does debian have a news server software i could use?
- mIcHaEl
///\ The Australian Internet Company
c-00 ISP par Excellence
\ > (mine)
|\_- (not mine)
\ /
"On the Pla
Im sick of solaris x86, we want to migrate or user machine from solaris x86
to debian. The only problem is, i dont want to have to convert 500
passwd/shadow entries into debian passwd entries.
Can debian (a package perhaps?) handle shadow? and is the solris encryption
the same as the debi
Does debian have rdist or the equivalent program? I checked the package
finder and found nothing.
- mIcHaEl
///\ The Australian Internet Company
c-00 ISP par Excellence
\ > (mine)
I recently intsalled the shadow password packages to my system, everything
seems to be going well accept for one minor hassle, my "normal" account cant
become super-user. When i try i get the message that i do not have
permission to do so. How do i get the permission?
- mIcHaEl
Hey all. Im running Debian Linux 1.1 and apache 1.1.1. Ive added this to
the bottom of my httpd.conf
TransferLog log
Recently one of our machines was hacked. Im not sure how many people know
about this hack, but, any machine that does not have a shadow password
facility and has a common CGI program called phf is susceptable to attack.
You can use phf to more/grep the etc/passwd file. The way you can check if
Im runing apache 1.1.1 and it always generates two identical access logs one
is access.log the other is access_log ? anyone else had this problem?
- mIcHaEl
///\ The Australian Internet Company
c-00 ISP par Excellence
\ > (mine)
Can debian handle dual processors and does debian (or any linux) have a
windows/win95 emulator?
- mIcHaEl
///\ The Australian Internet Company
c-00 ISP par Excellence
\ > (mine)
|\_- (not
off and on i get this error with dpkg
Selecting previously deselected package mailagent.
(Reading database ... 9676 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking mailagent (from mailagent-3.44-6.deb) ...
Setting up mailagent ...
dpkg (subprocess): unable to execute post-installation script
im looking for the debian equivalent of the solaris command line mail
command. Does debian have a package for this?
- mIcHaEl
///\ The Australian Internet Company
c-00 ISP par Excellence
\ > (mine)
my debian time is wrong:)
The time in my cmos is correct, but the time that debian displays is
incorrect, like really wrong. Whenever i manually set the date on it works
fine untill the next time the machine is rebooted, then it goes all screwy
is there anyway to set the debian time and d
Is there available, or likely to be availiable, an adduser package that can
handle shadow on debian?
- mIcHaEl
///\ The Australian Internet Company
c-00 ISP par Excellence
\ > (mine)
Okay, what pacakges do i need to setup a debian server to accept i dial in
modem via PPP and shell?
A pointer to a howto would also be appreciated.
- mIcHaEl
///\ The Australian Internet Company
c-00 ISP par Excellence
\ > (mine)
Has anyone installed/used SATAN on a debian box before? When i tried to
compile it it asked me to copy the 4BSD libraries to teh same directory ...
i dont have these libraries?
Im out like bellbottom trousers,
///\ "Wake up Muttley, your dreamin` again"
c-00-Wacky Ra
my crontabs wont run ...?
i login as root, type crontab -e and they come up, but they dont run ... am
i doing something wrong? or is there another way of doing cronjobs on debian
1.1 ?
Im out like bellbottom trousers,
///\ "Wake up Muttley, your dreamin` again"
Whats the actual difference btw 1.1 and 1.2? Is it worth the upgrade?
Also, why doesnt IP aliasing come standard in the debian kernal? Just curious.
Im out like bellbottom trousers,
///\ "Wake up Muttley, your dreamin` again"
c-00-Wacky Racers
\ >
\ /
Can debian 1.1 handle dual PPro Processors?
Im out like bellbottom trousers,
///\ "Wake up Muttley, your dreamin` again"
c-00-Wacky Racers
\ >
\ /
We recently recompiled our kernal (v2.0.0) to allow for dual processing and
Everything went smoothly accept for 1 error when the server reboots, while
running the /etc/init.d/network file we get the following error ...
route forgot to specify route netmask
SIOCADDRT: invalid argument
Where did the name "debian" come from?
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I wish to configure a debian mail server running smail to use users accounts
to store there mail box instead of /var/mail or /var/mail/spool. Someone
said i could use amd to do this (as well as procmail). After reading the
package description on amd, im not so sure i can use amd for this purpose.
Im currently using shadow password, and was wondering if there was anyway i
could convert my groups into one group, like users, instead of a group per user.
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Does anyone know of the top of their head what the escape character is for
a tcsh script?
for instance, i have a line which has something like...
printf "bla bla "bla" bla" >> test.file
but it gives me the error unmatche ". I tried changing it to ...
printf "bla bla \"bla\" bla" >> test.file
> Try:
> # printf 'bla bla "bla" bla'
> Cheers
> borik
Thanks borik, would you believe, i figured thsi out 5 minutes after i sent
the message .. doh!
Can i ask if you use pine or elm for mail? thanks
Space isn't remote at all. It's only an hour's drive away if your car
How do people who are ISPs and use debian handle the radius updates when
you add/delete a user?
Ive added a simple script to our adduser program which will add a user to
the radius client file, but deleteing them is another problem i havnt
solved yet
Space isn't remote at all. It's only an hour
On Thu, 2 Jan 1997, Boris D. Beletsky wrote:
if its pine, how did you do this
> Hi Fundamental, You wrote:
> Fundamental>
i know how to do it in elm, but not pine:)
> Pine, why?
> borik
> --
> _[_]_ Boris D. Beletsky [EMAIL PROTECTED]
how do you edit a quota in debian, when i try i get a blank editor screen
with the words
Quota for user default:
what number am i supposed to put here? how do you define the hard/soft
"Silence is the language of complicity."
- Roman proverb
On Thu, 2 Jan 1997, Boris D. Beletsky wrote:
ahhh, ok, thanks. I didnt think pine could do it by default.
> It's just script i wrote, it's running as an "alternative-editor",
> and when it finishes formating the text, it launches jed, thats all.
> borik
> --
> _[_]_ Boris D. Beletsky [E
what program do people use to put a limit on users email sizes? i thought
smail could do it, but it seems it cant
any help appreciated
You can't have everything, Where would you put it?
Steven Wright
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i described below ... just wondering what you actually put in
> In your email to me, Fundamental, you wrote:
> >
> >
> > how do you edit a quota in debian, when i try i get a blank editor screen
> > with the words
> >
> > Quota for user default:
On Thu, 2 Jan 1997, Boris D. Beletsky wrote:
> Well I use Qmail and quotas on $HOME dir. If you mean permail size,
> then smail can do it:
> /etc/smail/config:max_message_size=10M
hmmm, but i read this in smail and noticed that it was not implemented yet
(man smailconfig)
On Thu, 2 Jan 1997, Karl Ferguson wrote:
thanks carl:) I was wondering, if i do set it to 10 megs lets say, and
then somone send a 11meg file will it bonce and give a reason why?
karl >At 03:42 PM 1/2/97 +1100, Fundamental wrote:
karl >>
karl >>what program do people use to put a
On Thu, 2 Jan 1997, Anthony Fok wrote:
Hi:) Thanks for that info, i cant believe i missed it:) now all we have
to do is figure a way to modify the "On Thu, 2 Jan 1997, Anthony Fok
wrote:" above
foka >Hi there! :)
foka >
foka >On Thu, 2 Jan 1997, Fundamental wrote:
On Fri, 3 Jan 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
thanks, this is exactly the info i was after:)
winspace >In reply to the honourable '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' who said:
winspace >
winspace >>
winspace >> how do you edit a quota in debian, when i try i get a blank editor
winspace >
winspace >1. com
On Thu, 2 Jan 1997, Ngo Bach Long wrote:
dragon >>what have i missed?
dragon >>
dragon >
dragon >I think it's supposed to be "make dep" (as in "dependencies"),
dragon >not "make deb".
Opps, your quite right:) but, when i did a make dep i get the folowing
make dep
gcc -I/usr/src/linux/include -
On Fri, 3 Jan 1997, Karl Ferguson wrote:
karl >Sure does - here's what happened while in the bounce while I was
karl >
karl > - Transcript of session follows -
karl >... while talking to
karl MAIL From:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> SIZE=2925297
karl ><<< 55
On Thu, 2 Jan 1997, Prashanth Mundkur wrote:
this is it exactly, thanks
mundkur >You need to install the libc5dev package, which has the requisite
mundkur >files.
mundkur >
mundkur >--prashanth
mundkur >
mundkur >
mundkur >
mundkur >
Pilgram: "God, can you be merciful
THanks to everyone who helped me with my compile problem. The good news
is that i compiled a 2.0.27 kernel sucessfully, the bad news is that it
would not boot:(
I get the error
Unable to mount root fd on 08:01
VFS: Cannnot open root
kernel panic
And then it stalls. The only difference betwe
Has anyone sucessfully compiled Radius 2.0 with shadow on a Debian box?
Faith is not something to lean on,
its something to stand on.
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Out of interest can a server be its own domain name server without
routings its own IP address?
Im out like bell bottom trousers,
"The Internet is a perfect diversion from learning...[it] opens many
doors that lead to empty rooms."
- Cliff Stoll, skeptical author of _The_Cuckoo's_E
Is there any way of modifying the message before the login prompt? or,
failing this, is there any way of adding a message before the login:
Im out like bell bottom trousers,
"Democracy is a government where you can say what you think even if you
don't think."
anyone got this baby working with shadow, i get the following error(s)
/root/radius/src/ warning: overriding commands for target
/root/radius/src/ warning: ignoring old commands for target
/root/radius/src/ warning: overriding commands
On Wed, 8 Jan 1997, Jonas Bofjall wrote:
Thanks everyone, the /etc/issue is what i was after, thanks:)
Imagination is more important than knowledge
Albert Einstein
TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail t
Okay ive compiled my new kernel, made it bootable from a kickstart disk
and tried booting - problem, i get a kernel panic. So i just stuck in my
old 2.0.0 kickstart and she booted up fine.
Im pretty sure the problem is that the new kernel doesnt know which
partition to load at boot time, i *thin
On Tue, 7 Jan 1997, Ryan Shaw wrote:
ryans >before writing the new kernel to disk or running lilo on it go into
ryans >/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot or some similar path (can't remember
ryans >what it is at the moment) and find the zImage file. then do a `rdev
ryans >zImage' to see which
I was wondering where i could get these libraries from? I searched the via the web debian package finder and came up with nothing.
c'ya hate to be ya
The geisha's pose is shadowed on the screen
Beside a willow sapling, fledged with green
On 8 Jan 1997, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
srivasta >Hmm,
srivasta >
srivasta > /dev/sda1. Well, I wonder if the scsi modules have been
srivasta > compiled in the new kernel? You may have a problem otherwise.
srivasta >
well, this is odd. The machine im compiling on has two scsi drives, when
Okay, now the kernel isnt dying as early on as before, it mounts the
correct filesystems and continues to load until it gets to the following;
SIOCSIFADDR:No such device
SIOCSIFNETMASK: No such device
SIOCSIFADDR:No such device
SIOCADDRT: network unreachable
SIOCADDRT: network unreachabl
Im curious, well radius2.0 ever become a debian package?
When there are too many crosses there are none.
A drop of blood is ghastly.
A sea of blood accepted.
We weep above a single dying beast but whistle past a slauhterhouse.
The Singer
how do you make a backup kickstart? can debian do disk to disk copy? if
so, would someone kindly tell me how:)
c'ya hate to be ya
Better a diamond with a flaw, than a pebble without
Chinese proverb
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Yop, i picked the wrong network driver doh! Now my new dual-processor
kernel mounts the right drives, and finds the network but just hangs on
Configuring serial devices
The lists esteemed wisdom is sort:)
Im out like bell bottom trousers,
You can not strengthen the weak,
by w
im curious, being not so familiar with debian as i am with solaris, if i
somehow edit a file which on reboot, prevents my debian box from
rebooting, is there a way to get back into the box and edit out my
For instance, on a solaris machine i just stick my boot disk/cd in, when it
gets to
Started playing with the majordomo package recently, in the middle of the
dpkg -i it gives an error that i have smail installed but dont have
aliasinclude running. Ive checked the man pages for smail and did a
search of the packages at and can find no reference to this
On Sun, 12 Jan 1997, Daniel Stringfield wrote:
servo >> For instance, on a solaris machine i just stick my boot disk/cd in,
when it
servo >> gets to the configuration screen i can cntrl break out of it into a
servo >> and hack around at will, is this possible on a debian box?
servo >
On Sun, 12 Jan 1997, System Account wrote:
listinfo ># added for majordomo (Dec 12 96) (stupid fuckin thing)
listinfo >aliasinclude:
listinfo >driver=aliasinclude, nobody;
listinfo >copysecure, copyowners
listinfo >
Yes, thanks it did:) I noticed you werent to impressed by t
umm, is any one allowed to make a debian package? if so, is there a HOWTO
on it?
Experts are people who don't know all the answers but are sure that if
they're given enough money, they can find the answers.
-Rex F
I sat down today to do what i have done many times before, setup a debian
box. I started the boot process, got to the "partition a hard disk"
section and got the error that debian could not detect a hard disk.
Anyway around this?
The machine has a scsi disk with an adaptec controller.
> I get this error when doing exceptionally large transfers,
> eth0: FiF0 error! status 02e3
> If i get enougth of these errors my machine then locks up completly - no
> ping response or any other kind which forces me to switch it off (which i
> hate doing).
> This makes backups via the
On Mon, 13 Jan 1997, Daniel Stringfield wrote:
servo >I'm assuming a Adaptec 2940, right? I don't think the normal boot disk
servo >kernel works with the 2940, only the 2740, 2840's, even though it says
servo >I know this USED TO BE THE CASE. It may not be now. Special kernel
servo >images
Is ghostscript a package? or is this a dumb question?
I searched the debian archives, found a lot of fonts and addons for
ghostscript, but no ghostscript:(
electric RAIN
No such thing as an atheaist on the battlefi
hi all, having installed ghostscript and its associated libraries i get
the following error ... gs: can't load library ''
I quick search of my machiane as well as the debian package description
came up with noting. I assume then that this library comes embeded within
a particular paca
On Thu, 16 Jan 1997, Philippe Troin wrote:
phil >
phil >On Fri, 17 Jan 1997 10:21:53 +1100 Fundamental ([EMAIL PROTECTED]
phil >et) wrote:
phil >
phil >> hi all, having installed ghostscript and its associated libraries i get
phil >> the following error ... gs: can
On Tue, 30 Apr 1996, Bruce Perens wrote:
subject says it all:)
Ah, on the fallen leaves before my gate,
How far his footsteps sound for whom i wait!
what package does uugetty come with?
The autumn sun goes down. Without a cry,
A crow has flown across the orange sky.
what package does uudecode come in?
The same old village: here where i was born,
Every flower I touch - a hidden thorn.
On Mon, 20 May 1996, Erick Branderhorst wrote:
> I have a problem with root login again. All other logins are fine,
> but root login is waiting after I typed the password. Even
> su isn't working anymore. I updtated some packages, including
> a few from Incoming this morning, after reboot, this be
where is this file kept?
_\_\/ 've seen things u ppl wouldnt believe ... attack ships on fire
/ /\off the shoulder of Orion... i watched C-Beams glitter in the
/ / /darkness at Tan Hauser Gate ... all those moments will b lost
/ / / like tears in the rai
On Thu, 23 May 1996, Craig Sanders wrote:
thanks to everyone who pointed it out!
__ __
__/\_\ .
Hi everyone,
I am having terrible email problems. It seems my email works only 50% of
the time, one of three things happen each time i send/receive an email
(1) I get it
(2) It disappears into oblivion
(3)or i get this message
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 96 01:57 EST
Hi i just grabbed the "unstable" apache package. I tried to install it
and it wouldnt because it need libc5 and libdbgm1 (?). I grabbed these
packages installed libc5 and then tried installing libdbgm1, guess what,
libdbgm1 wont intsall because it wants version libc5-16 while i have
Hi, im trying to install the apache package from unstable. The package
needs libc5 and libdbgm1 (i cant remember exatly what it was called:) i
found both lib packages after installing libc i tried installing libdb1,
guess what, this package wants libc5-16 i have libc5-18 (grr) where can i
get lib
Hi, im trying to install the apache package from unstable. The package
needs libc5 and libdbgm1 (i cant remember exatly what it was called:) i
found both lib packages after installing libc i tried installing libdb1,
guess what, this package wants libc5-16 i have libc5-18 (grr) where can i
get lib
At 09:01 22/08/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi Fun --
hi Su:)
>dpkg --info libgdbm1_1.7.3-11.deb
>Depends: libc5 (>=5.2.16-1)
You quite right, but i have libgdbm1_1.7.3.8 ... thats my other problem, i
cant find lib3-11 ...
I even had a look at, i can find this versi
ive been on this list so long i cant remember how to unsubscribe
The travelling monk has vanished in the mists; but
still his little silver bell persists.
hey everyone, ive just installed debian 1.1, everything went fine until i
rebooted and i get the following errors...
SIOCSFADDR: bad value
SIOCSNETMASk: bad value
SIOCSIFBRDADDRS: Network unreachable
SIOCSADDRT: Network unreachable
Ive tried the following as broadcast address to no avail...
Okay, how do people add virtual domains using apache, i tried the following
- i added this line to the S20apache runtime file;
ifconfig eth0:1 servername up
but this didnt work.
- mIcHaEl
///\ The Australian Internet Company
c-00 ISP par Excellence
\ > http://www.elec
Are there mime and nslookup packages for debian?
- mIcHaEl
///\ The Australian Internet Company
c-00 ISP par Excellence
\ > (mine)
|\_- (not mine)
\ /
"On the Plains of Hesi
I tried setting up a virtual domain with apache by doing this ...
ifconfig eth0:0
route add -host dev eth0:0
i put this in the S20apache file after the server had started. I got an
SIOCADDR: no such device error?
any ideas?:)
- mIcHaEl
okay, how do i activate server side includes from non-shtml documents?
- mIcHaEl
///\ The Australian Internet Company
c-00 ISP par Excellence
\ > (mine)
|\_- (not mine)
\ /
Okay, i have my own webserver, this webservers name has changed from a
subdomain to a full domain name. How do i keep the old name alive in the
DNS tree, so requests to both the new address and old one will work?
- mIcHaEl
///\ The Australian Internet Company
c-00 ISP par
Hi, ive solved all my web server related problems since i changed from NCSA
to apache - accept this one... All my server side includes are now failing
with an error message [an error occured trying to process this directive] ..
is there something ive missed? This is how i call serversides in my ht
Hmmm, how come teknetd doesnt come with the base 1.1 set? Also, where can i
get it from?
- mIcHaEl
///\ The Australian Internet Company
c-00 ISP par Excellence
\ > (mine)
|\_- (not mine)
\ /
At 16:03 24/09/96 +0200, you wrote:
>At 14:56 24-09-96 +1000, Fundamental wrote:
>>Hi, ive solved all my web server related problems since i changed from NCSA
>>to apache - accept this one... All my server side includes are now failing
>>with an error message [an error occu
Hi, ive attached a removable syquest drive to my debian machine, can debian
be forced to detect it? or must i mount it manually? if i have to mount it,
can someone tell me how (or point me to a resource that could)?
- mIcHaEl
///\ The Australian Internet Company
c-00 ISP pa
hi, i grabbed the binary of APache 1.1.1 (ELF) from and when i
tried to run it i got the message "cant find" so i grabbed the
libgdbm (dev) package from but this didnt have this file either.
What am i mising here?
- mIcHaEl
///\ The Australian Interne
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