conf question

2006-05-30 Thread Grant Thomas
On 5/23/06, Hendrik Sattler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Grant Thomas wrote: > Quick question about the two files mentioned above. > > If I change my hostname, I also have to change a line in > /etc/dhclient.conf to update my hostname on the network. "have to" is def

Re: vmplayer and vmx file?

2006-07-07 Thread Grant Thomas
floppy0.present = "TRUE" floppy0.fileName = "bootit" floppy0.startConnected = "TRUE" but it keeps on complaining that it can't connect to "bootit".. bootit is a floppy-image -ishwar Is bootit in the same location as the vmx file? Also, is bootit the full name of the floppy image? It looks as


2006-08-13 Thread Grant Thomas
On 8/12/06, Alejandro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi all, I have a Debian box with the MRTG package in order to monitor the bandwidth of my dedicated Internet connection. The problem is that the router connected to my Debian is managed by my ISP and not for me. So I have no data about the SNMP rea

Re: Etch and kvpnc

2006-04-24 Thread Grant Thomas
> > [snip backtrace] > > In the manage profiles / certificate/PSK area, can you check the option > "File contains PSK", then point to your pcf file? Does that work? > > Justin Thank you Justin for your help, but it looks like I broke a giant rule. I should really RTFM before I ask for help. Ther

Multi-layered PKI implementation

2006-05-03 Thread Grant Thomas
Alright, I'm not sure that the subject line is completely correct, so please bear with me. When large buildings are keyed for locks, locks can be keyed for different layers of security. So, there might be the highest key, or skeleton key's used in old houses that opened all the doors, and multip

Re: Multi-layered PKI implementation

2006-05-04 Thread Grant Thomas
Thanks for the explanations, they are rather more indepth than I was expecting for an idle curiosity. Thanks for the verbosity and the need for clarification, they are always appreciated. As with many things, it is better to cut too long and adjust than to start short and really mess up. I did f

Virtual Folders

2006-02-21 Thread Grant Thomas
Is there anything around like the virtual folders in the MS Vista beta, or like Spotlight in OS X?Incase anyone is not familar with the term virtual folder:A virtual folder is basically a realtime folder view of saved searches. The folder looks through the entire index, and logically groups files t

Re: Printer problems from a newbie

2006-02-21 Thread Grant Thomas
What type of driver are you using for the printer?Usually I am able to get generic printing functionality fro CUPS by choosing the Raw printer option.It should be the one that states no driver is needed.Also, I usually add my user account into the lpadmin group. How are you connecting to your print

Re: Continuing chant "hde:hde1"

2006-02-21 Thread Grant Thomas
On 2/19/06, John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > My problem continues: an endlessly repeated chant of "hde:hde1" > interspersed with an occasional "hdb:hdb4." I can't figure out the > cause, and would be grateful for insight or a lead. > [snip] > generous fragment of dmesg during which the problem sta

Re: Virtual Folders

2006-03-17 Thread Grant Thomas
> This might totally be what you have not in mind, but something like this > will take a search and put all matches as a link into a directory: > > mkdir ~/tmp/virtual_ooffice; for b in `locate /home/*\.sxw`; > do cp -l $b tmp/virtual_ooffice/; done > > This one-liner can be enhanced/changed to all

Etch and kvpnc

2006-03-23 Thread Grant Thomas
I have need of connecting to a Cisco VPN server. On windows I can use the cisco VPN utility just fine; so it is not a connectivity issue. I have installed kvpnc and vpnc, so I should have all the packages I need. Also, I have transferred my *.pcf file from my windows box to my debian workstation.

Re: Re: SATA problems

2005-07-21 Thread Grant Thomas
Hello, My name is Grant, and I am having the exact same problem with my ST20G5, a Shuttle computer. I have one SATA Western Digital drive, and 1 PATA Western Digital drive. I was able to get 2.6.8 installed off the Sarge netinstall to the PATA drive. Hopefully this will be of some help, an

Debian Installer SATA detection

2005-07-25 Thread Grant Thomas
Display all headersDate: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 22:26:28 -0500 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: SATA installer detection From: "Grant Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Organization: Debian user lists I have a problem getting the Debian Installer to recognize my SATA controller. My compute

Re: Debian Installer SATA detection

2005-07-26 Thread Grant Thomas
On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 07:41:35 -0500, Jacob S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 11:52:16 +0100 Clive Menzies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On (25/07/05 22:30), Grant Thomas wrote: > I have a problem getting the Debian Installer to recognize my SATA > controller.

Re: Can't get more than 1024x768 even with the on-board card properly detected (XFree86+KDE 3.3)

2005-08-04 Thread Grant Thomas
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, please. 1). I believe if you re-run the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86, there should be a section where it asks you which modes your monitor can display, if you choose either medium or advanced. 2.) Another method is to copy your XF86Config-4 file to XF86Config-4

Re: Debian Sarge - kernel 2.6 problem

2005-08-04 Thread Grant Thomas
I believe after you modprobe, to switch back to the installer try (Alt-F1). This should switch you back to the original console. Hope this helps. On 8/4/05, John Willby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi > > > > > 1. boot the sarge CD and type "linux26" at the prompt > > 2. switch to second virtual

Re: apt-get: Command not found.

2005-08-05 Thread Grant Thomas
On my system, testing, 2.6.11-1-686 kernel I am able to type the following: locate apt-get this will search the root drive with the permissions of whomever is logged in, and display the results at the command line. My machine returns the following. Ran as root: # locate apt-get /usr/binapt-get /

Re: Can't get more than 1024x768 even with the on-board card properly detected (XFree86+KDE 3.3)

2005-08-05 Thread Grant Thomas
I have an HP tablet pc to work on, so I couldn't test with your resolution, as mine only scales to 1024x768. This is what I did, and it could help you. when you start your X session, by default a log file is created at /var/log/XFree86.0.log type mv /var/log/XFree86.0.log /var/log/XFree86.0.log.ol

Re: GeForce 4 MX 400

2005-08-05 Thread Grant Thomas
try the nv driver, or even the vesa driver, both of those should do you fine. dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 if you have xfree86, not sure about xorg though. On 8/5/05, Rogerio Eduardo Oliveira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hello Dears, > I have one video card GeForce 4 MX 400, where debian

Re: Windows corrupts Grub on Dell

2005-08-05 Thread Grant Thomas
I believe if you hit the esc key during the installer process, you should see an item that says install lilo boot loader, or something similar. On 7/27/05, Hendrik Boom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Wed, Jul 27, 2005 at 08:09:08AM -0700, Alan Ianson wrote: > > On Wed July 27 2005 05:27 am, Hendr

adding modules to an initrd image

2005-08-25 Thread Grant Thomas
I have recently installed Etch onto my computer, an ST20G5 from shuttle. I am using a SATA HD, which is on a ULI SATA controller. I am able to install to the hard-drive after I load the module manually in the installer via modprobe. Everything installs fine, but I have a problem on boot: When the

Re: adding modules to an initrd image

2005-08-26 Thread Grant Thomas
On 8/26/05, Jan T. Kim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Thu, Aug 25, 2005 at 08:52:10PM -0500, Grant Thomas wrote: > > I have recently installed Etch onto my computer, an ST20G5 from > > shuttle. I am using a SATA HD, which is on a ULI SATA controller. > > I am able t

Re: adding modules to an initrd image

2005-08-26 Thread Grant Thomas
Sorry to double post like this, but I forgot to ask a related question. If I am able to edit my initrd image and get it working, would it work in someone else machine that is of the same make/model? Another user has the same model I do, ST20G5, the motherboard is the same, but the disks / other d

Re: Installation woes: How can I network boot a dell gx280, including tg3? May require kernel 2.6.12.

2005-08-26 Thread Grant Thomas
> Dell Gx280 installation > > Tigon3 ethernet card is not supported on the debian testing network > install download(kernel 2.6.8). > ( > > Error: > [tg3:eth%d:Firmware "tg3/tso-1.4.0" not loaded; continuing without TS0] > > The sarge network

Re: adding modules to an initrd image

2005-08-26 Thread Grant Thomas
I tried to load the SATA modules from the installer into my install on the PATA drive, and receive this output: debian:~# modprobe sata_uli WARNING: Error inserting scsi_mod (/lib/modules/2.6.8-2-386/kernel/drivers/scsi/scsi_mod.ko): Invalid module format WARNING: Error inserting libata (/lib/modu

Re: Installation woes: How can I network boot a dell gx280, including tg3? May require kernel 2.6.12.

2005-08-29 Thread Grant Thomas
On 8/29/05, Turloch O'Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Grant, > > Thanks for the pointer, I have not got it right though. > If I get the tg3 network card working I will write a detailed > description to the mailing list. > > Thank you for your time, > Turloch > > Slightly confused messages f

Re: OT: Who will switch to (or at least try out) Opera now that they have free registrations?

2005-08-30 Thread Grant Thomas
I use it as my preferred browser. If you like a minimalistic approach (I do), there is a skin caled Breeze Micro, you can get it from the community section of Some sites I still have to use IE - when in windows. Other than that, I really enjoy the browser, it even has an integrated email

Re: Problems with traffic shaping (tcng / tc)

2005-10-06 Thread Grant Thomas
On 9/20/05, Clemens Eisserer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Does really nobody know wether this does not work? > Should it work theoretically? > > Maybe you could point me where tc/tcng-experienced people are - I do > not want to nerve with this topic since its of course on topic on the > debian user

snmp: eth0 opertaionally down

2005-10-27 Thread Grant Thomas
Hello all and thanks for the help. I am using MRTG to monitor and archive bandwidth usage on my router's ethernet ports. However, I have run into a problem with eth0 reporting as down. when I do the following command: snmpwalk -v 2c -c community localhost interface the following values are retur

Problems with IP address change

2005-11-23 Thread Grant Thomas
Hello all, and thanks for any help in advance. The problem I am having today is dealing with changing the external IP address of a router / firewall. To change the IP address, I edited the /etc/network/interfaces file, and changed the address from xx.xx.97.99 to xx.xx.97.100 Then I ran the follow

snmp: operationally down

2005-11-23 Thread Grant Thomas
Hello all and thanks for the help. I am using MRTG to monitor and archive bandwidth usage on my router's ethernet ports. However, I have run into a problem with eth0 reporting as down. when I do the following command: snmpwalk -v 2c -c community localhost interface the following values are retur

Re: Problems with IP address change

2005-11-25 Thread Grant Thomas
On 23 Nov 2005 23:07:56 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Are you sure you are not natting / snatting / dnatting incorrectly? > also check "cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" and it should return 1. > if not, echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward. > Forwarding is working correc

Re: Problems with IP address change

2005-11-25 Thread Grant Thomas
nat'ing. But I am using port forwarding. Both of those reference eth0, not the ip address. > Hope this helps. > > on Wednesday 11/23/2005 Grant Thomas([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote > > Hello all, and thanks for any help in advance. > > > > The problem I am having today i

Re: Problems with IP address change

2005-11-30 Thread Grant Thomas
On 29 Nov 2005 00:13:20 -0800, Kegan Holtzhausen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > for routing info, > # route > [snip] > # ip route > [snip] > see the src part... that sets my from address which is assigned.. > > also check > [snip] > # ip addr > > > Kegan Holtzhausen Thanks for the pointers Mr. Holtz